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genie::hnl::FluxCreator Class Reference

Calculates HNL production kinematics & production vertex. Is a concrete implementation of the FluxRecordVisitorI interface. More...

#include <HNLFluxCreator.h>

Inheritance diagram for genie::hnl::FluxCreator:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for genie::hnl::FluxCreator:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 FluxCreator ()
 FluxCreator (string name)
 FluxCreator (string name, string config)
 ~FluxCreator ()
void ProcessEventRecord (GHepRecord *event_rec) const
void Configure (const Registry &config)
void Configure (string config)
void SetInputFluxPath (std::string finpath) const
void SetGeomFile (string geomfile) const
int GetNFluxEntries () const
void SetFirstFluxEntry (int iFirst) const
FluxContainer RetrieveFluxInfo () const
std::vector< double > GetB2UTranslation () const
std::vector< double > GetB2URotation () const
std::vector< double > GetDetOffset () const
std::vector< double > GetDetRotation () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from genie::hnl::FluxRecordVisitorI
virtual ~FluxRecordVisitorI ()
virtual void SetGeomFile (std::string geomfile) const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from genie::hnl::GeomRecordVisitorI
virtual ~GeomRecordVisitorI ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from genie::EventRecordVisitorI
virtual ~EventRecordVisitorI ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from genie::Algorithm
virtual ~Algorithm ()
virtual void FindConfig (void)
virtual const RegistryGetConfig (void) const
RegistryGetOwnedConfig (void)
virtual const AlgIdId (void) const
 Get algorithm ID. More...
virtual AlgStatus_t GetStatus (void) const
 Get algorithm status. More...
virtual bool AllowReconfig (void) const
virtual AlgCmp_t Compare (const Algorithm *alg) const
 Compare with input algorithm. More...
virtual void SetId (const AlgId &id)
 Set algorithm ID. More...
virtual void SetId (string name, string config)
const AlgorithmSubAlg (const RgKey &registry_key) const
void AdoptConfig (void)
void AdoptSubstructure (void)
virtual void Print (ostream &stream) const
 Print algorithm info. More...

Private Member Functions

void LoadConfig (void)
void SetUsingRootGeom (bool IsUsingRootGeom) const
void ImportBoundingBox (TGeoBBox *box) const
void SetCurrentEntry (int iCurr) const
FluxContainer MakeTupleFluxEntry (int iEntry, std::string finpath) const
void FillNonsense (int iEntry, genie::hnl::FluxContainer &gnmf) const
void OpenFluxInput (std::string finpath) const
void InitialiseTree () const
void InitialiseMeta () const
TLorentzVector HNLEnergy (genie::hnl::HNLProd_t hnldm, TLorentzVector p4par) const
TVector3 PointToRandomPointInBBox () const
void ReadBRs () const
< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t,
double > 
GetProductionProbs (int parPDG) const
void MakeBBox () const
TVector3 ApplyUserRotation (TVector3 vec, bool doBackwards=false) const
TVector3 ApplyUserRotation (TVector3 vec, TVector3 oriVec, std::vector< double > rotVec, bool doBackwards=false) const
double CalculateDetectorAcceptanceSAA (TVector3 detO) const
double CalculateAcceptanceCorrection (TLorentzVector p4par, TLorentzVector p4HNL, double SMECM, double zm, double zp) const
double GetAngDeviation (TLorentzVector p4par, TVector3 detO, bool seekingMax) const
void GetAngDeviation (TLorentzVector p4par, TVector3 detO, double &zm, double &zp) const
double CalculateAreaNormalisation ()
std::string CheckGeomPoint (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const

Static Private Member Functions

static double labangle (double *x, double *par)

Private Attributes

std::string fCurrPath = ""
bool fPathLoaded = false
int iCurrEntry = 0
int fFirstEntry = 0
int fNEntries = 0
< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t,
double > 
< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t,
double > 
< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t,
double > 
< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t,
double > 
< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t,
double > 
double BR_pi2mu
double BR_pi2e
double BR_K2mu
double BR_K2e
double BR_K3mu
double BR_K3e
double BR_K03mu
double BR_K03e
bool isParentOnAxis = true
TGeoVolume * fTopVol = 0
string fGeomFile = ""
bool fIsUsingRootGeom = false
TChain * ctree = 0
TChain * cmeta = 0
double fMass
std::vector< double > fU4l2s
bool fIsMajorana
double fLx
double fLy
double fLz
double fLxR
double fLyR
double fLzR
std::vector< double > fB2UTranslation
std::vector< double > fB2URotation
std::vector< double > fDetRotation
std::vector< double > fDetOffset
double fCx
double fCy
double fCz
double fAx1
double fAz
double fAx2
double fBx1
double fBz
double fBx2
double fDx
double fDy
double fDz
bool doPol = true
bool fixPol = false
double fLPx
double fLPy
double fLPz
double fLPE
std::vector< double > fFixedPolarisation
int fLepPdg
int fNuPdg
double parentMass
double parentMomentum
double parentEnergy
double fECM
double fSMECM
double fZm
double fZp
int fProdChan
int fNuProdChan
TVector3 fTargetPoint
TVector3 fTargetPointUser
double potnum
 N POT for this SM-v. More...
int decay_ptype
 PDG code of parent. More...
double decay_vx
double decay_vy
double decay_vz
 coordinates of prod vtx [cm] More...
double decay_pdpx
double decay_pdpy
double decay_pdpz
 final parent momentum [GeV] More...
double decay_necm
 SM v CM energy [GeV]. More...
double decay_nimpwt
 Importance weight from beamsim. More...
int arSize
int anArSize
int trArSize
int djob
double ppvx
double ppvy
double ppvz
int decay_norig
int decay_ndecay
int decay_ntype
double decay_ppdxdz
double decay_ppdydz
double decay_pppz
double decay_ppenergy
int decay_ppmedium
double decay_muparpx
double decay_muparpy
double decay_muparpz
double decay_mupare
double nuray_px [maxArray]
double nuray_py [maxArray]
double nuray_pz [maxArray]
double nuray_E [maxArray]
double nuray_wgt [maxArray]
int ancestor_pdg [maxArray]
double ancestor_startx [maxArray]
double ancestor_starty [maxArray]
double ancestor_startz [maxArray]
double ancestor_startt [maxArray]
double ancestor_startpx [maxArray]
double ancestor_startpy [maxArray]
double ancestor_startpz [maxArray]
double ancestor_stoppx [maxArray]
double ancestor_stoppy [maxArray]
double ancestor_stoppz [maxArray]
double ancestor_polx [maxArray]
double ancestor_poly [maxArray]
double ancestor_polz [maxArray]
double ancestor_pprodpx [maxArray]
double ancestor_pprodpy [maxArray]
double ancestor_pprodpz [maxArray]
int ancestor_nucleus [maxArray]
char ancestor_proc [maxArray *maxC]
char ancestor_ivol [maxArray *maxC]
char ancestor_imat [maxArray *maxC]
double tgtexit_tvx
double tgtexit_tvy
double tgtexit_tvz
double tgtexit_tpx
double tgtexit_tpy
double tgtexit_tpz
int tgtexit_tptype
int tgtexit_tgen
double traj_trkx [maxArray]
double traj_trky [maxArray]
double traj_trkz [maxArray]
double traj_trkpx [maxArray]
double traj_trkpy [maxArray]
double traj_trkpz [maxArray]
int job
 beamsim MC job number More...
double pots
 how many pot in this job? More...
int mArSize
char beamsim [maxC]
char physics [maxC]
char physcuts [maxC]
char tgtcfg [maxC]
char horncfg [maxC]
char dkvolcfg [maxC]
double beam0x
double beam0y
double beam0z
double beamhwidth
double beamvwidth
double beamdxdz
double beamdydz
double location_x [maxArray]
double location_y [maxArray]
double location_z [maxArray]
char location_name [maxArray *maxC]
genie::hnl::FluxContainer fGnmf
double POTScaleWeight
std::vector< double > fScales
bool fDoingOldFluxCalc = false
bool fRerollPoints = false
double fRadius
bool fSupplyingBEAM = false
bool fIsConfigLoaded = false
bool fUsingDk2nu = true
string fFinPath
string fProdHist
TH1D * fSpectrum = 0
TH1D * fIntegrals = 0

Static Private Attributes

static const int maxArray = 30
static const int maxC = 100

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from genie::Algorithm
static string BuildParamVectKey (const std::string &comm_name, unsigned int i)
static string BuildParamVectSizeKey (const std::string &comm_name)
static string BuildParamMatKey (const std::string &comm_name, unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
static string BuildParamMatRowSizeKey (const std::string &comm_name)
static string BuildParamMatColSizeKey (const std::string &comm_name)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from genie::hnl::FluxRecordVisitorI
 FluxRecordVisitorI ()
 FluxRecordVisitorI (string name)
 FluxRecordVisitorI (string name, string config)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from genie::hnl::GeomRecordVisitorI
 GeomRecordVisitorI ()
 GeomRecordVisitorI (string name)
 GeomRecordVisitorI (string name, string config)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from genie::EventRecordVisitorI
 EventRecordVisitorI ()
 EventRecordVisitorI (string name)
 EventRecordVisitorI (string name, string config)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from genie::Algorithm
 Algorithm ()
 Algorithm (string name)
 Algorithm (string name, string config)
void Initialize (void)
void DeleteConfig (void)
void DeleteSubstructure (void)
RegistryExtractLocalConfig (const Registry &in) const
RegistryExtractLowerConfig (const Registry &in, const string &alg_key) const
 Split an incoming configuration Registry into a block valid for the sub-algo identified by alg_key. More...
template<class T >
bool GetParam (const RgKey &name, T &p, bool is_top_call=true) const
template<class T >
bool GetParamDef (const RgKey &name, T &p, const T &def) const
template<class T >
int GetParamVect (const std::string &comm_name, std::vector< T > &v, bool is_top_call=true) const
 Handle to load vectors of parameters. More...
int GetParamVectKeys (const std::string &comm_name, std::vector< RgKey > &k, bool is_top_call=true) const
template<class T >
int GetParamMat (const std::string &comm_name, TMatrixT< T > &mat, bool is_top_call=true) const
 Handle to load matrix of parameters. More...
template<class T >
int GetParamMatSym (const std::string &comm_name, TMatrixTSym< T > &mat, bool is_top_call=true) const
int GetParamMatKeys (const std::string &comm_name, std::vector< RgKey > &k, bool is_top_call=true) const
int AddTopRegistry (Registry *rp, bool owns=true)
 add registry with top priority, also update ownership More...
int AddLowRegistry (Registry *rp, bool owns=true)
 add registry with lowest priority, also update ownership More...
int MergeTopRegistry (const Registry &r)
int AddTopRegisties (const vector< Registry * > &rs, bool owns=false)
 Add registries with top priority, also udated Ownerships. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from genie::Algorithm
bool fAllowReconfig
bool fOwnsSubstruc
 true if it owns its substructure (sub-algs,...) More...
AlgId fID
 algorithm name and configuration set More...
vector< Registry * > fConfVect
vector< bool > fOwnerships
 ownership for every registry in fConfVect More...
AlgStatus_t fStatus
 algorithm execution status More...
 local pool for owned sub-algs (taken out of the factory pool) More...

Detailed Description

Calculates HNL production kinematics & production vertex. Is a concrete implementation of the FluxRecordVisitorI interface.

This is a module for GENIE to read in hadron flux ntuples and construct HNL fluxes on the fly.

Core loop: + Open flux entry

John Plows
April 25th, 2022
Copyright (c) 2003-2024, The GENIE Collaboration For the full text of the license visit

Definition at line 94 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FluxCreator::FluxCreator ( )

Definition at line 18 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

18  :
19  FluxRecordVisitorI("genie::hnl::FluxCreator")
20 {
22 }
FluxCreator::FluxCreator ( string  name)

Definition at line 24 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

24  :
26 {
28 }
const char * name
FluxCreator::FluxCreator ( string  name,
string  config 

Definition at line 30 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

30  :
31  FluxRecordVisitorI(name, config)
32 {
34 }
const char * name
FluxCreator::~FluxCreator ( )

Definition at line 36 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

37 {
39 }

Member Function Documentation

TVector3 FluxCreator::ApplyUserRotation ( TVector3  vec,
bool  doBackwards = false 
) const

Definition at line 1959 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References fAx1, fAx2, and fAz.

Referenced by GetAngDeviation(), MakeTupleFluxEntry(), and PointToRandomPointInBBox().

1960 {
1961  double vx = vec.X(), vy = vec.Y(), vz = vec.Z();
1963  double Ax2 = ( doBackwards ) ? -fAx2 : fAx2;
1964  double Az = ( doBackwards ) ? -fAz : fAz;
1965  double Ax1 = ( doBackwards ) ? -fAx1 : fAx1;
1967  // Ax2 first
1968  double x = vx, y = vy, z = vz;
1969  vy = y * std::cos( Ax2 ) - z * std::sin( Ax2 );
1970  vz = y * std::sin( Ax2 ) + z * std::cos( Ax2 );
1971  y = vy; z = vz;
1972  // then Az
1973  vx = x * std::cos( Az ) - y * std::sin( Az );
1974  vy = x * std::sin( Az ) + y * std::cos( Az );
1975  x = vx; y = vy;
1976  // Ax1 last
1977  vy = y * std::cos( Ax1 ) - z * std::sin( Ax1 );
1978  vz = y * std::sin( Ax1 ) + z * std::cos( Ax1 );
1980  TVector3 nvec( vx, vy, vz );
1981  return nvec;
1982 }
TVector3 FluxCreator::ApplyUserRotation ( TVector3  vec,
TVector3  oriVec,
std::vector< double >  rotVec,
bool  doBackwards = false 
) const

Definition at line 1984 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

1985 {
1986  double vx = vec.X(), vy = vec.Y(), vz = vec.Z();
1987  double ox = oriVec.X(), oy = oriVec.Y(), oz = oriVec.Z();
1989  vx -= ox; vy -= oy; vz -= oz; // make this rotation about detector origin
1991  assert( rotVec.size() == 3 ); // want 3 Euler angles, otherwise this is unphysical.
1992  double Ax2 = ( doBackwards ) ? :;
1993  double Az = ( doBackwards ) ? :;
1994  double Ax1 = ( doBackwards ) ? :;
1996  // Ax2 first
1997  double x = vx, y = vy, z = vz;
1998  vy = y * std::cos( Ax2 ) - z * std::sin( Ax2 );
1999  vz = y * std::sin( Ax2 ) + z * std::cos( Ax2 );
2000  y = vy; z = vz;
2001  // then Az
2002  vx = x * std::cos( Az ) - y * std::sin( Az );
2003  vy = x * std::sin( Az ) + y * std::cos( Az );
2004  x = vx; y = vy;
2005  // Ax1 last
2006  vy = y * std::cos( Ax1 ) - z * std::sin( Ax1 );
2007  vz = y * std::sin( Ax1 ) + z * std::cos( Ax1 );
2009  // back to beam frame
2010  vx += ox; vy += oy; vz += oz;
2011  TVector3 nvec( vx, vy, vz );
2012  return nvec;
2013 }
double FluxCreator::CalculateAcceptanceCorrection ( TLorentzVector  p4par,
TLorentzVector  p4HNL,
double  SMECM,
double  zm,
double  zp 
) const

Definition at line 1803 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References e, and labangle().

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

1805 {
1806  /*
1807  * This method calculates HNL acceptance by taking into account the collimation effect
1808  * HNL are massive so Lorentz boost from parent CM ==> lab is more effective
1809  * This means that, given a desired range of lab-frame emission angles, there are
1810  * more rest-frame emission angles that map into this range.
1811  * Find the measure of the rest-frame that maps onto the allowed lab-frame angles
1812  * and return the ratio over the relevant measure for a SM neutrino
1813  */
1815  assert( zm >= 0.0 && zp >= zm );
1816  if( zp == zm ) return 1.0;
1818  double M = p4HNL.M();
1819  if( M < 1.0e-3 ) return 1.0;
1821  TF1 * fHNL = ( TF1* ) gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject( "fHNL" );
1822  if( !fHNL ){ fHNL = new TF1( "fHNL", labangle, 0.0, 180.0, 6 ); }
1823  fHNL->SetParameter( 0, p4par.E() );
1824  fHNL->SetParameter( 1, p4par.Px() );
1825  fHNL->SetParameter( 2, p4par.Py() );
1826  fHNL->SetParameter( 3, p4par.Pz() );
1827  fHNL->SetParameter( 4, p4HNL.P() );
1828  fHNL->SetParameter( 5, p4HNL.E() );
1830  double ymax = fHNL->GetMaximum(), xmax = fHNL->GetMaximumX();
1831  double range1 = 0.0;
1833  if( fHNL->GetMinimum() >= fHNL->GetMaximum() ) return 1.0; // bail on constant function
1835  if( zm < fHNL->GetMinimum() ){ // really good collimation, ignore checks on zm
1836  double z0 = fHNL->GetMinimum();
1837  if( ymax > zp && xmax < 180.0 ){ // >=2 pre-images, add them together
1838  int nPreim = 0;
1840  // RETHERE: Make this more sophisticated! Assumes 2 preimages, 1 before and 1 after max
1841  double xl1 = fHNL->GetX( z0, 0.0, xmax );
1842  double xh1 = fHNL->GetX( zp, 0.0, xmax );
1843  double xl2 = fHNL->GetX( z0, xmax, 180.0 );
1844  double xh2 = fHNL->GetX( zp, xmax, 180.0 );
1846  range1 += std::abs( xl1 - xh1 ) + std::abs( xh2 - xl2 ); nPreim = 2;
1847  } else if( ymax > zp && xmax == 180.0 ){ // 1 pre-image, SMv-like case
1848  double xl = fHNL->GetX( z0 ), xh = fHNL->GetX( zp );
1849  range1 = std::abs( xh - xl );
1851  } else if( ymax <= zp ){ // 1 pre-image but all emissions reach detector
1852  range1 = 180.0;
1854  }
1855  } else { // not so good collimation, enforce checks on zm
1856  if( ymax <= zm ){ // 0 pre-images
1857  return 0.0;
1858  } else if( ymax > zp && xmax < 180.0 ){ // >=2 pre-images, add them together
1859  int nPreim = 0;
1861  // RETHERE: Make this more sophisticated! Assumes 2 preimages, 1 before and 1 after max
1862  double xl1 = fHNL->GetX( zm, 0.0, xmax );
1863  double xh1 = fHNL->GetX( zp, 0.0, xmax );
1864  double xl2 = fHNL->GetX( zm, xmax, 180.0 );
1865  double xh2 = fHNL->GetX( zp, xmax, 180.0 );
1867  range1 += std::abs( xl1 - xh1 ) + std::abs( xh2 - xl2 ); nPreim = 2;
1868  } else if( ymax > zp && xmax == 180.0 ){ // 1 pre-image, SMv-like case
1869  double xl = fHNL->GetX( zm ), xh = fHNL->GetX( zp );
1870  range1 = std::abs( xh - xl );
1872  } else if( zm < ymax && ymax <= zp ){ // 1 pre-image
1873  double xl = fHNL->GetX( zm, 0., xmax ), xh = fHNL->GetX( zm, xmax, 180.0 );
1874  range1 = std::abs( xh - xl );
1875  }
1876  }
1878  TF1 * fSMv = ( TF1* ) gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject( "fSMv" );
1879  if( !fSMv ){
1880  fSMv = new TF1( "fSMv", labangle, 0.0, 180.0, 6 );
1881  }
1882  fSMv->SetParameter( 0, p4par.E() );
1883  fSMv->SetParameter( 1, p4par.Px() );
1884  fSMv->SetParameter( 2, p4par.Py() );
1885  fSMv->SetParameter( 3, p4par.Pz() );
1886  fSMv->SetParameter( 4, SMECM );
1887  fSMv->SetParameter( 5, SMECM );
1888  double range2 = -1.0;
1890  if( fSMv->GetMaximum() == fSMv->GetMinimum() ) return 1.0; // bail
1892  // SMv deviates more from parent than HNL due to masslessness. This means a larger minimum of labangle
1893  // Sometimes the angle is so small, that this calculation fails as there is not SMv preimage to compare
1894  // with. Default to estimating dx/dz * dy/dz ratio in that case.
1896  if( fSMv->GetMinimum() < zp ){
1897  if( fSMv->GetMinimum() < zm ){
1898  range2 = std::abs( fSMv->GetX( zp ) - fSMv->GetX( zm ) );
1899  } else { // due to monotonicity all of [0.0, fSMv->GetX(zp)] is good
1900  range2 = fSMv->GetX( zp );
1901  }
1902  if( range2 < 1.0e-6 || range1 / range2 > 10.0 ) return 1.0; // sometimes this happens, gotta bail!
1903  } else { // can't decide based on SMv analytically.
1904  TVector3 bv = p4par.BoostVector();
1906  TLorentzVector vcx( p4HNL.P(), 0.0, 0.0, p4HNL.E() ),
1907  vcy( 0.0, p4HNL.P(), 0.0, p4HNL.E() ),
1908  vcz( 0.0, 0.0, p4HNL.P(), p4HNL.E() );
1909  vcx.Boost( bv ); vcy.Boost( bv ); vcz.Boost( bv );
1911  TLorentzVector vsx( SMECM, 0.0, 0.0, SMECM ),
1912  vsy( 0.0, SMECM, 0.0, SMECM ),
1913  vsz( 0.0, 0.0, SMECM, SMECM );
1914  vsx.Boost( bv ); vsy.Boost( bv ); vsz.Boost( bv );
1916  double xpart = std::abs( ( vcx.X() / vcz.Z() ) / ( vsx.X() / vsz.Z() ) );
1917  double ypart = std::abs( ( vcy.Y() / vcz.Z() ) / ( vsy.Y() / vsz.Z() ) );
1919  return 1.0 / ( xpart * ypart );
1920  }
1922  assert( range2 > 0.0 );
1924  return range1 / range2;
1926 }
static double labangle(double *x, double *par)
const double e
double FluxCreator::CalculateAreaNormalisation ( )

Definition at line 2023 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References kRDET.

2024 {
2025  // for now this is just a square of length kRDET
2026  // returns 1 / area
2027  return 1.0 / ( kRDET * kRDET );
2028 }
const double kRDET
double FluxCreator::CalculateDetectorAcceptanceSAA ( TVector3  detO) const

Definition at line 2015 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References kRDET, and genie::units::rad.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

2016 {
2017  // sang is solid-angle / 4pi
2018  double rad = std::sqrt( detO.X() * detO.X() + detO.Y() * detO.Y() + detO.Z() * detO.Z() );
2019  double sang = 1.0 - TMath::Cos( TMath::ATan( kRDET / rad ) ); sang *= 0.5;
2020  return sang;
2021 }
static constexpr double rad
Definition: Units.h:164
const double kRDET
std::string FluxCreator::CheckGeomPoint ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z 
) const

Definition at line 2136 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

Referenced by GetAngDeviation(), and PointToRandomPointInBBox().

2137 {
2138  Double_t point[3];
2139  Double_t local[3];
2140  point[0] = x;
2141  point[1] = y;
2142  point[2] = z;
2143  TGeoVolume *vol = gGeoManager->GetTopVolume();
2144  TGeoNode *node = gGeoManager->FindNode(point[0], point[1], point[2]);
2145  gGeoManager->MasterToLocal(point, local);
2146  return gGeoManager->GetPath();
2147 }
void FluxCreator::Configure ( const Registry config)

Configure the algorithm with an external registry The registry is merged with the top level registry if it is owned, Otherwise a copy of it is added with the highest priority

Reimplemented from genie::Algorithm.

Definition at line 2030 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References genie::Algorithm::Configure(), and LoadConfig().

2031 {
2032  Algorithm::Configure(config);
2033  this->LoadConfig();
2034 }
virtual void Configure(const Registry &config)
Definition: Algorithm.cxx:62
void FluxCreator::Configure ( string  config)

Configure the algorithm from the AlgoConfigPool based on param_set string given in input An algorithm contains a vector of registries coming from different xml configuration files, which are loaded according a very precise prioriy This methods will load a number registries in order of priority: 1) "Tunable" parameter set from CommonParametes. This is loaded with the highest prioriry and it is designed to be used for tuning procedure Usage not expected from the user. 2) For every string defined in "CommonParame" the corresponding parameter set will be loaded from CommonParameter.xml 3) parameter set specified by the config string and defined in the xml file of the algorithm 4) if config is not "Default" also the Default parameter set from the same xml file will be loaded Effectively this avoids the repetion of a parameter when it is not changed in the requested configuration

Reimplemented from genie::Algorithm.

Definition at line 2036 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References genie::Algorithm::Configure(), and LoadConfig().

2037 {
2038  Algorithm::Configure(config);
2039  this->LoadConfig();
2040 }
virtual void Configure(const Registry &config)
Definition: Algorithm.cxx:62
void FluxCreator::FillNonsense ( int  iEntry,
genie::hnl::FluxContainer gnmf 
) const

Definition at line 703 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References genie::hnl::FluxContainer::accCorr, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::acceptance, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::boostCorr, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::Ecm, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::evtno, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::lepPdg, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::nimpwt, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::nuEcm, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::nuPdg, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::nuProdChan, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::p4, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::p4User, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::parp4, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::parp4User, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::parPdg, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::pdg, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::polz, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::prodChan, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::startPoint, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::startPointUser, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::targetPoint, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::targetPointUser, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::XYWgt, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::zetaMinus, and genie::hnl::FluxContainer::zetaPlus.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

704 {
705  gnmf.evtno = iEntry;
707  gnmf.pdg = -9999;
708  gnmf.parPdg = -9999;
709  gnmf.lepPdg = -9999;
710  gnmf.nuPdg = -9999;
712  gnmf.prodChan = -9999;
713  gnmf.nuProdChan = -9999;
715  gnmf.startPoint.SetXYZ(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
716  gnmf.targetPoint.SetXYZ(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
717  gnmf.startPointUser.SetXYZ(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
718  gnmf.targetPointUser.SetXYZ(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
720  gnmf.polz.SetXYZ(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
722  gnmf.p4.SetPxPyPzE(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
723  gnmf.parp4.SetPxPyPzE(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
724  gnmf.p4User.SetPxPyPzE(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
725  gnmf.parp4User.SetPxPyPzE(-9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9, -9999.9);
727  gnmf.Ecm = -9999.9;
728  gnmf.nuEcm = -9999.9;
729  gnmf.XYWgt = -9999.9;
730  gnmf.boostCorr = -9999.9;
731  gnmf.accCorr = -9999.9;
732  gnmf.zetaMinus = -9999.9;
733  gnmf.zetaPlus = -9999.9;
734  gnmf.acceptance = -9999.9;
736  gnmf.nimpwt = -9999.9;
738  return;
739 }
TLorentzVector parp4
parent momentum at HNL production in NEAR coords [GeV/c]
double Ecm
Parent rest-frame energy of HNL [GeV].
double zetaMinus
minimum angular deviation from parent momentum to reach detector [deg]
double nuEcm
Parent rest-frame energy of equivalent SM neutrino [GeV].
TVector3 startPoint
parent decay vertex in NEAR coords [m]
int lepPdg
PDG code of lepton produced with HNL on parent decay.
TVector3 polz
HNL polarisation vector, in HNL rest frame, in NEAR coords.
int parPdg
parent PDG code
double zetaPlus
maximum angular deviation from parent momentum to reach detector [deg]
TVector3 startPointUser
parent decay vertex in USER coords [m]
TLorentzVector parp4User
parent momentum at HNL production in USER coords [GeV/c]
TLorentzVector p4
HNL momentum in NEAR coords [GeV/c].
TLorentzVector p4User
HNL momentum in USER coords [GeV/c].
int prodChan
Decay mode that produced HNL.
double acceptance
full acceptance == XYWgt * boostCorr^2 * accCorr
TVector3 targetPointUser
point in detector HNL is forced towards in USER coords [m]
TVector3 targetPoint
point in detector HNL is forced towards in NEAR coords [m]
double nimpwt
Weight of parent.
double accCorr
acceptance correction (collimation effect. SM v == 1)
int nuPdg
PDG code of SM neutrino that would have been produced.
double XYWgt
geometric acceptance (angular size of detector in parent rest frame)
int nuProdChan
Decay mode that would have produced SM neutrino.
double boostCorr
boost correction wrt parent rest-frame (ELAB = ECM * boostCorr)
double FluxCreator::GetAngDeviation ( TLorentzVector  p4par,
TVector3  detO,
bool  seekingMax 
) const

Definition at line 1348 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References fLx, fLy, genie::RandomGen::Instance(), genie::controls::kASmallNum, genie::constants::kPi, LOG, pERROR, and genie::RandomGen::RndGen().

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

1349 {
1350  TVector3 ppar = p4par.Vect(); assert( ppar.Mag() > 0.0 );
1351  TVector3 pparUnit = ppar.Unit();
1352  // let face be planar and perpendicular to vector Q
1353  // assuming Q = ( 0, 0, 1 ) == face perpendicular to z
1354  double Qx = 0.0, Qy = 0.0, Qz = 1.0;
1355  // plane: Qx . (x-xC) + Qy . (y-yC) + Qz . (z-zC) = 0
1356  // line: r(t) - r(D) = t * ppar
1357  // V0 \in plane && line
1358  // ==> Qx * ( x(t) - x(C) ) + Qy * ( y(t) - y(C) ) + Qz * ( z(t) - z(C) ) = 0
1359  // ==> t = ( \vec{Q} \cdot \vec{detO} ) / ( \vec{Q} \cdot \vec{ppar} )
1360  double nterm = Qx * detO.X() + Qy * detO.Y() + Qz * detO.Z();
1361  double dterm = Qx * ppar.X() + Qy * ppar.Y() + Qz * ppar.Z();
1362  double t = nterm / dterm;
1363  double x_incp = t * pparUnit.X(), y_incp = t * pparUnit.Y(), z_incp = t * pparUnit.Z();
1365  // sweep over plane perp to ppar, passing through centre, and calc intersection point
1366  // special case: parent is perfectly on axis so hits detector centre
1367  TVector3 IPdev( detO.X() - x_incp, detO.Y() - y_incp, detO.Z() - z_incp );
1368  bool parentHitsCentre = ( IPdev.Mag() < controls::kASmallNum );
1370  // see assumption about Q
1371  // to fix probably with a rotation of fLx, fLy by Euler angles onto Q-plane?
1372  // line: r(t) - r(incp) = t * IPdev
1373  // assume square face
1374  double ttx = ( IPdev.X() != 0.0 ) ? fLx / std::abs( IPdev.X() ) : 99999.9;
1375  double tty = ( IPdev.Y() != 0.0 ) ? fLy / std::abs( IPdev.Y() ) : 99999.9;
1376  double tt = std::max( ttx, tty ); // this defines how much the least sweep goes
1377  TVector3 atilde( tt * IPdev.X(), tt * IPdev.Y(), tt * IPdev.Z() );
1379  double fLT = IPdev.Mag();
1380  double dist = atilde.Mag();
1382  assert( fLT > 0.0 );
1383  double detRadius = std::max( fLx, fLy ) / 2.0;
1385  if( parentHitsCentre ){
1386  // calculate angles for four points and return largest (smallest) of them
1388  // randomly select a phi to go with, make 2 perpendicular vectors from it
1389  double phi = ( RandomGen::Instance()->RndGen() ).Uniform( 0., 2.0 * constants::kPi );
1390  TVector3 r1VecPrim( -pparUnit.Y(), pparUnit.X(), 0.0 ); // perp to ppar == on plane
1391  TVector3 r1Vec = r1VecPrim.Unit();
1392  r1Vec.Rotate( phi, pparUnit );
1393  TVector3 r2Vec( r1Vec ); r2Vec.Rotate( 0.5 * constants::kPi, pparUnit );
1395  double rprod = r1Vec.X() * r2Vec.X() + r1Vec.Y() * r2Vec.Y() + r1Vec.Z() * r2Vec.Z();
1397  assert( std::abs( rprod ) < controls::kASmallNum );
1399  // four IP with det. All have distance detRadius from centre.
1400  TVector3 p1( detO.X() + detRadius*r1Vec.X(),
1401  detO.Y() + detRadius*r1Vec.Y(),
1402  detO.Z() + detRadius*r1Vec.Z() );
1403  TVector3 p2( detO.X() - detRadius*r1Vec.X(),
1404  detO.Y() - detRadius*r1Vec.Y(),
1405  detO.Z() - detRadius*r1Vec.Z() );
1406  TVector3 p3( detO.X() + detRadius*r2Vec.X(),
1407  detO.Y() + detRadius*r2Vec.Y(),
1408  detO.Z() + detRadius*r2Vec.Z() );
1409  TVector3 p4( detO.X() - detRadius*r2Vec.X(),
1410  detO.Y() - detRadius*r2Vec.Y(),
1411  detO.Z() - detRadius*r2Vec.Z() );
1413  // Return largest(smallest) angle using inner product magic
1414  double thLarge = -999.9; double thSmall = 999.9;
1415  double th1 = TMath::ACos( ( p1.X()*pparUnit.X() + p1.Y()*pparUnit.Y() + p1.Z()*pparUnit.Z() ) / p1.Mag() ); if( th1 > thLarge ){ thLarge = th1; } else if( th1 < thSmall ){ thSmall = th1; }
1416  double th2 = TMath::ACos( ( p2.X()*pparUnit.X() + p2.Y()*pparUnit.Y() + p2.Z()*pparUnit.Z() ) / p2.Mag() ); if( th2 > thLarge ){ thLarge = th2; } else if( th2 < thSmall ){ thSmall = th2; }
1417  double th3 = TMath::ACos( ( p3.X()*pparUnit.X() + p3.Y()*pparUnit.Y() + p3.Z()*pparUnit.Z() ) / p3.Mag() ); if( th3 > thLarge ){ thLarge = th3; } else if( th3 < thSmall ){ thSmall = th3; }
1418  double th4 = TMath::ACos( ( p4.X()*pparUnit.X() + p4.Y()*pparUnit.Y() + p4.Z()*pparUnit.Z() ) / p4.Mag() ); if( th4 > thLarge ){ thLarge = th4; } else if( th4 < thSmall ){ thSmall = th4; }
1420  return ( seekingMax ) ? thLarge * 180.0 / constants::kPi : thSmall * 180.0 / constants::kPi;
1421  } else {
1422  // find direction from IP to det centre.
1423  TVector3 rVec = IPdev.Unit();
1424  // two IP with det. Closer(farther) has distance detRadius -(+) d( IP, detO )
1425  // actually, if IPdev endpoint lies inside detector have to go other way
1426  double dh = fLT + dist, dl = fLT - dist;
1427  // get those vectors and do inner product magic
1428  TVector3 ph( x_incp + dh * rVec.X(), y_incp + dh * rVec.Y(), z_incp + dh * rVec.Z() );
1429  TVector3 pl( x_incp - dl * rVec.X(), y_incp - dl * rVec.Y(), z_incp - dl * rVec.Z() );
1430  double thh = TMath::ACos( ( ph.X()*pparUnit.X() + ph.Y()*pparUnit.Y() + ph.Z()*pparUnit.Z() ) / ph.Mag() );
1431  double thl = TMath::ACos( ( pl.X()*pparUnit.X() + pl.Y()*pparUnit.Y() + pl.Z()*pparUnit.Z() ) / pl.Mag() );
1433  return ( seekingMax ) ? thh * 180.0 / constants::kPi : thl * 180.0 / constants::kPi;
1434  }
1436  LOG( "HNL", pERROR )
1437  << "Could not calculate the angle range for detector at ( " << detO.X() << ", "
1438  << detO.Y() << ", " << detO.Z() << " ) [m] from HNL production point with parent momentum = ( "
1439  << ppar.X() << ", " << ppar.Y() << ", " << ppar.Z() << " ) [GeV]. Returning zero.";
1440  return 0.0;
1441 }
#define pERROR
Definition: Messenger.h:59
static RandomGen * Instance()
Access instance.
Definition: RandomGen.cxx:71
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
static const double kASmallNum
Definition: Controls.h:40
TRandom3 & RndGen(void) const
rnd number generator for generic usage
Definition: RandomGen.h:80
void FluxCreator::GetAngDeviation ( TLorentzVector  p4par,
TVector3  detO,
double &  zm,
double &  zp 
) const

Definition at line 1443 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References ApplyUserRotation(), CheckGeomPoint(), genie::units::cm, fBx1, fBx2, fBz, fCx, fCy, fCz, fDetOffset, fDetRotation, fDx, fDy, fDz, fLx, fLxR, fLy, fLyR, fLz, fLzR, LOG, genie::units::m, pDEBUG, and genie::utils::print::Vec3AsString().

1444 {
1445  // implementation of GetAngDeviation that uses ROOT geometry. More robust than analytical geom
1446  // (fewer assumptions about detector position)
1448  TVector3 ppar = p4par.Vect(); assert( ppar.Mag() > 0.0 );
1449  TVector3 pparUnit = ppar.Unit();
1451  const double sx1 = TMath::Sin(fBx1), cx1 = TMath::Cos(fBx1);
1452  const double sz = TMath::Sin(fBz), cz = TMath::Cos(fBz);
1453  const double sx2 = TMath::Sin(fBx2), cx2 = TMath::Cos(fBx2);
1455  const double xun[3] = { cz, -cx1*sz, sx1*sz };
1456  const double yun[3] = { sz*cx2, cx1*cz*cx2 - sx1*sx2, -sx1*cz*cx2 - cx1*sx2 };
1457  const double zun[3] = { sz*sx2, cx1*cz*sx2 + sx1*cx2, -sx1*cz*sx2 + cx1*cx2 };
1459  LOG("HNL", pDEBUG)
1460  << "\nxun = ( " << xun[0] << ", " << xun[1] << ", " << xun[2] << " )"
1461  << "\nyun = ( " << yun[0] << ", " << yun[1] << ", " << yun[2] << " )"
1462  << "\nzun = ( " << zun[0] << ", " << zun[1] << ", " << zun[2] << " )";
1464  /*
1465  TVector3 detO_cm( (detO.X() + * units::m / units::cm,
1466  (detO.Y() + * units::m / units::cm,
1467  (detO.Z() + * units::m / units::cm );
1468  */
1469  TVector3 detO_cm( (detO.X()) * units::m / units::cm,
1470  (detO.Y()) * units::m / units::cm,
1471  (detO.Z()) * units::m / units::cm );
1472  double inProd = zun[0] * detO_cm.X() + zun[1] * detO_cm.Y() + zun[2] * detO_cm.Z(); // cm
1473  assert( pparUnit.X() * zun[0] + pparUnit.Y() * zun[1] + pparUnit.Z() * zun[2] != 0.0 );
1474  inProd /= ( pparUnit.X() * zun[0] + pparUnit.Y() * zun[1] + pparUnit.Z() * zun[2] );
1476  // using vector formulation, find point of closest approach between parent momentum from
1477  // parent decay point, and detector centre.
1479  TVector3 dumori(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // tgt-hall frame origin is 0
1480  TVector3 detori( ( * units::m / units::cm,
1481  ( * units::m / units::cm,
1482  ( * units::m / units::cm ); // for rotations of the detector
1484  // Do all this in NEAR coords and m to avoid ambiguity.
1486  TVector3 fCvec_near( fCx, fCy, fCz ); // NEAR m
1487  TVector3 fDvec( fDx, fDy, fDz ); // in BEAM coords, m
1488  TVector3 fDvec_beam = this->ApplyUserRotation( fDvec, true ); // in NEAR coords, m
1489  TVector3 detO_near( fCvec_near.X() - fDvec_beam.X(),
1490  fCvec_near.Y() - fDvec_beam.Y(),
1491  fCvec_near.Z() - fDvec_beam.Z() );
1492  TVector3 detO_user = this->ApplyUserRotation( detO_near, dumori, fDetRotation, false ); // tgt-hall --> det
1494  const double aConst[3] = { fDvec_beam.X(), fDvec_beam.Y(), fDvec_beam.Z() };
1495  const double aConstUser[3] = { -detO_user.X(), -detO_user.Y(), -detO_user.Z() };
1496  /*
1497  const double dConst[3] = { fCx +, fCy +, fCz + };
1498  */
1499  const double dConst[3] = { fCx, fCy, fCz };
1500  const double nConst[3] = { pparUnit.X(), pparUnit.Y(), pparUnit.Z() };
1502  // formula for POCA is \vec{a} + \vec{n} * ( (\vec{d} - \vec{a}) \cdot \vec{n} )
1503  const double nMult = nConst[0] * (dConst[0] - aConst[0]) +
1504  nConst[1] * (dConst[1] - aConst[1]) +
1505  nConst[2] * (dConst[2] - aConst[2]);
1507  // don't use the actual POCA, force calculation from that point V0 such that z(V0) = z(C)
1508  // and V0 lies on line joining decay point and POCA
1510  const double POCA_m[3] = { aConst[0] + nMult * nConst[0],
1511  aConst[1] + nMult * nConst[1],
1512  aConst[2] + nMult * nConst[2] }; // NEAR
1513  /*
1514  const double zConstMult = ((fCz + - aConst[2]) / (POCA_m[2] - aConst[2]);
1515  */
1516  const double zConstMult = ((fCz) - aConst[2]) / (POCA_m[2] - aConst[2]);
1517  const double startPoint_m[3] = { aConst[0] + nMult * zConstMult * nConst[0],
1518  aConst[1] + nMult * zConstMult * nConst[1],
1519  aConst[2] + nMult * zConstMult * nConst[2] }; // NEAR
1521  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
1522  << "\ndetO_cm = " << utils::print::Vec3AsString( &detO_cm )
1523  << "\npparUnit = " << utils::print::Vec3AsString( &pparUnit );
1525  const double startPoint[3] = { startPoint_m[0] * units::m / units::cm,
1526  startPoint_m[1] * units::m / units::cm,
1527  startPoint_m[2] * units::m / units::cm }; // NEAR, cm
1529  /*
1530  const double sweepVect[3] = { (fCx + * units::m / units::cm - startPoint[0],
1531  (fCy + * units::m / units::cm - startPoint[1],
1532  (fCz + * units::m / units::cm - startPoint[2] }; // NEAR, cm
1533  */
1534  const double sweepVect[3] = { (fCx) * units::m / units::cm - startPoint[0],
1535  (fCy) * units::m / units::cm - startPoint[1],
1536  (fCz) * units::m / units::cm - startPoint[2] }; // NEAR, cm
1537  const double swvMag = std::sqrt( sweepVect[0]*sweepVect[0] + sweepVect[1]*sweepVect[1] + sweepVect[2]*sweepVect[2] ); assert( swvMag > 0.0 );
1539  // Note the geometry manager works in the *detector frame*. Transform to that.
1540  /*
1541  TVector3 detStartPoint( startPoint[0] - (fCx + * units::m / units::cm,
1542  startPoint[1] - (fCy + * units::m / units::cm,
1543  startPoint[2] - (fCz + * units::m / units::cm );
1544  */
1545  TVector3 detStartPoint( startPoint[0] - (fCx) * units::m / units::cm,
1546  startPoint[1] - (fCy) * units::m / units::cm,
1547  startPoint[2] - (fCz) * units::m / units::cm );
1548  TVector3 detSweepVect( sweepVect[0], sweepVect[1], sweepVect[2] );
1550  TVector3 detPpar = ppar;
1552  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
1553  << "\nStartPoint = " << utils::print::Vec3AsString( &detStartPoint )
1554  << "\nSweepVect = " << utils::print::Vec3AsString( &detSweepVect )
1555  << "\nparent p3 = " << utils::print::Vec3AsString( &detPpar );
1557  detStartPoint = this->ApplyUserRotation( detStartPoint, detori, fDetRotation, false ); // passive transformation
1558  detSweepVect = this->ApplyUserRotation( detSweepVect, dumori, fDetRotation, true );
1559  detPpar = this->ApplyUserRotation( detPpar, dumori, fDetRotation, true );
1561  // first check that detStartPoint is not already in the detector! If it is, we should flag this now.
1562  std::string detPathString = this->CheckGeomPoint( detStartPoint.X(), detStartPoint.Y(), detStartPoint.Z() ); int iDNode = 1; // 1 past beginning
1563  bool startsInsideDet = ( detPathString.find("/", iDNode) != string::npos );
1565  TLorentzVector detPpar_4v( detPpar.X(), detPpar.Y(), detPpar.Z(), p4par.E() );
1567  // now sweep along sweepVect until we hit either side of the detector.
1568  // This will give us two points in space
1570  double minusPoint[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; double plusPoint[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; // USER, cm
1571  if( startsInsideDet ){
1572  minusPoint[0] = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[0];
1573  minusPoint[1] = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[1];
1574  minusPoint[2] = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[2];
1575  }
1577  gGeoManager->SetCurrentPoint( detStartPoint.X(), detStartPoint.Y(), detStartPoint.Z() );
1578  gGeoManager->SetCurrentDirection( detSweepVect.X() / swvMag, detSweepVect.Y() / swvMag, detSweepVect.Z() / swvMag );
1579  const double sStepSize = 0.05 * std::min( std::min( fLx, fLy ), fLz );
1581  // start stepping. Let's do this manually cause FindNextBoundaryAndStep() can be finicky.
1582  // if start inside detector, then only find exit point, otherwise find entry point.
1583  if( startsInsideDet ){ // only find exit
1585  // to avoid large time inefficiencies just go to the edge of the box and step back by 10% of the size
1586  // this is *roughly correct* if not hugely correct
1588  double currx = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[0];
1589  double curry = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[1];
1590  double currz = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[2];
1591  double currDist = std::sqrt( currx*currx + curry*curry + currz*currz ); // cm
1593  double curdx = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection())[0];
1594  double curdy = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection())[1];
1595  double curdz = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection())[2];
1597  double stepMod = 0.99;
1598  double boxSize = std::sqrt( fLxR*fLxR + fLyR*fLyR + fLzR*fLzR )/2.0; // m
1599  double halfBoxSize = boxSize/2.0;
1600  double desiredDist = stepMod * halfBoxSize * units::m / units::cm; // cm
1602  // now we're at distance d on the one side of our detector centre
1603  // we want to get to distance D on the other side of our detector centre
1604  // meaning we should step by d + D
1605  double largeStep = currDist + desiredDist;
1607  gGeoManager->SetCurrentPoint( currx + largeStep * curdx,
1608  curry + largeStep * curdy,
1609  currz + largeStep * curdz );
1611  /* // this is the very correct, very slow way of doing it
1612  while( detPathString.find("/", iDNode) != string::npos ){
1613  gGeoManager->SetCurrentPoint( (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[0] + (gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection())[0] * sStepSize,
1614  (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[1] + (gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection())[1] * sStepSize,
1615  (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[2] + (gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection())[2] * sStepSize );
1616  detPathString = this->CheckGeomPoint( (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[0], (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[1], (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[2] );
1617  }
1618  */
1620  plusPoint[0] = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[0];
1621  plusPoint[1] = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[1];
1622  plusPoint[2] = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[2];
1623  } else { // find entry and exit
1624  // first, entry
1626  // to avoid large time inefficiencies just go to the edge of the box and step back by 10% of the size
1627  // this is *roughly correct* if not hugely correct
1629  // find that point that lies on the line along direction from current point that is 90% of box size from box centre
1630  double currx = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[0];
1631  double curry = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[1];
1632  double currz = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[2];
1633  double currDist = std::sqrt( currx*currx + curry*curry + currz*currz );
1635  double stepMod = 0.99;
1636  double boxSize = std::sqrt( fLxR*fLxR + fLyR*fLyR + fLzR*fLzR )/2.0; // m
1637  double halfBoxSize = boxSize / 2.0;
1638  double desiredDist = stepMod * halfBoxSize * units::m / units::cm;
1640  // we're at some distance D and want to get to distance d, which means we step forward by
1641  // R = D-d = D(1-d/D)
1642  double largeStep = currDist - desiredDist;
1644  double curdx = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection())[0];
1645  double curdy = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection())[1];
1646  double curdz = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection())[2];
1648  gGeoManager->SetCurrentPoint( currx + largeStep * curdx,
1649  curry + largeStep * curdy,
1650  currz + largeStep * curdz );
1652  /* // slow but correct
1653  while( detPathString.find("/", iDNode) == string::npos ){
1654  gGeoManager->SetCurrentPoint( (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[0] + (gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection())[0] * sStepSize,
1655  (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[1] + (gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection())[1] * sStepSize,
1656  (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[2] + (gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection())[2] * sStepSize );
1657  detPathString = this->CheckGeomPoint( (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[0], (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[1], (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[2] );
1658  }
1659  */
1661  minusPoint[0] = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[0];
1662  minusPoint[1] = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[1];
1663  minusPoint[2] = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[2];
1665  // then, exit
1667  // quick and dirty way: reflect about the origin
1669  currx = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[0];
1670  curry = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[1];
1671  currz = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[2];
1672  /*
1673  double cdx = * units::m / units::cm - currx; // cm
1674  double cdy = * units::m / units::cm - curry; // cm
1675  double cdz = * units::m / units::cm - currz; // cm
1677  gGeoManager->SetCurrentPoint( * units::m / units::cm + cdx,
1678 * units::m / units::cm + cdy,
1679 * units::m / units::cm + cdz );
1680  */
1682  gGeoManager->SetCurrentPoint( -currx, -curry, -currz );
1684  /* // slow but correct
1685  while( detPathString.find("/", iDNode) != string::npos ){
1686  gGeoManager->SetCurrentPoint( (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[0] + (gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection())[0] * sStepSize,
1687  (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[1] + (gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection())[1] * sStepSize,
1688  (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[2] + (gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection())[2] * sStepSize );
1689  detPathString = this->CheckGeomPoint( (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[0], (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[1], (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[2] );
1690  }
1691  */
1693  plusPoint[0] = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[0];
1694  plusPoint[1] = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[1];
1695  plusPoint[2] = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[2];
1696  }
1698  /*
1699  int bdIdx = 0; const int bdIdxMax = 1e+4;
1700  if(!startsInsideDet){
1701  while( gGeoManager->FindNextBoundaryAndStep() && bdIdx < bdIdxMax ){
1702  bdIdx++;
1703  if( bdIdx % 100 == 0 )
1704  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG ) << "bdIdx = " << bdIdx;
1705  if( std::abs( (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[0] ) != fLxR/2.0 * units::m / units::cm &&
1706  std::abs( (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[1] ) != fLyR/2.0 * units::m / units::cm &&
1707  std::abs( (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[2] ) != fLzR/2.0 * units::m / units::cm ){
1708  plusPoint[0] = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[0];
1709  plusPoint[1] = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[1];
1710  plusPoint[2] = (gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint())[2];
1711  }
1712  }
1713  }
1714  */
1716  TVector3 originPoint( -(fCx +, -(fCy +, -(fCz + );
1718  TVector3 vMUser( minusPoint[0] * units::cm / units::m,
1719  minusPoint[1] * units::cm / units::m,
1720  minusPoint[2] * units::cm / units::m ); // USER, m
1721  TVector3 vPUser( plusPoint[0] * units::cm / units::m,
1722  plusPoint[1] * units::cm / units::m,
1723  plusPoint[2] * units::cm / units::m ); // USER, m
1725  // rotate to NEAR frame
1726  TVector3 vMNear = this->ApplyUserRotation( vMUser, originPoint, fDetRotation, true ); // det --> tgt-hall
1727  /*
1728  vMNear.SetXYZ( vMNear.X() + (fCx +,
1729  vMNear.Y() + (fCy +,
1730  vMNear.Z() + (fCz + );
1731  */
1732  vMNear.SetXYZ( vMNear.X() + (fCx),
1733  vMNear.Y() + (fCy),
1734  vMNear.Z() + (fCz) );
1735  TVector3 vPNear = this->ApplyUserRotation( vPUser, originPoint, fDetRotation, true ); // det --> tgt-hall
1736  /*
1737  vPNear.SetXYZ( vPNear.X() + (fCx +,
1738  vPNear.Y() + (fCy +,
1739  vPNear.Z() + (fCz + );
1740  */
1741  vPNear.SetXYZ( vPNear.X() + (fCx),
1742  vPNear.Y() + (fCy),
1743  vPNear.Z() + (fCz) );
1745  // with 3 points and 1 vector we calculate the angles.
1746  // Points: D(decay), E(entry), X(exit) [all in local, cm]. Vector: detPpar [local, GeV/GeV]
1747  // angles are <DE, detPpar> and <DX, detPpar>
1749  // now obtain the angles themselves and return in deg.
1750  /*
1751  TVector3 decayPoint_user( (fDx - (fCx + * units::m / units::cm,
1752  (fDy - (fCy + * units::m / units::cm,
1753  (fDz - (fCz + * units::m / units::cm ); // USER, cm
1754  */
1755  TVector3 decayPoint_user( aConstUser[0] * units::m / units::cm,
1756  aConstUser[1] * units::m / units::cm,
1757  aConstUser[2] * units::m / units::cm );
1758  TVector3 decayPoint_near = this->ApplyUserRotation( decayPoint_user, detori, fDetRotation, false ); // NEAR, cm
1759  /*
1760  decayPoint_near.SetXYZ( decayPoint_near.X() + (fCx + * units::m / units::cm,
1761  decayPoint_near.Y() + (fCy + * units::m / units::cm,
1762  decayPoint_near.Z() + (fCz + * units::m / units::cm );
1763  */
1764  decayPoint_near.SetXYZ( decayPoint_near.X() + (fCx) * units::m / units::cm,
1765  decayPoint_near.Y() + (fCy) * units::m / units::cm,
1766  decayPoint_near.Z() + (fCz) * units::m / units::cm );
1768  TVector3 minusVec( minusPoint[0] - decayPoint_user.X(), minusPoint[1] - decayPoint_user.Y(), minusPoint[2] - decayPoint_user[2] ); // USER, cm
1769  TVector3 plusVec( plusPoint[0] - decayPoint_user.X(), plusPoint[1] - decayPoint_user.Y(), plusPoint[2] - decayPoint_user[2] ); // USER, cm
1770  TVector3 startVec( detStartPoint[0] - decayPoint_user.X(), detStartPoint[1] - decayPoint_user.Y(), detStartPoint[2] - decayPoint_user.Z() ); // USER, cm
1772  TVector3 minusVec_near = this->ApplyUserRotation( minusVec, detori, fDetRotation, false ); // NEAR, cm
1773  TVector3 plusVec_near = this->ApplyUserRotation( plusVec, detori, fDetRotation, false ); // NEAR, cm
1774  TVector3 startVec_near = this->ApplyUserRotation( startVec, detori, fDetRotation, false ); // NEAR, cm
1776  double minusNum = startVec.X() * minusVec.X() + startVec.Y() * minusVec.Y() + startVec.Z() * minusVec.Z(); // USER AND USER
1777  double minusDen = startVec.Mag() * minusVec.Mag(); assert( minusDen > 0.0 ); // USER AND USER
1779  zm = TMath::ACos( minusNum / minusDen ) * TMath::RadToDeg();
1781  double plusNum = startVec.X() * plusVec.X() + startVec.Y() * plusVec.Y() + startVec.Z() * plusVec.Z(); // USER AND USER
1782  double plusDen = startVec.Mag() * plusVec.Mag(); assert( plusDen > 0.0 ); // USER AND USER
1784  zp = TMath::ACos( plusNum / plusDen ) * TMath::RadToDeg();
1786  if( zm > zp ){
1787  double tmpzp = zp;
1788  zp = zm;
1789  zm = tmpzp;
1790  }
1792  /*
1793  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
1794  << "\nIn DETECTOR coordinates:"
1795  << "\nentered at ( " << minusPoint[0] << ", " << minusPoint[1] << ", " << minusPoint[2] << " ) [cm]"
1796  << "\nexited at ( " << plusPoint[0] << ", " << plusPoint[1] << ", " << plusPoint[2] << " ) [cm]"
1797  << "\nstarted at ( " << decVec.X() << ", " << decVec.Y() << ", " << decVec.Z() << " ) [cm]"
1798  << "\nmomentum ( " << detPpar.X() << ", " << detPpar.Y() << ", " << detPpar.Z() << " )"
1799  << "\nmeaning zm = " << zm << ", zp = " << zp << " [deg]";
1800  */
1801 }
static constexpr double cm
Definition: Units.h:68
std::vector< double > fDetOffset
std::vector< double > fDetRotation
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
std::string CheckGeomPoint(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const
TVector3 ApplyUserRotation(TVector3 vec, bool doBackwards=false) const
static constexpr double m
Definition: Units.h:71
string Vec3AsString(const TVector3 *vec)
Definition: PrintUtils.cxx:80
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
std::vector< double > genie::hnl::FluxCreator::GetB2URotation ( ) const

Implements genie::hnl::FluxRecordVisitorI.

Definition at line 125 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

References fB2URotation.

Referenced by ReadInConfig().

125 { return fB2URotation; }
std::vector< double > fB2URotation
std::vector< double > genie::hnl::FluxCreator::GetB2UTranslation ( ) const

Implements genie::hnl::FluxRecordVisitorI.

Definition at line 124 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

References fB2UTranslation.

Referenced by ReadInConfig().

124 { return fB2UTranslation; }
std::vector< double > fB2UTranslation
std::vector< double > genie::hnl::FluxCreator::GetDetOffset ( ) const

Implements genie::hnl::FluxRecordVisitorI.

Definition at line 126 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

References fDetOffset.

126 { return fDetOffset; }
std::vector< double > fDetOffset
std::vector< double > genie::hnl::FluxCreator::GetDetRotation ( ) const

Implements genie::hnl::FluxRecordVisitorI.

Definition at line 127 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

References fDetRotation.

127 { return fDetRotation; }
std::vector< double > fDetRotation
int FluxCreator::GetNFluxEntries ( ) const

Implements genie::hnl::FluxRecordVisitorI.

Definition at line 134 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References fCurrPath, fNEntries, and OpenFluxInput().

Referenced by main().

135 {
136  if( fNEntries <= 0 ){
137  this->OpenFluxInput( fCurrPath );
138  }
139  return fNEntries;
140 }
void OpenFluxInput(std::string finpath) const
std::map< HNLProd_t, double > FluxCreator::GetProductionProbs ( int  parPDG) const

Definition at line 1027 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References BR_K03e, BR_K03mu, BR_K2e, BR_K2mu, BR_K3e, BR_K3mu, BR_pi2e, BR_pi2mu, dynamicScores_kaon, dynamicScores_muon, dynamicScores_neuk, dynamicScores_pion, fU4l2s, genie::AlgFactory::GetAlgorithm(), genie::AlgFactory::Instance(), genie::hnl::kHNLProdKaon2Electron, genie::hnl::kHNLProdKaon2Muon, genie::hnl::kHNLProdKaon3Electron, genie::hnl::kHNLProdKaon3Muon, genie::hnl::kHNLProdMuon3Nue, genie::hnl::kHNLProdMuon3Numu, genie::hnl::kHNLProdMuon3Nutau, genie::hnl::kHNLProdNeuk3Electron, genie::hnl::kHNLProdNeuk3Muon, genie::hnl::kHNLProdNull, genie::hnl::kHNLProdPion2Electron, genie::hnl::kHNLProdPion2Muon, genie::hnl::BRCalculator::KinematicScaling(), genie::kPdgK0L, genie::kPdgKP, genie::kPdgMuon, genie::kPdgPiP, LOG, pDEBUG, pERROR, pWARN, and ReadBRs().

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

1028 {
1029  // check if we've calculated scores before
1030  switch( std::abs( parPDG ) ){
1031  case kPdgPiP : if( dynamicScores_pion.size() > 0 ) return dynamicScores_pion; break;
1032  case kPdgKP : if( dynamicScores_kaon.size() > 0 ) return dynamicScores_kaon; break;
1033  case kPdgMuon: if( dynamicScores_muon.size() > 0 ) return dynamicScores_muon; break;
1034  case kPdgK0L : if( dynamicScores_neuk.size() > 0 ) return dynamicScores_neuk; break;
1035  default: LOG( "HNL", pWARN ) << "Unknown parent. Proceeding, but results may be unphysical"; break;
1036  }
1038  std::map< HNLProd_t, double > dynScores;
1040  // first get branching ratios to SM
1041  ReadBRs();
1042  // then get HNL parameter space
1044  double Ue42 =;
1045  double Um42 =;
1046  double Ut42 =;
1048  // also, construct an BRCalculator * object to handle the scalings.
1049  const Algorithm * algBRCalc = AlgFactory::Instance()->GetAlgorithm("genie::hnl::BRCalculator", "Default");
1050  const BRCalculator * BRCalc = dynamic_cast< const BRCalculator * >( algBRCalc );
1052  // first get pure kinematic part of the BRs
1053  double KScale[4] = { -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 }, mixScale[4] = { -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 };
1054  double totalMix = 0.0;
1055  switch( std::abs( parPDG ) ){
1056  case genie::kPdgMuon:
1057  KScale[0] = BRCalc->KinematicScaling( kHNLProdMuon3Numu );
1058  KScale[1] = BRCalc->KinematicScaling( kHNLProdMuon3Nue ); // same, convenience for later
1059  KScale[2] = BRCalc->KinematicScaling( kHNLProdMuon3Nutau ); // same, convenience for later
1060  mixScale[0] = 1.0 * Um42 * KScale[0]; totalMix += mixScale[0];
1061  mixScale[1] = 1.0 * Ue42 * KScale[1]; totalMix += mixScale[1];
1062  mixScale[2] = 1.0 * Ut42 * KScale[2]; totalMix += mixScale[2];
1064  dynScores.insert( std::pair< HNLProd_t, double >( { kHNLProdMuon3Numu, mixScale[0] / totalMix } ) );
1065  dynScores.insert( std::pair< HNLProd_t, double >( { kHNLProdMuon3Nue, mixScale[1] / totalMix } ) );
1066  dynScores.insert( std::pair< HNLProd_t, double >( { kHNLProdMuon3Nutau, mixScale[2] / totalMix } ) );
1068  // it can happen that HNL is not coupled to the only kinematically available channel.
1069  // Return bogus map if that happens
1070  if( totalMix <= 0.0 ){
1071  dynScores.insert( std::pair< HNLProd_t, double >( { kHNLProdNull, -999.9 } ) );
1072  dynamicScores_muon = dynScores;
1073  return dynScores;
1074  }
1076  dynamicScores_muon = dynScores;
1077  break;
1078  case genie::kPdgKP:
1079  KScale[0] = BRCalc->KinematicScaling( kHNLProdKaon2Muon );
1080  KScale[1] = BRCalc->KinematicScaling( kHNLProdKaon2Electron );
1081  KScale[2] = BRCalc->KinematicScaling( kHNLProdKaon3Muon );
1082  KScale[3] = BRCalc->KinematicScaling( kHNLProdKaon3Electron );
1083  mixScale[0] = BR_K2mu * Um42 * KScale[0]; totalMix += mixScale[0];
1084  mixScale[1] = BR_K2e * Ue42 * KScale[1]; totalMix += mixScale[1];
1085  mixScale[2] = BR_K3mu * Um42 * KScale[2]; totalMix += mixScale[2];
1086  mixScale[3] = BR_K3e * Ue42 * KScale[3]; totalMix += mixScale[3];
1088  if( totalMix <= 0.0 ){
1089  dynScores.insert( std::pair< HNLProd_t, double >( { kHNLProdNull, -999.9 } ) );
1090  dynamicScores_pion = dynScores;
1091  return dynScores;
1092  }
1094  dynScores.insert( std::pair< HNLProd_t, double >( { kHNLProdKaon2Muon, mixScale[0] / totalMix } ) );
1095  dynScores.insert( std::pair< HNLProd_t, double >( { kHNLProdKaon2Electron, mixScale[1] / totalMix } ) );
1096  dynScores.insert( std::pair< HNLProd_t, double >( { kHNLProdKaon3Muon, mixScale[2] / totalMix } ) );
1097  dynScores.insert( std::pair< HNLProd_t, double >( { kHNLProdKaon3Electron, mixScale[3] / totalMix } ) );
1099  dynamicScores_kaon = dynScores;
1100  break;
1101  case genie::kPdgPiP:
1103  KScale[0] = BRCalc->KinematicScaling( kHNLProdPion2Muon );
1104  KScale[1] = BRCalc->KinematicScaling( kHNLProdPion2Electron );
1105  mixScale[0] = BR_pi2mu * Um42 * KScale[0]; totalMix += mixScale[0];
1106  mixScale[1] = BR_pi2e * Ue42 * KScale[1]; totalMix += mixScale[1];
1108  if( totalMix <= 0.0 ){
1109  dynScores.insert( std::pair< HNLProd_t, double >( { kHNLProdNull, -999.9 } ) );
1110  dynamicScores_pion = dynScores;
1111  return dynScores;
1112  }
1114  dynScores.insert( std::pair< HNLProd_t, double >( { kHNLProdPion2Muon, mixScale[0] / totalMix } ) );
1115  dynScores.insert( std::pair< HNLProd_t, double >( { kHNLProdPion2Electron, mixScale[1] / totalMix } ) );
1117  dynamicScores_pion = dynScores;
1118  break;
1119  case genie::kPdgK0L:
1121  KScale[0] = BRCalc->KinematicScaling( kHNLProdNeuk3Muon );
1122  KScale[1] = BRCalc->KinematicScaling( kHNLProdNeuk3Electron );
1123  mixScale[0] = BR_K03mu * Um42 * KScale[0]; totalMix += mixScale[0];
1124  mixScale[1] = BR_K03e * Ue42 * KScale[1]; totalMix += mixScale[1];
1126  if( totalMix <= 0.0 ){
1127  dynScores.insert( std::pair< HNLProd_t, double >( { kHNLProdNull, -999.9 } ) );
1128  dynamicScores_neuk = dynScores;
1129  return dynScores;
1130  }
1132  dynScores.insert( std::pair< HNLProd_t, double >( { kHNLProdNeuk3Muon, mixScale[0] / totalMix } ) );
1133  dynScores.insert( std::pair< HNLProd_t, double >( { kHNLProdNeuk3Electron, mixScale[1] / totalMix } ) );
1135  dynamicScores_neuk = dynScores;
1136  break;
1137  default:
1138  LOG( "HNL", pERROR )
1139  << "Unknown parent particle. Cannot make scales, exiting."; exit(1);
1140  }
1142  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
1143  << "Score map now has " << dynScores.size() << " elements. Returning.";
1144  return dynScores;
1146 }
std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > dynamicScores_neuk
#define pERROR
Definition: Messenger.h:59
Manages HNL BR (prod and decay)
Algorithm abstract base class.
Definition: Algorithm.h:54
double KinematicScaling(genie::hnl::HNLProd_t hnlprod) const
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > dynamicScores_muon
const Algorithm * GetAlgorithm(const AlgId &algid)
Definition: AlgFactory.cxx:75
const int kPdgKP
Definition: PDGCodes.h:172
const int kPdgPiP
Definition: PDGCodes.h:158
std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > dynamicScores_pion
const int kPdgK0L
Definition: PDGCodes.h:176
std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > dynamicScores_kaon
#define pWARN
Definition: Messenger.h:60
static AlgFactory * Instance()
Definition: AlgFactory.cxx:64
std::vector< double > fU4l2s
const int kPdgMuon
Definition: PDGCodes.h:37
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
TLorentzVector FluxCreator::HNLEnergy ( genie::hnl::HNLProd_t  hnldm,
TLorentzVector  p4par 
) const


Definition at line 1148 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References doPol, fFixedPolarisation, genie::PDGLibrary::Find(), fixPol, fLepPdg, fLPE, fLPx, fLPy, fLPz, genie::RandomGen::Instance(), genie::PDGLibrary::Instance(), genie::controls::kMaxUnweightDecayIterations, genie::kPdgElectron, genie::kPdgHNL, genie::kPdgMuon, genie::kPdgTau, LOG, genie::units::m, genie::utils::print::P4AsString(), pDEBUG, pERROR, pINFO, pNOTICE, genie::utils::hnl::ProdAsString(), genie::utils::hnl::ProductionProductList(), genie::PDGCodeList::push_back(), pWARN, genie::RandomGen::RndHadro(), genie::exceptions::EVGThreadException::SetReason(), and genie::exceptions::EVGThreadException::SwitchOnFastForward().

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

1149 {
1150  // first boost to parent rest frame
1151  TLorentzVector p4par_rest = p4par;
1152  TVector3 boost_beta = p4par.BoostVector();
1153  p4par_rest.Boost( -boost_beta );
1155  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
1156  << "Attempting to decay rest-system p4 = " << utils::print::P4AsString(&p4par_rest)
1157  << " as " << utils::hnl::ProdAsString( hnldm );
1159  // get PDGCodeList and truncate 1st member
1160  PDGCodeList fullList = utils::hnl::ProductionProductList( hnldm );
1161  bool allow_duplicate = true;
1162  PDGCodeList decayList( allow_duplicate );
1163  double * mass = new double[decayList.size()];
1164  double sum = 0.0;
1166  for( std::vector<int>::const_iterator pdg_iter = fullList.begin(); pdg_iter != fullList.end(); ++pdg_iter )
1167  {
1168  if( pdg_iter != fullList.begin() ){
1169  int pdgc = *pdg_iter;
1170  decayList.push_back( pdgc );
1171  }
1172  }
1174  int iv = 0;
1175  for( std::vector<int>::const_iterator pdg_iter = decayList.begin(); pdg_iter != decayList.end(); ++pdg_iter )
1176  {
1177  int pdgc = *pdg_iter;
1178  double m = PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find(pdgc)->Mass();
1179  mass[iv++] = m; sum += m;
1180  }
1182  // Set the decay
1183  TGenPhaseSpace fPhaseSpaceGenerator;
1184  bool permitted = fPhaseSpaceGenerator.SetDecay( p4par_rest, decayList.size(), mass );
1185  if(!permitted) {
1186  LOG("HNL", pERROR)
1187  << " *** Phase space decay is not permitted \n"
1188  << " Total particle mass = " << sum << "\n"
1189  << " Decaying system p4 = " << utils::print::P4AsString(&p4par_rest);
1190  // clean-up
1191  delete [] mass;
1192  // throw exception
1194  exception.SetReason("Decay not permitted kinematically");
1195  exception.SwitchOnFastForward();
1196  throw exception;
1197  }
1199  // Get the maximum weight
1200  double wmax = -1;
1201  for(int idec=0; idec<200; idec++) {
1202  double w = fPhaseSpaceGenerator.Generate();
1203  wmax = TMath::Max(wmax,w);
1204  }
1205  assert(wmax>0);
1206  wmax *= 2;
1208  LOG("HNL", pNOTICE)
1209  << "Max phase space gen. weight @ current HNL system: " << wmax;
1211  // Generate an unweighted decay
1212  RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
1214  bool accept_decay=false;
1215  unsigned int itry=0;
1216  while(!accept_decay)
1217  {
1218  itry++;
1221  // report, clean-up and return
1222  LOG("HNL", pWARN)
1223  << "Couldn't generate an unweighted phase space decay after "
1224  << itry << " attempts";
1225  // clean up
1226  delete [] mass;
1227  // throw exception
1229  exception.SetReason("Couldn't select decay after N attempts");
1230  exception.SwitchOnFastForward();
1231  throw exception;
1232  }
1233  double w = fPhaseSpaceGenerator.Generate();
1234  if(w > wmax) {
1235  LOG("HNL", pWARN)
1236  << "Decay weight = " << w << " > max decay weight = " << wmax;
1237  }
1238  double gw = wmax * rnd->RndHadro().Rndm();
1239  accept_decay = (gw<=w);
1241  LOG("HNL", pINFO)
1242  << "Decay weight = " << w << " / R = " << gw
1243  << " - accepted: " << accept_decay;
1245  } //!accept_decay
1247  // Grab 0th entry energy and return that
1248  int idp = 0; TLorentzVector p4HNL, p4HNL_rest;
1249  // search for the charged lepton in this stack, get the 4-vector in parent rest frame
1250  TLorentzVector p4Lep, p4Lep_HNLRest;
1252  p4HNL.SetPxPyPzE( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
1253  p4HNL_rest.SetPxPyPzE( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
1254  p4Lep.SetPxPyPzE( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
1255  p4Lep_HNLRest.SetPxPyPzE( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
1257  for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator pdg_iter = decayList.begin(); pdg_iter != decayList.end(); ++pdg_iter) {
1258  int pdgc = *pdg_iter;
1259  TLorentzVector * p4fin = fPhaseSpaceGenerator.GetDecay(idp);
1261  if( std::abs( pdgc ) == kPdgHNL ) p4HNL = *p4fin;
1262  if( std::abs( pdgc ) == kPdgElectron ||
1263  std::abs( pdgc ) == kPdgMuon ||
1264  std::abs( pdgc ) == kPdgTau ){
1265  p4Lep = *p4fin;
1266  fLepPdg = pdgc;
1267  }
1268  idp++;
1269  }
1271  if( doPol ){
1272  // boost this to HNL rest frame.
1273  TVector3 boostHNL = p4HNL.BoostVector();
1274  p4Lep_HNLRest = p4Lep; fLPE = p4Lep_HNLRest.E(); // still in parent rest frame here
1275  p4Lep_HNLRest.Boost( boostHNL );
1276  // save this
1277  fLPx = ( fixPol ) ? : p4Lep.Px() / p4Lep.P(); // note that this is for a true random decay.
1278  fLPy = ( fixPol ) ? : p4Lep.Py() / p4Lep.P(); // We still need to take the geometrical
1279  fLPz = ( fixPol ) ? : p4Lep.Pz() / p4Lep.P(); // constraint into account.
1280  } else {
1281  fLPx = 0.0;
1282  fLPy = 0.0;
1283  fLPz = 0.0;
1284  }
1286  delete [] mass;
1287  return p4HNL; // rest frame momentum!
1288 }
std::vector< double > fFixedPolarisation
#define pERROR
Definition: Messenger.h:59
static RandomGen * Instance()
Access instance.
Definition: RandomGen.cxx:71
PDGCodeList ProductionProductList(genie::hnl::HNLProd_t hnldm)
string P4AsString(const TLorentzVector *p)
Definition: PrintUtils.cxx:27
static const unsigned int kMaxUnweightDecayIterations
Definition: Controls.h:61
const int kPdgElectron
Definition: PDGCodes.h:35
A singleton holding random number generator classes. All random number generation in GENIE should tak...
Definition: RandomGen.h:29
A list of PDG codes.
Definition: PDGCodeList.h:32
An exception thrown by EventRecordVisitorI when the normal processing sequence has to be disrupted (f...
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
const int kPdgTau
Definition: PDGCodes.h:39
const int kPdgHNL
Definition: PDGCodes.h:224
string ProdAsString(genie::hnl::HNLProd_t hnlprod)
#define pINFO
Definition: Messenger.h:62
#define pWARN
Definition: Messenger.h:60
TRandom3 & RndHadro(void) const
rnd number generator used by hadronization models
Definition: RandomGen.h:53
static PDGLibrary * Instance(void)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:68
TParticlePDG * Find(int pdgc, bool must_exist=true)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:86
#define pNOTICE
Definition: Messenger.h:61
const int kPdgMuon
Definition: PDGCodes.h:37
static constexpr double m
Definition: Units.h:71
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
void FluxCreator::ImportBoundingBox ( TGeoBBox *  box) const

Definition at line 2121 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References genie::units::cm, fDoingOldFluxCalc, fLx, fLxR, fLy, fLyR, fLz, fLzR, fRadius, LOG, genie::units::m, and pDEBUG.

Referenced by ProcessEventRecord().

2122 {
2123  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG ) << "Importing bounding box...";
2124  fLxR = 2.0 * box->GetDX() * units::cm / units::m;
2125  fLyR = 2.0 * box->GetDY() * units::cm / units::m;
2126  fLzR = 2.0 * box->GetDZ() * units::cm / units::m;
2128  double testRadius = fRadius; // m
2129  if( !fDoingOldFluxCalc ){
2130  fLx = std::min( testRadius, fLxR );
2131  fLy = std::min( testRadius, fLyR );
2132  fLz = std::min( testRadius, fLzR );
2133  }
2134 }
static constexpr double cm
Definition: Units.h:68
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
static constexpr double m
Definition: Units.h:71
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
void FluxCreator::InitialiseMeta ( ) const

Definition at line 938 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References beam0x, beam0y, beam0z, beamdxdz, beamdydz, beamhwidth, beamsim, beamvwidth, cmeta, dkvolcfg, horncfg, job, location_name, location_x, location_y, location_z, mArSize, maxArray, maxC, physcuts, physics, pots, and tgtcfg.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

939 {
940  job = 0;
941  pots = 0.0;
943  beam0x = -9999.9;
944  beam0y = -9999.9;
945  beam0z = -9999.9;
946  beamhwidth = -9999.9;
947  beamvwidth = -9999.9;
948  beamdxdz = -9999.9;
949  beamdydz = -9999.9;
950  mArSize = 0;
952  for( int i = 0; i < maxC; i++ ){
953  beamsim[i] = 0;
954  physics[i] = 0;
955  physcuts[i] = 0;
956  tgtcfg[i] = 0;
957  horncfg[i] = 0;
958  dkvolcfg[i] = 0;
959  }
961  for( int i = 0; i < maxArray; i++ ){
962  location_x[i] = -9999.9;
963  location_y[i] = -9999.9;
964  location_z[i] = -9999.9;
966  for( int j = 0; j < maxC; j++ ){ location_name[i*maxC+j] = 0; }
967  }
969  // necessary branches
970  cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "job", &job );
971  cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "pots", &pots );
973  // extra branches
974  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "beamsim" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "beamsim", beamsim );
975  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "physics" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "physics", physics );
976  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "physcuts" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "physcuts", physcuts );
977  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "tgtcfg" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "tgtcfg", tgtcfg );
978  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "horncfg" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "horncfg", horncfg );
979  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "dkvolcfg" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "dkvolcfg", dkvolcfg );
980  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "beam0x" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "beam0x", &beam0x );
981  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "beam0y" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "beam0y", &beam0y );
982  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "beam0z" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "beam0z", &beam0z );
983  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "beamhwidth" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "beamhwidth", &beamhwidth );
984  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "beamvwidth" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "beamvwidth", &beamvwidth );
985  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "beamdxdz" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "beamdxdz", &beamdxdz );
986  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "beamdydz" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "beamdydz", &beamdydz );
987  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "arSize" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "arSize", &mArSize );
988  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "location_x" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "location_x", location_x );
989  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "location_y" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "location_y", location_y );
990  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "location_z" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "location_z", location_z );
991  if( cmeta->GetBranch( "location_name" ) ) cmeta->SetBranchAddress( "location_name", location_name );
992 }
static const int maxArray
double pots
how many pot in this job?
double location_y[maxArray]
int job
beamsim MC job number
char location_name[maxArray *maxC]
double location_z[maxArray]
double location_x[maxArray]
static const int maxC
void FluxCreator::InitialiseTree ( ) const

Definition at line 798 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References anArSize, ancestor_imat, ancestor_ivol, ancestor_nucleus, ancestor_pdg, ancestor_polx, ancestor_poly, ancestor_polz, ancestor_pprodpx, ancestor_pprodpy, ancestor_pprodpz, ancestor_proc, ancestor_startpx, ancestor_startpy, ancestor_startpz, ancestor_startx, ancestor_starty, ancestor_startz, ancestor_stoppx, ancestor_stoppy, ancestor_stoppz, arSize, ctree, decay_mupare, decay_muparpx, decay_muparpy, decay_muparpz, decay_ndecay, decay_necm, decay_nimpwt, decay_norig, decay_ntype, decay_pdpx, decay_pdpy, decay_pdpz, decay_ppdxdz, decay_ppdydz, decay_ppenergy, decay_ppmedium, decay_pppz, decay_ptype, decay_vx, decay_vy, decay_vz, djob, maxArray, maxC, nuray_E, nuray_px, nuray_py, nuray_pz, nuray_wgt, potnum, ppvx, ppvy, ppvz, tgtexit_tgen, tgtexit_tptype, tgtexit_tpx, tgtexit_tpy, tgtexit_tpz, tgtexit_tvx, tgtexit_tvy, tgtexit_tvz, traj_trkpx, traj_trkpy, traj_trkpz, traj_trkx, traj_trky, traj_trkz, and trArSize.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

799 {
800  potnum = 0.0;
801  decay_ptype = 0;
802  decay_vx = 0.0; decay_vy = 0.0; decay_vz = 0.0;
803  decay_pdpx = 0.0; decay_pdpy = 0.0; decay_pdpz = 0.0;
804  decay_nimpwt = 0.0;
806  arSize = 0, anArSize = 0, trArSize = 0;
807  djob = -9999;
808  ppvx = -9999.9, ppvy = -9999.9, ppvz = -9999.9;
809  decay_norig = -9999, decay_ndecay = -9999, decay_ntype = -9999;
810  decay_ppdxdz = -9999.9, decay_ppdydz = -9999.9, decay_pppz = -9999.9, decay_ppenergy = -9999.9;
811  decay_ppmedium = -9999;
812  decay_muparpx = -9999.9, decay_muparpy = -9999.9, decay_muparpz = -9999.9, decay_mupare = -9999.9;
814  tgtexit_tvx = -9999.9, tgtexit_tvy = -9999.9, tgtexit_tvz = -9999.9;
815  tgtexit_tpx = -9999.9, tgtexit_tpy = -9999.9, tgtexit_tpz = -9999.9;
816  tgtexit_tptype = -9999, tgtexit_tgen = -9999;
818  for( int i = 0; i < maxArray; i++ ){
819  nuray_px[i] = -9999.9;
820  nuray_py[i] = -9999.9;
821  nuray_pz[i] = -9999.9;
822  nuray_E[i] = -9999.9;
823  nuray_wgt[i] = -9999.9;
825  ancestor_pdg[i] = -9999;
826  ancestor_startx[i] = -9999.9;
827  ancestor_starty[i] = -9999.9;
828  ancestor_startz[i] = -9999.9;
829  ancestor_startpx[i] = -9999.9;
830  ancestor_startpy[i] = -9999.9;
831  ancestor_startpz[i] = -9999.9;
832  ancestor_stoppx[i] = -9999.9;
833  ancestor_stoppy[i] = -9999.9;
834  ancestor_stoppz[i] = -9999.9;
835  ancestor_polx[i] = -9999.9;
836  ancestor_poly[i] = -9999.9;
837  ancestor_polz[i] = -9999.9;
838  ancestor_pprodpx[i] = -9999.9;
839  ancestor_pprodpy[i] = -9999.9;
840  ancestor_pprodpz[i] = -9999.9;
841  ancestor_nucleus[i] = -9999;
843  traj_trkx[i] = -9999.9;
844  traj_trky[i] = -9999.9;
845  traj_trkz[i] = -9999.9;
846  traj_trkpx[i] = -9999.9;
847  traj_trkpy[i] = -9999.9;
848  traj_trkpz[i] = -9999.9;
850  for( int j = 0; j < maxC; j++ ){
851  ancestor_proc[i*maxC+j] = 0;
852  ancestor_ivol[i*maxC+j] = 0;
853  ancestor_imat[i*maxC+j] = 0;
854  }
855  }
857  // necessary branches
858  ctree->SetBranchAddress( "potnum", &potnum );
859  ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_ptype", &decay_ptype );
860  ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_vx", &decay_vx );
861  ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_vy", &decay_vy );
862  ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_vz", &decay_vz );
863  ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_pdpx", &decay_pdpx );
864  ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_pdpy", &decay_pdpy );
865  ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_pdpz", &decay_pdpz );
866  ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_necm", &decay_necm );
867  ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_nimpwt", &decay_nimpwt );
869  // extra branches
870  if( ctree->GetBranch( "job" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "job", &djob );
871  if( ctree->GetBranch( "decay_norig" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_norig", &decay_norig );
872  if( ctree->GetBranch( "decay_ndecay" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_ndecay", &decay_ndecay );
873  if( ctree->GetBranch( "decay_ntype" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_ntype", &decay_ntype );
874  if( ctree->GetBranch( "decay_ppdxdz" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_ppdxdz", &decay_ppdxdz );
875  if( ctree->GetBranch( "decay_ppdydz" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_ppdydz", &decay_ppdydz );
876  if( ctree->GetBranch( "decay_pppz" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_pppz", &decay_pppz );
877  if( ctree->GetBranch( "decay_ppenergy" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_ppenergy", &decay_ppenergy );
878  if( ctree->GetBranch( "decay_ppmedium" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_ppmedium", &decay_ppmedium );
879  if( ctree->GetBranch( "decay_ptype" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_ptype", &decay_ptype );
880  if( ctree->GetBranch( "decay_muparpx" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_muparpx", &decay_muparpx );
881  if( ctree->GetBranch( "decay_muparpy" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_muparpy", &decay_muparpy );
882  if( ctree->GetBranch( "decay_muparpz" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_muparpz", &decay_muparpz );
883  if( ctree->GetBranch( "decay_mupare" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "decay_mupare", &decay_mupare );
885  if( ctree->GetBranch( "nuray_size" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "nuray_size", &arSize );
886  if( ctree->GetBranch( "nuray_px" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "nuray_px", nuray_px );
887  if( ctree->GetBranch( "nuray_py" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "nuray_py", nuray_py );
888  if( ctree->GetBranch( "nuray_pz" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "nuray_pz", nuray_pz );
889  if( ctree->GetBranch( "nuray_E" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "nuray_E", nuray_E );
890  if( ctree->GetBranch( "nuray_wgt" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "nuray_wgt", nuray_wgt );
892  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_size" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_size", &anArSize );
893  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_pdg" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_pdg", ancestor_pdg );
894  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_startx" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_startx", ancestor_startx );
895  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_starty" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_starty", ancestor_starty );
896  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_startz" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_startz", ancestor_startz );
897  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_startpx" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_startpx", ancestor_startpx );
898  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_startpy" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_startpy", ancestor_starty );
899  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_startpz" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_startpz", ancestor_startpz );
900  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_stoppx" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_stoppx", ancestor_stoppx );
901  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_stoppy" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_stoppy", ancestor_stoppy );
902  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_stoppz" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_stoppz", ancestor_stoppz );
903  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_polx" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_polx", ancestor_polx );
904  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_poly" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_poly", ancestor_poly );
905  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_polz" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_polz", ancestor_polz );
906  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_pprodpx" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_pprodpx", ancestor_pprodpx );
907  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_pprodpy" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_pprodpy", ancestor_pprodpy );
908  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_pprodpz" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_pprodpz", ancestor_pprodpz );
909  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_proc" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_proc", ancestor_proc );
910  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_ivol" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_ivol", ancestor_ivol );
911  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ancestor_imat" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ancestor_imat", ancestor_imat );
913  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ppvx" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ppvx", &ppvx );
914  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ppvy" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ppvy", &ppvy );
915  if( ctree->GetBranch( "ppvz" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "ppvz", &ppvz );
917  if( ctree->GetBranch( "tgtexit_tvx" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "tgtexit_tvx", &tgtexit_tvx );
918  if( ctree->GetBranch( "tgtexit_tvy" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "tgtexit_tvy", &tgtexit_tvy );
919  if( ctree->GetBranch( "tgtexit_tvz" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "tgtexit_tvz", &tgtexit_tvz );
921  if( ctree->GetBranch( "tgtexit_tpx" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "tgtexit_tpx", &tgtexit_tpx );
922  if( ctree->GetBranch( "tgtexit_tpy" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "tgtexit_tpy", &tgtexit_tpy );
923  if( ctree->GetBranch( "tgtexit_tpz" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "tgtexit_tpz", &tgtexit_tpz );
925  if( ctree->GetBranch( "tgtexit_tptype" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "tgtexit_tptype", &tgtexit_tptype );
926  if( ctree->GetBranch( "tgtexit_tgen" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "tgtexit_tgen", &tgtexit_tgen );
928  if( ctree->GetBranch( "traj_size" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "traj_size", &trArSize );
929  if( ctree->GetBranch( "traj_trkx" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "traj_trkx", traj_trkx );
930  if( ctree->GetBranch( "traj_trky" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "traj_trky", traj_trky );
931  if( ctree->GetBranch( "traj_trkz" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "traj_trkz", traj_trkz );
932  if( ctree->GetBranch( "traj_trkpx" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "traj_trkpx", traj_trkpx );
933  if( ctree->GetBranch( "traj_trkpy" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "traj_trkpy", traj_trkpy );
934  if( ctree->GetBranch( "traj_trkpz" ) ) ctree->SetBranchAddress( "traj_trkpz", traj_trkpz );
936 }
int decay_ptype
PDG code of parent.
static const int maxArray
double nuray_px[maxArray]
double potnum
N POT for this SM-v.
double ancestor_polz[maxArray]
double decay_vz
coordinates of prod vtx [cm]
double ancestor_startz[maxArray]
double traj_trkpx[maxArray]
double nuray_E[maxArray]
double decay_necm
SM v CM energy [GeV].
double ancestor_pprodpx[maxArray]
double traj_trkz[maxArray]
double decay_nimpwt
Importance weight from beamsim.
double ancestor_startx[maxArray]
double traj_trkpy[maxArray]
double ancestor_stoppx[maxArray]
double ancestor_starty[maxArray]
double traj_trkx[maxArray]
double ancestor_startpx[maxArray]
double nuray_py[maxArray]
double decay_pdpz
final parent momentum [GeV]
char ancestor_imat[maxArray *maxC]
char ancestor_proc[maxArray *maxC]
double ancestor_startpz[maxArray]
double traj_trkpz[maxArray]
double ancestor_pprodpz[maxArray]
double ancestor_stoppz[maxArray]
static const int maxC
double nuray_wgt[maxArray]
double ancestor_stoppy[maxArray]
double ancestor_startpy[maxArray]
double ancestor_pprodpy[maxArray]
int ancestor_nucleus[maxArray]
double nuray_pz[maxArray]
char ancestor_ivol[maxArray *maxC]
double ancestor_poly[maxArray]
int ancestor_pdg[maxArray]
double traj_trky[maxArray]
double ancestor_polx[maxArray]
double FluxCreator::labangle ( double *  x,
double *  par 

Definition at line 1928 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References genie::constants::kPi.

Referenced by CalculateAcceptanceCorrection().

1929 {
1930  double xrad = x[0] * TMath::DegToRad();
1931  double Ehad = par[0], pxhad = par[1], pyhad = par[2], pzhad = par[3];
1932  double phnl = par[4], Ehnl = par[5];
1934  TLorentzVector p4had( pxhad, pyhad, pzhad, Ehad );
1935  TVector3 boost_vec = p4had.BoostVector(); // beta of parent in lab frame
1937  // assume phi invariance so create HNL rest-frame momentum along y'z' plane
1938  TLorentzVector pncm( 0.0, phnl * TMath::Sin( xrad ), phnl * TMath::Cos( xrad ), Ehnl );
1940  // boost into lab frame
1941  pncm.Boost( boost_vec );
1943  // return lab frame theta wrt parent momentum in deg
1944  double num = pxhad * pncm.X() + pyhad * pncm.Y() + pzhad * pncm.Z();
1945  double den = p4had.P() * pncm.P();
1946  double theta = TMath::ACos( num / den ) * 180.0 / constants::kPi;
1947  return theta;
1948 }
void FluxCreator::LoadConfig ( void  )

Definition at line 2042 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References doPol, fAx1, fAx2, fAz, fB2URotation, fB2UTranslation, fBx1, fBx2, fBz, fCx, fCy, fCz, fDetOffset, fDetRotation, fDoingOldFluxCalc, fFixedPolarisation, fIsConfigLoaded, fIsMajorana, fixPol, fMass, fRadius, fRerollPoints, fScales, fSupplyingBEAM, fU4l2s, genie::Algorithm::GetParam(), genie::Algorithm::GetParamVect(), isParentOnAxis, genie::utils::hnl::IsProdKinematicallyAllowed(), genie::hnl::kHNLProdKaon2Electron, genie::hnl::kHNLProdKaon2Muon, genie::hnl::kHNLProdKaon3Electron, genie::hnl::kHNLProdKaon3Muon, genie::hnl::kHNLProdMuon3Nue, genie::hnl::kHNLProdNeuk3Electron, genie::hnl::kHNLProdNeuk3Muon, genie::hnl::kHNLProdPion2Electron, genie::hnl::kHNLProdPion2Muon, LOG, pDEBUG, and POTScaleWeight.

Referenced by Configure().

2043 {
2044  if( fIsConfigLoaded ) return;
2046  LOG("HNL", pDEBUG)
2047  << "Loading flux-creation parameters from file...";
2049  this->GetParam( "HNL-Mass", fMass );
2050  this->GetParamVect( "HNL-LeptonMixing", fU4l2s );
2051  this->GetParam( "HNL-Majorana", fIsMajorana );
2053  this->GetParamVect( "Near2User_T", fB2UTranslation );
2054  this->GetParamVect( "Near2User_R", fDetRotation );
2055  this->GetParamVect( "Near2Beam_R", fB2URotation );
2056  this->GetParamVect( "DetCentre_User", fDetOffset );
2058  this->GetParamVect( "ParentPOTScalings", fScales );
2059  this->GetParam( "DoOldFluxCalculation", fDoingOldFluxCalc );
2060  this->GetParam( "RerollPoints", fRerollPoints );
2061  this->GetParam( "CollectionRadius", fRadius );
2062  this->GetParam( "InputFluxesInBEAM", fSupplyingBEAM );
2063  this->GetParam( "IncludePolarisation", doPol );
2064  this->GetParam( "FixPolarisationDirection", fixPol );
2065  this->GetParamVect( "HNL-PolDir", fFixedPolarisation );
2067  this->GetParam( "IsParentOnAxis", isParentOnAxis );
2069  fCx =;
2070  fCy =;
2071  fCz =;
2073  fAx1 =;
2074  fAz =;
2075  fAx2 =;
2077  fBx1 =;
2078  fBz =;
2079  fBx2 =;
2081  POTScaleWeight = 1.0;
2083  POTScaleWeight = fScales[0]; // all POT contribute
2086  POTScaleWeight = fScales[1]; // muons do not contribute
2089  POTScaleWeight = fScales[2]; // only kaons contribute
2094  POTScaleWeight = fScales[3]; // only charged kaons contribute
2096  /*
2097  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
2098  << "Read the following parameters :"
2099  << "\n Mass = " << fMass
2100  << "\n couplings = " << << " : " << << " : " <<
2101  << "\n translation = " << << ", " << << ", " <<
2102  << "\n rotation = " << << ", " << << ", " <<
2103  << "\n isParentOnAxis = " << isParentOnAxis
2104  << "\n POTScaleWeight = " << POTScaleWeight;
2105  */
2107  fIsConfigLoaded = true;
2108 }
std::vector< double > fFixedPolarisation
std::vector< double > fB2UTranslation
std::vector< double > fDetOffset
int GetParamVect(const std::string &comm_name, std::vector< T > &v, bool is_top_call=true) const
Handle to load vectors of parameters.
std::vector< double > fB2URotation
std::vector< double > fDetRotation
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
bool IsProdKinematicallyAllowed(genie::hnl::HNLProd_t hnlprod)
std::vector< double > fU4l2s
std::vector< double > fScales
bool GetParam(const RgKey &name, T &p, bool is_top_call=true) const
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
void FluxCreator::MakeBBox ( ) const

Definition at line 1950 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References fLx, fLy, fLz, fRadius, LOG, and pFATAL.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

1951 {
1952  if( fRadius < 0.0 ) fRadius = 1.0;
1953  LOG( "HNL", pFATAL )
1954  << "WARNING: This is a bounding box centred at config-given point and radius " << fRadius << " m";
1956  fLx = fRadius; fLy = fRadius; fLz = fRadius;
1957 }
#define pFATAL
Definition: Messenger.h:56
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
FluxContainer FluxCreator::MakeTupleFluxEntry ( int  iEntry,
std::string  finpath 
) const

Definition at line 157 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References genie::hnl::FluxContainer::accCorr, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::acceptance, ApplyUserRotation(), genie::hnl::FluxContainer::boostCorr, CalculateAcceptanceCorrection(), CalculateDetectorAcceptanceSAA(), genie::units::cm, ctree, decay_necm, decay_nimpwt, decay_pdpx, decay_pdpy, decay_pdpz, decay_ptype, decay_vx, decay_vy, decay_vz, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::delay, dynamicScores, e, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::Ecm, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::evtno, fCx, fCy, fCz, fDetOffset, fDetRotation, fDoingOldFluxCalc, fDx, fDy, fDz, fECM, fFirstEntry, fFixedPolarisation, FillNonsense(), genie::PDGLibrary::Find(), fIsMajorana, fIsUsingRootGeom, fixPol, fLepPdg, fLPE, fLPx, fLPy, fLPz, fNuPdg, fNuProdChan, fProdChan, fRerollPoints, fSMECM, fSupplyingBEAM, fTargetPoint, fZm, fZp, GetAngDeviation(), GetProductionProbs(), HNLEnergy(), InitialiseMeta(), InitialiseTree(), genie::RandomGen::Instance(), genie::PDGLibrary::Instance(), isParentOnAxis, genie::utils::hnl::IsProdKinematicallyAllowed(), genie::hnl::kHNLProdKaon2Electron, genie::hnl::kHNLProdKaon2Muon, genie::hnl::kHNLProdKaon3Electron, genie::hnl::kHNLProdKaon3Muon, genie::hnl::kHNLProdMuon3Nue, genie::hnl::kHNLProdMuon3Numu, genie::hnl::kHNLProdMuon3Nutau, genie::hnl::kHNLProdNeuk3Electron, genie::hnl::kHNLProdNeuk3Muon, genie::hnl::kHNLProdNull, genie::hnl::kHNLProdPion2Electron, genie::hnl::kHNLProdPion2Muon, genie::kPdgHNL, genie::kPdgK0L, genie::kPdgKP, genie::kPdgMuon, genie::kPdgNuE, genie::kPdgNuMu, genie::kPdgPiP, genie::units::kSpeedOfLight, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::lepPdg, LOG, genie::units::m, MakeBBox(), genie::hnl::FluxContainer::nimpwt, genie::units::ns, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::nuEcm, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::nuPdg, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::nuProdChan, OpenFluxInput(), genie::hnl::FluxContainer::p4, genie::utils::print::P4AsString(), genie::hnl::FluxContainer::p4User, parentEnergy, parentMass, parentMomentum, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::parp4, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::parp4User, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::parPdg, pDEBUG, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::pdg, pERROR, pNOTICE, PointToRandomPointInBBox(), genie::hnl::FluxContainer::polz, genie::utils::hnl::ProdAsString(), genie::hnl::FluxContainer::prodChan, genie::RandomGen::RndGen(), genie::units::s, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::startPoint, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::startPointUser, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::targetPoint, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::targetPointUser, genie::utils::print::Vec3AsString(), genie::hnl::FluxContainer::XYWgt, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::zetaMinus, and genie::hnl::FluxContainer::zetaPlus.

Referenced by ProcessEventRecord().

158 {
159  // This method creates 1 HNL from the flux info and saves the information
160  // Essentially, it replaces a SMv with an HNL
161  FluxContainer * tmpGnmf = new FluxContainer();
162  FluxContainer gnmf = *tmpGnmf;
163  delete tmpGnmf;
165  // Open flux input and initialise trees
166  if( iEntry == fFirstEntry ){
167  this->OpenFluxInput( finpath );
168  this->InitialiseTree();
169  this->InitialiseMeta();
170  if(fDoingOldFluxCalc) this->MakeBBox();
171  } else if( iEntry < fFirstEntry ){
172  this->FillNonsense( iEntry, gnmf );
173  return gnmf;
174  }
176  TVector3 dumori( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); // use to rotate VECTORS
177  TVector3 originPoint( -(fCx +,
178  -(fCy +,
179  -(fCz + ); // use to rotate POINTS. m
181  // All these in m
182  TVector3 fCvec_beam( fCx, fCy, fCz );
183  TVector3 fCvec = this->ApplyUserRotation( fCvec_beam ); // in NEAR coords
184  fLepPdg = 0;
186  ctree->GetEntry(iEntry);
188  // explicitly check if there are any allowed decays for this parent
189  bool canGoForward = true;
190  switch( std::abs( decay_ptype ) ){
191  case kPdgPiP:
192  canGoForward =
195  case kPdgKP:
196  canGoForward =
201  case kPdgMuon:
202  canGoForward =
203  utils::hnl::IsProdKinematicallyAllowed( kHNLProdMuon3Nue ); break; // SM nus are massless so doesn't matter
204  case kPdgK0L:
205  canGoForward =
208  }
210  if( !canGoForward ){
211  this->FillNonsense( iEntry, gnmf ); return gnmf;
212  }
214  // turn cm to m and make origin wrt detector
215  fDx = decay_vx * units::cm / units::m; // BEAM, m
219  if( !fSupplyingBEAM ){
220  TVector3 tmpVec( fDx, fDy, fDz ); // NEAR
221  tmpVec = this->ApplyUserRotation( tmpVec, false ); // BEAM
222  fDx = tmpVec.X(); fDy = tmpVec.Y(); fDz = tmpVec.Z();
223  }
225  TVector3 fDvec( fDx, fDy, fDz ); // in BEAM coords
226  TVector3 fDvec_beam = this->ApplyUserRotation( fDvec, true ); // in NEAR coords
228  TVector3 fDvec_user( fDvec_beam.X() - fCx, fDvec_beam.Y() - fCy, fDvec_beam.Z() - fCz ); // in USER coords
229  fDvec_user = this->ApplyUserRotation( fDvec_user, originPoint, fDetRotation, false );
231  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
232  << "\nIn BEAM coords, fDvec = " << utils::print::Vec3AsString( &fDvec )
233  << "\nIn NEAR coords, fDvec = " << utils::print::Vec3AsString( &fDvec_beam );
235  TVector3 detO_beam( fCvec_beam.X() - fDvec_beam.X(),
236  fCvec_beam.Y() - fDvec_beam.Y(),
237  fCvec_beam.Z() - fDvec_beam.Z() ); // separation in NEAR coords
238  TVector3 detO( fCvec.X() - fDvec.X(),
239  fCvec.Y() - fDvec.Y(),
240  fCvec.Z() - fDvec.Z() ); // separation in BEAM coords
241  TVector3 detO_user( detO_beam.X(), detO_beam.Y(), detO_beam.Z() );
243  detO_user = this->ApplyUserRotation( detO_user, dumori, fDetRotation, false ); // tgt-hall --> det
245  double acc_saa = this->CalculateDetectorAcceptanceSAA( detO_user );
247  // set parent mass
249  double dpdpx = decay_pdpx, dpdpy = decay_pdpy, dpdpz = decay_pdpz; // BEAM GeV
250  if( !fSupplyingBEAM ){
251  TVector3 tmpVec( dpdpx, dpdpy, dpdpz ); // NEAR
252  tmpVec = this->ApplyUserRotation( tmpVec, false ); // BEAM
253  dpdpx = tmpVec.X(); dpdpy = tmpVec.Y(); dpdpz = tmpVec.Z();
254  }
256  switch( std::abs( decay_ptype ) ){
257  case kPdgPiP: case kPdgKP: case kPdgMuon: case kPdgK0L:
258  parentMass = PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find(decay_ptype)->Mass(); break;
259  default:
260  LOG( "HNL", pERROR ) << "Parent with PDG code " << decay_ptype << " not handled!"
261  << "\n\tProceeding, but results are possibly unphysical.";
262  parentMass = PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find(decay_ptype)->Mass(); break;
263  }
264  parentMomentum = std::sqrt( dpdpx*dpdpx + dpdpy*dpdpy + dpdpz*dpdpz );
267  TLorentzVector p4par = ( isParentOnAxis ) ?
268  TLorentzVector( parentMomentum * (detO.Unit()).X(),
269  parentMomentum * (detO.Unit()).Y(),
270  parentMomentum * (detO.Unit()).Z(),
271  parentEnergy ) :
272  TLorentzVector( dpdpx, dpdpy, dpdpz, parentEnergy ); // in BEAM coords
274  TLorentzVector p4par_beam( dpdpx, dpdpy, dpdpz, parentEnergy ); // in BEAM coords
275  TVector3 p3par_beam = p4par_beam.Vect();
276  TVector3 p3par_near = this->ApplyUserRotation( p3par_beam, true );
277  TLorentzVector p4par_near( p3par_near.X(), p3par_near.Y(), p3par_near.Z(), parentEnergy ); // in NEAR coords
278  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
279  << "\nIn BEAM coords: p3par_beam = " << utils::print::Vec3AsString( &p3par_beam )
280  << "\nIn NEAR coords: p3par_near = " << utils::print::Vec3AsString( &p3par_near );
281  if( !isParentOnAxis ){
282  // rotate p4par to NEAR coordinates
283  TVector3 tmpv3 = ApplyUserRotation( p4par.Vect(), true );
284  p4par.SetPxPyPzE( tmpv3.Px(), tmpv3.Py(), tmpv3.Pz(), p4par.E() );
285  }
287  TLorentzVector p4par_user = p4par_near;
288  // rotate it to user coords
289  TVector3 ppar_user = p4par_user.Vect();
290  ppar_user = this->ApplyUserRotation( ppar_user, dumori, fDetRotation, false ); // tgt-hall --> det
291  p4par_user.SetPxPyPzE( ppar_user.Px(), ppar_user.Py(), ppar_user.Pz(), p4par_user.E() );
293  TVector3 boost_beta = p4par_beam.BoostVector(); // in BEAM coords
295  // now calculate which decay channel produces the HNL.
297  assert( dynamicScores.size() > 0 );
299  if( dynamicScores.find( kHNLProdNull ) != dynamicScores.end() ){ // exists kin allowed channel but 0 coupling
300  this->FillNonsense( iEntry, gnmf ); return gnmf;
301  }
303  RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
304  double score = rnd->RndGen().Uniform( 0.0, 1.0 );
305  HNLProd_t prodChan;
306  // compare with cumulative prob. If < 1st in map, pick 1st chan. If >= 1st and < (1st+2nd), pick 2nd, etc
308  unsigned int imap = 0; double s1 = 0.0;
309  std::map< HNLProd_t, double >::iterator pdit = dynamicScores.begin();
310  while( score >= s1 && pdit != dynamicScores.end() ){
311  s1 += (*pdit).second;
312  if( parentMass > 0.495 ){
313  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
314  << "(*pdit).first = " << utils::hnl::ProdAsString( (*pdit).first )
315  << " : (*pdit).second = " << (*pdit).second;
316  }
317  if( score >= s1 ){
318  imap++; pdit++;
319  }
320  }
321  assert( imap < dynamicScores.size() ); // should have decayed to *some* HNL
322  prodChan = (*pdit).first;
324  // bookkeep this
325  fProdChan = static_cast<int>(prodChan);
326  switch( prodChan ){
327  case kHNLProdNeuk3Electron: fNuProdChan = 1; fNuPdg = kPdgNuE; break;
328  case kHNLProdNeuk3Muon: fNuProdChan = 2; fNuPdg = kPdgNuMu; break;
329  case kHNLProdKaon2Electron: fNuProdChan = 4; fNuPdg = kPdgNuE; break;
330  case kHNLProdKaon2Muon: fNuProdChan = 3; fNuPdg = kPdgNuMu; break;
331  case kHNLProdKaon3Electron: fNuProdChan = 6; fNuPdg = kPdgNuE; break;
332  case kHNLProdKaon3Muon: fNuProdChan = 5; fNuPdg = kPdgNuMu; break;
333  case kHNLProdMuon3Nue:
334  case kHNLProdMuon3Numu:
335  case kHNLProdMuon3Nutau: fNuProdChan = 9; fNuPdg = kPdgNuE; break;
336  case kHNLProdPion2Electron: fNuProdChan = 8; fNuPdg = kPdgNuE; break;
337  case kHNLProdPion2Muon: fNuProdChan = 7; fNuPdg = kPdgNuMu; break;
338  default: fNuProdChan = -999; fNuPdg = -999; break;
339  }
341  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
342  << "Selected channel: " << utils::hnl::ProdAsString( prodChan );
344  // decay channel specified, now time to make kinematics
345  TLorentzVector p4HNL_rest = HNLEnergy( prodChan, p4par );
346  // this is a random direction rest-frame HNL.
347  fECM = p4HNL_rest.E();
349  // we will now boost detO into rest frame, force rest to point to the new direction, boost the result, and compare the boost corrections
350  double boost_correction_two = 0.0;
352  // 17-Jun-22: Notice the time component needs to be nonzero to get this to work!
354  // first guess: betaHNL ~= 1 . Do the Lorentz boosts knocking betaHNL downwards until we hit det centre
355  double betaMag = boost_beta.Mag();
356  double gamma = std::sqrt( 1.0 / ( 1.0 - betaMag * betaMag ) );
357  double betaLab = 1.0; // first guess
359  // now make a TLorentzVector in lab frame to boost back to rest.
360  double timeBit = detO.Mag(); // / units::kSpeedOfLight ; // s
361  TLorentzVector detO_4v( detO.X(), detO.Y(), detO.Z(), timeBit ); detO_4v.Boost( -boost_beta ); // BEAM with BEAM
362  TVector3 detO_rest_unit = (detO_4v.Vect()).Unit();
363  TLorentzVector p4HNL_rest_good( p4HNL_rest.P() * detO_rest_unit.X(),
364  p4HNL_rest.P() * detO_rest_unit.Y(),
365  p4HNL_rest.P() * detO_rest_unit.Z(),
366  p4HNL_rest.E() );
368  double pLep_rest = std::sqrt( fLPx*fLPx + fLPy*fLPy + fLPz*fLPz );
369  TLorentzVector p4Lep_rest_good( -1.0 * pLep_rest * detO_rest_unit.X(),
370  -1.0 * pLep_rest * detO_rest_unit.Y(),
371  -1.0 * pLep_rest * detO_rest_unit.Z(),
372  fLPE );
374  // boost HNL into lab frame!
376  TLorentzVector p4HNL_good = p4HNL_rest_good;
377  p4HNL_good.Boost( boost_beta );
378  boost_correction_two = p4HNL_good.E() / p4HNL_rest.E();
380  TVector3 detO_unit = detO.Unit(); // BEAM
382  TVector3 p4HNL_good_vect = p4HNL_good.Vect();
383  TVector3 p4HNL_good_unit = p4HNL_good_vect.Unit();
385  // now calculate how far away from target point we are.
386  // dist = || detO x p4HNL || / || p4HNL_good || where x == cross product
387  TVector3 distNum = detO.Cross( p4HNL_good_unit );
388  double dist = distNum.Mag(); // m
390  double prevDist = 2.0 * dist;
392  while( betaLab > 0.0 && ( dist > 1.0e-3 && dist < prevDist &&
393  std::abs(dist - prevDist) > 1.0e-3 * prevDist ) ){ // 1mm tolerance
395  // that didn't work. Knock betaLab down a little bit and try again.
396  prevDist = dist;
397  betaLab -= 1.0e-4;
398  timeBit = detO.Mag() / ( betaLab );
399  detO_4v.SetXYZT( detO.X(), detO.Y(), detO.Z(), timeBit );
400  detO_4v.Boost( -boost_beta );
401  detO_rest_unit = (detO_4v.Vect()).Unit();
402  p4HNL_rest_good.SetPxPyPzE( p4HNL_rest.P() * detO_rest_unit.X(),
403  p4HNL_rest.P() * detO_rest_unit.Y(),
404  p4HNL_rest.P() * detO_rest_unit.Z(),
405  p4HNL_rest.E() );
407  // boost into lab frame
408  p4HNL_good = p4HNL_rest_good;
409  p4HNL_good.Boost( boost_beta );
411  detO_unit = detO.Unit();
412  p4HNL_good_vect = p4HNL_good.Vect();
413  p4HNL_good_unit = p4HNL_good_vect.Unit();
415  distNum = detO.Cross( p4HNL_good_unit );
416  dist = distNum.Mag(); // m
417  }
419  // but we don't care about that. We just want to obtain a proxy for betaHNL in lab frame.
420  // Then we can use the dk2nu-style formula modified for betaHNL!
422  /*
423  * it is NOT sufficient to boost this into lab frame!
424  * Only a small portion of the CM decays can possibly reach the detector,
425  * imposing a constraint on the allowed directions of p4HNL_rest.
426  * You will miscalculate the HNL energy if you just Boost here.
427  */
428  // explicitly calculate the boost correction to lab-frame energy
429  // in a dk2nu-like fashion. See bsim::CalcEnuWgt()
430  //double betaHNL = p4HNL_rest.P() / p4HNL_rest.E();
431  double betaHNL = p4HNL_good.P() / p4HNL_good.E();
432  double costh_pardet = 0.0;
433  double boost_correction = 0.0;
434  if( parentMomentum > 0.0 ){
435  costh_pardet = ( p4par_beam.X() * detO.X() +
436  p4par_beam.Y() * detO.Y() +
437  p4par_beam.Z() * detO.Z() ) / ( parentMomentum * detO.Mag() );
438  if( costh_pardet < -1.0 ) costh_pardet = -1.0;
439  if( costh_pardet > 1.0 ) costh_pardet = 1.0;
440  boost_correction = 1.0 / ( gamma * ( 1.0 - betaMag * betaHNL * costh_pardet ) );
441  // assume boost is on z' direction where z' = parent momentum direction, subbing betaMag ==> betaMag * costh_pardet
442  if( true && boost_correction * p4HNL_rest.E() > p4HNL_rest.M() ) {
443  boost_correction = 1.0 / ( gamma * ( 1.0 - betaMag * betaHNL * costh_pardet ) );
444  } else {
445  boost_correction = p4HNL_good.E() / p4HNL_rest_good.E();
446  }
447  }
449  assert( boost_correction > 0.0 && boost_correction_two > 0.0 );
451  // so now we have the random decay. Direction = parent direction, energy = what we calculated
452  double EHNL = p4HNL_rest.E() * boost_correction;
453  double MHNL = p4HNL_rest.M();
454  double PHNL = std::sqrt( EHNL * EHNL - MHNL * MHNL );
455  TVector3 pdu = ( p4par.Vect() ).Unit(); // in BEAM coords
456  TLorentzVector p4HNL_rand( PHNL * pdu.X(), PHNL * pdu.Y(), PHNL * pdu.Z(), EHNL );
458  // find random point in BBox and force momentum to point to that point
460  double FDx = fDvec_beam.X();
461  double FDy = fDvec_beam.Y();
462  double FDz = fDvec_beam.Z();
464  TVector3 absolutePoint = this->PointToRandomPointInBBox( ); // in NEAR coords, m
465  TVector3 fRVec_beam( absolutePoint.X() - FDx, absolutePoint.Y() - FDy, absolutePoint.Z() - FDz ); // NEAR, m
466  // rotate it and get unit
467  TVector3 fRVec_unit = (this->ApplyUserRotation( fRVec_beam )).Unit(); // BEAM, m/m
468  TVector3 fRVec_actualBeam = this->ApplyUserRotation( fRVec_beam ); // BEAM, m
469  TVector3 fRVec_user = this->ApplyUserRotation( fRVec_beam, dumori, fDetRotation, false ); // USER m
472  TVector3 rRVec_near( fRVec_beam.X() + FDx, fRVec_beam.Y() + FDy, fRVec_beam.Z() + FDz );
473  TVector3 rRVec_beam = this->ApplyUserRotation( rRVec_near );
474  TVector3 rRVec_user = this->ApplyUserRotation( rRVec_near, dumori, fDetRotation, false );
475  /*
476  rRVec_user.SetXYZ( rRVec_user.X() + (fCx +,
477  rRVec_user.Y() + (fCy +,
478  rRVec_user.Z() + (fCz + );
479  */
480  rRVec_user.SetXYZ( rRVec_user.X() + (fCx),
481  rRVec_user.Y() + (fCy),
482  rRVec_user.Z() + (fCz) );
484  // force HNL to point along this direction
485  TLorentzVector p4HNL( p4HNL_rand.P() * fRVec_unit.X(),
486  p4HNL_rand.P() * fRVec_unit.Y(),
487  p4HNL_rand.P() * fRVec_unit.Z(),
488  p4HNL_rand.E() ); // in BEAM coords
490  TVector3 pHNL_near = this->ApplyUserRotation( p4HNL.Vect(), true ); // BEAM --> NEAR coords
491  TLorentzVector p4HNL_near( pHNL_near.X(), pHNL_near.Y(), pHNL_near.Z(), p4HNL.E() );
493  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
494  << "\nRandom: " << utils::print::P4AsString( &p4HNL_rand )
495  << "\nPointed [NEAR]: " << utils::print::P4AsString( &p4HNL_near )
496  << "\nRest: " << utils::print::P4AsString( &p4HNL_rest );
498  // update polarisation
499  TLorentzVector p4Lep_good = p4Lep_rest_good; // in parent rest frame
500  p4Lep_good.Boost( boost_beta ); // in lab frame
501  TVector3 boost_beta_HNL = p4HNL_near.BoostVector();
502  p4Lep_good.Boost( -boost_beta_HNL ); // in HNL rest frame
504  fLPx = ( fixPol ) ? : p4Lep_good.Px() / p4Lep_good.P();
505  fLPy = ( fixPol ) ? : p4Lep_good.Py() / p4Lep_good.P();
506  fLPz = ( fixPol ) ? : p4Lep_good.Pz() / p4Lep_good.P();
508  // calculate acceptance correction
509  // first, get minimum and maximum deviation from parent momentum to hit detector in degrees
510  double zm = 0.0, zp = 0.0;
511  if( fIsUsingRootGeom ){
512  this->GetAngDeviation( p4par_near, detO_beam, zm, zp ); // using NEAR and NEAR
513  } else { // !fIsUsingRootGeom
514  zm = ( isParentOnAxis ) ? 0.0 : this->GetAngDeviation( p4par_near, detO_beam, false );
515  zp = this->GetAngDeviation( p4par_near, detO_beam, true );
516  }
518  if( zm == -999.9 && zp == 999.9 ){
519  this->FillNonsense( iEntry, gnmf ); return gnmf;
520  }
522  if( isParentOnAxis ){
523  double tzm = zm, tzp = zp;
524  zm = 0.0;
525  zp = (tzp - tzm)/2.0; // 1/2 * angular opening
526  }
528  fSMECM = decay_necm;
529  fZm = zm; fZp = zp;
530  double accCorr = this->CalculateAcceptanceCorrection( p4par, p4HNL_rest, decay_necm, zm, zp );
531  //if( !fDoingOldFluxCalc ){
532  if( fRerollPoints ){
533  // if accCorr == 0 then we must ~bail and find the next event.~
534  // We must reroll the point a bunch of times. Then we can skip.
535  // Ideally we'd be able to tell how much detector lives within the reachable region [zm, zp]
536  int iAccFail = 0; const int iAccFailBail = 10;
537  while( iAccFail < iAccFailBail && accCorr == 0.0 ){
538  LOG( "HNL", pNOTICE )
539  << "Point with separation " << utils::print::Vec3AsString( &fRVec_beam ) << " is unreachable "
540  << "by HNL from parent with momentum " << utils::print::P4AsString( &p4par ) << " !"
541  << "\nRerolling point. This is the " << iAccFail << "th try out of " << iAccFailBail;
543  // find random point in BBox and force momentum to point to that point
544  // first, separation in beam frame
545  absolutePoint = this->PointToRandomPointInBBox( ); // always NEAR, m
546  /*
547  fRVec_beam.SetXYZ( absolutePoint.X() - (fCx +,
548  absolutePoint.Y() - (fCy +,
549  absolutePoint.Z() - (fCz + );
550  */
551  fRVec_beam.SetXYZ( absolutePoint.X() - (fCx),
552  absolutePoint.Y() - (fCy),
553  absolutePoint.Z() - (fCz) );
554  // rotate it and get unit
555  fRVec_unit = (this->ApplyUserRotation( fRVec_beam )).Unit(); // BEAM
556  // force HNL to point along this direction
557  p4HNL.SetPxPyPzE( p4HNL_rand.P() * fRVec_unit.X(),
558  p4HNL_rand.P() * fRVec_unit.Y(),
559  p4HNL_rand.P() * fRVec_unit.Z(),
560  p4HNL_rand.E() ); // BEAM
562  pHNL_near = this->ApplyUserRotation( p4HNL.Vect(), true ); // NEAR
563  p4HNL_near.SetPxPyPzE( pHNL_near.X(), pHNL_near.Y(), pHNL_near.Z(), p4HNL.E() );
565  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
566  << "\nRandom: " << utils::print::P4AsString( &p4HNL_rand )
567  << "\nPointed: " << utils::print::P4AsString( &p4HNL )
568  << "\nRest: " << utils::print::P4AsString( &p4HNL_rest );
570  // update polarisation
571  p4Lep_good = p4Lep_rest_good; // in parent rest frame
572  p4Lep_good.Boost( boost_beta ); // in lab frame
573  boost_beta_HNL = p4HNL_near.BoostVector(); // NEAR coords
574  p4Lep_good.Boost( -boost_beta_HNL ); // in HNL rest frame
576  fLPx = ( fixPol ) ? : p4Lep_good.Px() / p4Lep_good.P();
577  fLPy = ( fixPol ) ? : p4Lep_good.Py() / p4Lep_good.P();
578  fLPz = ( fixPol ) ? : p4Lep_good.Pz() / p4Lep_good.P();
580  // calculate acceptance correction
581  // first, get minimum and maximum deviation from parent momentum to hit detector in degrees
582  zm = 0.0; zp = 0.0;
583  if( fIsUsingRootGeom ){
584  this->GetAngDeviation( p4par_near, detO_beam, zm, zp ); // NEAR and NEAR
585  } else { // !fIsUsingRootGeom
586  zm = ( isParentOnAxis ) ? 0.0 : this->GetAngDeviation( p4par_near, detO_beam, false );
587  zp = this->GetAngDeviation( p4par_near, detO_beam, true );
588  }
590  if( zm == -999.9 && zp == 999.9 ){
591  this->FillNonsense( iEntry, gnmf ); return gnmf;
592  }
594  if( isParentOnAxis ){
595  double tzm = zm, tzp = zp;
596  zm = 0.0;
597  zp = (tzp - tzm)/2.0; // 1/2 * angular opening
598  }
600  accCorr = this->CalculateAcceptanceCorrection( p4par_near, p4HNL_rest, decay_necm, zm, zp );
601  iAccFail++;
602  }
603  }
604  if( accCorr == 0.0 ){ // NOW we can give up and return.
605  this->FillNonsense( iEntry, gnmf ); return gnmf;
606  }
608  // also have to factor in boost correction itself... that's same as energy boost correction squared
609  // which means a true acceptance of...
610  double acceptance = acc_saa * boost_correction * boost_correction * accCorr;
612  // finally, a delay calculation
613  // if SMv arrives at t=0, then HNL arrives at t = c * ( 1 - beta_HNL ) / L
615  double detDist = std::sqrt( detO.X() * detO.X() +
616  detO.Y() * detO.Y() +
617  detO.Z() * detO.Z() ); // m
618  const double kSpeedOfLightNs = units::kSpeedOfLight * units::ns / units::s; // m / ns
619  double delay = detDist / kSpeedOfLightNs * ( 1.0 / betaHNL - 1.0 );
620  delay *= units::ns / units::s;
622  /*
623  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
624  << "\ndetDist = " << detDist << " [m]"
625  << "\nbetaHNL = " << betaHNL
626  << "\ndelay = " << delay << " [ns]";
627  */
629  // write 4-position all this happens at
631  double dxvx = decay_vx, dxvy = decay_vy, dxvz = decay_vz;
633  if( !fSupplyingBEAM ){
634  TVector3 tmpVec( dxvx, dxvy, dxvz ); // NEAR
635  tmpVec = this->ApplyUserRotation( tmpVec, false ); // BEAM
636  dxvx = tmpVec.X(); dxvy = tmpVec.Y(); dxvz = tmpVec.Z();
637  }
639  TLorentzVector x4HNL_beam( dxvx, dxvy, dxvz, delay ); // in cm, ns, BEAM coords
640  TVector3 x3HNL_beam = x4HNL_beam.Vect();
641  TVector3 x3HNL_near = this->ApplyUserRotation( x3HNL_beam, true );
642  TLorentzVector x4HNL_near( x3HNL_near.X(), x3HNL_near.Y(), x3HNL_near.Z(), delay );
644  TLorentzVector x4HNL( fDvec_user.X(), fDvec_user.Y(), fDvec_user.Z(), delay ); // in m, ns, USER coords
645  TLorentzVector x4HNL_cm( units::m / units::cm * x4HNL.X(),
646  units::m / units::cm * x4HNL.Y(),
647  units::m / units::cm * x4HNL.Z(), delay ); // in cm, ns, USER
649  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG ) << "Filling gnmf...";
651  // fill all the flux stuff now!
653  int typeMod = 1;
654  if( !fIsMajorana ) typeMod = ( decay_ptype > 0 ) ? 1 : -1;
655  // fix for muons which are backwards...
656  int parPdg = decay_ptype;
657  if( std::abs(parPdg) == kPdgMuon ) typeMod *= -1;
659  gnmf.evtno = iEntry;
661  gnmf.pdg = typeMod * kPdgHNL;
662  gnmf.parPdg = parPdg;
663  gnmf.lepPdg = fLepPdg;
664  gnmf.nuPdg = typeMod * fNuPdg;
666  gnmf.prodChan = fProdChan;
667  gnmf.nuProdChan = fNuProdChan;
669  gnmf.startPoint.SetXYZ( fDvec_beam.X(), fDvec_beam.Y(), fDvec_beam.Z() ); // NEAR m
670  gnmf.targetPoint.SetXYZ( fTargetPoint.X(), fTargetPoint.Y(), fTargetPoint.Z() ); // NEAR m
671  gnmf.startPointUser.SetXYZ( fDvec_user.X() - fCx, fDvec_user.Y() - fCy, fDvec_user.Z() - fCz ); // USER m
672  gnmf.targetPointUser.SetXYZ( fTargetPoint.X() - fCx, fTargetPoint.Y() - fCy, fTargetPoint.Z() - fCz ); // USER m
673  gnmf.delay = delay; // ns
675  gnmf.polz.SetXYZ( fLPx, fLPy, fLPz );
677  TLorentzVector p4HNL_user = p4HNL_near;
678  // rotate it to user coords
679  TVector3 pHNL_user = p4HNL_user.Vect();
680  pHNL_user = this->ApplyUserRotation( pHNL_user, dumori, fDetRotation, false ); // tgt-hall --> det
681  p4HNL_user.SetPxPyPzE( pHNL_user.Px(), pHNL_user.Py(), pHNL_user.Pz(), p4HNL_user.E() );
683  gnmf.p4 = p4HNL_near;
684  gnmf.parp4 = p4par_near;
685  gnmf.p4User = p4HNL_user;
686  gnmf.parp4User = p4par_user;
688  gnmf.Ecm = fECM;
689  gnmf.nuEcm = fSMECM;
691  gnmf.XYWgt = acc_saa;
692  gnmf.boostCorr = p4HNL.E() / fECM;
693  gnmf.accCorr = accCorr;
694  gnmf.zetaMinus = fZm;
695  gnmf.zetaPlus = fZp;
696  gnmf.acceptance = acceptance;
697  gnmf.nimpwt = decay_nimpwt;
699  return gnmf;
701 }
static constexpr double cm
Definition: Units.h:68
enum genie::hnl::t_HNLProd HNLProd_t
TLorentzVector parp4
parent momentum at HNL production in NEAR coords [GeV/c]
std::vector< double > fFixedPolarisation
int decay_ptype
PDG code of parent.
double Ecm
Parent rest-frame energy of HNL [GeV].
const int kPdgNuE
Definition: PDGCodes.h:28
double zetaMinus
minimum angular deviation from parent momentum to reach detector [deg]
double nuEcm
Parent rest-frame energy of equivalent SM neutrino [GeV].
TVector3 PointToRandomPointInBBox() const
#define pERROR
Definition: Messenger.h:59
double delay
delay HNL would have wrt SMv [ns]
static RandomGen * Instance()
Access instance.
Definition: RandomGen.cxx:71
std::vector< double > fDetOffset
double decay_vz
coordinates of prod vtx [cm]
double GetAngDeviation(TLorentzVector p4par, TVector3 detO, bool seekingMax) const
TVector3 startPoint
parent decay vertex in NEAR coords [m]
int lepPdg
PDG code of lepton produced with HNL on parent decay.
TVector3 polz
HNL polarisation vector, in HNL rest frame, in NEAR coords.
int parPdg
parent PDG code
const int kPdgNuMu
Definition: PDGCodes.h:30
static constexpr double s
Definition: Units.h:95
double CalculateDetectorAcceptanceSAA(TVector3 detO) const
A GENIE flux container specific for HNL containers. Based on the dk2nu flux paradigm and genie::flux:...
string P4AsString(const TLorentzVector *p)
Definition: PrintUtils.cxx:27
double zetaPlus
maximum angular deviation from parent momentum to reach detector [deg]
static constexpr double ns
Definition: Units.h:98
TVector3 startPointUser
parent decay vertex in USER coords [m]
double decay_necm
SM v CM energy [GeV].
A singleton holding random number generator classes. All random number generation in GENIE should tak...
Definition: RandomGen.h:29
TLorentzVector parp4User
parent momentum at HNL production in USER coords [GeV/c]
double decay_nimpwt
Importance weight from beamsim.
double CalculateAcceptanceCorrection(TLorentzVector p4par, TLorentzVector p4HNL, double SMECM, double zm, double zp) const
std::vector< double > fDetRotation
std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > dynamicScores
const double e
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
TLorentzVector p4
HNL momentum in NEAR coords [GeV/c].
TLorentzVector p4User
HNL momentum in USER coords [GeV/c].
int prodChan
Decay mode that produced HNL.
const int kPdgKP
Definition: PDGCodes.h:172
const int kPdgHNL
Definition: PDGCodes.h:224
TVector3 ApplyUserRotation(TVector3 vec, bool doBackwards=false) const
void OpenFluxInput(std::string finpath) const
std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > GetProductionProbs(int parPDG) const
const int kPdgPiP
Definition: PDGCodes.h:158
string ProdAsString(genie::hnl::HNLProd_t hnlprod)
const int kPdgK0L
Definition: PDGCodes.h:176
double acceptance
full acceptance == XYWgt * boostCorr^2 * accCorr
TVector3 targetPointUser
point in detector HNL is forced towards in USER coords [m]
double decay_pdpz
final parent momentum [GeV]
TVector3 targetPoint
point in detector HNL is forced towards in NEAR coords [m]
double nimpwt
Weight of parent.
void FillNonsense(int iEntry, genie::hnl::FluxContainer &gnmf) const
double accCorr
acceptance correction (collimation effect. SM v == 1)
static PDGLibrary * Instance(void)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:68
bool IsProdKinematicallyAllowed(genie::hnl::HNLProd_t hnlprod)
int nuPdg
PDG code of SM neutrino that would have been produced.
double XYWgt
geometric acceptance (angular size of detector in parent rest frame)
TRandom3 & RndGen(void) const
rnd number generator for generic usage
Definition: RandomGen.h:80
int nuProdChan
Decay mode that would have produced SM neutrino.
TParticlePDG * Find(int pdgc, bool must_exist=true)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:86
#define pNOTICE
Definition: Messenger.h:61
double boostCorr
boost correction wrt parent rest-frame (ELAB = ECM * boostCorr)
const int kPdgMuon
Definition: PDGCodes.h:37
static constexpr double kSpeedOfLight
Definition: Units.h:32
TLorentzVector HNLEnergy(genie::hnl::HNLProd_t hnldm, TLorentzVector p4par) const
static constexpr double m
Definition: Units.h:71
string Vec3AsString(const TVector3 *vec)
Definition: PrintUtils.cxx:80
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
void FluxCreator::OpenFluxInput ( std::string  finpath) const

Definition at line 741 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References cmeta, ctree, dir, fCurrPath, fFirstEntry, fNEntries, fPathLoaded, iCurrEntry, LOG, pDEBUG, and pFATAL.

Referenced by GetNFluxEntries(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

742 {
743  //if( std::strcmp( finpath.c_str(), fCurrPath.c_str() ) == 0 ) return;
746  fCurrPath = finpath;
747  finpath.append("/");
749  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
750  << "Getting flux input from finpath = " << finpath.c_str();
752  // recurse over files in this directory and add to chain
753  if(!ctree){
754  ctree = new TChain( "dkTree" );
755  cmeta = new TChain( "dkMeta" );
756  }
758  if( fPathLoaded ) return;
760  TSystemDirectory dir( finpath.c_str(), finpath.c_str() );
761  TList * files = dir.GetListOfFiles(); int nFiles = 0;
762  assert( files );
763  files->Sort();
765  TSystemFile * file;
766  TString fname;
767  TIter next(files);
769  while( (file=( TSystemFile * ) next()) && !fPathLoaded ){
770  fname = file->GetName();
771  if( !file->IsDirectory() ){
772  TString fullpath = TString( finpath.c_str() ) + fname;
773  nFiles++;
774  ctree->Add( fullpath );
775  cmeta->Add( fullpath );
776  }
777  }
779  if( !ctree ){ LOG( "HNL", pFATAL ) << "Could not open flux tree!"; }
780  if( !cmeta ){ LOG( "HNL", pFATAL ) << "Could not open meta tree!"; }
781  assert( ctree && cmeta );
783  const int nEntriesInMeta = cmeta->GetEntries();
784  int nEntries = ctree->GetEntries();
786  fNEntries = nEntries;
788  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
789  << "\nThere were " << nEntriesInMeta << " entries in meta with " << nEntries << " total nus"
790  << "\n got from " << nFiles << " files";
792  fPathLoaded = true;
794  delete file;
795  delete files;
796 }
#define pFATAL
Definition: Messenger.h:56
string dir
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
TVector3 FluxCreator::PointToRandomPointInBBox ( ) const

Definition at line 1290 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References ApplyUserRotation(), CheckGeomPoint(), genie::units::cm, fCx, fCy, fCz, fDetOffset, fDetRotation, fDoingOldFluxCalc, fLx, fLy, fLz, fTargetPoint, genie::RandomGen::Instance(), LOG, genie::units::m, pDEBUG, genie::RandomGen::RndGen(), and genie::utils::print::Vec3AsString().

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

1291 {
1292  RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
1293  /*
1294  double ox = fCx +, oy = fCy +, oz = fCz +; // NEAR, m
1295  */
1296  double ox = fCx, oy = fCy, oz = fCz; // NEAR, m
1298  double rx = (rnd->RndGen()).Uniform( -fLx/2.0, fLx/2.0 ),
1299  ry = (rnd->RndGen()).Uniform( -fLy/2.0, fLy/2.0 ),
1300  rz = (rnd->RndGen()).Uniform( -fLz/2.0, fLz/2.0 ); // USER, m
1302  double ux = (rx + * units::m / units::cm;
1303  double uy = (ry + * units::m / units::cm;
1304  double uz = (rz + * units::m / units::cm;
1305  TVector3 checkPoint( ux, uy, uz ); // USER, cm
1307  TVector3 originPoint( -ox, -oy, -oz );
1308  TVector3 dumori( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
1309  if( !fDoingOldFluxCalc ){
1310  // user-coordinates of this point. [cm]
1311  //double ux = rx - ox, uy = ry - oy, uz = rz - oz;
1313  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
1314  << "\nChecking point " << utils::print::Vec3AsString(&checkPoint) << " [m, user]";
1316  // check if the point is inside the geometry, otherwise do it again
1317  std::string pathString = this->CheckGeomPoint( ux, uy, uz ); int iNode = 1; // 1 past beginning
1318  int iBad = 0;
1319  while( pathString.find( "/", iNode ) == string::npos && iBad < 10 ){
1320  rx = (rnd->RndGen()).Uniform( -fLx/2.0, fLx/2.0 ); ux = (rx + * units::m / units::cm;
1321  ry = (rnd->RndGen()).Uniform( -fLy/2.0, fLy/2.0 ); uy = (ry + * units::m / units::cm;
1322  rz = (rnd->RndGen()).Uniform( -fLz/2.0, fLz/2.0 ); uz = (rz + * units::m / units::cm;
1323  checkPoint.SetXYZ( ux, uy, uz );
1324  pathString = this->CheckGeomPoint( ux, uy, uz ); iNode = 1;
1325  iBad++;
1326  }
1327  assert( pathString.find( "/", iNode ) != string::npos );
1328  }
1330  // turn u back into [m] from [cm]
1331  ux *= units::cm / units::m; uy *= units::cm / units::m; uz *= units::cm / units::m;
1332  // return the absolute point in space [NEAR, m] that we're pointing to!
1333  checkPoint.SetXYZ( ux, uy, uz );
1334  checkPoint = this->ApplyUserRotation( checkPoint, dumori, fDetRotation, true ); // det --> tgt-hall
1335  checkPoint.SetXYZ( checkPoint.X() + ox, checkPoint.Y() + oy, checkPoint.Z() + oz );
1337  TVector3 vec( ux, uy, uz ); // USER m
1338  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG )
1339  << "\nPointing to this point in BBox (USER coords): " << utils::print::Vec3AsString( &vec ) << "[m]"
1340  << "\nIn NEAR coords this is " << utils::print::Vec3AsString( &checkPoint ) << "[m]";
1342  // update bookkeeping
1343  fTargetPoint = checkPoint;
1345  return checkPoint;
1346 }
static constexpr double cm
Definition: Units.h:68
static RandomGen * Instance()
Access instance.
Definition: RandomGen.cxx:71
std::vector< double > fDetOffset
A singleton holding random number generator classes. All random number generation in GENIE should tak...
Definition: RandomGen.h:29
std::vector< double > fDetRotation
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
std::string CheckGeomPoint(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const
TVector3 ApplyUserRotation(TVector3 vec, bool doBackwards=false) const
TRandom3 & RndGen(void) const
rnd number generator for generic usage
Definition: RandomGen.h:80
static constexpr double m
Definition: Units.h:71
string Vec3AsString(const TVector3 *vec)
Definition: PrintUtils.cxx:80
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
void FluxCreator::ProcessEventRecord ( GHepRecord event_rec) const

Implements genie::hnl::FluxRecordVisitorI.

Definition at line 41 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References genie::hnl::FluxContainer::acceptance, genie::GHepRecord::AddParticle(), genie::units::cm, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::delay, fCurrPath, fFirstEntry, fGeomFile, fGnmf, fIsUsingRootGeom, fLPx, fLPy, fLPz, fUsingDk2nu, genie::GHepParticle::GetX4(), iCurrEntry, ImportBoundingBox(), genie::kIStInitialState, genie::kPdgHNL, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::lepPdg, LOG, genie::units::m, MakeTupleFluxEntry(), genie::hnl::FluxContainer::nimpwt, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::p4User, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::parPdg, genie::GHepRecord::Particle(), pDEBUG, genie::hnl::FluxContainer::pdg, pFATAL, POTScaleWeight, SetCurrentEntry(), genie::GHepParticle::SetPosition(), SetUsingRootGeom(), genie::GHepRecord::SetVertex(), genie::GHepRecord::SetWeight(), genie::GHepRecord::SetXSec(), genie::hnl::FluxContainer::startPoint, genie::GHepRecord::Weight(), and genie::GHepRecord::XSec().

Referenced by main().

42 {
43  // Adds the inital state HNL at the event record.
44  // Also assigns the production vertex to evrec (this will be overwritten by subsequent modules)
45  // Also adds (acceptance*nimpwt)^(-1) component of weight
47  this->SetCurrentEntry( evrec->XSec() );
49  if( !fIsUsingRootGeom ){
50  this->SetUsingRootGeom(true); // must always be true
52  gGeoManager = TGeoManager::Import( fGeomFile.c_str() );
54  TGeoVolume * top_volume = gGeoManager->GetTopVolume();
55  assert( top_volume );
56  TGeoShape * ts = top_volume->GetShape();
57  TGeoBBox * box = (TGeoBBox *) ts;
59  this->ImportBoundingBox( box );
60  }
62  if( fUsingDk2nu ){
66  if( iCurrEntry >= fFirstEntry ) {
68  if( iCurrEntry == fFirstEntry ){
69  FluxContainer * pfGnmf = new FluxContainer();
70  fGnmf = *pfGnmf;
71  delete pfGnmf;
72  }
76  if( std::abs(fGnmf.pdg) == genie::kPdgHNL ){ // only add particle if parent is valid
78  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG ) << fGnmf;
80  double invAccWeight = fGnmf.nimpwt * fGnmf.acceptance;
81  evrec->SetWeight( evrec->Weight() / invAccWeight );
83  // scale by how many POT it takes to make the appropriate parent
84  /*
85  * To incorporate populations of parents, we take the cumulative multiplicity
86  * i.e. HNL light enough to be made by every parent get scaled by
87  * n1 = \sigma(p + target) / \sigma(p + target ; parent-producing)
88  * For HNL that are heavier than a muon, we don't take muons into account. So
89  * we up the scaling to incorporate their dropping out as
90  * n2 = \sigma(p + target) / \sigma(p + target ; parent-producing ; no muon) - etc.
91  */
92  evrec->SetWeight( evrec->Weight() * POTScaleWeight );
94  // set prod-vertex in cm, ns, NEAR coords
95  TVector3 xVtxNear = fGnmf.startPoint; // in m, NEAR
96  double tVtx = fGnmf.delay; // ns
97  TLorentzVector pVtx( xVtxNear.X() * units::m / units::cm,
98  xVtxNear.Y() * units::m / units::cm,
99  xVtxNear.Z() * units::m / units::cm, tVtx ); // cm ns NEAR
100  evrec->SetVertex( pVtx ); // HNL production vertex. NOT where HNL decays to visible FS.
102  // construct Particle(0). Don't worry about daughter links at this stage.
103  // this must be in USER coords
104  TLorentzVector probeP4 = fGnmf.p4User; // USER
105  GHepParticle ptHNL( fGnmf.pdg, kIStInitialState, -1, -1, -1, -1, probeP4, pVtx );
106  evrec->AddParticle( ptHNL );
107  }
109  if( fGnmf.acceptance >= 0.0 ){
110  // set some event information where subsequent events can see it.
111  // Use the x4 position of the HNL. First, ensure the Vertex() is correctly set.
112  TLorentzVector * vx4 = evrec->Particle(0)->GetX4();
113  evrec->SetVertex( *vx4 );
114  TLorentzVector tmpx4( fLPx, fLPy, fGnmf.parPdg, fGnmf.lepPdg );
115  if( fLPz >= 0.0 ) evrec->SetXSec( 1.0 );
116  else evrec->SetXSec( -1.0 );
117  evrec->Particle(0)->SetPosition( tmpx4 );
119  } // if( fGnmf.fgXYWgt >= 0 )
120  } // if( iCurrEntry > fFirstEntry )
121  } else {
122  LOG( "HNL", pFATAL )
123  << "No input dk2nu flux detected. Cannot proceed.";
124  exit(1);
125  }
126 }
static constexpr double cm
Definition: Units.h:68
double delay
delay HNL would have wrt SMv [ns]
void ImportBoundingBox(TGeoBBox *box) const
TVector3 startPoint
parent decay vertex in NEAR coords [m]
#define pFATAL
Definition: Messenger.h:56
int lepPdg
PDG code of lepton produced with HNL on parent decay.
int parPdg
parent PDG code
A GENIE flux container specific for HNL containers. Based on the dk2nu flux paradigm and genie::flux:...
genie::hnl::FluxContainer fGnmf
void SetUsingRootGeom(bool IsUsingRootGeom) const
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
TLorentzVector p4User
HNL momentum in USER coords [GeV/c].
const int kPdgHNL
Definition: PDGCodes.h:224
double acceptance
full acceptance == XYWgt * boostCorr^2 * accCorr
double nimpwt
Weight of parent.
FluxContainer MakeTupleFluxEntry(int iEntry, std::string finpath) const
static constexpr double m
Definition: Units.h:71
STDHEP-like event record entry that can fit a particle or a nucleus.
Definition: GHepParticle.h:39
void SetCurrentEntry(int iCurr) const
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
void FluxCreator::ReadBRs ( ) const

Definition at line 994 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References BR_K03e, BR_K03mu, BR_K2e, BR_K2mu, BR_K3e, BR_K3mu, BR_pi2e, BR_pi2mu, genie::PDGLibrary::Find(), genie::PDGLibrary::Instance(), genie::kPdgK0L, genie::kPdgKP, and genie::kPdgPiP.

Referenced by GetProductionProbs().

995 {
996  TParticlePDG * pionParticle = PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find( kPdgPiP );
997  TParticlePDG * kaonParticle = PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find( kPdgKP );
998  TParticlePDG * neukParticle = PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find( kPdgK0L );
1000  TObjArray * pionDecayList = pionParticle->DecayList();
1001  TObjArray * kaonDecayList = kaonParticle->DecayList();
1002  TObjArray * neukDecayList = neukParticle->DecayList();
1004  TDecayChannel * pion2muChannel = ( TDecayChannel * ) pionDecayList->At(0);
1005  TDecayChannel * pion2elChannel = ( TDecayChannel * ) pionDecayList->At(1);
1007  TDecayChannel * kaon2muChannel = ( TDecayChannel * ) kaonDecayList->At(0);
1008  //TDecayChannel * kaon2elChannel = 0; // tiny BR, not in genie_pdg_table.txt
1009  TDecayChannel * kaon3muChannel = ( TDecayChannel * ) kaonDecayList->At(5);
1010  TDecayChannel * kaon3elChannel = ( TDecayChannel * ) kaonDecayList->At(4);
1012  TDecayChannel * neuk3muChannel = ( TDecayChannel * ) neukDecayList->At(4);
1013  TDecayChannel * neuk3elChannel = ( TDecayChannel * ) neukDecayList->At(2);
1015  BR_pi2mu = pion2muChannel->BranchingRatio();
1016  BR_pi2e = pion2elChannel->BranchingRatio();
1018  BR_K2mu = kaon2muChannel->BranchingRatio();
1019  BR_K2e = 1.6e-5; // From PDG 2021
1020  BR_K3mu = kaon3muChannel->BranchingRatio();
1021  BR_K3e = kaon3elChannel->BranchingRatio();
1023  BR_K03mu = 2.0 * neuk3muChannel->BranchingRatio(); // one from K0L-->mu+ and one from -->mu-
1024  BR_K03e = 2.0 * neuk3elChannel->BranchingRatio();
1025 }
const int kPdgKP
Definition: PDGCodes.h:172
const int kPdgPiP
Definition: PDGCodes.h:158
const int kPdgK0L
Definition: PDGCodes.h:176
static PDGLibrary * Instance(void)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:68
TParticlePDG * Find(int pdgc, bool must_exist=true)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:86
FluxContainer FluxCreator::RetrieveFluxInfo ( ) const

Implements genie::hnl::FluxRecordVisitorI.

Definition at line 147 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References fGnmf.

Referenced by main().

148 {
149  return fGnmf;
150 }
genie::hnl::FluxContainer fGnmf
void FluxCreator::SetCurrentEntry ( int  iCurr) const

Definition at line 142 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References iCurrEntry.

Referenced by ProcessEventRecord().

143 {
144  iCurrEntry = iCurr;
145 }
void FluxCreator::SetFirstFluxEntry ( int  iFirst) const

Implements genie::hnl::FluxRecordVisitorI.

Definition at line 2116 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References fFirstEntry.

Referenced by main().

2117 {
2118  fFirstEntry = iFirst;
2119 }
void FluxCreator::SetGeomFile ( string  geomfile) const

Definition at line 2110 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References fGeomFile, LOG, and pDEBUG.

Referenced by main().

2111 {
2112  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG ) << "Setting geometry file to " << geomfile;
2113  fGeomFile = geomfile;
2114 }
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
void FluxCreator::SetInputFluxPath ( std::string  finpath) const

Implements genie::hnl::FluxRecordVisitorI.

Definition at line 128 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References fCurrPath, LOG, and pDEBUG.

Referenced by main().

129 {
130  LOG( "HNL", pDEBUG ) << "Setting input path to " << finpath;
131  fCurrPath = finpath;
132 }
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
void FluxCreator::SetUsingRootGeom ( bool  IsUsingRootGeom) const

Definition at line 152 of file HNLFluxCreator.cxx.

References fIsUsingRootGeom.

Referenced by ProcessEventRecord().

153 {
154  fIsUsingRootGeom = IsUsingRootGeom;
155 }

Member Data Documentation

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::anArSize

Definition at line 248 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

char genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_imat[maxArray *maxC]

Definition at line 265 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

char genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_ivol[maxArray *maxC]

Definition at line 265 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_nucleus[maxArray]

Definition at line 264 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_pdg[maxArray]

Definition at line 258 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_polx[maxArray]

Definition at line 262 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_poly[maxArray]

Definition at line 262 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_polz[maxArray]

Definition at line 262 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_pprodpx[maxArray]

Definition at line 263 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_pprodpy[maxArray]

Definition at line 263 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_pprodpz[maxArray]

Definition at line 263 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

char genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_proc[maxArray *maxC]

Definition at line 265 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_startpx[maxArray]

Definition at line 260 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_startpy[maxArray]

Definition at line 260 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_startpz[maxArray]

Definition at line 260 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_startt[maxArray]

Definition at line 259 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_startx[maxArray]

Definition at line 259 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_starty[maxArray]

Definition at line 259 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_startz[maxArray]

Definition at line 259 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_stoppx[maxArray]

Definition at line 261 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_stoppy[maxArray]

Definition at line 261 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ancestor_stoppz[maxArray]

Definition at line 261 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::arSize

Definition at line 248 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::beam0x

Definition at line 281 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::beam0y

Definition at line 281 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::beam0z

Definition at line 281 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::beamdxdz

Definition at line 283 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::beamdydz

Definition at line 283 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::beamhwidth

Definition at line 282 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

char genie::hnl::FluxCreator::beamsim[maxC]

Definition at line 279 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::beamvwidth

Definition at line 282 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::BR_K03e

Definition at line 194 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetProductionProbs(), and ReadBRs().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::BR_K03mu

Definition at line 194 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetProductionProbs(), and ReadBRs().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::BR_K2e

Definition at line 194 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetProductionProbs(), and ReadBRs().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::BR_K2mu

Definition at line 194 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetProductionProbs(), and ReadBRs().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::BR_K3e

Definition at line 194 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetProductionProbs(), and ReadBRs().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::BR_K3mu

Definition at line 194 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetProductionProbs(), and ReadBRs().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::BR_pi2e

Definition at line 194 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetProductionProbs(), and ReadBRs().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::BR_pi2mu

Definition at line 194 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetProductionProbs(), and ReadBRs().

TChain * genie::hnl::FluxCreator::cmeta = 0

Definition at line 201 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta(), and OpenFluxInput().

TChain* genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ctree = 0

Definition at line 201 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree(), MakeTupleFluxEntry(), and OpenFluxInput().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_mupare

Definition at line 254 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_muparpx

Definition at line 254 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_muparpy

Definition at line 254 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_muparpz

Definition at line 254 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_ndecay

Definition at line 251 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_necm

SM v CM energy [GeV].

Definition at line 245 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_nimpwt

Importance weight from beamsim.

Definition at line 246 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_norig

Definition at line 251 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_ntype

Definition at line 251 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_pdpx

Definition at line 244 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_pdpy

Definition at line 244 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_pdpz

final parent momentum [GeV]

Definition at line 244 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_ppdxdz

Definition at line 252 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_ppdydz

Definition at line 252 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_ppenergy

Definition at line 252 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_ppmedium

Definition at line 253 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_pppz

Definition at line 252 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_ptype

PDG code of parent.

Definition at line 242 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_vx

Definition at line 243 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_vy

Definition at line 243 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::decay_vz

coordinates of prod vtx [cm]

Definition at line 243 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::djob

Definition at line 249 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

char genie::hnl::FluxCreator::dkvolcfg[maxC]

Definition at line 280 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

bool genie::hnl::FluxCreator::doPol = true

Definition at line 223 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by HNLEnergy(), and LoadConfig().

std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > genie::hnl::FluxCreator::dynamicScores

Definition at line 188 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > genie::hnl::FluxCreator::dynamicScores_kaon

Definition at line 190 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetProductionProbs().

std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > genie::hnl::FluxCreator::dynamicScores_muon

Definition at line 191 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetProductionProbs().

std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > genie::hnl::FluxCreator::dynamicScores_neuk

Definition at line 192 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetProductionProbs().

std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > genie::hnl::FluxCreator::dynamicScores_pion

Definition at line 189 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetProductionProbs().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fAx1

Definition at line 216 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by ApplyUserRotation(), and LoadConfig().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fAx2

Definition at line 216 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by ApplyUserRotation(), and LoadConfig().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fAz

Definition at line 216 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by ApplyUserRotation(), and LoadConfig().

std::vector< double > genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fB2URotation

Definition at line 212 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetB2URotation(), and LoadConfig().

std::vector< double > genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fB2UTranslation

Definition at line 212 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetB2UTranslation(), and LoadConfig().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fBx1

Definition at line 217 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetAngDeviation(), and LoadConfig().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fBx2

Definition at line 217 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetAngDeviation(), and LoadConfig().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fBz

Definition at line 217 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetAngDeviation(), and LoadConfig().

std::string genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fCurrPath = ""
double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fCx
double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fCy
double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fCz
std::vector< double > genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fDetOffset
std::vector< double > genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fDetRotation
bool genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fDoingOldFluxCalc = false
double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fDx

Definition at line 219 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetAngDeviation(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fDy

Definition at line 219 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetAngDeviation(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fDz

Definition at line 219 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetAngDeviation(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fECM

Definition at line 231 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

string genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fFinPath

Definition at line 299 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fFirstEntry = 0
std::vector< double > genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fFixedPolarisation

Definition at line 226 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by HNLEnergy(), LoadConfig(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

string genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fGeomFile = ""

Definition at line 198 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by ProcessEventRecord(), and SetGeomFile().

genie::hnl::FluxContainer genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fGnmf

Definition at line 287 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by ProcessEventRecord(), and RetrieveFluxInfo().

TH1D * genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fIntegrals = 0

Definition at line 300 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

bool genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fIsConfigLoaded = false

Definition at line 296 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by LoadConfig().

bool genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fIsMajorana

Definition at line 205 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by LoadConfig(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

bool genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fIsUsingRootGeom = false

Definition at line 199 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry(), ProcessEventRecord(), and SetUsingRootGeom().

bool genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fixPol = false

Definition at line 223 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by HNLEnergy(), LoadConfig(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fLepPdg

Definition at line 228 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by HNLEnergy(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fLPE

Definition at line 225 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by HNLEnergy(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fLPx

Definition at line 224 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by HNLEnergy(), MakeTupleFluxEntry(), and ProcessEventRecord().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fLPy

Definition at line 224 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by HNLEnergy(), MakeTupleFluxEntry(), and ProcessEventRecord().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fLPz

Definition at line 224 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by HNLEnergy(), MakeTupleFluxEntry(), and ProcessEventRecord().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fLx
double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fLxR

Definition at line 210 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetAngDeviation(), and ImportBoundingBox().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fLy
double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fLyR

Definition at line 210 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetAngDeviation(), and ImportBoundingBox().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fLz
double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fLzR

Definition at line 210 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetAngDeviation(), and ImportBoundingBox().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fMass

Definition at line 203 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by LoadConfig().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fNEntries = 0

Definition at line 185 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetNFluxEntries(), and OpenFluxInput().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fNuPdg

Definition at line 229 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fNuProdChan

Definition at line 234 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

bool genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fPathLoaded = false

Definition at line 179 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by OpenFluxInput().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fProdChan

Definition at line 234 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

string genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fProdHist

Definition at line 299 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fRadius

Definition at line 294 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by ImportBoundingBox(), LoadConfig(), and MakeBBox().

bool genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fRerollPoints = false

Definition at line 293 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by LoadConfig(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

std::vector<double> genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fScales

Definition at line 290 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by LoadConfig().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fSMECM

Definition at line 231 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

TH1D* genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fSpectrum = 0

Definition at line 300 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

bool genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fSupplyingBEAM = false

Definition at line 295 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by LoadConfig(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

TVector3 genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fTargetPoint

Definition at line 236 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry(), and PointToRandomPointInBBox().

TVector3 genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fTargetPointUser

Definition at line 236 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

TGeoVolume* genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fTopVol = 0

Definition at line 197 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

std::vector< double > genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fU4l2s

Definition at line 204 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by GetProductionProbs(), and LoadConfig().

bool genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fUsingDk2nu = true

Definition at line 298 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by ProcessEventRecord().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fZm

Definition at line 232 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::fZp

Definition at line 232 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

char genie::hnl::FluxCreator::horncfg[maxC]

Definition at line 280 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::iCurrEntry = 0

Definition at line 181 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by OpenFluxInput(), ProcessEventRecord(), and SetCurrentEntry().

bool genie::hnl::FluxCreator::isParentOnAxis = true

Definition at line 196 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by LoadConfig(), and MakeTupleFluxEntry().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::job

beamsim MC job number

Definition at line 275 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

char genie::hnl::FluxCreator::location_name[maxArray *maxC]

Definition at line 285 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::location_x[maxArray]

Definition at line 284 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::location_y[maxArray]

Definition at line 284 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::location_z[maxArray]

Definition at line 284 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::mArSize

Definition at line 278 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

const int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::maxArray = 30

Definition at line 238 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta(), and InitialiseTree().

const int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::maxC = 100

Definition at line 238 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta(), and InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::nuray_E[maxArray]

Definition at line 256 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::nuray_px[maxArray]

Definition at line 256 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::nuray_py[maxArray]

Definition at line 256 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::nuray_pz[maxArray]

Definition at line 256 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::nuray_wgt[maxArray]

Definition at line 256 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::parentEnergy

Definition at line 230 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::parentMass

Definition at line 230 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::parentMomentum

Definition at line 230 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by MakeTupleFluxEntry().

char genie::hnl::FluxCreator::physcuts[maxC]

Definition at line 279 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

char genie::hnl::FluxCreator::physics[maxC]

Definition at line 279 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::potnum

N POT for this SM-v.

Definition at line 241 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::pots

how many pot in this job?

Definition at line 276 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::POTScaleWeight

Definition at line 289 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by LoadConfig(), and ProcessEventRecord().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ppvx

Definition at line 250 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ppvy

Definition at line 250 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::ppvz

Definition at line 250 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

char genie::hnl::FluxCreator::tgtcfg[maxC]

Definition at line 280 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseMeta().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::tgtexit_tgen

Definition at line 269 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::tgtexit_tptype

Definition at line 269 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::tgtexit_tpx

Definition at line 268 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::tgtexit_tpy

Definition at line 268 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::tgtexit_tpz

Definition at line 268 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::tgtexit_tvx

Definition at line 267 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::tgtexit_tvy

Definition at line 267 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::tgtexit_tvz

Definition at line 267 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::traj_trkpx[maxArray]

Definition at line 272 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::traj_trkpy[maxArray]

Definition at line 272 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::traj_trkpz[maxArray]

Definition at line 272 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::traj_trkx[maxArray]

Definition at line 271 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::traj_trky[maxArray]

Definition at line 271 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

double genie::hnl::FluxCreator::traj_trkz[maxArray]

Definition at line 271 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

int genie::hnl::FluxCreator::trArSize

Definition at line 248 of file HNLFluxCreator.h.

Referenced by InitialiseTree().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: