Micron Sensor Inventory

Last update: 12/08/2015 by Sven Wonsak

New Sensors


Wafer Quantity
2328-14 16
2328-15 11
2328-16 12


Wafer Thickness Quantity
2437-8 144um 15
2437-14 143um 6


Wafer Thickness Quantity
2923-2 108um 6
2923-1 106um 19


Wafer ThicknessSorted descending Quantity
2922-1 52um 1
3107-3   15
3107-6   12

3107-6: 2 sensors glued to carbon fibre

Old Sensors

140um (FZ, 30kOhm)

Wafer Quantity
2437-2 9
2437-3 20
2437-4 2
2437-6 21

300um (MCZ, 1kOhm)

Wafer Quantity
2684-4 2
2684-3 6

-- SvenWonsak - 12 Aug 2015
Topic revision: r1 - 12 Aug 2015, SvenWonsak
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