electron_egamma[i] == 1.Otherwise, if it satisfies
electron_egamma[i] == 0 && electron_softe[i] == 1then it was only reconstructed using the softE (track-seeded) algorithm, which I believe is mainly for B-physics work, not high pT studies. Note that from Version 12, it is perfectly possible for both of these flags to be 1.
variable originates from HEPEVT and is defined here.
branches without checking that truth_hasProductionVertex[i]==1
// First loop over truth particles for (Int_t iTruth=0; iTruth < truth_num; iTruth++) { // Do stuff with your truth particle ... // Loop over the parents for (Int_t iParent=0; iParent < truth_parent_num[iTruth]; iParent++) { Int_t barcode = truth_parent_Barcode[iTruth][iParent]; // Loop over truth again to find the parent for (Int_t iSecondTruth=0; iSecondTruth < truth_num; iSecondTruth++) { if (truth_Barcode[iSecondTruth] != barcode) continue; // Not the right one // Do stuff with the parent, eg access truth_pt[iSecondTruth] break; } } }
branch it is possible to deduce that brem has occurred, but trying to access the children themselves will generally fail.
branches are now the recommended standard, replacing etmiss_final_*
(Ref Final stands for Refined Final I believe)