Tim's talk at the Birkenhead PPRP meeting.
Steve's talk at the Birkenhead meeting.
Konstantin Stefanov's LCWS2002 talk.
Burrow's Santa Cruz talk, June 2002.
proposal to PPRP, April 2002.
Progress report for the PPRP,
November 2001.
Progress report for the PPRP, September 2001.
PPESP proposal, March 2001,
addendum to the proposal and parts
one and two of the presentation.
Konstantin Stefanov's Ph.D. thesis on
Radiation Damage Effects in CCDs for Tracking in HEP.
Chris's note on a
Chris's report
Vertex Detectors: the State of the Art and Future Prospects.
Stefania's note on
flavour tagging performance.
LCFI talk at LCWS2000.
Contribution to
LCFI talk at
Lyon, supplementary transparencies
2 and
Contribution to
LCFI talk at Vertex2000.
Contribution to
LCFI talk at Bad Honnef Si detector workshop.
Flavour tagging results and plots.
Liverpool HEP seminar on CCDs, 17/12/98.
LCFI Proposal for the PPESP, 2001
LCFI Statement of Interest
for PPESP, submitted 6/9/99.
LC Statement of Interest
for PPESP, submitted 13/9/99.
LCFI Proposal for PPESP, 1998
part 1,
part 2 (part 2 doesn't ghostview but
does print!) and
part 3.
Agenda, Dave's transparency of
LCFI spend.
19/12/02: Agenda, Stephanie's
Agenda, Konstantin's slide of
radiation damage effects in CCD58, Stephanie's
Agenda, Konstantin's picture of the
module layout, Stephanie's
Agenda, Stephanie's
transparencies, LCFI spend so far
this year.
Agenda. Glenn's photo of
CCD32 lapped to 50
mm; Andy Harris' page on nitride
etching experiments; Tony's overview of thin
ladder R&D.
Agenda. Erik's
comparison of Ansys and Algor
23/05/02: Agenda. LCFI spend
in FY01. Erik's
sections along centre of cooled ladder;
glass/stainless ladder, free one end, force applied of
1.1 N,
1.15 N,
1.2 N,
1.25 N,
1.3 N,
1.35 N,
1.4 N,
1.45 N,
1.5 N; glass/stainless steel
ladder, one end free to move in z, force applied of
1.7 N,
1.8 N,
1.9 N,
2.0 N,
2.2 N,
2.3 N,
2.4 N,
2.5 N; slides of
Si/Be/Si ladder 1,
Si/Be/Si ladder 2,
Si/Be/Si ladder 3,
Si/Stainless/Si ladder.
25/04/02: Agenda. Oxford transparencies on
FEA simulations. Liverpool simulations of
MIP traversing CCD
28/03/02: Agenda. Oxford transparencies
showing WhiPM profile of unsupported silicon
ladder, FEA model of semi-supported
ladder. Liverpool transparencies.
LCFI spend so far this year.
21/02/02: Agenda.
Glenn's transparencies on CCD thinning experiment at Mtech
24/01/02: Agenda. LCFI spend so far
this year.
20/12/01: Agenda. Glenn's transparencies on
CCD thinning experiment at Mtech.
22/11/01: Agenda. LCFI spend so far
this year.
Oxford transparencies on
mechanical stability studies.
LCFI spend so far
this year.
LCFI spend so far
this year.
Oxford transparencies on
mechanical stability studies.
Oxford transparencies on
FEA studies of mechanical stability.
Rutherford transparencies on
new ladder studies;
physics studies reported at
LCFI spend for
this year.
Oxford transparencies on
FEA studies of mechanical stability.
Rutherford transparencies on
progress with flavour tagging.
22/5/01 at Liverpool:
Oxford transparencies on
FEA studies of mechanical stability.
LCFI spend for
26/4/01 at RAL (note change of date and location!):
21/3/01: Agenda.
LCFI spend so far
this FY.
21/3/01: Agenda.
Transparencies for PPESP talks by
and Tim (as
gzipped ps file,
powerpoint file).
LCFI spend so far
this FY.
22/2/01: Agenda.
25/1/01: Agenda.
21/12/00: Agenda.
Liverpool transparency of
self-supporting Si test rig.
23/11/00: Agenda.
Oxford transparencies, described
and available from the bottom of
this page.
2/11/00: Agenda.
Rutherford transparencies of:
Sagitta as function of tension
pdf file,
ps file.
Results of fit to distribution of sagitta
ps file.
Stefania's transparencies from LCWS2000
ps file.
21/9/00: Agenda.
Rutherford transparencies of:
Unsupported Si ladder.
Unsupported Si frame birdseye view.
Unsupported Si frame end.
Sagitta test results as
pdf file,
ps file.
24/8/00: Agenda.
20/7/00: Agenda.
Rutherford transparencies of:
LCFI spend in FY 1999;
22/6/00: Agenda.
30/5/00: Agenda.
To get to the meeting, first find Liverpool, then the University, and finally the Oliver Lodge Laboratory, which is building 48 on the Campus Map. Tim Greenshaw's office is on the third floor, room 332 (13:00 for lunch), the meeting will take place in room 214 on the second floor, start 14:00.
Agendas/transparencies for earlier meetings are available
Minutes are
available on request from
CCD58 cables
ps file,
Stephen Burge, 15/8/00.
CCD58 motherboard circuitry
eps file,
ps file,
Stephen Burge, 1/10/99.
CCD58 motherboard + flexi, mechanics
eps file,
ps file,
Stephen Burge, 1/10/99.
Liverpool cryostat in section
and 3D, Tim Greenshaw, 1/4/99.
Omega beam ladder substrate,
Andy Nichols, 25/2/99.
V beam ladder substrate,
Andy Nichols, 25/2/99.
Liverpool gas heater unit,
Tim Greenshaw, 25/2/99.
Coax/stripline cables to motherboard,
Steve Burge, 25/2/99.
RAL cryostat with CCD,
Andy Nichols, 11/12/98.
RAL cryostat with ladder,
Andy Nichols, 11/12/98.
LC vertex detector (black & white),
Chris Damerell, 19/11/98
LC vertex detector (colour),
Chris Damerell, 19/11/98.
SPICE simulation of column parallel readout, part 3,
Justin Theed, 22/9/00.
SPICE simulation of column parallel readout, part 2,
Justin Theed, 7/9/00.
SPICE simulation of column parallel readout, part 1,
Justin Theed, 31/8/00.
CCD Vertex Detextor for TESLA: Driver Issues,
Chris Damerell, 13/1/00.
Optical survey cryostat specification,
Andy Nichols, 26/5/99.
Software requirements,
Chris Damerell, 8/3/99.
Proposed readout system,
Tony Gillman, 25/2/99.
General CCD figures
Charge collection in buried-channel CCD structure
Corner of CCD: principal structures
Gate structure of 3-phase CCD register
Operating principles of extended row filter
Noise spectra of various CCD output FETs
SLD figures
Detector cross-section (end view)
Detector cross-section (side view)
Hit-rate vs I address (in columns with major traps)
Noise hit rate vs threshold (with/without ERF)
Processing chain for one channel
Future LC figures
Block diagram of Column Parallel readout
b and c tagging performance on Z pole
b-tagging performance as function of energy
c-tagging performance as function of energy
Self-supporting CCD ladder end
VXD side view (later version available below)
VXD isometric view (later version available below)
Electronics physical arrangement
Proposed ladder production sequence
Charm effic/purity based on mass tag (Snowmass 96)
Column-parallel architecture: single column
Column-parallel architecture: end of CCD
Column-parallel architecture: CCD attachment to readout IC
Column-parallel architecture: layout at end of ladder
VXD side view, Sept 2000 (black and white)
VXD side view, Sept 2000 (colour)
VXD isometric view, Sept 2000 (colour)
Worldwide Study of the
Physics and Detectors for Future Linear Colliders
Links to all known Linear Collider related work
(under development).
Fermilab Linear Collider Physics Study Group.
Worldwide Linear Collider Physics/Detector Studies.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre.
ECFA/DESY LC Event Generator Studies.
ECFA/DESY LC Detector Simulation.
ECFA/DESY LC Simulation News Page (mail green@hep.ph.liv.ac.uk for
ID and password).
Second ECFA/DESY Study on LC Physics and Detectors.
TESLA Conceptual Design Report.
UK Linear Collider Consortium.
SKY Online (Sky and Telescope, CCD Astronomy...).
ESA X-Ray Multi-Mirror Mission.