Useful Grid Commands

This is a place for people to list any grid commands they've found useful so other people can benefit ...

EDG Commands

Mostly for running jobs on the grid

Command Description
edg-job-submit --vo atlas -o < idfile >  -r < ce_id >  < file.jdl >
submit a job
edg-job-status -i < idfile >
status of a job
edg-job-cancel -i < idfile >
cancel a job
edg-job-get-output -dir . -i < idfile >
get job output
edg-job-list-match --vo atlas  < file.jdl > 
find a CE which matches the job requirements
edg-gridftp-ls -v gsi
lists a directory on a SE
edg-gridftp-mkdir gsiftp://se:port/path/dirname
make a directory "dirname" on storage element "se"
 edg-job-get-logging-info -v 1 < job ID >
detailed logging information for a previously submittted job

GLite Commands

These commands are slowly replacing the edg equivalent. There is pretty much a one-to-one correspondence (although note the "get" has been dropped).

Command Description
glite-job-submit --vo atlas -o < idfile >  -r < ce_id >  < file.jdl >
submit a job
glite-job-status -i < idfile >
status of a job
glite-job-cancel -i < idfile >
cancel a job
glite-job-output -dir . -i < idfile >
get job output
glite-job-list-match --vo atlas  < file.jdl > 
find a CE which matches the job requirements
glite-gridftp-ls -v gsi
lists a directory on a SE
glite-gridftp-mkdir gsiftp://se:port/path/dirname
make a directory "dirname" on storage element "se"
glite-job-logging-info -v 1 < job ID >
detailed logging information for a previously submittted job

LFC Commands

Querying the LCG file catalog. This is being replaced by the DQ2Tool, which allows access to all grid flavours.

Command Description
lfc-chmod < lfc file/dir >
change the permissions of a file/directory
lfc-chown < lfc file/dir >
change the owner/group of a file/directory
lfc-delcomment < lfc file/dir >
delete the comment associated to the file/directory
lfc-getacl < lfc file/dir >
get the acl for the file/directory
lfc-ln < lfc file/dir >
create a symbolic link to a file/directory
lfc-ls < lfc file/dir >
list a file catalog directory
lfc-mkdir < lfc file/dir >
create a file catalog directory
lfc-rename < old lfc file/dir >< new lfc file/dir >
rename a file/directory
lfc-rm < lfc file/dir >
remove a file/directory
lfc-setacl < lfc file/dir >
set the acl of a file/directory
lfc-setcomment < lfc file/dir >
add/replace a comment to a file/directory

LCG Commands

Information on the facilities available at the different LCG sites

Command Description
lcg-infosites --vo atlas se
SE info
lcg-infosites --vo atlas ce
CE info
lcg-infosites --vo atlas closeSE
CE and closest SE
lcg-infosites --vo atlas tag
version tags of software available on that SE
lcg-infosites --vo atlas se| grep -i liv | awk '{print "Host = " $4; print "Storage (TB) = " $1/(1024^3); print "Used (GB) =" $2/(1024^2)}'
Info on liverpool SE
query SEs or CEs available (see lcg-info --help)
lcg-lr --vo altas < lfn:/guid: >
lists the replicas (SFNs) for a given LFN/GUID
lcg-lg --vo atlas < lfn:/sfn: >
lists the GUID for a given LFN/SFN
lcg-la --vo atlas < guid:/sfn: >
lists the aliases (LFNs) for a given LFN/SFN
lcg-cp --vo atlas -v < lfn:/sfn: >  file://`pwd`/< filename >
copys a file from the grid to "filename" locally
lcg-cr --vo atlas -v -l < lfn > -d < dest. SE > file:`pwd`/< filename >
copy a file to a SE and register in LFC
lcg-la --vo atlas < guid: > < lfn: >
add an alias (LFN) to a particular GUID
lcg-ra --vo atlas < guid: > < lfn: >
remove an alias (LFN) from a particular GUID
lcg-del --vo atlas -a < lfn:/guid: > 
Deletes all replicas associated with a particular LFN/GUID
lcg-del --vo atlas < sfn:/srm: > 
Deletes replica with given SFN/SRM


More powerful commands, which are "wrapped" by several of the other commands

Command Description
srmcp file:////< path/localname > srm://< se:port/path/gridname > 
copy local file "localname" to "gridname" on storage element "se"
srmcp srm://< se:port/path/gridname > file:////< path/localname >
copy grid file "gridname" on storage element "se" to local file "localanme"

-- CarlGwilliam - 24 Jan 2007
Topic revision: r1 - 24 Jan 2007, CarlGwilliam
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