An example workflow: local running

Hello, World! jobs are all very well, but we're guessing your workflows are more complicated than a printing out a simple, if polite, greeting. We're now going to demonstrate the capabilities of Ganga and the CernVM-File System (CernVM-FS, or CVMFS) for running jobs with input data, remotely-managed software, and output data.

An aside: what is the CernVM-FS?

The CernVM File System is "a network file system based on HTTP and optimized to deliver software in a fast, scalable, and reliable way". It was developed to solve the problem of installing and maintaining the software used by all of the different particle physics communities involved with work at CERN. Simply put, systems with the CernVM-FS installed have instant access to a given community's software repositories via the command line. This means it can be used:

  • by community members working on university computing clusters outside of CERN;
  • by Worker Nodes (WN) anywhere on the grid where the repository is supported;
  • by CernVM Virtual Machines.

You've already used CVMFS to run Ganga itself. But it can be used to host your own software that will run anywhere on the Grid (or, indeed, anywhere with access to CVMFS).

The example workflow we'll use comes from the CERN@school research programme. We'll take some raw particle detector data in ASCII format, turn it into some pretty images of detected particles using the Python matplotlib software, and retrieve the frame information and images as output.

The workflow itself

The workflow here is pretty straightforward:

  • Input: raw detector data from a Timepix hybrid silicon pixel detector. These ASCII text files represent the data (and detector settings) recorded by a Timepix detector during a background measurement reading. The dataset we use here is hosted on the web at FigShare. We will download a zip file containing the data and upload it with our job.
  • Processing: the data is processed with a Python script in the CERN@school CVMFS repository called This script in turn uses Python modules (both custom and standard) that are also hosted on and sourced from CVMFS.
  • Output: produces a log file, a JSON containing information about the processed data frames, and a directory of images representing the particles detected in each frame.

We will create a workflow in Ganga that uploads the input data we've downloaded from FigShare, process it on our local machine, compress the images into a single tar archive, and retrieve the log file, JSON file, and tar archive as output.

Getting the input data

In your working directory, which we will associate with the environment variable $WORKINGDIR, download the dataset as follows:

$ wget
$ unzip
$ rm
$ ls
B06-W0212  E09-W0092
We could actually get our grid job to do this as part of the job. Or we could tell our job to use input data that is already hosted on a grid storage element. For simplicity, though, we will upload the data we have just downloaded to our working directory with our job.

We'll see how this is uploaded with the job below.

Writing the executable

With our Hello, World! job(s), we used the built-in executable echo to print a simple string. This workflow will use the shell script below,, that contains the commands we want our job to execute.

$ vim
$ chmod a+x
$ cat
# Add the Python packages from the CERN@school CVMFS
# repository to the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
# Add CERN@school libraries to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
# Add CERN@school libraries to the PATH.
export PATH=/cvmfs/$PATH
# Unzip the uploaded input data.
# Run the CVMFS-hosted Python script on the data.
python /cvmfs/ $1 ./.
# Compress the images ready for retrieval.
tar -cvf output_images.tar PNG/

You should make in your $WORKINGDIR by copying and pasting the above into your favourite text editor.

Don't forget to make the script executable with the chmod command.

Creating, configuring, and submitting the job

We'll use Ganga's execfile functionality to create, configure, and submit our job with a short Python script called, listed with explanatory comments below:

$ vim # Copy and paste away!
$ cat
## The Ganga job.
j = Job()

# Name the job. = "CERN@school_local_01"

# Tell Ganga it's running an executable:
j.application = Executable()
j.application.exe = File('')

# takes one argument - the dataset directory.
j.application.args = ['B06-W0212/2014-04-02-150255/']

# Specifiy which local files to upload with the job.
j.inputfiles = [ LocalFile('') ]

# Specify which files should be downloaded as output from the job.
j.outputfiles = [ LocalFile('frames.json'), LocalFile('log_process-frames.log'), LocalFile('output_images.tar') ]

You can then run this within Ganga using the execfile command as before:

Ganga In [X]: execfile('')
[... job output messages ...]
Make sure you are running Ganga from $WORKINGDIR so that it can find

You can monitor the status of the job as before with the jobs command. As the job is actually doing some work now, you may be able to see the job assume the running status.

Getting the job output

Once the job has finished, you can view the output of the text files as before with the peek command:

Ganga In [X]: j=jobs(X)
Ganga In [X]: j.peek('log_process-frames.log')
INFO:root: * Creating directory '././PNG'...
INFO:root:* Found 60 datafiles.

To view the images you've created, you'll need to find where they have been downloaded to on your local machine. If the job ID was "1", you can do this with:

Ganga In [X]: j = jobs(1)
Ganga In [X]: j.outputdir
Ganga Out [X]: '/home/alovelace/gangadir/workspace/alovelace/LocalXML/1/output/'
$ cp /home/alovelace/gangadir/workspace/alovelace/LocalXML/1/output/output_images.tar output_images.tar
$ tar -xvf output_images.tar

You can view these images with the following command, which will bring up the Eye Of Gnome image viewer (assuming you have it installed on your local machine). Use the arrow keys to move through the frames of data.

$ eog PNG/ &

So there we have it - we've run a (rather simple) workflow on our local machine using Ganga. But here's the thing: to move this workflow (and, indeed, most workflows) to the grid, we only need to do three things:

  1. Configure the job to use the GridPP DIRAC backend;
  2. Put our input data on the grid and configure our job to use this;
  3. Configure the job to write the output data to the grid.

2) and 3) take a bit more work, but are optional (it really depends on your input and output data as to what actually needs to go on the grid. But once you're setup for grid running, 1) only takes a single line in your job configuration script:


Ganga does the rest. Does that sound good? Let's get you set up on the grid then.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""