

The page lists all ATLAS roles and service tasks (ATLAS-wide, UK-wide or local) performed by members of the Liverpool group, including shifts taken.

Shifts taken in 2008

For more info on SCT DAQ/DCS/DQM/COOLING shifts also see SCTShiftInformation.

SCT DAQ, DCS and DQ combined shift (8 hours per shift)

Name Number of shifts taken
Paul Dervan 4 (4 day)
Thomas Kluge 7 (4 day, 3 night)
... ...

SCT DAQ shift & CALIBRATION shift (8 hours per shift)

Name Number of shifts taken
Joost Vossebeld 32
Paul Dervan 4 (3 day and 1 evening)
Thomas Kluge 6 (3 day, 3 night)
Sergey Burdin 12 (1 morning, 8 evening, 3 night)
... ...

SCT DCS shift (8 hours per shift)

Name Number of shifts taken
... ...

SCT DQM shift (8 hours per shift)

Name Number of shifts taken
... ...

SCT COOLING shift (8 hours per shift)

Name Number of shifts taken
... ...

ID GEN shift (8 hours per shift)

NameSorted ascending Number of shifts taken
Bozydar Wrona 8 (8 day)
Sylwia Migas 10 (10 day)

Offline Monitoring shift (24 hour shift * 50%)

Name Number of shifts taken
Helen Hayward 7
Peter Vankov 7
Paul Dervan ...
Sergey Burdin 4
... ...

ATLAS GRID Production shift (7 days)

Name Number of shifts taken
Carl Gwilliam ...
... ...

Data Quality shift (8 hours per shift)

Katharine Leney 13

General Atlas tasks and roles

Name start of task end of task Brief description
Helen Hayward ... ... SCT offline monitoring (task 24089)
Nick Austin ... ... SCT offline Monitoring
Carl Gwilliam ... ... Grid expert
Carl Gwilliam ... ... SCT Clustering
Thomas Kluge ... ... SCT Database
Peter Vankov ... ... SCT Calibration verification
Tim Jones ... ... Member SCT Steering group
Paul Laycock ... ... ATLAS Database
Sergey Burdin ... ... Online (on-ROD) monitoring
Sergey Burdin ... ... Data Quality indicator
Max Klein ... ... Chair Publication committee
Uta Klein ... ... Luminosity contact person standard model group
Katharine Leney ... ... DCS Status Calculator
Sylwia Migas ... ... SCT Monitoring
Bozydar Wrona ... ... SCT Monitoring / DCS Status Calculator
Jan Kretzschmar 06/2008 ... Physics validation / SM group service task
... ... ... ...

UK ATLAS tasks and roles

Name start of task end of task Brief description
Joost Vossebeld Feb 2007 ongoing Convener UK Standard Model Group
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...

Liverpool Atlas tasks and roles

Name start of task end of task Brief description
Neil Jackson ... ... Group Leader
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...

-- JoostVossebeld - 02 Sep 2008

This topic: ATLAS > WebHome > LiverpoolOTPTasks
Topic revision: 03 Sep 2009, pvankov
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