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50 recent changes in ATLAS Web retrieved at 15:16 (GMT)

Programs for W/Z Production at Higher Orders 1 MCFM 2 FEWZ 3 HORACE Main.ThomasKluge 30 Jan 2008
NEW - 30 Jan 2008 - 09:58 by ThomasKluge
AOD access from ATHENA v 12 Instructions on how to run the Liverpool/Birmingham code that accesses AOD in Athena with overlap removal. first log on to a machine...
12.0.6 Process* Sample ID *Events Location Produced by Notes ttbar (no fully hadronic) 5200 ~600k /hepstore/store4/leneyold/Files/ttbar/12.0.6/ ...
ATLAS Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the ATLAS web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and , and c...
15th October 2007 ttbar Background * Look at fraction of events where the reconstructed taus do not come from the W's. SB done * Look at fraction of events...
r3 - 19 Oct 2007 - 08:05 by KatharineLeney
This is a list of AOD Ntuple Data sets produced 11.0.42 Process/Sample Events Location Produced by Notes Z ee (5144) ~500k /hepstore/store1/...
r23 - 13 Sep 2007 - 15:24 by MikeFlowerdew
Using CASTOR See the main ATLAS TWiki page on using CASTOR tape storage here: Note: You can only use CA...
NEW - 15 Aug 2007 - 15:22 by KatharineLeney
Draft Minutes of the Meeting 29/05/2007 Present: Helen, Joost, Sergy, Paul, Phil, Neil 1) Next Meetings will be held at 10am on Monday 02/06/07 a b) Hardware S...
Notes on AOD variables (based on athena version 12.0.4) Electrons * Information on the isEM parameter is given here and here. * This lists the isEM bits ...
Standard Photon performance: Some slides presenting summary of standard photon reconstruction and id are available below. For release 12.0.6 * (isEM 0x2)==0 ...
Draft Minutes of the Meeting 14/05/2007 Present: Helen, Joost, Sergy, Nick, Paul, Phil, Tim 1) Next Meetings will be held at 10am on Monday 21/05/07 a b) Hardw...
Below are the files under the liverpool directory in the lfc. Please check if the files still exist by doing: cp ~gwilliam/bin/ . chmod u x Live...
Main.SteveMaxfield 01 May 2007 Minutes from SUSY/Extra Dimensions Meeting on 1st May 2007 * Present : Neil, Barry, Helen, Phil, Paul (by phone) * The meeti...
Draft Minutes of the Meeting 30/04/2007 1) Future Meetings will be held at 10am on Mondays in the VDC except for next week (Bank Holiday) when the meeting wi...
Meaning of IsEm bits in 12.5.0: Under Construction! Note: This refers to release 12.5.0 but only if I've understood how the tagcollector and so fo...
Physics Analyses HiggsPhysics * HiggsToTauTau SuperSymmetry ExtraDimensions Latest Articles * Latest items from across each of the activities Footer ...
r5 - 18 Apr 2007 - 09:03 by KatharineLeney
LiverpoolCVS Introduction Setup of CVS access To setup Liverpool CVS access: * export CVSROOT=:ext:username@ * export CVS...
Using Ganga to submit grid ntupling jobs This is a set of instructions for how to use ganga to submit ntupling jobs using AODtoLiverpoolNtuple. I did this at CERN...
r4 - 28 Mar 2007 - 14:55 by MikeFlowerdew
Structure BTagging * /afs/ BJetBuilder * Doxygen documenta...
BTagVrtSec Main.CarlGwilliam 02 Mar 2007
ParticleToJetAssociator * Associate tracks to jet based on dR cone * if not using shared hits add track to closest jet provided dR dRCut * if using...
BJetBuilder * Retrieve particle jet container from storegate * Retrieve track particle container and associate track particles to jets via ParticleToJetAssoci...
BTagTool * Do jet truth matching * Get primary vertex container from storegate * Call BTagVrtSec GetVrtSec() method * Fill SvxSummary vector * Call a...
Notes on ATHENA Software AthenaBTagging Main.CarlGwilliam 02 Mar 2007
NtupleAnalysis Introduction To get started * You will need to setup the LiverpoolCVS environment. To check out the latest version of the software: * cvs c...
A unit of energy, equal to 0.001 GeV Main.MikeFlowerdew 23 Feb 2007
NEW - 23 Feb 2007 - 12:51 by MikeFlowerdew
A unit of 1000 MeV, often used in High Energy Physics Main.MikeFlowerdew 23 Feb 2007
NEW - 23 Feb 2007 - 12:51 by MikeFlowerdew
Generator Information Monte Carlos in ATLAS * See the MC working group page Generator Notes Pythia * To see the particle data used in pythia in a particu...
Grid Tools * Get the status of your grid jobs using courtesy of Mike Main.CarlGwilliam 15 Feb 2007
Upcoming Events * 07 Feb 2007 Weekly meeting 15:00 VC room. Upcoming meetings * Brief description of meeting structure * 07 Feb2007 Weekly meeting 1...
Useful Grid Commands This is a place for people to list any grid commands they've found useful so other people can benefit ... EDG Commands Mostly for running jo...
Various topics under discussion about ATLAS Some example discussion * This is the start of my discussion. Main.JohnBland 18 Jan 2007 * Here are some...
Structure * Home * News * Activities * People * Events * Documentation * Discussion * Resources Recurse structure throu...
WARNING! THIS TOPIC IS GENERATED BY TWiki.ChecklistPlugin PLUGIN. DO NOT EDIT THIS TOPIC (except table data)! Back to the checklist topic WebHome. context id...
Links * Links to other related web sites and twikis. Software * Software downloads. Images * Image galleries of installations, personnel, equipment. Har...
Physics * Documentation about physics theory behind the experiment. Hardware * Documentation about the apparatus, installations etc used by the experiment. ...
* Optional paragraph to explain this is the news area * Article format yet to be determined. Either as a topic search by date or though blog plugin Headline ...
NEW - 15 Nov 2006 - 19:43 by TWikiContributor
NEW - 15 Nov 2006 - 19:43 by TWikiContributor
NEW - 15 Nov 2006 - 19:43 by TWikiContributor
NEW - 01 Feb 2006 - 12:01 by TWikiContributor
Foswiki's ATLAS web
NEW - 24 Jan 2006 - 06:07 by TWikiContributor
NEW - 08 Nov 2005 - 06:37 by TWikiContributor
* Main.TWikiGuest example #64; __ .WebChangesAlert, ., .TWikiRegistration
r5 - 28 Mar 2005 - 09:40 by TWikiContributor
" else="Foswiki's ATLAS web"}% /ATLAS
NEW - 28 Mar 2005 - 09:40 by TWikiContributor
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Topic revision: r1 - 15 Nov 2006, TWikiContributor
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