A Martin - Welcome and introduction
P Schleper - HERA collider physics
G van der Steehhoven - Spin physics
B Foster - Lepton-nucleon physics after 2006, ECFA plans
N Glover - Developments in perturbative QCD
J Bartels - Diffraction
R Venugopalan - New states of matter and the question of confinement
R Milner - Physics with polarised electrons, protons and deuterons
D Ryckbosch - Future fixed target programme
U Schneekloth - ZEUS status and future
D Pitzl - H1 status and future
M Bouwhuis - HERMES status and future
G Mallot - Status of COMPASS
A Caldwell - A new detector for low x physics
T Sloan - Spin at HERA, the discovery potential
M McDermott - High energy DIS on protons and nuclei
M Strikman - Detectors for electron-nucleus collisions
D Barber - Polarised protons and deuterons in HERA
I Ben-Zvi - The Electron-Ion Collider
G Hoffstaetter - Electron-ion collisions in HERA and other options
F Willeke - HERA after the luminosity upgrade
M Klein - Introduction to final discussion