25 November 2014, 12:30 video conference room(week 9)
- Review pending action items
- literature search, postpone presentations till next week (all)
- Get copy of SNO solar neutrino code (hjr)
- send new text book request to library (hjr)
- Upload source code from past final year projects (hjr)
- software library to calculate hypergeometric function values (bm)
- Discuss next steps
- plan of action
- getting started with coding etc
- CUDA system
- time frame: milestones, deliverables, dates
18 November 2014 , 12:30, video conference room (semester week 8)
- Review pending action items
- Latest info from Richard Calland, GPU calculations (hjr)
- software library to calculate hypergeometric function values
- Get copy of SNO solar neutrino code (hjr)
- upload scanned book chapters ( rf, bm )
- send new text book request to library (hjr)
- proposal: neutrino survival probability calculation pseudo code (hjr)
- Full neutrino flux calculation a la Fiorentini, with modified survival probability
- literature search, present at next meeting
- global Thorium and Uranium abundance
- local Thorium and Uranium abundance
- matter density (crust, mantle, core)
- location, distribution of solar neutrino emissivity
- current best values for mixing angles and mass differences (PDG, review papers)
- recent geo-neutrino flux calculations
- recent standard model solar flux calculations
- lastest geoneutrino detections (Kamland, Borexino, others?)
- current state of solar neutrino flux measurements
- first low energy solar detection (Borexino?)
- How to get started with Root, CERNLIBs and coding?
- aob
- Latest info from Richard Calland, GPU calculations (hjr)
- Signup to SNO+ plus and anti-neutrino lists (hjr)
- Sudbury collaboration meeting? Investigate Liverpool University travel funds.
- software library to calculate hypergeometric function values
- Upload source code from past final year projects (hjr)
- Discuss: use Dropbox to share source code? Share complete project files? (hjr)
11 November 2014, 12:30, video conference room (semester week 7)
- review action items from last meeting(s)
- Mathematics of neutrino mixing with three flavours
- Neutrino mixing with matter density term added in
* Set access rights for Wiki page (hjr)
6 November 2014, pre-start meeting (semester week 6)
Mawdsley, Benjamin Fair, Rebecca Hussain, Sayam
- Core 'working hours’: Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00 and Wednesday 10:00 - 13:00. Approximate average workload 25 hours per week. - done
- Set time of weekly meeting - done
- Post phone numbers and Skype ID for shared screen conference calls (all)-
- get Linux login / set password (all)
- Basic equation - no mass effect: get copies of chapter from Zuber and/or chapter from HEP text book into Wiki (bm)
- mass effect - basics : put copy of McLaughlin and Kneller paper into Wiki (hjr) - done
- Scan past two MPHYS reports, place in Wiki (rf)
- Place info on CUDA / GPU use from past PhD project into Wiki (hjr) - done
- Get copy of past SNO solar neutrino code and references - from Dresden? (hjr)
- Send thank-you email to library, ask for new HEP text books (hjr)
JoachimRose - 10 Nov 2014