Qualification procedure for online SCT shifters
Depending on previous experience people qualifiying for SCT online shifts will be qualified as
"returning experts" or "unqualified". Look at Sandra's list of shifters and their qualification status
to find your status (linked below).
Returning experts
- DAQ: 1 training course(1.5 hours) + 1 training shift (6 hours)
- DCS: 1 training course(1.5 hours) + 1 training shift (6 hours)
- DQM: 1 training course(1.5 hours) + 1 training shift (6 hours)
- COOLING: 1 training course(1.5 hours) + 1 training shift (6 hours) + 1 qualification shift (8 hours)
You sign up for these on the
Work Planner.
Unqualified shifters
- (contact Sandra Ciocio)
- read through documentation and tutorials (this is actualy quite nice documentation for everyone).
- DAQ: 1 training course(1.5 hours) + 3 training shifts (6 hours) + 1 qualification shift (8 hours)
- DCS: 1 training course(1.5 hours) + 3 training shifts (6 hours) + 1 qualification shift (8 hours)
- DQM: 1 training course(1.5 hours) + 1 training shifts (6 hours) + 1 qualification shift (8 hours)
- COOLING: 1 training course(1.5 hours) + 1 training shift (6 hours) + 1 qualification shift (8 hours)
(for exact requirements see Sandra's list of shifters linked below)
IMPORTANT: for the first period of commissioning shift people with previous
experience but no formal qualifications are allowed to take shifts.
See OTP shift planner (linked below) to know if you already qualify for anything.
Access Required
You need to ask for access to (on EDH):
- SR1 ("atl_sr1")
- Control room (new: changed from "atlas_u" to "atl_cr")
- USA15 ("atl_usa")
- US15 ("atl_us")
(and get a bio-id token in building 55)
Safety courses required
You can check on your EDH acocunt which courses you have already done.
Point 1 account
You'll also need a "point 1" account. (Send and email to Peter Phillips.)
Radiation badge
Some time soon access to US15 will require having a radiation badge. This requires a medical test and a special radiation safety course.
However, for now it seems they have not enough badges available so for this maybe just wait for further information.
Some usefull links:
List of Shifters
list of shifters and their qualification status/requirements.
Work Planner
Use the
Work planner to sign up for traning courses and shifts.
- Register to get a username/password
- to sign up for training shifts or courses:
- login
- select "SCT Training"
- click on "my shifts" and sign up
Use the
OTP tool to sign up for shifts (login with your EDH password.)
- to see who can do what shifts click "Browse" then under SCT select "Shift Tasks" and "SCT Commissioning Shifts".
- to book shifts click "Book My Shifts", then click on the Id number for "SCT Commissioning Shifts (DAQ, DCS, DQ/Calibration)", then click on "Task 81463 - SCT Commissioning shifts". Now you can book shifts you're authorised to take.
JoostVossebeld - 06 Aug 2008