Creating a Grid UI with a GridPP CernVM - Testing

  • Downloading the CernVM image: Your Downloads folder (or whichever location you chose to download the CernVM image file) contains the image file.

    $ cd ~/Downloads
    $ ls -l | grep cernvm
  • Creating the CernVM: When you start up your CernVM from your virtualisation software, you are eventually presented with a login screen, similar to this.

Welcome to CERN Virtual Machine, version x.x.x.x
  based on Linux release x.x 
  Kernel xxx on an x86_64

IP Address of this VM: [IP address]
In order to apply cernvm-online context, use #<PIN> as user name.

localhost login: _
  • Registering with the CernVM Service: You can login via this page. When you access this page you are redirected to the CernVM Dashboard.

  • Pairing your CernVM with the GridPP CernVM context: After selecting the GridPP CernVM context in the CernVM Marketplace and clicking on the Pair button on the right-hand panel, you are presented with a six-digit number. After entering the PIN into your CernVM's login screen (preceeded by the hash symbol), your CernVM reboots to display a graphical CernVM login screen. Meanwhile, the CernVM Pairing web page has updated to display the message,

    Setup instance - Completed

    Your vm is now paired with CernVM Online! Upon logging in to your new CernVM with the username gridpp and the password gridpp, you are presented with the CernVM desktop.

  • Accessing your local machine's hard disk from you CernVM: You can access (from the command line or otherwise) folders on your local machine's hard disk on the GridPP CernVM. So (for example) if you're using VirtualBox with the Shared Folders functionality, after adding the folders you want access to via the VM's Settings and rebooting the VM you'll do something like this:

    $ sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf gridpp
    [sudo] password for gridpp: # Enter 'gridpp' here.

    before loggin out and logging in again. You'll then be able to access the folders you specified.

    $ cd /media/sf_alovelace/ # Shared Folder "alovelace" 
    $ ls
    punch-card-01.dat dad-poem-001.txt my-poem-005.txt

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