FT design with four new 6 wire planars/SM
FT design with four new 6 planars/SM, detail
FT design with one new 8 wire
FT design with one new 8 wire planar/SM,
FT design with two new 8 wire planars/SM
High Q2 NC event with FT shower 1
High Q2 NC event with FT shower 2
High Q2 NC event with FT shower 3
High Q2 NC event with FT shower 4
High Q2 CC event with forward hadrons
Where charm is to be found, low Q2
Where charm is to be found, high Q2
Where charm jets go, photoproduction
BFKL forward pi+- before/after upgrade
K0s before and after FTD upgrade
Pair prod. in CTD and FTD fig. 1
Pair prod. in CTD and FTD fig. 2
Pair prod. in CTD and FTD fig. 3
CC vertex eff. with/without FTD
Integrated Q per chan. planars
Integrated Q per chan. radials
Tuned MC/data, No. hits per track