Process | Sample ID | Events | Location | Produced by | Notes |
ttbar (no fully hadronic) | 5200 | ~600k | /hepstore/store4/leneyold/Files/ttbar/12.0.6/ | top group | Herwig with MC@NLO matrix element |
ttbar (no fully hadronic) | 5200 | 200k | /hepstore/store1/btk/tt/ | Barry and Sinead | Herwig with MC@NLO matrix element |
VBF Higgs(120) → τ τ → lepton+hadron | 5334 | ~42k | /hepstore/store4/leneyold/Files/Signal/12.0.6/AOD | VBFHiggsToTauTau group | Herwig |
JF17 | 5802 | lots | /hepstore/store3/atlas/GMSB/JF17 | Pythia | |
GMSB2 | 5411 | lots | /hepstore/store3/atlas/GMSB/GMSB2 | liverpool | Pythia |
GMSB3 | 5412 | lots | /hepstore/store3/atlas/GMSB/GMSB3 | liverpool | Pythia |
bbmu6mu4X | 17506 | 143k | /hepstore/store2/atlas/AOD/trig1_misal1_mc12.017506.PythiaB_bbmu6mu4X.recon.AOD.v12000602 | bphys group | PythiaB |
directUpsilonmu6mu4 | 19900 | ~76k | /hepstore/store2/atlas/AOD/trig1_misal1_mc12.019900.Pythia_directUpsilonmu6mu4.recon.AOD.v12000604 | bphys group | Pythia |
Process | Sample ID | Events | Location | Produced by | Notes |
Single Photon | /hepstore/store1/hayward/SinglePhoton_E* | different energies and production vertices | |||
Single Pi0 | /hepstore/store1/hayward/SinglePhoton_E* | different energies and production vertices |