These are the options used to get full Leading-Order behaviour for Pythia within athena.

These may be updated as understanding increases!

Pythia.PythiaCommand = [ 
                         "pysubs msel 0",          # Users decay choice.
                         "pydat1 parj 90 20000",   # Turn off FSR.
                         "pypars mstp 81 20",      # Turns off multiple interactions
                         "pydat1 mstj 41 0",       # Turn off Parton Shower
                         "pypars mstp 61 0",       # Turn off ISR
                         "pypars mstp 91 0",       # Turn off primordial kT
                         "pypars mstp 71 0",       # Turn off FSR completely
                         "pypars mstp 111 0",      # Turn off hadronisation
# Z production:
                         "pysubs msub 1 1",        # Create Z bosons.
                         "pysubs ckin 1 60.0",     # Lower invariant mass.
                         "pydat3 mdme 174 1 0",
                         "pydat3 mdme 175 1 0",
                         "pydat3 mdme 176 1 0",
                         "pydat3 mdme 177 1 0",
                         "pydat3 mdme 178 1 0",
                         "pydat3 mdme 179 1 0",
                         "pydat3 mdme 182 1 1",    # Switch for Z->ee.
                         "pydat3 mdme 183 1 0",
                         "pydat3 mdme 184 1 0",    # Switch for Z->mumu.
                         "pydat3 mdme 185 1 0",
                         "pydat3 mdme 186 1 0",    # Switch for Z->tautau.
                         "pydat3 mdme 187 1 0"]
# Tauola (for tau decays?)
include ( "EvgenJobOptions/" )

-- MikeFlowerdew - 25 Apr 2008
Topic revision: r2 - 28 Apr 2008, MikeFlowerdew
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