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The Cockcroft Institute

Welcome to the Liverpool Cockcroft web

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Group Members

Academic Staff


  • Ian Kirkman
  • Maxim Korostelev
  • Ian McGregor
  • Michele Siggel-King

Research Students

  • Deepa Angal-Kalinin
  • Tomasz Cybulski
  • Chris Edmonds
  • Janusz Harasimowicz
  • David Holder
  • Mark Ibison
  • Angela Intermite
  • Adam Jeff
  • Julian McKenzie
  • Massimiliano Putignano

Presentations and Papers

Talks at Group Meetings

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DateSorted descending Name Title Download
Date Name Title Download
2013-03-06 Kai Hock A study of the maximum entropy technique for phase space tomography slides


DateSorted descending Name Title Download
Date Name Title Download
2012-05-22 Lee Devlin Characterization of Silicon Photomultipliers for beam loss monitors slides
2012-05-01 Ian McGregor Metamaterials for particle accelerator applications slides
2012-04-24 Andy Wolski Beam Dynamics in EMMA: Models and (some) Measurements slides
2012-03-20 David Holder Confessions of an Itinerant Physicist slides


DateSorted descending Name Title Download
Date Name Title Download
2011-06-08 Mark Ibison Recent Results of Phase-Space Tomography in the EMMA Injection Line slides
2011-03-23 Maxim Korostelev Quadrupole Scan Measurements in EMMA Injection Beamline slides


DateSorted descending Name Title Download
2009-10-28 Angela Intermite Introduction to the physics of SiPM slides
2009-10-14 Michele Siggel-King Penetrating Field Threshold PhotoElectron Spectroscopy slides
2009-09-30 David Newton Calculating Generalised Gradients from Elliptical Field Maps slides
2009-07-22 Angela Intermite SiPM response:experimental results slides
2009-06-25 David Holder Modification of EMMA Injection Line ALICE Beam Diagnostics slides
2009-04-15 David Newton Particle Tracking and Synchrotron Radiation slides
2009-04-08 Dave Dunning HHG Seeding of Free Electron Lasers slides
2009-03-25 Angela Intermite Beam Loss Monitoring by Cerenkov Effect in Optical Fibres slides
2009-03-18 Massimiliano Putignano A Supersonic Gas-Jet Based Beam Profile Monitor slides
2009-03-18 Maxim Korostelev ILC Damping Ring design and modelling update slides
2009-03-11 Gabriele Bassi CSR modelling update slides
2009-03-11 Deepa Angal-Kalinin Overview of New Light Source slides
2009-03-04 Boaz Nash (BNL) Touschek lifetime studies for NSLS-II slides
2009-02-25 Gabriele Bassi CSR modelling update slides
2009-02-25 David Holder ALICE commissioning results update slides
2009-02-18 David Newton 3D magnetic field modelling slides
2009-02-18 Lei Zang Undulator-based positron source studies update slides
2009-02-11 Yoel Giboudot Beam dynamics in EMMA slides
2009-02-11 Kosmas Panagiotidis Low-emittance tuning studies for KEK-ATF slides
2009-02-04 Carsten Welsch Facility for low-energy antiproton and ion research slides
2009-01-21 Andy Wolski Low-emittance tuning at CesrTA slides


DateSorted descending Name Title Download
Date Name Title Download
2008-12-10 Andy Wolski ILC damping rings update slides
2008-12-10 Jonathan Philips Electro-optic diagnostics slides
2008-11-12 Leo Jenner Report from LC-ABD and LC-UK meetings slides
2008-11-05 Gabriele Bassi Microbunching observations at LCLS slides
2008-11-05 David Holder First Results from the ERL Prototype (ALICE) at Daresbury slides
2008-10-22 Lei Zang High energy photon collimators slides
2008-09-10 David Newton Particle tracking with generalised gradients slides
2008-08-08 Kai Hock Coupled bunch instabilities slides
2008-06-11 David Holder COBALD - An Inverse Compton Back-Scattering (CBS) Source at Daresbury slides

IPAC 10 Submissions

Lead Author Presenter TitleSorted ascending Paper Poster
Lead Author Presenter Title Paper Poster
Yoel David N Beam dynamics in non-scaling FFAG EMMA with dynamical maps paper  
Andy Maxim Calculation of coupled lattice functions from turn-by-turn trajectory data in storage rings paper  
Adam Adam Design for a longitudinal density monitor for the LHC    
Carsten Carsten DITANET: Investigations into beam diagnostics    
Maxim Maxim Impedance and single-bunch instabilities in the ILC damping rings paper  
Maxim Maxim Lattice design for 6.4 km ILC damping rings paper  
Kosmas Maxim Low-emittance tuning simulations for the ILC damping rings paper  
Oleg Oleg Mechanical and vacuum design of the wiggler section of the ILC damping rings paper  
D'Arcy - Modelling of the EMMA NS-FFAG Injection Line Using GPT paper poster
David N David N Modelling synchrotron radiation from realistic and ideal long undulator systems paper poster
Massimiliano Massimiliano Optimization studies of planar supersonic gas-jets for beam profile monitor applications    
Muratori - Preparations for EMMA Commissioning paper poster
David N David N Rapid calculation of synchrotron radiation output from long undulator systems paper poster
Saveliev - Recent Developments on ALICE (Accelerators and Lasers in Combined Experiments) at Daresbury Laboratory paper poster
Janusz Carsten Scintillating screen studies for low energy, low intensity beams paper poster
Oleg Oleg Synchrotron radiation power distribution along wiggler section of ILC damping rings paper  
Mark Maxim Tomography in the EMMA injection line paper poster
Yoel David N Tune measurement in non-scaling FFAG EMMA with model independent analysis paper  
Lei Maxim Undulator based positron source optimisation for CLIC paper  

PAC 09 Submissions

Lead Author Presenter TitleSorted ascending Paper Poster
Lead Author Presenter Title Paper Poster
Carsten Carsten Beam diagnostics for the USR paper  
Carsten Carsten DITANET - an overview of the first year paper  
David N David N Dynamical maps from field data paper poster
Carsten Carsten Electrostatic storage ring at KACST paper  
Lei Lei High power photon collimators for ILC paper  
Carsten Carsten Low energy ion injector at KACST paper  
Carsten Carsten Magnetic field control in synchrotrons paper  
David N David N Maps and SR in arbitrary fields paper poster
David H Bruno Modelling the ALICE Electron Beam Properties through the EMMA Injection Line Tomography Section paper poster
Yoel David N Particle tracking studies in EMMA paper  
Kosmas Kosmas Possible limitations in coupling correction using ORM paper  
Lei Lei Undulator-based positron source for CLIC paper  
Carsten Carsten Update of the USR lattice paper  
Carsten Carsten USR "short pulse" operation mode paper  
Gabriele Gabriele Vlasov-Maxwell solver paper  
Maxim Gabriele Wake field simulations for ILC DR paper  


July 2024
  01 02 03 04 05 06
07 08 09 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31      

  • Liverpool accelerator group meetings are normally held every Wednesday at 3.30 pm in Seminar Room C (CI).
  • Minutes and presentations from previous accelerator group meetings can be found here.

From around the web

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2012-04-24_EMMA_Longitudinal_Dynamics.pdfpdf 2012-04-24_EMMA_Longitudinal_Dynamics.pdf manage 1 MB 24 Apr 2012 - 16:24 Main.awolski  
ATLAS_lead.pngpng ATLAS_lead.png manage 17 K 06 Feb 2008 - 12:27 JohnBland The ATLAS detector
Bassi_05_11_08.pdfpdf Bassi_05_11_08.pdf manage 1 MB 26 Nov 2008 - 17:35 DavidNewton  
Bassi_11_03_09.pdfpdf Bassi_11_03_09.pdf manage 1 MB 21 Oct 2009 - 11:03 Main.gbassi CSR modelling update
CIlogo.pngpng CIlogo.png manage 2 K 06 Feb 2008 - 15:39 LeoJenner  
CLIC_Undulator.pdfpdf CLIC_Undulator.pdf manage 1 MB 18 Mar 2009 - 16:47 LeiZang Undulator_CLIC
CPWelsch_CI_20090204.pdfpdf CPWelsch_CI_20090204.pdf manage 2 MB 19 Mar 2009 - 17:18 DavidNewton  
Deepa_10_02_10.pptppt Deepa_10_02_10.ppt manage 772 K 17 Feb 2010 - 12:02 Main.Deepa  
Deepa_12_03_09.pptppt Deepa_12_03_09.ppt manage 1 MB 25 Mar 2009 - 13:07 DeepaAngalKalinin Overview of NLS
EMMA_diagnostic_with_spacecharge_v1.pdfpdf EMMA_diagnostic_with_spacecharge_v1.pdf manage 237 K 21 Apr 2009 - 10:14 DavidHolder PAC09 paper
EMMA_diagnostic_with_spacecharge_v2.pdfpdf EMMA_diagnostic_with_spacecharge_v2.pdf manage 284 K 27 Apr 2009 - 21:43 DavidHolder Second draft of PAC'09 paper
FR5PFP013.pdfpdf FR5PFP013.pdf manage 328 K 29 Apr 2009 - 13:46 AndyWolski PAC paper (Welsch)
FR5PFP031.pdfpdf FR5PFP031.pdf manage 58 K 29 Apr 2009 - 14:06 AndyWolski PAC09 paper (Panagiotidis)
FR5PFP093_poster.pdfpdf FR5PFP093_poster.pdf manage 671 K 30 Apr 2009 - 16:19 DavidNewton  
FR5REP044.pdfpdf FR5REP044.pdf manage 161 K 29 Apr 2009 - 13:45 AndyWolski PAC paper (Welsch)
FR5REP107.pdfpdf FR5REP107.pdf manage 303 K 29 Apr 2009 - 17:15 DavidHolder Final version of my PAC09 paper
FR5RFP040.pdfpdf FR5RFP040.pdf manage 708 K 29 Apr 2009 - 14:26 AndyWolski PAC09 paper (Korostelev)
Harasimowicz_20100915.pdfpdf Harasimowicz_20100915.pdf manage 3 MB 15 Sep 2010 - 14:25 Main.awolski Low energy, low intensity limits of scintillators
High_power_photon_collimators.pptppt High_power_photon_collimators.ppt manage 1 MB 17 Nov 2008 - 12:27 LeiZang High Power Photon Collimators
Hock_06_03_13.pdfpdf Hock_06_03_13.pdf manage 250 K 06 Mar 2013 - 16:58 Main.kmhock Maximum_entropy_technique
Holder_07_10_09.pdfpdf Holder_07_10_09.pdf manage 929 K 12 Oct 2009 - 19:04 Main.holderdj PowerPoint presentation to the group meeting
Holder_17_03_10.pdfpdf Holder_17_03_10.pdf manage 746 K 19 Mar 2010 - 14:44 Main.holderdj Group meeting talk
Holder_20_03_12.pdfpdf Holder_20_03_12.pdf manage 1 MB 10 Jul 2012 - 15:20 Main.holderdj Group meeting talk
Holder_25_06_09.pdfpdf Holder_25_06_09.pdf manage 1 MB 08 Jul 2009 - 13:55 DavidHolder Talk to group on first year report
Holder_FR5REP107.pdfpdf Holder_FR5REP107.pdf manage 455 K 08 Jul 2009 - 13:55 DavidHolder  
IPAC10_Poster-THPD031-Final.pptppt IPAC10_Poster-THPD031-Final.ppt manage 3 MB 21 May 2010 - 11:25 Main.ibisonm Poster for IPAC10 - Mark Ibison (Maxim)
Ibison_08_06_11.pdfpdf Ibison_08_06_11.pdf manage 2 MB 16 Jun 2011 - 10:31 Main.holderdj PowerPoint slides
Intermite_18_10_2010.pptppt Intermite_18_10_2010.ppt manage 5 MB 10 Feb 2011 - 13:47 Main.angela_2eintermite ALICE setup: update on the installation
Intermite_22_07_2009.pptppt Intermite_22_07_2009.ppt manage 7 MB 10 Feb 2011 - 13:38 Main.angela_2eintermite SiPM response: Experimental results
Intermite_25_03_09.pptppt Intermite_25_03_09.ppt manage 1 MB 10 Feb 2011 - 13:17 Main.angela_2eintermite Beam loss monitor by Cerenkov Effect
Intermite_28_10_2009.pptppt Intermite_28_10_2009.ppt manage 919 K 10 Feb 2011 - 13:43 Main.angela_2eintermite Introduction to the physics of SiPM
LAGM-18Mar08.pdfpdf LAGM-18Mar08.pdf manage 47 MB 19 Mar 2009 - 16:21 MaximK  
Lee_Characterization_of_SiPMs_for_BLM.pptxpptx Lee_Characterization_of_SiPMs_for_BLM.pptx manage 2 MB 23 May 2012 - 11:47 Main.kmhock Characterization of Silicon Photomultipliers for beam loss monitors
MO6PFP017.pdfpdf MO6PFP017.pdf manage 241 K 29 Apr 2009 - 16:58 AndyWolski PAC09 paper (Welsch)
MO6RFP042.pdfpdf MO6RFP042.pdf manage 338 K 29 Apr 2009 - 13:46 AndyWolski PAC paper (Welsch)
MO6RFP092.pdfpdf MO6RFP092.pdf manage 82 K 29 Apr 2009 - 14:06 AndyWolski PAC09 paper (Zang)
MO6RFP093.pdfpdf MO6RFP093.pdf manage 500 K 29 Apr 2009 - 14:06 AndyWolski PAC09 paper (Zang)
MOPD024.pdfpdf MOPD024.pdf manage 135 K 21 May 2010 - 17:14 Main.awolski IPAC'10 - Scintillating Screens
MOPD024poster.pdfpdf MOPD024poster.pdf manage 1 MB 21 May 2010 - 17:15 Main.awolski IPAC'10 - Scintillating Screens (Poster)
MOPEC046.pdfpdf MOPEC046.pdf manage 1 MB 26 May 2010 - 10:31 Main.holderdj IPAC10 poster
MOPEC046_DArcy.pdfpdf MOPEC046_DArcy.pdf manage 550 K 26 May 2010 - 10:28 Main.holderdj IPAC10 paper
Maxim-23.03.2011.pdfpdf Maxim-23.03.2011.pdf manage 5 MB 09 May 2011 - 09:35 Main.holderdj Slides
Metamaterials_for_particle_accelerator_applications.pptppt Metamaterials_for_particle_accelerator_applications.ppt manage 2 MB 11 May 2012 - 13:39 Main.kmhock Metamaterials for particle accelerator applications
Philips_12_10_08.pptppt Philips_12_10_08.ppt manage 3 MB 10 Dec 2008 - 17:07 AndyWolski Jonathan Philips' talk on electro-optic diagnostics, Liverpool group meeting 10 December 2008
Putignano_18_3_09.pptppt Putignano_18_3_09.ppt manage 4 MB 25 Mar 2009 - 14:48 MassimilianoPutignano Presentation on Supersonic Gas-Jet based, non interceptive beam profile monitor
Siggel-King_14-10-09.pdfpdf Siggel-King_14-10-09.pdf manage 641 K 20 Oct 2009 - 13:54 Main.Siggel_2dKing  
Siggel-King_20100324.pdfpdf Siggel-King_20100324.pdf manage 1 MB 21 Jun 2010 - 15:34 Main.Siggel_2dKing Liv GM AD-Rec ring talk
TH5PFP041.pdfpdf TH5PFP041.pdf manage 1 MB 29 Apr 2009 - 14:21 AndyWolski PAC09 paper (Newton)
TH6PFP099.pdfpdf TH6PFP099.pdf manage 568 K 29 Apr 2009 - 14:22 AndyWolski PAC09 paper (Newton)
TH6PFP099_poster.pdfpdf TH6PFP099_poster.pdf manage 887 K 30 Apr 2009 - 16:19 DavidNewton  
TH6REP043.pdfpdf TH6REP043.pdf manage 505 K 29 Apr 2009 - 13:47 AndyWolski PAC paper (Welsch)
TH6REP044.pdfpdf TH6REP044.pdf manage 991 K 29 Apr 2009 - 13:48 AndyWolski PAC paper (Welsch)
THPD028.pdfpdf THPD028.pdf manage 339 K 26 May 2010 - 10:30 Main.holderdj IPAC10 poster
THPD028_Muratori.pdfpdf THPD028_Muratori.pdf manage 374 K 26 May 2010 - 10:29 Main.holderdj IPAC10 paper
THPD031.pdfpdf THPD031.pdf manage 263 K 19 May 2010 - 17:28 Main.awolski IPAC10: EMMA Tomography
THPE032.pdfpdf THPE032.pdf manage 129 K 19 May 2010 - 17:29 Main.awolski IPAC10: Coupled Lattice Functions
THPE036.pdfpdf THPE036.pdf manage 116 K 19 May 2010 - 17:29 Main.awolski IPAC10: EMMA Tune Measurement
THPE038.pdfpdf THPE038.pdf manage 55 K 19 May 2010 - 17:30 Main.awolski IPAC10: ILC DR Low Emittance Tuning
THPEC034.pdfpdf THPEC034.pdf manage 453 K 19 May 2010 - 17:31 Main.awolski IPAC10: Undulator Based Positron Source
TU1PBI03.PDFPDF TU1PBI03.PDF manage 3 MB 01 May 2009 - 10:34 GabrieleBassi PAC09 paper (Bassi)
TUPE096.pdfpdf TUPE096.pdf manage 333 K 26 May 2010 - 10:31 Main.holderdj IPAC10 poster
TUPE096_Saveliev.pdfpdf TUPE096_Saveliev.pdf manage 155 K 26 May 2010 - 10:29 Main.holderdj IPAC10 paper
TUPEC058.pdfpdf TUPEC058.pdf manage 646 K 19 May 2010 - 17:31 Main.awolski IPAC10: EMMA Dynamical Maps
WEPE092.pdfpdf WEPE092.pdf manage 362 K 19 May 2010 - 17:32 Main.awolski IPAC10: ILC DR Wiggler Vacuum
WEPE094.pdfpdf WEPE094.pdf manage 364 K 19 May 2010 - 17:32 Main.awolski IPAC10: ILC DR Wiggler Radiation
WEPE095.pdfpdf WEPE095.pdf manage 249 K 21 May 2010 - 10:53 Main.awolski IPAC10: ILC DR Impedance
WEPE096.pdfpdf WEPE096.pdf manage 366 K 21 May 2010 - 08:57 Main.awolski IPAC10: ILC DR Lattice
Wolski_12_10_08.pptppt Wolski_12_10_08.ppt manage 6 MB 10 Dec 2008 - 17:10 AndyWolski Andy Wolski's update on the ILC damping rings, 10 December 2008
dunning_8_4_09.pptppt dunning_8_4_09.ppt manage 4 MB 15 Apr 2009 - 16:00 DavidNewton HHG seeding of FELs
holder_11_6_08.pdfpdf holder_11_6_08.pdf manage 509 K 07 Nov 2008 - 15:32 DavidHolder PowerPoint Presentation
holder_25_02_09.pdfpdf holder_25_02_09.pdf manage 1 MB 26 Feb 2009 - 14:50 DavidHolder Talk to group meeting on latest ALICE results
holder_5_11_08.pdfpdf holder_5_11_08.pdf manage 1 MB 07 Nov 2008 - 15:40 DavidHolder PowerPoint Presentation
ibison_03_02_10.pptppt ibison_03_02_10.ppt manage 3 MB 03 Feb 2010 - 16:07 Main.ibisonm Phase-Space Tomography: What is it and how does it relate to Computed Tomography in Medicine?
ibison_06_10_10_Progress_with_EMMA_Tomography.pptppt ibison_06_10_10_Progress_with_EMMA_Tomography.ppt manage 3 MB 15 Oct 2010 - 11:25 Main.ibisonm Progress with EMMA Tomography
lc-abd_lc-uk_summary.pptppt lc-abd_lc-uk_summary.ppt manage 23 MB 13 Nov 2008 - 15:28 LeoJenner  
newton1.pdfpdf newton1.pdf manage 563 K 28 Apr 2009 - 10:14 DavidNewton  
newton2.pdfpdf newton2.pdf manage 1 MB 28 Apr 2009 - 10:14 DavidNewton  
newton_10_9_2008.pdfpdf newton_10_9_2008.pdf manage 923 K 08 Oct 2008 - 12:09 DavidNewton Particle tracking with generalised gradients (update)
newton_15_4_09.pdfpdf newton_15_4_09.pdf manage 1 MB 15 Apr 2009 - 15:58 DavidNewton SR talk
newton_18_02_09.pdfpdf newton_18_02_09.pdf manage 673 K 19 Mar 2009 - 17:15 DavidNewton  
newton_20_10_2010.pdfpdf newton_20_10_2010.pdf manage 776 K 21 Oct 2010 - 10:39 DavidNewton TeraHertz Pulse Modelling
newton_30_09_2009.pdfpdf newton_30_09_2009.pdf manage 334 K 21 Oct 2009 - 11:23 DavidNewton  
newton_3_2_2010.pdfpdf newton_3_2_2010.pdf manage 4 MB 11 Mar 2010 - 12:17 DavidNewton  
newton_PAC10_1.pdfpdf newton_PAC10_1.pdf manage 556 K 21 Oct 2010 - 10:49 DavidNewton Synchrotron Radiation Calculation - 1
newton_PAC10_2.pdfpdf newton_PAC10_2.pdf manage 1 MB 21 Oct 2010 - 10:49 DavidNewton Synchrotron Radiation Calculation - 2
newton_PAC10_poster_1.pdfpdf newton_PAC10_poster_1.pdf manage 1 MB 21 Oct 2010 - 10:50 DavidNewton Synchrotron Radiation Calculation - poster 1
newton_PAC10_poster_2.pdfpdf newton_PAC10_poster_2.pdf manage 1 MB 21 Oct 2010 - 10:50 DavidNewton Synchrotron Radiation Calculation - poster 2
slides_0.pdfpdf slides_0.pdf manage 866 K 29 Oct 2008 - 15:54 KaiHock Update on Coupled Bunch Instabilities, Liverpool Group Meeting, 8 October 2008
tables_template.txttxt tables_template.txt manage 14 K 24 Apr 2012 - 19:55 Main.kmhock Backup template for table of talks
test1.pptxpptx test1.pptx manage 26 K 23 Apr 2012 - 13:31 Main.kmhock test1
Topic revision: r110 - 06 Mar 2013, kmhock
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