AOD access from ATHENA Using the Liverpool/Birmingham AOD Code * AnalysisPlatforms.01.11.07.ppt: Talk given to Liverpool group * AthenaAOD12 (Obsolete) ...
Using the ATLAS Software at Liverpool Getting Started * Log on to one of the interactive nodes (note: SLC5 is required for all recent ATHENA releases =15.6.3...
Main.HelenHayward 16 Aug 2021 Introduction This page is for the collection of ideas, draft proposals and list of current and past projects in collaboration with ...
We no longer have the van since we were not using it enough and it has been returned to CERN. The UKLO have vans that can be used or shorter term rentals can pote...
Generator Information Monte Carlos in ATLAS * See the MC working group page Generator Notes Pythia * To see the particle data used in pythia in a particu...
Grid Introduction Information on the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) can be found here. In particular, the LCG 2 User Guide can be very useful, if a little detailed. Th...
This is the twiki database for measurements made during the construction of the ITK stave support prototype. == Carbon foam block initial data; Height is from 5 p...
Main.HelenHayward 30 Jul 2018 ATLAS Upgrade coffee meeting every monday 9am (on bank holiday weekends, meeting is typically held 9am tuesday instead). The goal of...
What is LiverpoolAnalysis? LiverpoolAnalysis is a new series of packages developed for analysis within the athena framework. Used as a toolkit, LiverpoolAnalysis ...
LiverpoolAtlasShifts Introduction Everyone in ATLAS Liverpool must take shifts. There are many different shifts available. If you want to discuss which sort ...
LiverpoolOTPTasks Introduction The page lists all ATLAS roles and service tasks (ATLAS wide, UK wide or local) performed by members of the Liverpool group, inclu...
LiverpoolZBosonAnalysis Introduction The properties of Z boson decays (such as Z ee and Z _) are known to high precision from the LEP experiments. At LHC...
* Optional paragraph to explain this is the news area * Article format yet to be determined. Either as a topic search by date or though blog plugin Headline ...
Notes on AOD variables (based on athena version 12.0.4) Electrons * Information on the isEM parameter is given here and here. * This lists the isEM bits ...
OSCAR analysis code to access AOD from ATHENA v 15 This page is deprecated, please see the OSCARSoftwareFramework page on the CERN twiki. First log on to a machin...
Running on Cosmics at CERN Introduction Carl has written a very useful script to run jobs on the (reprocessed ) cosmic data on the Lxplus batch queues. This has...
Qualification procedure for online SCT shifters Depending on previous experience people qualifiying for SCT online shifts will be qualified as "returning experts...
ATLAS Technical and Performance Meetings These are intended as place, where people from all Liverpool ATLAS physics subgroup share their knowledge and discuss the...
Using CASTOR See the main ATLAS TWiki page on using CASTOR tape storage here: Note: You can only use CA...
Panda Athena As an alternative to Ganga, you can use Panda for your distributed analysis. The information here should be enough to get you started, but for full d...
Programs for W/Z Production at Higher Orders This page gives a short overview over some programs for calculation of W and Z cross sections. All of them are Monte ...
WARNING! THIS TOPIC IS GENERATED BY TWiki.ChecklistPlugin PLUGIN. DO NOT EDIT THIS TOPIC (except table data)! Back to the checklist topic WebHome. contextid...
ATLAS Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the ATLAS web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and , and c...
Information related to Z counting to determine ATLAS luminosity Useful Links ATLAS ZCounting twiki
Main.MonicaDonofrio 03 Oct 2011 Z b Analysis Meetings These are intended as informal meetings among people involved in Z bjet analysis. Meetings are on Monday at...