Using the Video Conference Room Equipment The video conferencing equipment in room 201 can be used to host or display a video or phone conference. This is a basic...
HEP Computing Documentation FAQs about Remote Working During the ongoing pandemic situation we're keeping a page updated with advice about WorkingFromHome and ac...
Computing Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Computing web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and ...
Using WSL2 to run HEP linux programmes on an MWS windows computer WSL2 is the Windows subsystem for Linux version 2, which allows a full linux experience, while s...
WISP Integrated Storage Portal Liverpool HEP provides ubiquitous storage through the WISP service (using open source NextCloud technology). Anyone with a HEP Linu...
FAQs about Remote Working Please use the systems as normal. If there are any changes to the system they will be announced here, via email and/or Mattermost Town S...
Writing and Running Applications on Xeon Phi Xeon Phi 7120P co processor cards based on the Knights Corner chipset are available for MIC evaluation and developmen...