

Everyone in ATLAS Liverpool must take shifts. There are many different shifts available. If you want to discuss which sort of shifts best suit you, please contact Helen Hayward. To keep track of what shifts we are taking, please update the table below.

  • If you are staff:
    • you need to do 27 shifts (plus any unfilled quota for last year).
  • If you are a 2nd/3rd year student:
    • you need to do 40 shifts (plus any unfilled quota for last year).
  • If you are a 1st student:
    • you need to do 24 shifts.

If you want details about your personal quota please email me (Helen)

Shifts taken/booked at Liverpool in 2011

A dynamic table can be found Dynamic OTP Sum
Name Type of Shifts Class 1 Class 2 Class 3  
Aaron Bundock b-Tag DQ / DQ Online 18.34 7   big grin
Andy Mehta b-tag DQ   7 0.12 smile
Barry King SCT DQ   10   smile
Ben McSkelly Jet/Met   31   big grin
Bozydar W offline DQ   14   doh
Carl Gwilliam b-Tag DQ   36.2 0.47 big grin
Graham Sellers SCTDQ / SCTDQ oncall       frown, sad smile
Helen Hayward SCT DQ/ SCT DQ oncall   127.71 0.33 big grin
Jan Kretzschmar egamma DQ, ADCoS   33 0.1 cool
Joe Price muon DQ?/ Lumi 20.96 43.56   big grin
Joost Vossebeld SCTDQ, egamma DQ 13.12   0.0027 wink
Max Klein egamma DQ   10   indifferent, speechless
Monica D'Onofrio DQ online


Paul Dervan SCT Detector Operation


    indifferent, speechless
Paul Laycock  


  0.33 wink
Peter Waller Run Co/Global DQOFL oncall 5.92   0.07 big grin
Phil Allport Jet/Met DQ and SCT   7 0.20 indifferent, speechless
Sara Mahmoud DQ online


16   wink
Sergey Burdin SCTDQ/SCT DQ oncall 5.92 23.98   big grin
Steve Maxfield Jet/Met DQ?   7   indifferent, speechless
Sylwia Migas egamma DQ       doh
Tim Greenshaw Jet/Met DQ       frown, sad smile
Tim Jones SCT       frown, sad smile
Uta Klein B-tag DQ   21   big grin
    107.57 402.37 1.68  
QUOTA   111 411 6.22  

last updated 02/06/2011


  • no shifts frown, sad smile
  • 0-25 % quota indifferent, speechless
  • 25-50% quota smile
  • 50-75% quota wink
  • 75-100% quota cool
  • Finished Quota big grin
  • writing up thesis (or busy preparing next generation physicist) doh

Shifts taken/booked at Liverpool in 2010

Shifts taken/booked at Liverpool in 2010
Name Type of Shifts Class 1 Class 2 Class 3  
Aaron Bundock b-Tag DQ / DQ Online 7.21 30   wink
Andy Mehta b-tag DQ   14 0.1 smile
Barry King SCT DQ   2   frown, sad smile
Bozydar W offline DQ   30   wink
Carl Gwilliam b-Tag DQ   40.2 0.43 cool
Craig Wiglesworth - - -   doh
Graham Sellers SCTDQ / SCTDQ oncall   24 0.2 wink  
Helen Hayward SCT DQ/ SCT DQ oncall   37.43 0.5 cool
Jan Kretzschmar egamma DQ     0.17 frown, sad smile
Joe Price muon DQ?/ Lumi 6.56     frown, sad smile
Joost Vossebeld SCTDQ, egamma DQ 7.87 10 0.008 smile  
Katharine Leney DQ online - - 0.05 doh
Max Klein egamma DQ       frown, sad smile
Monica D'Onofrio DQ online 7.92   0.05* indifferent, speechless  
Neil Jackson         sailing gif
Paul Dervan SCT Detector Operation 1.98   0.0027 frown, sad smile
Paul Laycock       0.90 smile
Peter Vankov SCT DQ / SCT DQ oncall   37 0.40 sailing gif
Peter Waller Run Co/Global DQOFL oncall 10.51 47.52 0.35 cool
Phil Allport Jet/Met DQ and SCT   4.5   frown, sad smile
Sara Mahmoud DQ online 14.50   0.05 smile  
Sergey Burdin SCTDQ/SCT DQ oncall 3.94 11 0.0055 smile  
Steve Maxfield Jet/Met DQ?   4.5   frown, sad smile
Sylwia Migas egamma DQ       frown, sad smile
Thomas Kluge Run Control 11.84   0.074 sailing gif  
Tim Greenshaw Jet/Met DQ   0.5   frown, sad smile
Uta Klein B-tag DQ   28   wink
TOTAL   72.33


    42% frown, sad smile 69% smile 3.2327  
QUOTA   182 471    


  • < 1 week frown, sad smile
  • >1 weeks indifferent, speechless
  • >2 weeks smile
  • >3 weeks wink
  • >4 weeks cool
  • writing up thesis doh
  • shortly leaving us 307 sail boating.gif

Where to start

A good place to find out about what class 1 and class 2 shifts are available in ATLAS is

If you are at CERN or due to go to CERN on LTA, please consider taking the class 1 shifts. These are shifts based in the ATLAS control room. It is difficult for commuters to take these shifts.

Remote DQ shifts

Please note that you will need to obtain a Point 1 account for all DQ shifts. This is just getting your nice account registered in order to access the elog.

Please first check if the P1 account is already created:

if you don't have a P1 account:

send email requesting a Point1 account to:

SCT DQ remote

training + shifts can be done at Liverpool. The number of shifts we are allowed to take is limited.

Shift availability : limited
Jet/Et miss remote

Have Contacted Michele Petteni and he is positive about us taking (quite a few) of these shifts ! Plenty of room in OTP. Training + shifts are both remote. Recommended if you use Jets/MissEt in your analysis. Details can be found: Shift availability : limited
ID Offline DQ shift

training is at CERN during the coming ID week, but the shifts themselves are remote. Recommended if you use tracking in your analysis.
Egamma DQ shifts Availability is usually quite bad because of many interested people. Work load is typically small and little training is required.

Shift availability : restricted/closed?

B-tagging DQ shifts

For information please see this talk

Shift availability : fair
General Offline DQ

This shifter is responsible for checking the overall dq of the machine. The main duties are:
  • Watch the correct running of the (offline) Data Quality infrastructure that is needed to provide DQ information to the system experts.

  • Check periodically (once per hour) the most relevant ATLAS Global histograms and, if needed, insert DQ flags with your findings.

  • Check the magnet status in the DQ Status DB.

  • Document temporary issues, e.g. "application XYZ is frequently crashing and needs to be watched and restarted, bug fix underway" in the Data Quality White Board. Please also do not forget to delete obsolete entries.

Full details can be found: Shift manual

Shift availablitlity : very good

To add your self to the list of shifters, please email Michael Hauschild.

Computing Shifts

ADCoS Shifts

Atlas Distributed Computing shifts involve checking the status of production tasks and data transfers on grid sites around the world and reporting problems to sites or ATLAS. These shits are taken remotely and the training can also be done remotely. In case of questions ask Jan, who's doing these shifts currently. In general there is a rather long training phase of at least 10 shifts (with shift credit only 50%). Depending on Grid conditions the amount of time spent during the 8 hour period can be considerable, 50% work load is typical. (Carl has done these shifts before as well). For full details see the ADCoS Twiki. The contact person is Jaroslava Schovancova.

Shift availability : reasonable, (but currently there is a waiting list for training shifts)

DAST Shifts

Distributed Analysis shifts involve replying to the distributed analysis hypernews list regarding users problems with Ganga/Panda, checking ganga robot tests for sites etc. Again both the shifts and the training can be done remotely. Training is by shifts which are credited too at 50%. It would be very useful for our own grid-based analyses to have one person doing this. For full details see the DAST Twiki. The contact person is Daniel van der Ster

Reco Shifts

Reconstruction shifters monitor the status of the ATLAS reconstruction output in the nightly athena builds for a particular release series. Again both the shifts and training can be done remotely and training can be scheduled "on demand". The contact person is Rolf Seuster.

!Comp@T0 Shifts

Comp@T0 shifts involve monitoring the computing at T0/P1. These are cat1 shifts based at CERN (need to check). The contact persons are Guido Negri, Jaehoon Yu and Alessandro Di Girolamo

Atlas Control Room Shifts

All of the shifts below require the ATL_CR access right, which makes the CERN card working as a key to the control room. This access right can be requested via EDH here. You also need to do the Level 1,2,3,4A safety courses..

Please note that the for the class 1 shifts, more credit isd given to weekend and enight shifts. As of June 1st, Weekend and Night shifts count with a weight of 1.31,
while Day and Evening shifts count with a weight of 0.66
ATLAS Online Data Quality

OTP Id: 95

The shifter keeps an eye on the overall data quality of the current ATLAS data taken. No special training courses are held or required. One should go through the online instructions and do a shadow shift together with an experienced shifter. More info here. (Both Katharine and Monica have experience of these shifts.)
SCT Detector Operation

OTP Id: 264

Training takes five days at CERN, consisting of two days of training courses and three days of shadow shifts. The shifter takes care of data acquisition and DCS for the SCT, as well as of the general inner detector status (IDGEN). This is also a good starting point for the run control and shift leader roles. More info about the training process here.

ATLAS Run Control

OTP Id: 10123

The shifter takes care of run starts and stops, determines which subsystems join a run, etc. He or she also needs to communicate to all other subsystem desks in the ATLAS control room. Training takes two days plus at least one shadow shift. It helps to have already some background in the ATLAS TDAQ, e.g. to know what a partition is.... Details of the training steps and the schedule for the next training sessions here.
ATLAS Shift Leader

OTP Id: 125

The shift leader is ... the shift leader. He or she needs to have a good general overview of all the ATLAS systems. The training consists of six areas (Introduction (general part), Beam Interlock Systems (Beams), SLIMOS, DCS, Run Control (DAQ) and Trigger), which takes a day and is held once per month. It is possible to attend via EVO! Two shadow shifts required before the first real shift. An additional requirement is to have underground access, i.e. to get a dosimeter (which requires a medical certificate from a doctor, more training courses etc., see here). More info on the training here.

How to sign up for shifts

The first thing you need to do is to get your name added to the list of shifters for the shift you are interested. Either contact the person responsible for the shift directly, or email me (Helen). Once you name is added you can book your shift in OTP (Operation Task Planner)

  • Go to OTP
  • Sign in using your normal NICE username and account
  • You should see two parts to your homepage: "book my shifts" and find my shifts"
  • Expand the "book my shifts" by pressing the + symbol, if this section is not already expanded.

Picture 4.png
  • Under "Book My Shifts" is a list for all shifts you are allowed to book. The number "Id" is the task id for the shift. Please click on the Task Id for the shift you wish to book.
  • Youshould now be able to see a page titled "Shift Booking", referencing this single shift. Next to the name of the shift is a + symbol. Click this + symbol in order to expand the section.
    Picture 5.png
  • You should now be able to see a calendar. Please note that the you may have to edit the drop down menus which specify the start month, and how many months the calendar shows.
    Picture 6.png
  • Any shift that is "pink" is unallocated. Select any "pink" shifts that you wish to book. They should now turn green.
  • To save these shifts: please click "Save Shift Booking"
  • Congratulations! you have now booked your shifts !
Topic revision: r79 - 22 Sep 2011, JanKretzschmar
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