Scratch Area
testing basetopic
This is just the scratch area for testing the new plugins.
- Link to ThomasScratch.
- nothing
- again
The time in Liverpool is %LOCALCITYTIME{"Europe/London"}%
Tag cloud for this topic:
This could maybe used as an aside for documents and minutes to show the frequency of buzzwords! I wonder if there is a way of combining multiple topics?
Time since I was born into this world:
%TIMESINCE{"14 Aug 1977 - 11:30" units="7" seconds="on"}%
This is a green square produced by the draw plugin:
Simple functionality checklist
To let me gauge your competency as a TWiki guru please fill in the table below once each step is completed:
Functionality test |
Completed |
Access this page |
Log in as user sjm |
Edit this page |
Create and save a topic in the sandbox web |
Add headings and sub-headings to a topic |
Make text in a topic bold and italic |
Add a table to a topic |
Add wiki and external links to a topic |
Add an anchor link to a topic |
Add a table of contents to a topic |
Attach a file to a topic |
Apply TWiki variables in a topic |
Add TWiki documentation graphics to a topic |
Plugin checklist
Have a quick test of the installed plugins to see if they function as expected. Some of the plugins can be quite elaborate and take a while to fully understand the syntax so it might be best for now to look try the default or most simple use case and build up from there. If you can see that the plugins will definitely be of use for people using the HEP twiki then mention this under the comments column. I have highlighted a possible scenarios where possible but feel free to edit these where applicable.
Plugin |
Possible use |
Tested |
Comments |
Event managment |
%TWIKIWEB%.CalendarPlugin |
Meeting and event listings |
%TWIKIWEB%.DateFieldPlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.DateTimePlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.QuickCalendarPlugin |
Project and task Managment |
%TWIKIWEB%.ChecklistPlugin |
Personal todo list, task lists for a group |
Publishing |
%TWIKIWEB%.BeautifierPlugin |
Highlight code fragments in a topic |
%TWIKIWEB%.CommentPlugin |
Add suggestions and comments to the end of published articles |
%TWIKIWEB%.ContributorsPlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.EditTablePlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.EndNotePlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.ExtendedSelectPlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.FileListPlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.GoogleSearchPlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.HistoryPlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.LocalTimePlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.LocalCityTimePlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.MostPopularPlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.TimeSincePlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.TagCloudPlugin |
Show the buzzwords in topics! |
%TWIKIWEB%.TocPlugin |
Documentation |
%TWIKIWEB%.EmbedPDFPlugin |
Image handling |
%TWIKIWEB%.ImagePlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.ImgPlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.ImageGalleryPlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.PhotoarchivePlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiDrawPlugin |
Collaborate on quick box and arrow diagrams |
News |
%TWIKIWEB%.HeadlinesPlugin |
RSS feeds from both internal pages and external twikis and news sources |
%TWIKIWEB%.NewsPlugin |
Summary from RSS feeds |
%TWIKIWEB%.RecentChangesPlugin |
Summary of changes from around the site |
Decisions |
%TWIKIWEB%.PollPlugin |
%TWIKIWEB%.VotePlugin |
Presentations |
%TWIKIWEB%.SlideShowPlugin |
Tools |
%TWIKIWEB%.SpreadSheetPlugin |
Simple data tallying, quick calculations |