HEP introductions, manuals and other useful computing guides as a helpful collection

(Please contact uta.klein@liverpoolREMOVETHIS.ac.uk if you think that links are outdated/ updates needed.)

Practical Aspects of Collider Physics by Heidi Schellman (Experiment)


and pedagogical introduction to the concepts of luminosity at collider and how it is measured


Collider Phenomenology and New Physics by Tao Han (Theory)



Introduction into Monte Carlo Techniques in High Energy Physics by Fabio Maltoni (video available)



MadGraph - A generator for HEP processes


Delphes for fast detector response simulations



UNIX/Linux Tutorial for Beginners


Tutorials Point - learn Java, C, C++, Perl, Python, MATLAB and many more


ROOT, a C++ based analysis framework - an introduction (video available)


ROOT - general documentation

ROOT documentation page

Multivariate Analysis within ROOT - a TMVA guide

TMVA Manual

Tools for machine learning

TensorFlow Package https://www.tensorflow.org/

Keras: Python deep learning library https://keras.io

How to reference used manuals, webpages or papers?

Please use your Liverpool login and use this UoL library resource (thanks to Zelda Chatten)


You may ask here e.g. how to cite a webpage w/o authors and you will get most up-to-date guidance.

An older version from Oxford Brooks can be found in attachment reference.pdf below.

How to access linux machines using a Windows computer

Option A : Easy and NEW NEW NEW by Uta Klein 20.9.2016/updated 22.9.2017

You can use any UoL MWS computer and install the available package MobaXterm personal or install it on your laptop, see http://mobaxterm.mobatek.net

This is a very easy step and costs you just a minute. If you are using the same MWS computer again, you can just click on the MobaXterm button and go ahead with your session.

MobaXterm is installed already on all 16 CTL-PC6 Red computers. Please use the PC finder to find free UoL PC's http://pcseats.liv.ac.uk

There shouldn't be any Windows firewall warnings and in case ignore them but inform me, o.k. You can open a new xterm up to 4 xterms (if this is not working, well, try with another PC).

Use this xterm in the same way as a Linux xterm and login to an interactive node as normal.

If you are using a machine off-campus you will need to log in via gateway.ph.liv.ac.uk

ssh -Y [username] gateway.ph.liv.ac.uk

NEVER use gateway for work but use gateway to login to an interactive node. See the computing topics for more information.

Enjoy your project work.

Option B :
Or Use VNC 'Guide' written by Ellis Kay, 26.10.2015

Hi Uta & Daniel
I use a cygwin terminal to run an ssh to a uni computer (or a node such as kappa) and then use realvnc to run a vncserver so I don't just have to run everything in command line.
so first download cygwin from https://www.cygwin.com/ making sure you have all the packages required for ssh (don't worry if you miss them - you can install them later if it doesn't work) and then get https://www.realvnc.com/download/
Once you have cygwin installed and open you can ssh to your desktop
ssh gateway.ph.liv.ac.uk
ssh hep152 (change this to the number of the desktop you want to use)
vncserver :7 -depth 24 -geometry 1270x980
Here "7" is the port, may need to choose a different one, if someone is already using this one.
"depth 24" specifies, that one gets a full color palette
"geometry XXXXxYYYY " specifies the size of the desktop you will get - can easily be changed later if you need to adjust it to your screen size
You will need to provide a password which you need to remember since you will use it whenever you log in to your vnc session
once you've done this close your terminal. Then open it again and log in using the command:
ssh -C -L 5907:{MACHINE}:5907 {USERNAME}@gatewayREMOVETHIS.ph.liv.ac.uk
where {MACHINE} is the number of the desktop you are using and {USERNAME} is the name you use to log into your hep account. Note 5907 because your vnc is on port 7
this command basically just saves you the trouble of logging in to gateway first and then your chosen desktop
I'm not entirely sure about the -C and the -L but this is what the helpdesk advised me to use
Then you should be prompted to enter your hep password. Once you have logged in you can open the vnc viewer from realvnc and choose localhost:7. Click connect and it will ask you for the vnc password you set earlier. Then you should see your hep remote desktop in the vnc window.
When you are done, just close the whole vncviewer window and the ssh connection (you can leave windows on the remote desktop open and they will still be there when you log back on)
Hope that helps, let me know if there are any issues
Best wishes

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Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
reference.pdfpdf reference.pdf manage 115 K 21 Sep 2017 - 14:06 UtaKlein Oxford Brooks Library 2009
Topic revision: r27 - 12 Jul 2023, UtaKlein
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