Liverpool CDF

Silicon Alignment

A method for aligning the entire silicon system has been developed.

It is based on the Millepede minimisation program of Volker Blobel.

Our procedure and results are described in CDF Note 5700 sentitled "A Procedure for the Software Alignment of the CDF Silicon System".

You can view the transparencies shown at the Commissioning Meeting on August 23rd 2001, either as a postscript file or, if you are feeling adventurous, as a powerpoint presentation.

Data have been used to align the SVX detector. Results were presented t the tracking meeting on July 10th 2002.

Here are plots of the bow deformations as described in the survey (red) and after the alignment procedure (green).

The L00 alignment was described at the Tracking Meeting on Nov 6th. Resolutions are somewhat worse than might be expected. Currently we suspect we are not correctly picking up the calibrations for the common-mode correction.