You are here: Foswiki>Cockcroft Web>ClickHere (11 Mar 2010, DavidNewton)Edit Attach
-- DavidNewton - 06 Nov 2008

Instructions for uploading presentations

First log on to the TWiki page

(The main Cockcroft page - not this help page)

If you haven't edited the page before, see David Newton or Leo Jenner for write permission access.

Next attach your file

Make sure the file you want to upload has a unique name (slides.pdf isn't very useful). I'd suggest a combination of surname and the date: surname_dd_mm_yy.pdf/ppt/etc

There's a menu at the bottom of the page, click on attach.

A new page appears, where you can browse for your file. Write your file name in the first empty box and click on the attach button.

Now enter your talk in the table at the top of the page

Step 1: Click on EDIT on the top right hand corner of the page

Step2: A text box will appear with a tool bar menu above it. Click on an icon of a pick axe at the right hand side of the lower line of the tool bar menu (Edit TWiki Mark-up)

Step 3: A text box with a slider bar will appear. About 15 lines from the top there's a section of text that look like this:

 ---+ Group Talks
%TABLE{ sort="on" tableborder="0" initsort="1,2" initdirection="up" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3" 
headerbg="#000099" headercolor="#FFFFCC"  databg="#C8CB8F, #DBDDB5" headerrows="1" footerrows="1"  
dataalign="center" headeralign="center"}%
| *Date* | *Name* | *Title* | *Download* | 

| 10/Sep/08 |  David Newton | Particle tracking |  [[%ATTACHURL%/newton_10_9_2008.pdf ][slides]]  | 
|   8/Aug/08 | Kai Hock          | Coupled bunch instabilities |  [[%ATTACHURL%/slides_0][slides]]       | 
| *Date* | *Name* | *Title* | *Download* | 

Between the 2 lines of code that look like this:
| *Date* | *Name* | *Title* | *Download* | 
You need to type a line of code that describes your talk.

You should type (or copy and paste):
|   <DATE>  |  <YOUR-NAME>       |   <TALK-TITLE>  |   [[%ATTACHURL%/<FILE-NAME>][slides]]  | 


is the date you gave the talk in the format dd/Mon/yy

nb: days and year are numerals, Mon is the first three letters of the month, (note the capitalisation i.e. for January , write Jan, not JAN or jan)



is the name of the file you uploaded, this will create a link to the file.

Finally click on 'save' at the bottom of the screen. Your talk should now appear in the table, and you should be able to download your slides.

Any problems, see me (D. Newton)


The talk table will automatically sort the slides by the date they were given (most recent first).

You can sort the talks by other fields (name, title), or reverse the sort order, by clicking on the header titles of each column.

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Bassi_05_11_08.pdfpdf Bassi_05_11_08.pdf manage 1 MB 26 Nov 2008 - 16:57 GabrieleBassi  
Deepa_10_02_10.pptppt Deepa_10_02_10.ppt manage 772 K 17 Feb 2010 - 11:51 Main.Deepa  
Topic revision: r11 - 11 Mar 2010, DavidNewton
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