06-03-2007 - Network disruptions in March and April due to network upgrades.
Latest News
06-03-2007 - University network upgrades are planned for Tuesday 13th and Thursday 15th March between 0700 and 0900, with external access being down. There may be network instabilities to off-site connections after these periods.
06-03-2007 - There is to be a major interruption to the GRID network between April 2nd and April 5th as the FORCE10 managed switch is upgraded and the network infrastructure is reconfigured. There may be interruptions to the main University network and internal networks.
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Computing Status
Full system status can be found on the ComputingStatus page.
06-03-2007 - Matrix is offline for the foreseeable future while the disc arrays are checked and rebuilt.
Hepstore1 (store1/ and store2/) is back online and writeable. Hepstore2 (store3/ and store4/) will retain the backup of store1/ in a read-only mode until Monday 12 Feb 2007 when it will be deleted and the store made writeable again.
NIS outage on Friday 02 Feb evening. Some desktops may be frozen, reboot to fix.