ATLAS Upgrade at Liverpool


ATLAS TWiki page:


Bond programs and their documentation can be found on the University of Liverpool web page of Mike Wormald (here).

ABC130 / HCC V1.1 (hybrid)

Test with ATLYS

ATLYS tests

Panel Metrology

The metrology is done with a OGP smartscope. Further documentations can be found at the Smartscope TWiki page.

Detailed informations about the measurement campaign for the ABC130 HCC V1.0 pane are here available.


Various tools for module building have been designed by John Carrol (University of Liverpool). Link to tool page

Birmingham designed Pie charts to adjust the micrometer screws on the pick-up tool (254um/revolution). They can be found in this file:


As of 19/09/2016 (Sven)

Part Part numberSorted ascending own use Available for shipping
Stencil frames (metal)     8
Chip tray stencil     3
Chip tray (old)     10
Chip tray (new)     14
8 Way manifold     0
Pick-Up tools (assembled)     3
Glass (99.95, 99.95, 0.3)     50
Glass (97.5, 97.5, 0.3)     >150
Module building jig     1
Panel Vacuum jig     3 (+3 damaged)
Module glue stencil Ver 1 C130_VER1   7
Module glue stencil Ver 2 C130_VER2   2
ASIC glue stencil np49-02-260b   3

Tool Metrology

For the Pick-up tool a smartscope metrology program has been written by Marko Milovanovic, which uses the touch probe to measure the height difference between micrometer screws and ASIC landing pads. Program name: Pick-upTool-touch.mxi

The height of the Pick-Up tool has to be set according to this document.


Quad assembly

Ilya Tsurin has designed a flexible read-out hybrid for quad modules. A documentation of how to assemble the modules can be found here.


Slide Template

-- SvenWonsak - 15 Jul 2016

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
130_ASIC_Jig_Pin_Adjustment.xlsxxlsx 130_ASIC_Jig_Pin_Adjustment.xlsx manage 20 K 31 Jan 2017 - 14:32 SvenWonsak Adjustment of Micrometer screws
ABC130-HCC-V1-1_Panel.pdfpdf ABC130-HCC-V1-1_Panel.pdf manage 759 K 02 Dec 2016 - 17:58 SvenWonsak Panel top metal layer + cut lines
Hybrid-Wire-Bonding_V1.pdfpdf Hybrid-Wire-Bonding_V1.pdf manage 1 MB 05 Dec 2016 - 09:03 SvenWonsak ABC130 HCC V1.1 wire-bonding details (HCC, ABC130, Panel, test frame)
Tool-Setting.pdfpdf Tool-Setting.pdf manage 237 K 15 Jul 2016 - 15:30 SvenWonsak Setting up the Pick-Up tool
liverpool-atlaslogo-alternative.thmxthmx liverpool-atlaslogo-alternative.thmx manage 211 K 27 Jan 2017 - 11:59 SvenWonsak  
liverpool-atlaslogo.thmxthmx liverpool-atlaslogo.thmx manage 211 K 27 Jan 2017 - 11:59 SvenWonsak  
liverpool-heplogo-alternative.thmxthmx liverpool-heplogo-alternative.thmx manage 205 K 27 Jan 2017 - 11:59 SvenWonsak  
liverpool-heplogo.thmxthmx liverpool-heplogo.thmx manage 205 K 27 Jan 2017 - 11:59 SvenWonsak  
Topic revision: r13 - 27 Feb 2017, SvenWonsak
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