You are here: Foswiki>ATLAS Web>Tau3Mu (16 Oct 2020, MatthewSullivan)Edit Attach

Liverpool τ→3μ analysis

Useful reading

ATLAS Run-1:

CMS Run-2:

ATLAS HL-LHC projection:


Local meetings: Thursday@11am (MS teams)

Data & MC samples

The data and MC samples are stored on hepstore and EOS at the following locations:

EOS: /eos/user/m/msulliva/Tau3Mu/tuples

hepstore: /hepstore/msullivan/Tau3Mu/tuples/20190318/

MC samples

Dataset ID (DSID) Sample information
300230-300231 bb→τν, 3μ filter
300560-300561 cc→Ds→τν, 3μ filter
300562-300563 bb→Ds→τν, 3μ filter
300558-300559 W→τν, 3μ filter
300564, 300571 HF→Ds→φμν, 3μ filter
300566, 300573 HF→Ds→ηpμν, 3μ filter
300567, 300574 HF→D→ρμν, 3μ filter
300568, 300575 HF→D→ημν, 3μ filter
300569, 300576 HF→D→ηpμν, 3μ filter
300570, 300577 HF→D→ωμν, 3μ filter

Reminder of relevant hadrons (I really needed it)

Hadron Mass [MeV] Content
φ 1020 ssbar
η 548 uubar+ddbar-2ssbar
η' 958 uubar+ddbar+ssbar
ρ 770 udbar, uubar, ddbar
ω 782 uubar, ddbar


Data taken in 2017 & 2018 use the BLS stream in addition to the main stream, which writes out events at around 200Hz and reconstructs them on a delayed timeline.
Year Period
2015 D, E, F, G, H, J
2016 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I, K, L
2017 B, C, D, E, F, H, I, K
2018 B, C, D, F, I, K, L, M, O, Q


The Gitlab repository for the code I have so far is here:

There are instructions on how to use the cutflow and the plotting code in the respective readme.

-- MatthewSullivan - 16 Oct 2020
Topic revision: r3 - 16 Oct 2020, MatthewSullivan
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