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1 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 /*!
4  This is a module for GENIE to read in hadron flux ntuples and construct HNL fluxes
5  on the fly.
7  Core loop: + Open flux entry
8  + Get ancestry information
9  + Assume decay to HNL (discard SM nu info, is unneeded)
10  + Calculate HNL production mode based on parameter space read from config
11  + Calculate kinematics of HNL
12  + Return HNL as SimpleHNL object.
14 \class genie::hnl::FluxCreator
16 \brief Calculates HNL production kinematics & production vertex.
17  Is a concrete implementation of the FluxRecordVisitorI interface
19 \author John Plows <>
21 \created April 25th, 2022
23 \cpright Copyright (c) 2003-2024, The GENIE Collaboration
24  For the full text of the license visit
26  */
27 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 #ifndef _HNL_FLUXCREATOR_H_
30 #define _HNL_FLUXCREATOR_H_
32 // -- C++ includes
33 #include <array>
34 #include <cassert>
35 #include <iomanip> // for momentum balance stream
36 #include <map>
37 #include <sstream>
39 // -- ROOT includes
40 #include "TChain.h"
41 #include "TDecayChannel.h"
42 #include "TFile.h"
43 #include "TGenPhaseSpace.h"
44 #include "TH1.h"
45 #include "TH3.h"
46 #include "TLorentzVector.h"
47 #include "TMath.h"
48 #include "TObjArray.h"
49 #include "TROOT.h"
50 #include "TString.h"
51 #include "TSystemDirectory.h"
52 #include "TSystem.h"
53 #include "TTree.h"
54 #include "TVector3.h"
56 #include <TGeoVolume.h>
57 #include <TGeoManager.h>
58 #include <TGeoShape.h>
59 #include <TGeoBBox.h>
61 // -- GENIE includes
85 const double kRDET = 1.0; // calculate fluxes per m^2
87 namespace genie{
89  namespace hnl{
91  class SimpleHNL;
92  class FluxContainer;
96  public:
98  FluxCreator();
99  FluxCreator(string name);
100  FluxCreator(string name, string config);
101  ~FluxCreator();
103  //-- implement the FluxRecordVisitorI interface
104  void ProcessEventRecord(GHepRecord * event_rec) const;
106  // overload the Algorithm::Configure() methods to load private data
107  // members from configuration options
108  void Configure(const Registry & config);
109  void Configure(string config);
111  // set the input path for a flux
112  void SetInputFluxPath( std::string finpath ) const;
113  // set path to geometry file
114  void SetGeomFile( string geomfile ) const;
115  // get N(flux input entries)
116  int GetNFluxEntries() const;
117  // set first entry for read-in from chain
118  void SetFirstFluxEntry( int iFirst ) const;
120  // get flux info
123  // return information about frames
124  std::vector< double > GetB2UTranslation() const { return fB2UTranslation; }
125  std::vector< double > GetB2URotation() const { return fB2URotation; }
126  std::vector< double > GetDetOffset() const { return fDetOffset; }
127  std::vector< double > GetDetRotation() const { return fDetRotation; }
129  private:
131  void LoadConfig(void);
133  // if using root geom, let this module know
134  void SetUsingRootGeom( bool IsUsingRootGeom ) const;
135  void ImportBoundingBox( TGeoBBox * box ) const;
137  void SetCurrentEntry( int iCurr ) const;
139  // workhorse methods
140  FluxContainer MakeTupleFluxEntry( int iEntry, std::string finpath ) const;
141  void FillNonsense( int iEntry, genie::hnl::FluxContainer & gnmf ) const;
143  // init
144  void OpenFluxInput( std::string finpath ) const;
145  void InitialiseTree() const;
146  void InitialiseMeta() const;
148  // returns HNL 4-momentum from random decay in same frame as p4par
149  TLorentzVector HNLEnergy( genie::hnl::HNLProd_t hnldm, TLorentzVector p4par ) const;
150  // gets random point in BBox and returns separation to it in BEAM FRAME
151  TVector3 PointToRandomPointInBBox( ) const;
153  void ReadBRs() const;
154  std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > GetProductionProbs( int parPDG ) const;
156  // Obtain detector dimensions + position
157  // RETHERE: BBox isn't good enough! But roll with it for now
158  void MakeBBox() const;
159  TVector3 ApplyUserRotation( TVector3 vec, bool doBackwards = false ) const;
160  TVector3 ApplyUserRotation( TVector3 vec, TVector3 oriVec, std::vector<double> rotVec, bool doBackwards = false ) const;
162  // calculate detector acceptance (== solid angle of proj of det onto unit-radius sphere / (4pi))
164  // detO == detector BBox centre wrt HNL prod vertex, L{x,y,z} BBox length on each axis. Both [m]
165  double CalculateDetectorAcceptanceSAA( TVector3 detO ) const;
166  // collimation effect calc, returns HNL_acc / geom_acc
167  double CalculateAcceptanceCorrection( TLorentzVector p4par, TLorentzVector p4HNL, double SMECM, double zm, double zp ) const;
168  static double labangle( double * x, double * par ); // function formula for correction
169  // get minimum and maximum deviation from parent momentum to hit detector, [deg]
170  double GetAngDeviation( TLorentzVector p4par, TVector3 detO, bool seekingMax ) const;
171  void GetAngDeviation( TLorentzVector p4par, TVector3 detO, double &zm, double &zp ) const;
172  // returns 1.0 / (area of flux calc)
175  // utility function -- is a copy of TGeoChecker::CheckPoint() but doesn't output to cout
176  std::string CheckGeomPoint( Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z ) const;
178  // current path to keep track of what is loaded
179  mutable std::string fCurrPath = ""; mutable bool fPathLoaded = false;
180  // and which entry we're on
181  mutable int iCurrEntry = 0;
182  // which one was first?
183  mutable int fFirstEntry = 0;
184  // out of how many?
185  mutable int fNEntries = 0;
187  // maps to keep P( production )
188  mutable std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > dynamicScores; // map in use
189  mutable std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > dynamicScores_pion;
190  mutable std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > dynamicScores_kaon;
191  mutable std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > dynamicScores_muon;
192  mutable std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > dynamicScores_neuk;
196  mutable bool isParentOnAxis = true;
197  mutable TGeoVolume * fTopVol = 0;
198  mutable string fGeomFile = "";
199  mutable bool fIsUsingRootGeom = false;
201  mutable TChain * ctree = 0, * cmeta = 0;
203  mutable double fMass; // HNL mass, GeV
204  mutable std::vector< double > fU4l2s; // couplings
205  mutable bool fIsMajorana;
206  //mutable int fType; // for hist fluxes. 0 ==> only particle, 1 ==> only anti, 2 ==> mix of both
207  //mutable double fMinE = 0.0, fMaxE = 100.0, fAngDev = 0.0; // for hist fluxes
209  mutable double fLx, fLy, fLz;
210  mutable double fLxR, fLyR, fLzR; // BBox side [m]
212  mutable std::vector< double > fB2UTranslation, fB2URotation;
213  mutable std::vector< double > fDetRotation; // rotation of detector wrt tgt hall
214  mutable std::vector< double > fDetOffset; // offset of det centre wrt geom file origin
215  mutable double fCx, fCy, fCz; // BBox centre wrt HNL prod [m]
216  mutable double fAx1, fAz, fAx2; // Euler angles, extrinsic x-z-x. Tgt-hall to beam
217  mutable double fBx1, fBz, fBx2; // Tgt-hall to detector frame
219  mutable double fDx, fDy, fDz; //HNL production point [m]
221  //std::vector< double > trVec, roVec;
223  mutable bool doPol = true, fixPol = false;
224  mutable double fLPx, fLPy, fLPz; // direction of co-produced lepton == polarisation vector
225  mutable double fLPE;
226  mutable std::vector< double > fFixedPolarisation;
228  mutable int fLepPdg; // pdg code of co-produced lepton
229  mutable int fNuPdg; // pdg code of SM neutrino from same decay type
230  mutable double parentMass, parentMomentum, parentEnergy; // GeV
231  mutable double fECM, fSMECM; // GeV
232  mutable double fZm, fZp; // deg
234  mutable int fProdChan, fNuProdChan;
236  mutable TVector3 fTargetPoint, fTargetPointUser;
238  static const int maxArray = 30, maxC = 100;
240  // tree variables. Add as per necessary.
241  mutable double potnum; ///< N POT for this SM-v
242  mutable int decay_ptype; ///< PDG code of parent
243  mutable double decay_vx, decay_vy, decay_vz; ///< coordinates of prod vtx [cm]
244  mutable double decay_pdpx, decay_pdpy, decay_pdpz; ///< final parent momentum [GeV]
245  mutable double decay_necm; ///< SM v CM energy [GeV]
246  mutable double decay_nimpwt; ///< Importance weight from beamsim
248  mutable int arSize, anArSize, trArSize;
249  mutable int djob;
250  mutable double ppvx, ppvy, ppvz;
253  mutable int decay_ppmedium;
258  mutable int ancestor_pdg[maxArray];
274  // meta variables. Add as necessary
275  mutable int job; ///< beamsim MC job number
276  mutable double pots; ///< how many pot in this job?
278  mutable int mArSize;
279  mutable char beamsim[maxC], physics[maxC], physcuts[maxC];
280  mutable char tgtcfg[maxC], horncfg[maxC], dkvolcfg[maxC];
281  mutable double beam0x, beam0y, beam0z;
282  mutable double beamhwidth, beamvwidth;
283  mutable double beamdxdz, beamdydz;
285  mutable char location_name[maxArray*maxC];
289  mutable double POTScaleWeight;
290  mutable std::vector<double> fScales;
292  mutable bool fDoingOldFluxCalc = false;
293  mutable bool fRerollPoints = false;
294  mutable double fRadius; // m
295  mutable bool fSupplyingBEAM = false;
296  mutable bool fIsConfigLoaded = false;
298  mutable bool fUsingDk2nu = true;
299  mutable string fFinPath, fProdHist;
300  mutable TH1D * fSpectrum = 0, * fIntegrals = 0;
302  }; // class FluxCreator
304  } // namespace hnl
305 } // namespace genie
307 #endif // #ifndef _HNL_FLUXCREATOR_H_
enum genie::hnl::t_HNLProd HNLProd_t
std::vector< double > GetDetRotation() const
std::vector< double > fFixedPolarisation
int decay_ptype
PDG code of parent.
static const int maxArray
std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > dynamicScores_neuk
double nuray_px[maxArray]
TVector3 PointToRandomPointInBBox() const
static double labangle(double *x, double *par)
double potnum
N POT for this SM-v.
double pots
how many pot in this job?
std::vector< double > fB2UTranslation
double ancestor_polz[maxArray]
void ProcessEventRecord(GHepRecord *event_rec) const
std::vector< double > fDetOffset
void ImportBoundingBox(TGeoBBox *box) const
double decay_vz
coordinates of prod vtx [cm]
double GetAngDeviation(TLorentzVector p4par, TVector3 detO, bool seekingMax) const
double location_y[maxArray]
const double kRDET
double ancestor_startz[maxArray]
double traj_trkpx[maxArray]
int job
beamsim MC job number
char location_name[maxArray *maxC]
double nuray_E[maxArray]
double CalculateDetectorAcceptanceSAA(TVector3 detO) const
A GENIE flux container specific for HNL containers. Based on the dk2nu flux paradigm and genie::flux:...
genie::hnl::FluxContainer fGnmf
double decay_necm
SM v CM energy [GeV].
double ancestor_pprodpx[maxArray]
double traj_trkz[maxArray]
double decay_nimpwt
Importance weight from beamsim.
std::vector< double > fB2URotation
double ancestor_startx[maxArray]
double traj_trkpy[maxArray]
double CalculateAcceptanceCorrection(TLorentzVector p4par, TLorentzVector p4HNL, double SMECM, double zm, double zp) const
void SetUsingRootGeom(bool IsUsingRootGeom) const
std::vector< double > fDetRotation
std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > dynamicScores
Calculates HNL production kinematics &amp; production vertex. Is a concrete implementation of the FluxRec...
double ancestor_stoppx[maxArray]
double ancestor_starty[maxArray]
std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > dynamicScores_muon
double traj_trkx[maxArray]
std::string CheckGeomPoint(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const
double location_z[maxArray]
TVector3 ApplyUserRotation(TVector3 vec, bool doBackwards=false) const
void OpenFluxInput(std::string finpath) const
std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > GetProductionProbs(int parPDG) const
std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > dynamicScores_pion
FluxContainer RetrieveFluxInfo() const
std::map< genie::hnl::HNLProd_t, double > dynamicScores_kaon
double ancestor_startt[maxArray]
double ancestor_startpx[maxArray]
double nuray_py[maxArray]
double decay_pdpz
final parent momentum [GeV]
std::vector< double > GetB2URotation() const
char ancestor_imat[maxArray *maxC]
Expands the EventRecordVisitorI interface to include public interfaces for the HNL FluxCreator module...
void FillNonsense(int iEntry, genie::hnl::FluxContainer &gnmf) const
char ancestor_proc[maxArray *maxC]
double ancestor_startpz[maxArray]
FluxContainer MakeTupleFluxEntry(int iEntry, std::string finpath) const
double traj_trkpz[maxArray]
double ancestor_pprodpz[maxArray]
std::vector< double > fU4l2s
std::vector< double > GetB2UTranslation() const
A registry. Provides the container for algorithm configuration parameters.
Definition: Registry.h:65
double ancestor_stoppz[maxArray]
std::vector< double > GetDetOffset() const
void SetFirstFluxEntry(int iFirst) const
double location_x[maxArray]
static const int maxC
std::vector< double > fScales
double nuray_wgt[maxArray]
double ancestor_stoppy[maxArray]
double ancestor_startpy[maxArray]
double ancestor_pprodpy[maxArray]
void Configure(const Registry &config)
int ancestor_nucleus[maxArray]
double nuray_pz[maxArray]
char ancestor_ivol[maxArray *maxC]
TLorentzVector HNLEnergy(genie::hnl::HNLProd_t hnldm, TLorentzVector p4par) const
GENIE&#39;s GHEP MC event record.
Definition: GHepRecord.h:45
double ancestor_poly[maxArray]
Most commonly used PDG codes. A set of utility functions to handle PDG codes is provided in PDGUtils...
void SetCurrentEntry(int iCurr) const
int ancestor_pdg[maxArray]
double traj_trky[maxArray]
void SetInputFluxPath(std::string finpath) const
double ancestor_polx[maxArray]
void SetGeomFile(string geomfile) const