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Results from ATLAS web retrieved at 01:00 (GMT)

12.0.6 Process* Sample ID *Events Location Produced by Notes ttbar (no fully hadronic) 5200 ~600k /hepstore/store4/leneyold/Files/ttbar/12.0.6/ ...
Doing ATHENA analysis on the Liverpool Farm Introduction This is a collection of information on how to use the Liverpool farm for ATHENA analysis, such as the Li...
Liverpool DiPhoton Group In order to co ordinate the groups diphoton activities, a mini group (Helen Hayward, Steve Maxfield and Barry King) has been formed to co...
Higgs Within the first few year of data taking, the LHC, should allow us to discover the Higgs boson if it exists. In Liverpool we will search for the Higgs boso...
VBF Higgs To Tau Tau For information on object selection/cuts etc, see the H TauTau group pages here:
r18 - 23 Jun 2009 - 13:56 by KatharineLeney
This is a list of AOD Ntuple Data sets produced 11.0.42 Process/Sample Events Location Produced by Notes Z ee (5144) ~500k /hepstore/store1/...
r23 - 13 Sep 2007 - 15:24 by MikeFlowerdew
Until further notice, the contents of this page are under construction, and subject to change. It is a working document. Introduction In examining the latest NLO...
r15 - 27 Jun 2008 - 10:01 by MikeFlowerdew
Running on Cosmics at CERN Introduction Carl has written a very useful script to run jobs on the (reprocessed ) cosmic data on the Lxplus batch queues. This has...
Liverpool 3 analysis Useful reading ATLAS Run 1: CMS Run 2: ATLAS HL LHC projection: h...
Structure * Home * News * Activities * People * Events * Documentation * Discussion * Resources Recurse structure throu...
15th October 2007 ttbar Background * Look at fraction of events where the reconstructed taus do not come from the W's. SB done * Look at fraction of events...
r3 - 19 Oct 2007 - 08:05 by KatharineLeney
Panda Athena As an alternative to Ganga, you can use Panda for your distributed analysis. The information here should be enough to get you started, but for full d...
r5 - 04 Aug 2010 - 13:30 by KatharineLeney
ATLAS Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the ATLAS web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and , and c...
Statistics for ATLAS Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Information related to Z counting to determine ATLAS luminosity Useful Links ATLAS ZCounting twiki
r18 - 12 Sep 2018 - 22:17 by hlyons
Introduction This page gives a very brief introduction to the ZToTwoElectrons package. This resides in CVS under PhysicsAnalysis/StandardModelPhys/WZBenchmarks/. ...
r5 - 07 May 2009 - 14:58 by MikeFlowerdew
Number of topics: 16

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