First steps: Hello World(s)!

It's something of a tradition to start any new computing activity with an exercise that produces the phrase, "Hello, World!" with whatever you're doing. And it's not a tradition we'll be breaking with now. Distributed computing, however, is all about doing things on a bigger scale - so we'll be saying "Hello" to many worlds all at the same time. We'll do this using the Ganga toolsuite. By the end of this chapter you'll have used Ganga to submit multiple jobs with a single command and check their output.

A job is the term we use to describe a task, or set of tasks, we run on our local machine, our cluster's machines, or the grid's Worker Nodes (WNs). We'll come back to these concepts later in the UserGuide.

We won't be using the grid yet - they will run on your local machine - but thanks to Ganga and the other tools used by GridPP making the switch to grid running is pretty straightforward.

Ready? Let's say "Hello!"

Starting Ganga

Ganga is a Python-based toolkit used for submitting jobs and managing data on the grid. You can read more about it on its CERN page here. The code is all on GitHub, of course. Crucially, Ganga is available via CVMFS so you don't even have to install it. On your terminal with CVMFS access, Ganga can be started by simply typing

$ /cvmfs/

After various welcome messages have been presented, you should see the Ganga command prompt:

Ganga In [1]:
If you're familiar with iPython, this prompt style should look very familiar!
The number you see in the Ganga (iPython) prompt is the number of the command that you've executed in the terminal. This is great for interactive running, but rubbish for writing user guides. We'll replace this is with an X in what follows.

To quit Ganga, press Ctrl-d and then type y or press Enter.

You will be using Ganga a lot. You may want to create an alias for the Ganga start command in your ~/.bashrc file.

All good so far? Great. Now you're ready to submit your first job.

Submitting a Hello, World! job

Ganga has an iPython-esque command line interface for real-time job management. Things like jobs are modelled using Python objects. So creating and submitting a job is as simple as this:

Ganga In [X]: j = Job()
Ganga In [X]: j.submit()

You should see an output that looks like something like this:

INFO     submitting job X
INFO     job X status changed to "submitting"
INFO     Preparing Executable application.
INFO     Created shared directory: [temporary directory name]
INFO     Preparing subjobs
INFO     submitting job X to Local backend
INFO     job X status changed to "submitted"

What's going on here? Well, the Job() object has a bunch of default settings that, on instantiation, create a Hello, World! job that submits to the "Local" backend - i.e. the machine you are running on.

The back-end is wherever you want your jobs to run - your local machine, your local computing cluster, or the grid (via GridPP DIRAC). The beauty of Ganga is that you have the same interface for whichever you are using - which makes switching between them a case of tweaking some configuration files.

In the time it has taken to read the above, you should see the following output (press return if not).

INFO     job X status changed to "running"
INFO     Job X Running PostProcessor hook
INFO     job X status changed to "completed"
INFO     removing: [temporary directory name]

Your job has finished. You can check this - and the status of any other jobs - using the jobs command, which produces a neat little summary table of all of your jobs:

Ganga In [X]: jobs
Ganga Out [X]: 
Registry Slice: jobs (1 object)
    fqid |    status |      name | subjobs |    application |        backend |                             backend.actualCE |                       comment 
       X | completed |           |         |     Executable |      Localhost |                                  [host name] |

OK, so your job has run and finished, but where is the famous phrase that signifies success? Well, Ganga manages your job output for you in a series of output directories. More on this later, but you can peek at the output with the following command from Ganga:

Ganga In [X]: j.peek('stdout', 'more')
Hello World
We've used the more program to read the output, but you can specify your own if you like...

Ta da! You've submitted, run, completed, and checked the output from, your first grid-like job. OK, so it didn't run on the grid this time, but thanks to Ganga the process isn't actually that different.

In fact the ability to run grid-like jobs locally is very useful for testing your workflow out before unleashing it on the grid...

Finally, to tidy up:

Ganga In [X]: j.remove()
INFO     removing job X

You can check with the jobs command that the job has gone from the list.

Congratulations - you've submitted your first job! But we can do better than that: with distributed computing, the idea is to break your problem into bits and tackle them with multiple jobs: divide and conquer. Let's see how easy this is to do with Ganga.

Submitting the Hello, World(s)! jobs

We're going to use a Python script to generate and submit multiple jobs to the Local backend with Ganga. First, use your favourite editor to create the following script (which we will call

$ cat
worlds = ['Mercury', 'Venus', 'Mars', 'Earth', 'Jupiter', 'Saturn', 'Uranus', 'Neptune', 'Pluto']

for world in worlds:
    j = Job() = "hello_%s" % (world.lower())
    j.application.args = ["Hello, %s!" % (world)]
If using a command-line editor (e.g. vim), you may want to have two terminals running in your working directory — one to run Ganga in, and one to write scripts in. This will save having to quit Ganga each time you want to edit a script.

There are a few things to note here:

  • We have given each job a name using the script. This will make life easier later on once the jobs have finished.
  • The executable used is still the default (echo), but now we have supplied varying arguments for the different jobs.

Ganga can then run this script with the execfile command. The script uses a for loop to create the jobs and submit them:

Ganga In [X]: execfile('')
[... updates on the job submission ...]

All being well, all nine jobs will run and complete. Using jobs to find the job ID, you can look at the output as before:

Ganga In [X]: jobs(8).peek('stdout', 'more')
Hello, Neptune!

Job manipulation tips and tricks

Of course, now you're able to create and submit potentially huge numbers of jobs, you may want to think about how to keep on top of which jobs are which, how to remove jobs, etc. This is where Ganga really comes in to its own. For example:

  • Selecting jobs by name: remember how we gave each job a name? Well, this allows us to select the jobs we want in one go:
Ganga In [X]: my_jobs ='hello_*')

Ganga In [X]: my_jobs
Ganga Out [X]: 
Registry Slice:'None', maxid='None', name="None") (9 objects)
    fqid |    status |      name | subjobs |    application |        backend |                             backend.actualCE |                       comment 
       1 | completed |hello_merc |         |     Executable |      Localhost |                                   [hostname] |                               
       9 | completed |hello_plut |         |     Executable |      Localhost |                                   [hostname] |

You can now use the my_jobs object to do things to your jobs, such as submit, copy, resubmit, etc.

Use tab complete to see what's possible with the my_jobs you've selected.
  • Removing multiple jobs: To tidy up all the jobs in one go, use the slice you've created with the select command:
Ganga In [X]: my_jobs.remove()
INFO     removing job 1
INFO     removing job 9

You can verify this has been successful with the jobs command.

So there we go - your first multiple job submission with Ganga. Obviously we are going to need to incorporate more complicated features to adapt your workflow for grid running - using your own executables and software libraries, uploading input data, extracting the output, etc. - but hopefully you can see how we might go about this using Ganga and, ultimately, the Grid.

Now take a look at the checklist to make sure you've got everything from this chapter nailed. Then we'll look at a more complicated workflow.

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