You are here: Foswiki>ATLAS Web>UsingCastor (15 Aug 2007, KatharineLeney)Edit Attach
++ Using CASTOR

See the main ATLAS TWiki page on using CASTOR tape storage here:

Note: You can only use CASTOR at CERN, and wildcards don't work.

If you want to copy lots of files in a dataset across use the following script (thanks to Mike!):

# List all the files in a specified directory  here (you could add a grep statement if you don't want every file).
filelist=`nsls /castor/</path/to/directory>  
# e.g. /castor/`  

for file in $filelist
# Then give it the normal rfcp command with the full address of the files you want to copy, the path to the output directory and the file name you want to give it.
rfcp /castor/<path/to/directory/>$file <~/path/to/output/directory/>$file
# e.g. /castor/$file /data/Files/$file

-- KatharineLeney - 15 Aug 2007
Topic revision: r1 - 15 Aug 2007, KatharineLeney
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