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50 recent changes in Computing Web retrieved at 01:16 (GMT)

Using x2go to Run Remote Desktops on HEP Linux Systems The implementation of VNC has changed in RHEL9 based operating systems such as AlmaLinux 9, making it unsui...
HEP Computing Documentation FAQs about Remote Working During the ongoing pandemic situation we're keeping a page updated with advice about WorkingFromHome and ac...
Using WSL2 to run HEP linux programmes on an MWS windows computer WSL2 is the Windows subsystem for Linux version 2, which allows a full linux experience, while s...
HEP Filestores There are a number of file stores available. Some are general purpose and some are application specific. Most are available on all desktops and nod...
HEP Interactive and Batch Processing There are many ways of accessing high performance compute systems for your simulations and analysis. Interactive work (code d...
HEP Linux Account Registration To obtain a HEP Linux account please ask your supervisor or (for new staff members) line manager to submit the following informatio...
HEP introductions, manuals and other useful computing guides as a helpful collection (Please contact uta.klein #64; if you think that lin...
Accessing CERN EOS from Liverpool HEP Files stored on the CERN EOS service can be accessed directly from Liverpool HEP Centos 7 systems in two main ways: via the ...
HEP Computer Equipment Procurement The HEP IT team can provide help with computer equipment procurement for use in the department. It is not compulsory to involve...
Centos7 Desktops The 64bit Centos7 desktops are intended to be a combination of a standard Linux desktop, interactive node, grid UI and low priority batch node. T...
Running VNC Sessions on HEP Linux Systems VNC sessions can be started on personal HEP Linux desktops or on central interactive nodes. Please use an interactive no...
Grid Storage using HEP's Storage Element A guide to using grid tools to store and access files on a DPM grid Storage Element (SE). Members of LHC experiments shou...
Jupyter Hub/Lab This service has been removed. This page is retained for archive purposes. Anyone with a HEP account can log in to our Jupyterhub service and run ...
Obtaining Computing Support for Projects Any new experiment, project or an existing one that is expanding should notify the local computing support team as soon a...
Accessing 3rd Party Cloud Storage with Rclone The rclone application is provided for access to 3rd party cloud storage services. It is provided as a convenient me...
WISP Integrated Storage Portal Liverpool HEP provides ubiquitous storage through the WISP service (using open source NextCloud technology). Anyone with a HEP Linu...
FAQs about Remote Working Please use the systems as normal. If there are any changes to the system they will be announced here, via email and/or Mattermost Town S...
SSH Access to HEP Linux Services The main secure way of accessing HEP Linux systems is via SSH. Connecting from HEP Systems If you are connecting via SSH to HEP ...
Accessing HEP email Receiving Email HEP provides access to email in three main ways, with a separate email client via IMAP, via webmail in a browser and directly...
Using TensorFlow on HEP Linux systems Tensorflow is provided for Centos7 systems, for normal CPU processing and with GPU acceleration. Torch is also usually provi...
Using Containers on HEP Linux Software Containers can be run in a secure environment on HEP Linux systems. No special access or authorisation is required. Note th...
HEP Printers NOTE: Until further notice all HEP printing should be submitted to the University Ricoh service. This should be possible from Windows, Mac and HEP Li...
HEP Data Backup and Retrieval User Filestores that are backed up The only user areas that are regularly backed up are the NFS mounted home directories located un...
I should be the child of SomeTest Main.JohnBland 11 Jan 2018
I'm linking to a TestTopicChild Main.JohnBland 11 Jan 2018
Writing and Running Applications on Xeon Phi Xeon Phi 7120P co processor cards based on the Knights Corner chipset are available for MIC evaluation and developmen...
Using the Video Conference Room Equipment The video conferencing equipment in room 201 can be used to host or display a video or phone conference. This is a basic...
Password Security First a reminder: We will never email, text or otherwise contact HEP account holders asking them to type in, 'verify' or otherwise divulge their...
SL6 Desktops The new 64bit SL6 desktops are intended to be a combination of a standard Linux desktop, interactive node, grid UI and low priority batch node. There...
Liverpool HEP Mattermost Service A local Mattermost ( service is provided for Liverpool HEP members. Mattermost can be used for team b...
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * * %IF{"istopic ''" then=" * $percntICON{\"statistics\"}$percnt $percntMAKET...
r2 - 15 May 2015 - 21:32 by TWikiContributor
r2 - 15 May 2015 - 21:32 by TWikiContributor
Accessing A Shell Press CTRL ATL T to open a tab with a CROSH shell. From here you can ssh to other systems with the ssh command as normal. Accessing Eduroam Edu...
How to access the HEP linux systems from MWS computers This guide shows how to access the HEP computers from any of the MWS machines provided by the University. ...
HEP Computing Documentation Desktops For advice on using the 64bit SL5 desktops and known issues see the SL6Desktops topic. Email HEP email can be accessed via ...
Student Linux Accounts
Minutes of HEP Computing Users Meeting 28: 7th July 2008 Present: MAH, CG, JB. Apologies: TG, SJM, JB, CT, MK, TJVB, PA, CG, JNJ, N Mc, RF, DH, BTK (1) LCG Clu...
* Present * MAH, CG, BTK, JB, RF, SJM * Apologies * PA, PT LCG cluster report 1. Status of infrastructure. OK, no problems with aircon etc. ...
* Present * MAH, JB, CG, PT, RF * Apologies * TJVB, SF, TG, SJM, PA, BTK, JV GRIDPP Site Visit 1. This was successful and thanks to all who too...
* Present * PT, MAH, JB, RF, JV * Apologies * PA, BTK, TJVB, SF LCG cluster report 1. Status of infrastructure: DM arranged for the refrigerant...
* Present * PA, MAH, CG, JB, RF, SJM, PA, LG, JV * Apologies * PT, BTK LCG cluster report 1. Status of infrastructure. OK 1. Problems: Hep...
LCG cluster report 1. Status of infrastructure. 1. Problems 1. Dcache and SE Status 1. Internal network issues: FORCE10/DELL switch connectivity 1...
* Present * PA, MAH, CG, JB, RF, JV, NMcC * Apologies * PA, BTK, TJVB LCG cluster report 1. Status of infrastructure. A refrigerant leak has ...
AGENDA Operations Team Meeting Date: Wednesday 17th October 2012 @ 10 30 a.m. Location: Room 337 third floor Oliver Lodge 1. Financial Report 2. Facilities: C...
Statistics for Computing Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads...
Top Menu of Computing Web This topic defines the menu structure of the Computing web, used by the TopMenuSkin. * "}% * * * * ...
r2 - 28 Jul 2011 - 22:00 by TWikiContributor
HEP Samba Accounts for Windows Access To access HEP file stores (such as your user area) and HEP printers from the Managed Windows System you will need a samba ac...
Computer Users Meetings Future Meetings * 03 Jul 2008 Discussion on the future of LiverpoolHEPComputing03072008. Aims The computing users meeting is held e...
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Topic revision: r1 - 15 Nov 2006, TWikiContributor
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