OSCAR analysis code to access AOD from ATHENA v 15

This page is deprecated, please see the OSCARSoftwareFramework page on the CERN twiki.

First log on to a machine with the ATHENA software (at Liverpool alpha, beta etc. (older), theta (newer))

Setup your cmthome directory
mkdir cmthome  
cd cmthome   

Download the file requirements and put it in cmthome:

Set up ATHENA for first time
source /batchsoft/atlas/athena/15.5.4/CMT/*/mgr/setup.sh  
cmt config   

Setup a work directory
mkdir AtlasWork15   
cd AtlasWork15   
mkdir 15.5.4   
cd  15.5.4   

Setup ATHENA environment
source ~/cmthome/setup.sh -tag=15.5.4

Set up svn folloing the instructions to modify your .ssh/config found in

SVN help

The code can be viewed at

OSCAR SVN Repository

log into CERN.

/usr/kerberos/bin/kinit -5 username@CERN.CH 

Get the code packages needed for the example
cd $TestArea   
svn co $SVNGRP/Physics/Common/OSCAR/OSTools/trunk  OSCAR/OSTools  svn co $SVNGRP/Physics/Common/OSCAR/OSSelectors/trunk  OSCAR/OSSelectors  svn co $SVNGRP/Physics/Common/OSCAR/OSUtilities/trunk  OSCAR/OSUtilities  svn co $SVNGRP/Physics/Common/OSCAR/OSUserExamples/trunk  OSCAR/OSUserExamples  

or, alternatively, all the code packages:

cd $TestArea    
for pkg in `svn ls $SVNGRP/Physics/Common/OSCAR/`; do svn co $SVNGRP/Physics/Common/OSCAR/$pkg/trunk OSCAR/$pkg; done  

Make version.cmt files:
cd $TestArea/OSCAR


[ Note: Subsequently all you need to do is setup
 source ~/cmthome/setup.sh -tag=15.5.4 


cd OSUserExamples/cmt    
cmt bro cmt config  
cmt bro source setup.sh  
cmt bro gmake    

[ Note: Subsequently for most compiles you can speed things up with:
  gmake -f ../i686-slc4-gcc34-opt/OSUserExamples.make QUICK=yes 
If this doesn't work use the full compile:
 cmt bro gmake 
cd ../share 

uncomment the lines for the file lists in osexamplez.py

e.g. for Liverpool it would be

NB if you want to run on files on the dpm you need to have a valid grid certificate and to set up ganga. At Liverpool do
source /batchsoft/atlas/grid/setup.sh -v 96:00

Run the code
cd ..  
mkdir run 
cd run  
athena.py   ../share/osexamplez.py >& Z.out &    

Plot the results
root -b -q ../Root/runFile.C 

If you want to run over data (!) DESDs then simply set 'isData=True' in osexamplez.py

To Create your own input file

a script is available in OSUserExamples/share/MakeInputfileList.py. To run:
source MakeInputfileList.py <dataset on atlasliverpooldisk>

To find out the Geometry version of the input file use:
      dumpVersionTags.py -f  [full path to inputfile]  

and look for a line like :
       GeoAtlas                                            ATLAS-CSC-02-01-00 

To find out whats on the AOD in v15 run:
 checkFile.py filename.pool.root  

-- AndrewMehta - 13 Nov 2009
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
requirementsEXT requirements manage 243 bytes 25 Nov 2009 - 07:57 CarlGwilliam requirements
requirements1554EXT requirements1554 manage 242 bytes 07 Dec 2009 - 09:37 CarlGwilliam  
Topic revision: r13 - 26 Mar 2010, CarlGwilliam
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