TCT Data Analysis
Particulars Analysis Scripts
Installed on a windows PC.
ROOT version 5.34.14 VC++ 9 (2008)
Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition
It is important, that the root verstion with the right VC++ is used.
Set system variable:
Control Panel -> System
right drop down menue: Advanced System Settings -> Advanced -> Environment Variables
- ROOTSYS= [your path] \ROOT\
Add ROOTSYS/bin to your PATH
Command Prompt
After installation of 'Visual Studio 9.0' the command prompt of that programm should be used.
It can be found at:
Start->All Programms->Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition->Visual Studio Tools->Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt
For simplicity a desktop shortcut can be created with the following attributes:
Target: |
%comspec% /k ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"" x86 |
Start in: |
E:\Particulars |
Root Package Installation
nmake -f makewin
To load library in root, open root in same folder and:
To do this automatically, change/create rootlogon.C.
The following way is based on the Liverpool PC with the used paths. The paths might vary for other systems.
system.rootrc can be found in: C:\root\etc
- change system.rootrc:
Rint.Logon: C:\root\etc\rootlogon.C
- create 'rootlogon.C' file in same directory as 'system.rootrc' with following content:
printf("\nLoading TCT analysis library.\n\n");
Ettore analysis (Geneva)
The code is proveded by Ettore Zaffaroni (University of Geneva).
Geneva TWiki page
github page with modified TCTAnalyse code
The scripts are written in for pyROOT
'python 2.7.10 on SL6 x86_64 for gcc 463' has proven to work for SL6 PCs
To use it type 'source /batchsoft/python/ 2.7.10' into the terminl (or add it into your .bashrc).
Update 10/12/2021
TCT Library:
This library requires ROOT and all the basic compilers. I am using it on Ubuntu 16.04 with ROOT 5.34/36 (I tried to install it with ROOT 6 without success). The installation is straightforward:
HEP Liverpool: source /batchsoft/root/root-5.34.34-x86_64-cc7-48/bin/
- download the library from here
- unzip it
- place it where you want to keep it (personally, I placed it in the /TCT-Library folder)
- open a terminal and cd into the library folder
- run make -f makeLinuxMac_Root5 (modify the file name depending on your system)
- should appear, if everything has been done correctly
To run software, use a source script, which loads the required python and root versions:
- source /batchsoft/python/ 2.7.12
- source /batchsoft/root/root-5.34.34-x86_64-cc7-48/bin/
Create root file from scan file (tct-hist-liv):
python tct-hist-liv "< file >" "< scan type >" "< channel >" "< time window >" "< 3 optional index >"
< file >: tct scan file (full path)
< scan type >: xy, xz, xU1, xU2, yz, yU1, yU2, zU1, zU2,
< channel >: 0, 1
< time window >: '1 number'
e.g.: python tct-hist-liv "/hepstore/swonsak/Liverpool-TCT/TCT-Scans/Ettore-PCB/Signal-finding_23-08-2017_13-50.tct" "xz" "0" "40"
Required changes in program tct-hist-liv
- t0 = 0. can be changed to account for the ~10ns baseline at the begin of the waveform.
- ROOT.gSystem.Load("/hepstore/swonsak/Liverpool-TCT/Ettore-Scripts/TCT-Library/") path needs to be changed to the local library location
- f = ROOT.TFile.Open("output.root", "recreate") can be changed to a different output name.
Options in 'tct-hist-liv'
During PSTCT opject creation a set X-axis shift of 30.0 (default) is implemented. Therefore the 't0' parameter will be added to this shift and needs to be chosen carefully. It is necessary that this value is not 0 to allow a correct base-line subtraction.
Only for xz scans.
python tct-wf "< file path >" "< ch >" "< x >" "< z >" "< 3 optional indexes >"
< file path >: tct scan file (with full path)
< ch >: channel 0 or 1
< x >: x positon for the waveform
< z >: y position for the waveform
e.g. python tct-wf "/hepstore/swonsak/Liverpool-TCT/TCT-Scans/Matthew/H35-2E13-testZ.tct" "0" "30209.2" "36996.5"
Required changes in the program tct-wf:
- ROOT.gSystem.Load("/hepstore/swonsak/Liverpool-TCT/Ettore-Scripts/TCT-Library/") path needs to be changed to the local library location
Options in 'tct-wf'
During PSTCT opject creation a set X-axis shift of 20.0 (default) is implemented. Therefore the 't0' parameter will be added to this shift and needs to be chosen carefully.
DESY analysis program (not working properly)
DESY analysis program source code from Mykyta Haranko; DESY analysis software (21/06/2016)
compile for usage with Linux or use the pre compiled version (
link) for Windows; see documentation for more details
Compile on windows computer
Should work (but does not)
- download and install visual studio (Visual Studio 2012 to be compativle with root5.34.X)
- better Visual Studio 2015 (it worked)
- download and install cmake (
- can be found in E:\TCT\Downloads\Code-compile
- download and install qt4.8 or qt5
- follow steps in developer manual for cmake
Working Method
- install root v5.34.34
- install visual studio 2015
- Visual Studio 2012 to be compativle with root5.34.X, but 2015 somehow works
- install qt5.8 (with msvc2015 compiler)
- follow the instructions in the TCTAnalysis developer manual for qmake
- copy all .dll files and the directory 'platforms' from the working precompiled DESY version to the same directory as your .exe files
SvenWonsak - 26 Nov 2014