HEP Seminars

Recent highlights and prospects of quark flavour physics

by Dr. Marco Gersabeck (University of Manchester)

Wednesday 03 June 2015 from 14:30 to 15:30 (Europe/London)
at Mathematical Sciences Building ( 211 )
Quark flavour physics is an essential part of particle physics, which has produced ground-breaking results throughout its history. Precision measurements of decays of heavy hadrons provide stringent tests of the theory of particle physics. These tests are sensitive to scales of the interacting particles that lie beyond the reach of direct searches.

Measurements based on run-1 of the LHC have provide a breadth of results, which advanced the field of flavour physics significantly. The talk will cover the current highlights of quark flavour physics, focusing on measurements at the LHC and the LHCb experiment in particular. Several unexpected results have emerged and will be discussed in detail. This is complemented by a range of measurements demonstrating the variety of activities in flavour physics based on experiments worldwide. Finally, an outlook onto the next decade of flavour physics is given.