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1 //________________________________________________________________________________________
2 /*!
4 \program gevgen_hnl
6 \brief A GENIE-based neutral heavy lepton event generation application.
8  *** Synopsis :
10  gevgen_hnl [-h]
11  [-r run#]
12  -n n_of_events
13  -f path/to/flux/files
14  [-E hnl_energy]
15  [--firstEvent first event for dk2nu flux readin]
16  [-m decay_mode]
17  [-g geometry (ROOT file)]
18  [-L geometry_length_units]
19  [-o output_event_file_prefix]
20  [--seed random_number_seed]
21  [--message-thresholds xml_file]
22  [--event-record-print-level level]
23  [--mc-job-status-refresh-rate rate]
25  *** Options :
27  [] Denotes an optional argument
29  -h
30  Prints out the gevgen_hnl syntax and exits.
31  -r
32  Specifies the MC run number [default: 1000].
33  -n
34  Specifies how many events to generate.
35  -m
36  HNL decay mode ID:
37  -f
38  Input HNL flux.
39  --firstEvent
40  If using dk2nu fluxes, start reading at this entry
41  -g
42  Input detector geometry.
43  If a geometry is specified, HNL decay vertices will be distributed
44  in the desired detector volume.
45  Using this argument, you can pass a ROOT file containing your
46  detector geometry description.
47  -L
48  Input geometry length units, eg 'm', 'cm', 'mm', ...
49  [default: 'mm']
50  -o
51  Sets the prefix of the output event file.
52  The output filename is built as:
53  [prefix].[run_number].[event_tree_format].[file_format]
54  The default output filename is:
55  gntp.[run_number].ghep.root
56  This cmd line arguments lets you override 'gntp'
57  --seed
58  Random number seed.
60 \author John Plows <komninos-john.plows \at>
61  University of Oxford
63  Costas Andreopoulos <c.andreopoulos \at>
64  University of Liverpool
66 \created February 11, 2020
68 \cpright Copyright (c) 2003-2024, The GENIE Collaboration
69  For the full text of the license visit
71 */
72 //_________________________________________________________________________________________
74 #include <cassert>
75 #include <cstdlib>
76 #include <string>
77 #include <vector>
78 #include <sstream>
80 #include <TSystem.h>
105 #include "Framework/Utils/AppInit.h"
106 #include "Framework/Utils/TuneId.h"
107 #include "Framework/Utils/RunOpt.h"
110 using std::string;
111 using std::vector;
112 using std::ostringstream;
114 using namespace genie;
115 using namespace genie::hnl;
116 using namespace genie::hnl::enums;
120 //#include "Tools/Flux/GNuMIFlux.h"
121 #include <TH1.h>
122 #endif // #ifdef __GENIE_FLUX_DRIVERS_ENABLED__
125 #define __CAN_USE_ROOT_GEOM__
126 #include <TGeoVolume.h>
127 #include <TGeoManager.h>
128 #include <TGeoShape.h>
129 #include <TGeoBBox.h>
130 #endif // #ifdef __GENIE_GEOM_DRIVERS_ENABLED__
132 // function prototypes
133 void GetCommandLineArgs (int argc, char ** argv);
134 void PrintSyntax (void);
136 int SelectDecayMode (std::vector<HNLDecayMode_t> *intChannels, SimpleHNL sh);
137 const EventRecordVisitorI * HNLGenerator(void);
140 void GenerateEventsUsingFlux (void);
141 void FillFluxNonsense (FluxContainer &ggn);
142 void FillFlux (FluxContainer &ggn, FluxContainer &tgn);
143 #endif // #ifdef __GENIE_FLUX_DRIVERS_ENABLED__
145 TLorentzVector GeneratePosition( GHepRecord * event );
146 #ifdef __CAN_USE_ROOT_GEOM__
147 void InitBoundingBox (void);
148 #endif // #ifdef __CAN_USE_ROOT_GEOM__
150 //
151 string kDefOptGeomLUnits = "mm"; // default geometry length units
152 string kDefOptGeomDUnits = "g_cm3"; // default geometry density units
153 NtpMCFormat_t kDefOptNtpFormat = kNFGHEP; // default event tree format
154 string kDefOptEvFilePrefix = "gntp";
155 string kDefOptFluxFilePath = "./input-flux.root";
157 string kDefOptSName = "genie::EventGenerator";
158 string kDefOptSConfig = "BeamHNL";
159 string kDefOptSTune = "GHNL20_00a_00_000";
161 //
162 Long_t gOptRunNu = 1000; // run number
163 int gOptNev = 10; // number of events to generate
165 double gOptEnergyHNL = -1; // HNL energy
166 double gOptMassHNL = -1; // HNL mass
167 double gOptECoupling = -1; // |U_e4|^2
168 double gOptMCoupling = -1; // |U_m4|^2
169 double gOptTCoupling = -1; // |U_t4|^2
171 bool gOptIsMajorana = false; // is this Majorana?
174 string gOptFluxFilePath = kDefOptFluxFilePath; // where flux files live
175 map<string,string> gOptFluxShortNames;
176 bool gOptIsUsingDk2nu = false; // using flat dk2nu files?
177 int gOptFirstEvent = 0; // skip to this entry in dk2nu
178 #endif // #ifdef __CAN_GENERATE_EVENTS_USING_A_FLUX__
179 bool gOptIsMonoEnFlux = true; // do we have monoenergetic flux?
182 std::vector< HNLDecayMode_t > gOptIntChannels; // decays to un-inhibit
184 string gOptEvFilePrefix = kDefOptEvFilePrefix; // event file prefix
185 bool gOptUsingRootGeom = false; // using root geom or target mix?
186 string gOptRootGeom; // input ROOT file with realistic detector geometry
188 #ifdef __CAN_USE_ROOT_GEOM__
189 TGeoManager * gOptRootGeoManager = 0; // the workhorse geometry manager
190 TGeoVolume * gOptRootGeoVolume = 0;
191 #endif // #ifdef __CAN_USE_ROOT_GEOM__
193 string gOptRootGeomTopVol = ""; // input geometry top event generation volume
194 double gOptGeomLUnits = 0; // input geometry length units
195 long int gOptRanSeed = -1; // random number seed
197 // Geometry bounding box and origin - read from the input geometry file (if any)
198 double fdx = 0; // half-length - x
199 double fdy = 0; // half-length - y
200 double fdz = 0; // half-length - z
201 double fox = 0; // origin - x
202 double foy = 0; // origin - y
203 double foz = 0; // origin - z
205 double NTP_IS_E = 0., NTP_IS_PX = 0., NTP_IS_PY = 0., NTP_IS_PZ = 0.;
206 double NTP_FS0_E = 0., NTP_FS0_PX = 0., NTP_FS0_PY = 0., NTP_FS0_PZ = 0.;
207 double NTP_FS1_E = 0., NTP_FS1_PX = 0., NTP_FS1_PY = 0., NTP_FS1_PZ = 0.;
208 double NTP_FS2_E = 0., NTP_FS2_PX = 0., NTP_FS2_PY = 0., NTP_FS2_PZ = 0.;
211 // HNL lifetime in rest frame
212 double CoMLifetime = -1.0; // GeV^{-1}
213 // == Gamma( all valid channels ) / Gamma( all interesting channels )
214 double decayMod = 1.0;
215 // event weight
216 double evWeight = 1.0;
218 //_________________________________________________________________________________________
219 int main(int argc, char ** argv)
220 {
221  // suppress ROOT Info messages
222  gErrorIgnoreLevel = kWarning;
224  // Parse command line arguments
225  GetCommandLineArgs(argc,argv);
227  // Init messenger and random number seed
228  utils::app_init::MesgThresholds(RunOpt::Instance()->MesgThresholdFiles());
231  __attribute__((unused)) RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
233  // Get the HNL generator first to load config
234  // config loaded upon instantiation of HNLGenerator algorithm
235  // calls LoadConfig() of each sub-alg
236  __attribute__((unused)) const EventRecordVisitorI * mcgen = HNLGenerator();
237  const Algorithm * algFluxCreator = AlgFactory::Instance()->GetAlgorithm("genie::hnl::FluxCreator", "Default");
238  const Algorithm * algHNLGen = AlgFactory::Instance()->GetAlgorithm("genie::hnl::Decayer", "Default");
239  const Algorithm * algVtxGen = AlgFactory::Instance()->GetAlgorithm("genie::hnl::VertexGenerator", "Default");
241  const FluxCreator * fluxCreator = dynamic_cast< const FluxCreator * >( algFluxCreator );
242  const Decayer * hnlgen = dynamic_cast< const Decayer * >( algHNLGen );
243  const VertexGenerator * vtxGen = dynamic_cast< const VertexGenerator * >( algVtxGen );
245  //string confString = kDefOptSName + "/" + kDefOptSConfig;
246  string confString = kDefOptSConfig;
248  CoMLifetime = hnlgen->GetHNLLifetime(); // GeV^{-1}
250  std::vector< double > U4l2s = hnlgen->GetHNLCouplings();
251  gOptECoupling =;
252  gOptMCoupling =;
253  gOptTCoupling =;
254  gOptIsMajorana = hnlgen->IsHNLMajorana();
256  std::string stIntChannels = hnlgen->GetHNLInterestingChannels(); int iChan = -1;
257  if( gOptIntChannels.size() > 0 ) gOptIntChannels.clear();
258  while( stIntChannels.size() > 0 ){ // read channels from right (lowest mass) to left (highest mass)
259  iChan++;
260  HNLDecayMode_t md = static_cast< HNLDecayMode_t >( iChan );
261  std::string tmpSt = stIntChannels.substr( stIntChannels.size()-1, stIntChannels.size() );
262  if( std::strcmp( tmpSt.c_str(), "1" ) == 0 )
263  gOptIntChannels.emplace_back( md );
265  stIntChannels.erase( stIntChannels.end()-1, stIntChannels.end() );
266  }
268  //gOptIntChannels = confIntChan;
270  // Initialize an Ntuple Writer to save GHEP records into a TTree
273  ntpw.Initialize();
275  // add flux info to the tree
276  FluxContainer gnmf;
277  if( gOptIsUsingDk2nu ) {
278  // fill the flux object with nonsense to start with
279  FluxContainer * ptGnmf = new FluxContainer();
280  gnmf = *ptGnmf;
281  delete ptGnmf;
282  FillFluxNonsense( gnmf );
283  TBranch * flux = ntpw.EventTree()->Branch( "flux",
284  "genie::hnl::FluxContainer",
285  &gnmf, 32000, 1 );
286  flux->SetAutoDelete(kFALSE);
287  }
289  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pNOTICE)
290  << "Initialised Ntuple Writer";
292  // add another few branches to tree.
293  ntpw.EventTree()->Branch("hnl_mass", &gOptMassHNL, "gOptMassHNL/D");
294  ntpw.EventTree()->Branch("hnl_coup_e", &gOptECoupling, "gOptECoupling/D");
295  ntpw.EventTree()->Branch("hnl_coup_m", &gOptMCoupling, "gOptMCoupling/D");
296  ntpw.EventTree()->Branch("hnl_coup_t", &gOptTCoupling, "gOptTCoupling/D");
297  ntpw.EventTree()->Branch("hnl_ismaj", &gOptIsMajorana, "gOptIsMajorana/I");
299  // Create a MC job monitor for a periodically updated status file
300  GMCJMonitor mcjmonitor(gOptRunNu);
301  mcjmonitor.SetRefreshRate(RunOpt::Instance()->MCJobStatusRefreshRate());
303  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pNOTICE)
304  << "Initialised MC job monitor";
306  // Set GHEP print level
307  GHepRecord::SetPrintLevel(RunOpt::Instance()->EventRecordPrintLevel());
309 #ifdef __CAN_USE_ROOT_GEOM__
310  // Read geometry bounding box - for vertex position generation
311  if( gOptUsingRootGeom ){
312  InitBoundingBox();
313  }
314 #endif // #ifdef __CAN_USE_ROOT_GEOM__
316  if( !gOptIsMonoEnFlux ){
317  LOG( "gevgen_hnl", pWARN )
318  << "Using input flux files. These are *flat dk2nu-like ROOT trees, so far...*";
320  }
321  // Event loop
322  int iflux = (gOptFirstEvent < 0) ? 0 : gOptFirstEvent; int ievent = iflux;
323  int maxFluxEntries = -1;
324  fluxCreator->SetInputFluxPath( gOptFluxFilePath );
325  fluxCreator->SetGeomFile( gOptRootGeom );
326  fluxCreator->SetFirstFluxEntry( iflux );
327  vtxGen->SetGeomFile( gOptRootGeom );
329  bool tooManyEntries = false;
330  while (1)
331  {
332  if( tooManyEntries ){
333  if( gOptNev >= 10000 ){
334  if( (ievent-gOptFirstEvent) % (gOptNev / 1000) == 0 ){
335  int irat = (iflux-gOptFirstEvent) / ( gOptNev / 1000 );
336  std::cerr << 0.1 * irat << " % " << " ( " << (iflux-gOptFirstEvent)
337  << " seen ), ( " << (ievent-gOptFirstEvent) << " / " << gOptNev << " processed ) \r" << std::flush;
338  }
339  } else if( gOptNev >= 100 ) {
340  if( (ievent-gOptFirstEvent) % (gOptNev / 10) == 0 ){
341  int irat = (iflux-gOptFirstEvent) / ( gOptNev / 10 );
342  std::cerr << 10.0 * irat << " % " << " ( " << (iflux-gOptFirstEvent)
343  << " seen ), ( " << (ievent-gOptFirstEvent) << " / " << gOptNev << " processed ) \r" << std::flush;
344  }
345  }
346  } else {
347  if( gOptNev >= 10000 ){
348  if( (ievent-gOptFirstEvent) % (gOptNev / 1000) == 0 ){
349  int irat = (ievent-gOptFirstEvent) / ( gOptNev / 1000 );
350  std::cerr << 0.1 * irat << " % " << " ( " << (iflux-gOptFirstEvent)
351  << " seen ), ( " << (ievent-gOptFirstEvent) << " / " << gOptNev << " processed ) \r" << std::flush;
352  }
353  } else if( gOptNev >= 100 ) {
354  if( (ievent-gOptFirstEvent) % (gOptNev / 10) == 0 ){
355  int irat = (ievent-gOptFirstEvent) / ( gOptNev / 10 );
356  std::cerr << 10.0 * irat << " % " << " ( " << (iflux-gOptFirstEvent)
357  << " seen ), ( " << (ievent-gOptFirstEvent) << " / " << gOptNev << " processed ) \r" << std::flush;
358  }
359  }
360  }
362  if( tooManyEntries && ((iflux-gOptFirstEvent) == gOptNev) ) break;
363  else if( (ievent-gOptFirstEvent) == gOptNev ) break;
365  if( ievent < gOptFirstEvent ){ ievent++; continue; }
367  assert( ievent >= gOptFirstEvent && gOptFirstEvent >= 0 );
369  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pNOTICE)
370  << " *** Generating event............ " << (ievent-gOptFirstEvent);
372  EventRecord * event = new EventRecord;
373  event->SetWeight(1.0);
374  event->SetProbability( CoMLifetime );
375  event->SetXSec( iflux ); // will be overridden, use as handy container
376  evWeight = 1.0;
378  if( !gOptIsMonoEnFlux ){
379  fluxCreator->ProcessEventRecord( event );
381  // fluxCreator->ProcessEventRecord now tells us how many entries there are
382  maxFluxEntries = fluxCreator->GetNFluxEntries();
383  if( gOptNev > maxFluxEntries - gOptFirstEvent ){
384  LOG( "gevgen_hnl", pWARN )
385  << "You have asked for " << gOptNev << " events, but only provided "
386  << maxFluxEntries - gOptFirstEvent << " flux entries. Truncating events to " << maxFluxEntries - gOptFirstEvent << ".";
387  gOptNev = maxFluxEntries - gOptFirstEvent;
388  tooManyEntries = true;
389  }
390  if( iflux >= maxFluxEntries - 1 ){
391  LOG( "gevgen_hnl", pWARN )
392  << "Reached end of flux input (iflux = " << iflux << "), about to stop.";
393  break;
394  }
396  FluxContainer retGnmf = fluxCreator->RetrieveFluxInfo();
397  FillFlux( gnmf, retGnmf );
399  // check to see if this was nonsense
400  if( ! event->Particle(0) ){ iflux++; delete event; continue; }
402  gOptEnergyHNL = event->Particle(0)->GetP4()->E();
403  iflux++;
404  } else { // monoenergetic HNL. Add it with energy and momentum pointing on z axis
406  assert( gOptEnergyHNL > gOptMassHNL );
407  double HNLP = std::sqrt( gOptEnergyHNL*gOptEnergyHNL - gOptMassHNL*gOptMassHNL );
408  TLorentzVector probeP4( 0.0, 0.0, HNLP, gOptEnergyHNL );
409  TLorentzVector v4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
410  GHepParticle ptHNL( kPdgHNL, kIStInitialState, -1, -1, -1, -1, probeP4, v4 );
411  event->AddParticle( ptHNL );
413  }
414  assert( gOptEnergyHNL > gOptMassHNL );
416  int hpdg = genie::kPdgHNL;
417  int typeMod = 1;
418  if( gOptIsMajorana ) typeMod = ( rnd->RndGen().Uniform( 0.0, 1.0 ) >= 0.5 ) ? -1 : 1;
419  else if( event->Particle(0)->Pdg() > 0 ) typeMod = 1;
420  else if( event->Particle(0)->Pdg() < 0 ) typeMod = -1;
422  // int target = SelectInitState();
423  int decay = (int) gOptDecayMode;
425  assert( gOptECoupling >= 0.0 && gOptMCoupling >= 0.0 && gOptTCoupling >= 0.0 );
427  // RETHERE assuming all these HNL have K+- parent. This is wrong
428  // (but not very wrong for interesting masses)
429  SimpleHNL sh( "HNL", ievent, hpdg, genie::kPdgKP,
432  const std::map< HNLDecayMode_t, double > gammaMap = sh.GetValidChannels();
435  if( gOptDecayMode == kHNLDcyNull ){ // select from available modes
436  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pNOTICE)
437  << "No decay mode specified - sampling from all available modes.";
439  std::vector< HNLDecayMode_t > * intChannels = &gOptIntChannels;
441  decay = SelectDecayMode( intChannels, sh );
442  }
444  Interaction * interaction = Interaction::HNL(typeMod * genie::kPdgHNL, gOptEnergyHNL, decay);
446  if( event->Particle(0) ){ // we have an HNL with definite momentum, so let's set it now
447  interaction->InitStatePtr()->SetProbeP4( *(event->Particle(0)->P4()) );
448  interaction->InitStatePtr()->SetProbePdg( event->Particle(0)->Pdg() );
449  LOG( "gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG )
450  << "\nsetting probe p4 = " << utils::print::P4AsString( event->Particle(0)->P4() );
451  }
453  event->AttachSummary(interaction);
455  // Simulate decay
456  hnlgen->ProcessEventRecord(event);
458  // add the FS 4-momenta to special branches
459  // Quite inelegant. Gets the job done, though
460  NTP_FS0_PDG = (event->Particle(1))->Pdg();
461  NTP_FS0_E = ((event->Particle(1))->P4())->E();
462  NTP_FS0_PX = ((event->Particle(1))->P4())->Px();
463  NTP_FS0_PY = ((event->Particle(1))->P4())->Py();
464  NTP_FS0_PZ = ((event->Particle(1))->P4())->Pz();
465  NTP_FS1_PDG = (event->Particle(2))->Pdg();
466  NTP_FS1_E = ((event->Particle(2))->P4())->E();
467  NTP_FS1_PX = ((event->Particle(2))->P4())->Px();
468  NTP_FS1_PY = ((event->Particle(2))->P4())->Py();
469  NTP_FS1_PZ = ((event->Particle(2))->P4())->Pz();
470  if( event->Particle(3) ){
471  NTP_FS2_PDG = (event->Particle(3))->Pdg();
472  NTP_FS2_E = ((event->Particle(3))->P4())->E();
473  NTP_FS2_PX = ((event->Particle(3))->P4())->Px();
474  NTP_FS2_PY = ((event->Particle(3))->P4())->Py();
475  NTP_FS2_PZ = ((event->Particle(3))->P4())->Pz();
476  }
477  else{
478  NTP_FS2_PDG = 0;
479  NTP_FS2_E = 0.0;
480  NTP_FS2_PX = 0.0;
481  NTP_FS2_PY = 0.0;
482  NTP_FS2_PZ = 0.0;
483  }
485  // Generate (or read) a position for the decay vertex
486  // also currently handles the geometrical weight
487  TLorentzVector x4mm;
488  if( gOptUsingRootGeom ){
489  TLorentzVector * p4HNL = event->Particle(0)->GetP4();
490  NTP_IS_E = p4HNL->E(); NTP_IS_PX = p4HNL->Px(); NTP_IS_PY = p4HNL->Py(); NTP_IS_PZ = p4HNL->Pz();
491  vtxGen->ProcessEventRecord( event );
492  x4mm = *(event->Vertex());
493  } else {
494  x4mm = GeneratePosition( event );
495  }
497  // update weight to scale for couplings, inhibited decays
498  // acceptance is already handled in FluxCreator
499  // geometry handled in VertexGenerator
500  evWeight = event->Weight();
502  evWeight *= 1.0 / decayMod;
503  event->SetWeight( evWeight / 1.0e+20 ); // in units of 1e+20 POT
505  // store the decayMod in the second daughter's polarisation
506  event->Particle(2)->SetPolarization( 1.0, decayMod );
508  // why does InitState show the wrong p4 here?
509  interaction->InitStatePtr()->SetProbeP4( *(event->Particle(0)->P4()) );
511  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG) << "Weight = " << evWeight;
513  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pINFO)
514  << "Generated event: " << *event;
516  // Add event at the output ntuple, refresh the mc job monitor & clean-up
517  ntpw.AddEventRecord(ievent, event);
518  mcjmonitor.Update(ievent,event);
520  delete event;
522  ievent++;
523  } // event loop
525  // Save the generated event tree & close the output file
526  ntpw.Save();
528  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pNOTICE) << "Done!";
530  return 0;
531 }
532 //_________________________________________________________________________________________
533 //............................................................................
534 #ifdef __CAN_USE_ROOT_GEOM__
535 void InitBoundingBox(void)
536 {
537 // Initialise geometry bounding box, used for generating HNL vertex positions
539  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pINFO)
540  << "Initialising geometry bounding box.";
542  fdx = 0; // half-length - x
543  fdy = 0; // half-length - y
544  fdz = 0; // half-length - z
545  fox = 0; // origin - x
546  foy = 0; // origin - y
547  foz = 0; // origin - z
549  if(!gOptUsingRootGeom){ // make a unit-m sided box
550  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pINFO)
551  << "No geometry file input detected, making a unit-m side box volume.";
553  TGeoManager * geom = new TGeoManager( "box1", "A simple box detector" );
555  //--- define some materials
556  TGeoMaterial *matVacuum = new TGeoMaterial("Vacuum", 0,0,0);
557  TGeoMaterial *matAl = new TGeoMaterial("Al", 26.98,13,2.7);
558  //--- define some media
559  TGeoMedium *Vacuum = new TGeoMedium("Vacuum",1, matVacuum);
560  TGeoMedium *Al = new TGeoMedium("Root Material",2, matAl);
562  //--- make the top container volume
563  //const double boxSideX = 2.5, boxSideY = 2.5, boxSideZ = 2.5; // m
564  //const double bigBoxSide = 2.0 * std::max( boxSideX, std::max( boxSideY, boxSideZ ) ); // m
565  //const double worldLen = 1.01 * bigBoxSide; // m
567  TGeoVolume * topvol = geom->MakeBox( "TOP", Vacuum, 101.0, 101.0, 101.0 );
568  geom->SetTopVolume( topvol );
570  //--- make the detector box container
571  TGeoVolume * boxvol = geom->MakeBox( "VOL", Vacuum, 100.5, 100.5, 100.5 );
572  boxvol->SetVisibility(kFALSE);
574  //--- origin is at centre of the box
575  TGeoVolume * box = geom->MakeBox( "BOX", Al, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 );
576  //TGeoTranslation * tr0 = new TGeoTranslation( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
577  TGeoRotation * rot0 = new TGeoRotation( "rot0", 90.0, 0.0, 90.0, 90.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
579  //--- add directly to top volume
580  topvol->AddNode( box, 1, rot0 );
582  gOptRootGeoManager = geom;
584  return;
585  }
587  bool geom_is_accessible = ! (gSystem->AccessPathName(gOptRootGeom.c_str()));
588  if (!geom_is_accessible) {
589  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pFATAL)
590  << "The specified ROOT geometry doesn't exist! Initialization failed!";
591  exit(1);
592  }
594  if( !gOptRootGeoManager ) gOptRootGeoManager = TGeoManager::Import(gOptRootGeom.c_str());
596  TGeoVolume * top_volume = gOptRootGeoManager->GetTopVolume();
597  assert( top_volume );
598  TGeoShape * ts = top_volume->GetShape();
600  TGeoBBox * box = (TGeoBBox *)ts;
602  //get box origin and dimensions (in the same units as the geometry)
603  fdx = box->GetDX();
604  fdy = box->GetDY();
605  fdz = box->GetDZ();
606  fox = (box->GetOrigin())[0];
607  foy = (box->GetOrigin())[1];
608  foz = (box->GetOrigin())[2];
610  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG)
611  << "Before conversion the bounding box has:"
612  << "\nOrigin = ( " << fox << " , " << foy << " , " << foz << " )"
613  << "\nDimensions = " << fdx << " x " << fdy << " x " << fdz
614  << "\n1cm = 1.0 unit";
616  // Convert from local to SI units
617  fdx *= gOptGeomLUnits;
618  fdy *= gOptGeomLUnits;
619  fdz *= gOptGeomLUnits;
620  fox *= gOptGeomLUnits;
621  foy *= gOptGeomLUnits;
622  foz *= gOptGeomLUnits;
624  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pINFO)
625  << "Initialised bounding box successfully.";
627 }
628 #endif // #ifdef __CAN_USE_ROOT_GEOM__
629 //............................................................................
630 //_________________________________________________________________________________________
631 //............................................................................
633 void FillFluxNonsense( FluxContainer &ggn )
634 {
635  ggn.evtno = -9999;
637  ggn.pdg = -9999;
638  ggn.parPdg = -9999;
639  ggn.lepPdg = -9999;
640  ggn.nuPdg = -9999;
642  ggn.prodChan = -9999;
643  ggn.nuProdChan = -9999;
645  ggn.startPoint.SetXYZ(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
646  ggn.targetPoint.SetXYZ(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
647  ggn.startPointUser.SetXYZ(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
648  ggn.targetPointUser.SetXYZ(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
649  ggn.delay = -9999.9;
651  ggn.polz.SetXYZ(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
653  ggn.p4.SetPxPyPzE(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
654  ggn.parp4.SetPxPyPzE(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
655  ggn.p4User.SetPxPyPzE(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
656  ggn.parp4User.SetPxPyPzE(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
658  ggn.Ecm = -9999.9;
659  ggn.nuEcm = -9999.9;
660  ggn.XYWgt = -9999.9;
661  ggn.boostCorr = -9999.9;
662  ggn.accCorr = -9999.9;
663  ggn.zetaMinus = -9999.9;
664  ggn.zetaPlus = -9999.9;
665  ggn.acceptance = -9999.9;
667  ggn.nimpwt = -9999.9;
669  return;
670 }
671 //_________________________________________________________________________________________
672 void FillFlux( FluxContainer &ggn, FluxContainer &tgn )
673 {
674  ggn.evtno = tgn.evtno;
676  ggn.pdg = tgn.pdg;
677  ggn.parPdg = tgn.parPdg;
678  ggn.lepPdg = tgn.lepPdg;
679  ggn.nuPdg = tgn.nuPdg;
681  ggn.prodChan = tgn.prodChan;
682  ggn.nuProdChan = tgn.nuProdChan;
684  ggn.startPoint = tgn.startPoint;
685  ggn.targetPoint = tgn.targetPoint;
686  ggn.startPointUser = tgn.startPointUser;
688  ggn.delay = tgn.delay;
690  ggn.polz = tgn.polz;
692  ggn.p4 = tgn.p4;
693  ggn.parp4 = tgn.parp4;
694  ggn.p4User = tgn.p4User;
695  ggn.parp4User = tgn.parp4User;
697  ggn.Ecm = tgn.Ecm;
698  ggn.nuEcm = tgn.nuEcm;
699  ggn.XYWgt = tgn.XYWgt;
700  ggn.boostCorr = tgn.boostCorr;
701  ggn.accCorr = tgn.accCorr;
702  ggn.zetaMinus = tgn.zetaMinus;
703  ggn.zetaPlus = tgn.zetaPlus;
704  ggn.acceptance = tgn.acceptance;
706  ggn.nimpwt = tgn.nimpwt;
707 }
708 //............................................................................
709 #endif // #ifdef __CAN_GENERATE_EVENTS_USING_A_FLUX__
710 //_________________________________________________________________________________________
711 TLorentzVector GeneratePosition( GHepRecord * event )
712 {
713  __attribute__((unused)) RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
714  TRandom3 & rnd_geo = rnd->RndGeom();
716  double rndx = 2 * (rnd_geo.Rndm() - 0.5); // [-1,1]
717  double rndy = 2 * (rnd_geo.Rndm() - 0.5); // [-1,1]
718  double rndz = 2 * (rnd_geo.Rndm() - 0.5); // [-1,1]
720  double t_gen = 0;
721  double x_gen = fox + rndx * fdx;
722  double y_gen = foy + rndy * fdy;
723  double z_gen = foz + rndz * fdz;
725  TLorentzVector pos(x_gen, y_gen, z_gen, t_gen);
726  return pos;
727 }
728 //_________________________________________________________________________________________
730 {
731  //string sname = "genie::EventGenerator";
732  //string sconfig = "BeamHNL";
733  AlgFactory * algf = AlgFactory::Instance();
735  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pINFO)
736  << "Instantiating HNL generator.";
738  const Algorithm * algmcgen = algf->GetAlgorithm(kDefOptSName, kDefOptSConfig);
739  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG)
740  << "Got algorithm " << kDefOptSName.c_str() << "/" << kDefOptSConfig.c_str();;
742  const EventRecordVisitorI * mcgen =
743  dynamic_cast< const EventRecordVisitorI * >( algmcgen );
744  if(!mcgen) {
745  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pFATAL) << "Couldn't instantiate the HNL generator";
746  gAbortingInErr = true;
747  exit(1);
748  }
750  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pINFO)
751  << "HNL generator instantiated successfully.";
753  return mcgen;
754 }
755 //_________________________________________________________________________________________
756 int SelectDecayMode( std::vector< HNLDecayMode_t > * intChannels, SimpleHNL sh )
757 {
758  const std::map< HNLDecayMode_t, double > gammaMap = sh.GetValidChannels();
760  // set CoM lifetime now if unset
761  if( CoMLifetime < 0.0 ){
763  }
765  std::vector< HNLDecayMode_t > intAndValidChannels;
766  for( std::vector< HNLDecayMode_t >::iterator it = intChannels->begin(); it != intChannels->end(); ++it ){
767  HNLDecayMode_t mode = *it;
769  //check if this is a valid mode
770  if( !utils::hnl::IsKinematicallyAllowed( mode, gOptMassHNL ) ) continue;
772  intAndValidChannels.emplace_back( mode );
773  auto mapG = gammaMap.find( mode );
774  double theGamma = mapG->second;
775  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG)
776  << "For mode " << utils::hnl::AsString( mode ) << " gamma = " << theGamma;
777  }
779  if( intAndValidChannels.size() == 0 ){ // all the modes picked by user are too heavy. Abort.
780  LOG( "gevgen_hnl", pFATAL )
781  << "None of the channels specified as interesting are kinematically allowed. Please either increase the HNL mass or change interesting channels in config.";
782  exit(1);
783  }
785  std::map< HNLDecayMode_t, double > intMap =
786  selector::SetInterestingChannels( intAndValidChannels, gammaMap );
788  sh.SetInterestingChannels( intMap );
790  // update fraction of total decay width that is not in inhibited channels
791  double gammaAll = 0.0, gammaInt = 0.0;
792  for( std::map< HNLDecayMode_t, double >::const_iterator itall = gammaMap.begin() ;
793  itall != gammaMap.end() ; ++itall ){
794  gammaAll += (*itall).second;
795  }
796  for( std::map< HNLDecayMode_t, double >::iterator itint = intMap.begin() ;
797  itint != intMap.end() ; ++itint ){
798  gammaInt += (*itint).second;
799  }
800  assert( gammaInt > 0.0 && gammaAll >= gammaInt );
801  decayMod = gammaInt / gammaAll;
803  // get probability that channels in intAndValidChannels will be selected
804  std::map< HNLDecayMode_t, double > PMap =
805  selector::GetProbabilities( intMap );
807  // now do a random throw
808  RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
809  double ranThrow = rnd->RndGen().Uniform( 0., 1. ); // HNL's fate is sealed.
811  HNLDecayMode_t selectedDecayChan =
812  selector::SelectChannelInclusive( PMap, ranThrow );
814  int decay = ( int ) selectedDecayChan;
815  return decay;
816 }
817 //_________________________________________________________________________________________
818 void GetCommandLineArgs(int argc, char ** argv)
819 {
820  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pINFO) << "Parsing command line arguments";
822  // Parse run options for this app
824  CmdLnArgParser parser(argc,argv);
826  // force the app to look at HNL tune by default
827  // if user passes --tune argument, look at the user input tune instead
828  char * expargv[ argc + 2 ];
829  bool didFindUserInputTune = false;
830  std::string stExtraTuneBit = kDefOptSTune;
832  if( parser.OptionExists("tune") ){
833  didFindUserInputTune = true;
834  stExtraTuneBit = parser.ArgAsString("tune");
835  LOG( "gevgen_hnl", pWARN )
836  << "Using input HNL tune " << parser.ArgAsString("tune");
837  } else {
838  LOG( "gevgen_hnl", pWARN )
839  << "Using default HNL tune " << kDefOptSTune;
840  }
841  // append this to argv
842  for( int iArg = 0; iArg < argc; iArg++ ){
843  expargv[iArg] = argv[iArg];
844  }
845  if( !didFindUserInputTune ){
846  char * chBit = const_cast< char * >( stExtraTuneBit.c_str() ); // ugh. Ugly.
847  std::string stune("--tune"); char * tBit = const_cast< char * >( stune.c_str() );
848  expargv[argc] = tBit;
849  expargv[argc+1] = chBit;
850  }
852  // Common run options.
853  int expargc = ( didFindUserInputTune ) ? argc : argc+2;
854  std::string stnull(""); char * nBit = const_cast< char * >( stnull.c_str() );
855  expargv[expargc] = nBit;
857  RunOpt::Instance()->ReadFromCommandLine(expargc,expargv);
859  // help?
860  bool help = parser.OptionExists('h');
861  if(help) {
862  PrintSyntax();
863  exit(0);
864  }
866  // run number
867  if( parser.OptionExists('r') ) {
868  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG) << "Reading MC run number";
869  gOptRunNu = parser.ArgAsLong('r');
870  } else {
871  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG) << "Unspecified run number - Using default";
872  gOptRunNu = 1000;
873  } //-r
875  // number of events
876  if( parser.OptionExists('n') ) {
877  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG)
878  << "Reading number of events to generate";
879  gOptNev = parser.ArgAsInt('n');
880  } else {
881  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pFATAL)
882  << "You need to specify the number of events";
883  PrintSyntax();
884  exit(0);
885  } //-n
887  // get HNL mass
888  const Algorithm * algHNLGen = AlgFactory::Instance()->GetAlgorithm("genie::hnl::Decayer", "Default");
889  const Decayer * hnlgen = dynamic_cast< const Decayer * >( algHNLGen );
890  gOptMassHNL = hnlgen->GetHNLMass();
892  bool isMonoEnergeticFlux = true;
894  if( parser.OptionExists('f') ) {
895  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG)
896  << "A flux has been offered. Searching this path: " << parser.ArgAsString('f');
897  isMonoEnergeticFlux = false;
898  gOptFluxFilePath = parser.ArgAsString('f');
900  // check if this is valid path (assume these are dk2nu files)
901  if( gSystem->OpenDirectory( gOptFluxFilePath.c_str() ) != NULL ){
902  gOptIsUsingDk2nu = true;
903  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG)
904  << "dk2nu flux files detected. Will create flux spectrum dynamically.";
905  } else {
906  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pFATAL)
907  << "Invalid flux file path " << gOptFluxFilePath;
908  exit(1);
909  }
910  } else {
911  // we need the 'E' option! Log it and pass below
912  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pINFO)
913  << "No flux file offered. Assuming monoenergetic flux.";
914  } //-f
915 #endif // #ifdef __CAN_GENERATE_EVENTS_USING_A_FLUX__
917  // HNL energy (only relevant if we do not have an input flux)
918  gOptEnergyHNL = -1;
919  if( isMonoEnergeticFlux ){
920  if( parser.OptionExists('E') ) {
921  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG)
922  << "Reading HNL energy";
923  gOptEnergyHNL = parser.ArgAsDouble('E');
924  } else {
925  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pFATAL)
926  << "You need to specify the HNL energy";
927  PrintSyntax();
928  exit(0);
929  } //-E
930  assert(gOptEnergyHNL > gOptMassHNL);
931  }
933  gOptIsMonoEnFlux = isMonoEnergeticFlux;
935  // first flux entry to read
936  if( parser.OptionExists("firstEvent") ) {
937  gOptFirstEvent = parser.ArgAsInt("firstEvent");
938  LOG( "gevgen_hnl", pINFO )
939  << "Starting flux readin at first event = " << gOptFirstEvent;
940  } // --firstEvent
942  // HNL decay mode
943  int mode = -1;
944  if( parser.OptionExists('m') ) {
945  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG)
946  << "Reading HNL decay mode";
947  mode = parser.ArgAsInt('m');
948  } else {
949  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pINFO)
950  << "No decay mode specified - will sample from allowed decay modes";
951  } //-m
952  gOptDecayMode = (HNLDecayMode_t) mode;
955  if(!allowed) {
956  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pFATAL)
957  << "Specified decay is not allowed kinematically for the given HNL mass";
958  PrintSyntax();
959  exit(0);
960  }
962  //
963  // geometry
964  //
966  string geom = "";
967  string lunits;
968 #ifdef __CAN_USE_ROOT_GEOM__
969  // string dunits;
970  if( parser.OptionExists('g') ) {
971  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG) << "Getting input geometry";
972  geom = parser.ArgAsString('g');
974  // is it a ROOT file that contains a ROOT geometry?
975  bool accessible_geom_file =
976  ! (gSystem->AccessPathName(geom.c_str()));
977  if (accessible_geom_file) {
978  gOptRootGeom = geom;
979  gOptUsingRootGeom = true;
980  } else {
981  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pFATAL)
982  << "Geometry option is not a ROOT file. Please use ROOT geom.";
983  PrintSyntax();
984  exit(1);
985  }
986  } else {
987  // LOG("gevgen_hnl", pFATAL)
988  // << "No geometry option specified - Exiting";
989  // PrintSyntax();
990  // exit(1);
991  } //-g
993  if(gOptUsingRootGeom) {
994  // using a ROOT geometry - get requested geometry units
996  // length units:
997  if( parser.OptionExists('L') ) {
998  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG)
999  << "Checking for input geometry length units";
1000  lunits = parser.ArgAsString('L');
1001  } else {
1002  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG) << "Using default geometry length units";
1003  lunits = kDefOptGeomLUnits;
1004  } // -L
1005  // // density units:
1006  // if( parser.OptionExists('D') ) {
1007  // LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG)
1008  // << "Checking for input geometry density units";
1009  // dunits = parser.ArgAsString('D');
1010  // } else {
1011  // LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG) << "Using default geometry density units";
1012  // dunits = kDefOptGeomDUnits;
1013  // } // -D
1015  // gOptGeomDUnits = utils::units::UnitFromString(dunits);
1017  } // using root geom?
1018 #endif // #ifdef __CAN_USE_ROOT_GEOM__
1020  // event file prefix
1021  if( parser.OptionExists('o') ) {
1022  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG) << "Reading the event filename prefix";
1023  gOptEvFilePrefix = parser.ArgAsString('o');
1024  } else {
1025  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pDEBUG)
1026  << "Will set the default event filename prefix";
1028  } //-o
1030  // random number seed
1031  if( parser.OptionExists("seed") ) {
1032  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pINFO) << "Reading random number seed";
1033  gOptRanSeed = parser.ArgAsLong("seed");
1034  } else {
1035  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pINFO) << "Unspecified random number seed - Using default";
1036  gOptRanSeed = -1;
1037  }
1039  //
1040  // >>> print the command line options
1041  //
1043  ostringstream gminfo;
1044  if (gOptUsingRootGeom) {
1045  gminfo << "Using ROOT geometry - file: " << gOptRootGeom
1046  << ", top volume: "
1047  << ((gOptRootGeomTopVol.size()==0) ? "<master volume>" : gOptRootGeomTopVol)
1048  << ", length units: " << lunits;
1049  // << ", density units: " << dunits;
1050  }
1052  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pNOTICE)
1053  << "\n\n"
1054  << utils::print::PrintFramedMesg("gevgen_hnl job configuration");
1056  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pNOTICE)
1057  << "\n @@ Run number : " << gOptRunNu
1058  << "\n @@ Random seed : " << gOptRanSeed
1059  << "\n @@ HNL mass : " << gOptMassHNL << " GeV"
1060  << "\n @@ Decay channel : " << utils::hnl::AsString(gOptDecayMode)
1061  << "\n @@ Geometry : " << gminfo.str()
1062  << "\n @@ Statistics : " << gOptNev << " events";
1063 }
1064 //_________________________________________________________________________________________
1065 void PrintSyntax(void)
1066 {
1067  LOG("gevgen_hnl", pFATAL)
1068  << "\n **Syntax**"
1069  << "\n gevgen_hnl [-h] "
1070  << "\n [-r run#]"
1071  << "\n -n n_of_events"
1072  << "\n -f path/to/flux/files"
1073  << "\n [-E hnl_energy]"
1074  << "\n [--firstEvent first_event_for_dk2nu_readin]"
1075  << "\n [-m decay_mode]"
1076  << "\n [-g geometry (ROOT file)]"
1077  << "\n [-L length_units_at_geom]"
1078  << "\n [-o output_event_file_prefix]"
1079  << "\n [--seed random_number_seed]"
1080  << "\n [--message-thresholds xml_file]"
1081  << "\n [--event-record-print-level level]"
1082  << "\n [--mc-job-status-refresh-rate rate]"
1083  << "\n"
1084  << " Please also read the detailed documentation at"
1085  << " or look at the source code: $GENIE/src/Apps/gBeamHNLEvGen.cxx"
1086  << "\n";
1087 }
1088 //_________________________________________________________________________________________
TLorentzVector parp4
parent momentum at HNL production in NEAR coords [GeV/c]
bool IsHNLMajorana() const
Definition: HNLDecayer.cxx:722
void RandGen(long int seed)
Definition: AppInit.cxx:30
static void SetPrintLevel(int print_level)
Definition: GHepRecord.cxx:956
double NTP_IS_PX
HNLDecayMode_t gOptDecayMode
double CoMLifetime
TLorentzVector GeneratePosition(GHepRecord *event)
string kDefOptSTune
virtual void SetWeight(double wght)
Definition: GHepRecord.h:130
double Ecm
Parent rest-frame energy of HNL [GeV].
Heavy Neutral Lepton final-state product generator.
Definition: HNLDecayer.h:41
double zetaMinus
minimum angular deviation from parent momentum to reach detector [deg]
Heavy Neutral Lepton decay vertex generator given production vertex and momentum ***.
double NTP_FS1_PX
string gOptEvFilePrefix
Definition: gAtmoEvGen.cxx:310
void SetProbeP4(const TLorentzVector &P4)
double nuEcm
Parent rest-frame energy of equivalent SM neutrino [GeV].
double delay
delay HNL would have wrt SMv [ns]
static RandomGen * Instance()
Access instance.
Definition: RandomGen.cxx:71
void ProcessEventRecord(GHepRecord *event_rec) const
string AsString(genie::hnl::HNLDecayMode_t hnldm)
Defines the EventRecordVisitorI interface. Concrete implementations of this interface use the &#39;Visito...
double gOptECoupling
double decayMod
void ReadFromCommandLine(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: RunOpt.cxx:99
TVector3 startPoint
parent decay vertex in NEAR coords [m]
double foy
#define pFATAL
Definition: Messenger.h:56
int lepPdg
PDG code of lepton produced with HNL on parent decay.
TVector3 polz
HNL polarisation vector, in HNL rest frame, in NEAR coords.
int parPdg
parent PDG code
HNL object.
Definition: SimpleHNL.h:36
A GENIE flux container specific for HNL containers. Based on the dk2nu flux paradigm and genie::flux:...
string P4AsString(const TLorentzVector *p)
Definition: PrintUtils.cxx:27
void Update(int iev, const EventRecord *event)
Definition: GMCJMonitor.cxx:48
double zetaPlus
maximum angular deviation from parent momentum to reach detector [deg]
Algorithm abstract base class.
Definition: Algorithm.h:54
double GetCoMLifetime()
Definition: SimpleHNL.h:96
TVector3 startPointUser
parent decay vertex in USER coords [m]
A singleton holding random number generator classes. All random number generation in GENIE should tak...
Definition: RandomGen.h:29
TLorentzVector parp4User
parent momentum at HNL production in USER coords [GeV/c]
double NTP_FS0_PX
bool gOptIsMajorana
double NTP_IS_E
double evWeight
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: gAtmoEvGen.cxx:327
std::map< genie::hnl::HNLDecayMode_t, double > SetInterestingChannels(std::vector< genie::hnl::HNLDecayMode_t > intChannels, std::map< genie::hnl::HNLDecayMode_t, double > gammaMap)
double GetHNLMass() const
Definition: HNLDecayer.cxx:710
void SetRefreshRate(int rate)
Definition: GMCJMonitor.cxx:43
string kDefOptEvFilePrefix
Definition: gAtmoEvGen.cxx:320
Summary information for an interaction.
Definition: Interaction.h:56
string lunits
Simple class to create &amp; update MC job status files and env. vars. This is used to be able to keep tr...
Definition: GMCJMonitor.h:31
double fox
Calculates HNL production kinematics &amp; production vertex. Is a concrete implementation of the FluxRec...
double NTP_IS_PY
const double e
TTree * EventTree(void)
Definition: NtpWriter.h:55
double fdy
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
TLorentzVector p4
HNL momentum in NEAR coords [GeV/c].
TLorentzVector p4User
HNL momentum in USER coords [GeV/c].
string gOptRootGeomTopVol
Definition: gAtmoEvGen.cxx:301
void ProcessEventRecord(GHepRecord *event_rec) const
double NTP_FS2_PY
double gOptEnergyHNL
double GetHNLLifetime() const
Definition: HNLDecayer.cxx:705
string geom
double UnitFromString(string u)
Definition: UnitUtils.cxx:18
double NTP_FS2_PX
int prodChan
Decay mode that produced HNL.
string kDefOptSName
const Algorithm * GetAlgorithm(const AlgId &algid)
Definition: AlgFactory.cxx:75
int gOptNev
Definition: gAtmoEvGen.cxx:305
const int kPdgKP
Definition: PDGCodes.h:172
const int kPdgHNL
Definition: PDGCodes.h:224
std::map< genie::hnl::HNLDecayMode_t, double > GetValidChannels()
Definition: SimpleHNL.h:154
enum genie::hnl::EHNLDecayMode HNLDecayMode_t
map< string, string > gOptFluxShortNames
void Save(void)
get the even tree
Definition: NtpWriter.cxx:225
FluxContainer RetrieveFluxInfo() const
#define pINFO
Definition: Messenger.h:62
void SetInterestingChannels(const std::map< genie::hnl::HNLDecayMode_t, double > gammaMap)
Definition: SimpleHNL.h:276
double NTP_IS_PZ
TRandom3 & RndGeom(void) const
rnd number generator used by geometry drivers
Definition: RandomGen.h:68
double acceptance
full acceptance == XYWgt * boostCorr^2 * accCorr
void AddEventRecord(int ievent, const EventRecord *ev_rec)
save the event tree
Definition: NtpWriter.cxx:57
double NTP_FS0_PY
TVector3 targetPointUser
point in detector HNL is forced towards in USER coords [m]
string gOptRootGeom
Definition: gAtmoEvGen.cxx:300
#define pWARN
Definition: Messenger.h:60
TVector3 targetPoint
point in detector HNL is forced towards in NEAR coords [m]
double nimpwt
Weight of parent.
Long_t gOptRunNu
Definition: gAtmoEvGen.cxx:295
std::string GetHNLInterestingChannels() const
Definition: HNLDecayer.cxx:727
Generated Event Record. It is a GHepRecord object that can accept / be visited by EventRecordVisitorI...
Definition: EventRecord.h:37
double accCorr
acceptance correction (collimation effect. SM v == 1)
void CustomizeFilenamePrefix(string prefix)
Definition: NtpWriter.cxx:133
double gOptTCoupling
void Initialize(void)
add event
Definition: NtpWriter.cxx:83
string kDefOptGeomLUnits
Definition: gAtmoEvGen.cxx:321
string kDefOptFluxFilePath
double NTP_FS2_PZ
static RunOpt * Instance(void)
Definition: RunOpt.cxx:54
static AlgFactory * Instance()
Definition: AlgFactory.cxx:64
A utility class to facilitate creating the GENIE MC Ntuple from the output GENIE GHEP event records...
Definition: NtpWriter.h:39
int nuPdg
PDG code of SM neutrino that would have been produced.
static __attribute__((unused)) double fDecayGammas[]
double XYWgt
geometric acceptance (angular size of detector in parent rest frame)
std::map< genie::hnl::HNLDecayMode_t, double > GetProbabilities(std::map< genie::hnl::HNLDecayMode_t, double > gammaMap)
double NTP_FS2_E
double gOptMCoupling
TRandom3 & RndGen(void) const
rnd number generator for generic usage
Definition: RandomGen.h:80
double NTP_FS0_E
void SetFirstFluxEntry(int iFirst) const
bool gOptIsMonoEnFlux
double NTP_FS1_PY
std::vector< double > GetHNLCouplings() const
Definition: HNLDecayer.cxx:715
double NTP_FS1_E
double fdx
int nuProdChan
Decay mode that would have produced SM neutrino.
string kDefOptSConfig
NtpMCFormat_t kDefOptNtpFormat
Definition: gAtmoEvGen.cxx:319
InitialState * InitStatePtr(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:74
string PrintFramedMesg(string mesg, unsigned int nl=1, const char f='*')
Definition: PrintUtils.cxx:164
int SelectDecayMode(std::vector< HNLDecayMode_t > *intChannels, SimpleHNL sh)
void SetProbePdg(int pdg_code)
void MesgThresholds(string inpfile)
Definition: AppInit.cxx:99
double foz
const EventRecordVisitorI * HNLGenerator(void)
Command line argument parser.
enum genie::ENtpMCFormat NtpMCFormat_t
genie::hnl::HNLDecayMode_t SelectChannelInclusive(std::map< genie::hnl::HNLDecayMode_t, double > Pmap, double ranThrow)
#define pNOTICE
Definition: Messenger.h:61
double boostCorr
boost correction wrt parent rest-frame (ELAB = ECM * boostCorr)
void GetCommandLineArgs(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: gAtmoEvGen.cxx:563
The GENIE Algorithm Factory.
Definition: AlgFactory.h:39
void ProcessEventRecord(GHepRecord *event) const
Definition: HNLDecayer.cxx:54
double NTP_FS1_PZ
string kDefOptGeomDUnits
Definition: gAtmoEvGen.cxx:322
void SetGeomFile(std::string geomfile) const
bool gAbortingInErr
Definition: Messenger.cxx:34
GENIE&#39;s GHEP MC event record.
Definition: GHepRecord.h:45
double gOptGeomLUnits
Definition: gAtmoEvGen.cxx:302
Most commonly used PDG codes. A set of utility functions to handle PDG codes is provided in PDGUtils...
STDHEP-like event record entry that can fit a particle or a nucleus.
Definition: GHepParticle.h:39
double gOptMassHNL
void PrintSyntax(void)
bool IsKinematicallyAllowed(genie::hnl::HNLDecayMode_t hnldm, double Mhnl)
double NTP_FS0_PZ
std::vector< HNLDecayMode_t > gOptIntChannels
void SetInputFluxPath(std::string finpath) const
bool gOptUsingRootGeom
Definition: gAtmoEvGen.cxx:298
double fdz
void SetGeomFile(string geomfile) const
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
static Interaction * HNL(int probe, double E=0, int decayed_mode=-1)
long int gOptRanSeed
Definition: gAtmoEvGen.cxx:312