-- JoelDasari - 25 Nov 2020

Installing ROOT

(to be filled)

Installing ROOT framework for eclipse

Setting up ROOT for eclipse.

ROOT Version: V6.22.02

Eclipse: kepler (Eclipse for c/c++)

Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)

Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64

Architecture: x86-64

The instructions for setting up the ROOT framework on eclipse can be found at:


Key points:

For each new project created go to :
  1. right click project -> Properties.
  2. go to C/C++ Build -> Settings
  3. under GCC C++ Linker -> miscellaneous add the following statement:
-L/usr/local/lib `${ROOTSYS}/bin/root-config --libs --glibs --cflags --ldflags --auxlibs --auxcflags` -pthread -lm -ldl

Screenshot from 2020-11-25 22-18-37.png

under GCC C++ Compiler -> miscellaneous add the following statement:


Screenshot from 2020-11-26 09-20-48.png
Topic revision: r2 - 26 Nov 2020, JoelDasari
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