Draft Minutes of the Meeting - 30/04/2007

1) Future Meetings will be held at 10am on Mondays in the VDC except for next week (Bank Holiday) when the meeting will be at 2pm Tuesday.

2) Neil and Paul will organise the meetings

3) A draft initial agenda will be a) Hardware status b) Effort at CERN c) Offline monitoring d) Online monitoring e) AOB

a) Tim is currently at CERN to assess the situation

b) The workshop has constructed jigs to bend the pipes required from the heaters to PPF1. Prior to bending the pipes they are tday being annealed in Chemistry. The specification was for annealing in vacuum but this is being done in a container filled with argon (I think). Some prototype bends will be achieved this week


NJ and TJ to follow this

c) Helen described the work to understand the simulation of cosmics in the barrel in the pit. The results show a lower efficiency than expected. The reason is that the two hits on the module are often not linked to the track and the suspicion is that this occurs when tracks enter a module at an angle far from normal. In addition the code for looking at real interactions is being revived.


Helen will continue to try and pin down this problem and will show some plots next week

d) Sergey described his existing monitoring code and future plans. He has scripts to work offline and monitor occupancies in modules and chips which helps with mapping problems, thresholds etc. This is being simplified and extended to monitor errors in the DAQ. Sergey intends to continue to develop algorithms. Dave Robinson has generated displays for this work. The next step will be to transfer these offline algorithms to the ROD and ROS level to enable the monitoring to be done online. Katharine will help with this.

Further ideas for the future are
  1. ) Monitoring the beam spot in collaboration with Lancaster
  2. ) Looking at tracking performance, momentum calibration etc

Topic revision: r1 - 01 May 2007, PaulDervan
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