Look at fraction of events where the reconstructed taus do not come from the W's. SB done
Look at fraction of events where the tagged jets do not come from the b-jets. SB done
Look at fraction of events where both the above statements apply. SB done
Remove Tau ID from 'Tight Tau' cut to gain statistics. --> KL to do
Forward jet variables should be 'independent' from cuts on taus. Run over samples with just tagging jet cuts and again with just tau related cuts and look at suppression factor for each mode. Compare distributions of some variables before and after jet/tau cuts and compare numbers at different stages in cutflow. --> KL to do
Calculate log likelihoods. --> Both to do
Look at fraction of events where W--> jet jet, and one jet tagged as tau and other is found as a central jet. --> KL to do
Match VBF jets to W-jets after tight tau cut.
Produce decay modes table after production, trigger (lepton pT), di-lepton veto, and tight tau.