Accessing A Shell

Press CTRL-ATL-T to open a tab with a CROSH shell. From here you can ssh to other systems with the ssh command as normal.

Accessing Eduroam

Eduroam needs to be configured manually but the server certificate is already installed on ChromeOS. From the network panel choose Eduroam then configure as follows:

Security WPA2 Enterprise
Encryption AES
Authentication 802.1x
Anonymous Identity
Username <mwsusername>
Password <your mws password>
Domain Leave blank
Certificate Already installed

This doesn't appear to be possible to configure before logging in, so you will need some other form of networking available first (eg USB ethernet adapter or Guestnet).

-- JohnBland - 16 Dec 2014
Topic revision: r1 - 16 Dec 2014, JohnBland
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