*-- Author :    Stephen J. Maxfield   01/03/91
**: FRLOCO.......SM. Introduce asymmetry and wire-plane velocity                                              
**: FRLOCO.......SM. factors. New parameters ex FCR3 bank.                                                    
**: FRLOCO.......SB. Correct for trigger in wrong bunch crossings.                                            
**: FRLOCO 40000 SM. Make new temporary bank FAUX.                                                            
**: FRLOCO 30907 RP. Farm changes.                                                                            
**: FRLOCO 30907 SM. Improved drift and radius error determination.                                           
**: FRLOCO 30907 SM. Explicitly drop FRLC FRHC banks.                                                         
**: FRLOCO 30207 GB. comment lines moved inside the routine                                                   
**: FRLOCO 30205 SM. Modifications for Filter farm.                                                           
*     Calculate LOCAL COORDINATES of digitisations in the Radial                                              
*     Drift Chambers from contents of FRRE bank and database.                                                 
*     The drift distance and radius of the impact                                                             
*     point on the wire are computed and corrected as described                                               
*     in the in-line comments below.                                                                          
*     The following effects are NOT corrected for here:                                                       
*         * Geometrical displacements and distortions                                                         
*         * Lorentz angle                                                                                     
*         * Track angle effects                                                                               
*     However, the Lorentz angle and the quantity DR (needed for                                              
*     applying corrections to the drift for the track angle) are                                              
*     obtained from the F0R8 bank and placed in COMMON ..... for                                              
*     subsequent use.                                                                                         
*     A temporary bank is created, FRLC containing the results.                                               
*     This bank is parallel to the FRRE bank. It is a named bank but                                          
*     is not put on the E-list:                                                                               
*!       BANKname BANKtype      ! Comments                                                                    
* TABLE  FRLC                   ! Local coordinates and data for hits                                         
*                               ! in Radial Drift Chambers.                                                   
*                               ! TEMPORARY. Parallel to FRRE bank.                                           
*!   ATTributes:                                                                                              
*!   -----------                                                                                              
*!COL ATT-name FMT Min    Max   ! Comments                                                                    
*  1  ICLNUM   I                !  Drift cell number                                                          
*  2  DRIFTS   F                !  Abs drift distance (cms)                                                   
*  3  ERRDRF   F                !  Error in  drift distance (cms)                                             
*  4  RADIUS   F                !  Radius of impact point (cms)                                               
*  5  ERRRAD   F                !  Error in Radius  (cms)                                                     
*  6  ISGNW    I                !  Bit 0:   0=+wedge 1=-wedge                                                 
*                               !  Bit 1:   0=OK QT  1=dubious radius                                         
*                               !  Bit 2:   0=OK     1=dubious drift                                          
*                               !  Bit 3:   0=OK     1=timing pulse?                                          
*                               !  Bit 7:   0=OK     1=on no account                                          
*                               !                      use this hit!                                          
*                               !  Note that MOD(ISGNW,2) always                                              
*                               !  gives 0 for +wedge, 1 for -wedge                                           
*                               !  ISGNW > 1 indicates poss problems                                          
*  7  QPLUS   F                 !  Charge integral + end of wire                                              
*  8  QMINUS  F                 !  Charge integral - end of wire                                              
* END TABLE                                                                                                   
*     NOTES:                                                                                                  
*  1) The drift error is parameterised as a function of drift                                                 
*     distance.                                                                                               
*  2) If there was a close preceding hit or long leading edge,                                                
*     the drift resolution is degraded and Bit 2 in ISGNW set.                                                
*  3) If the integration interval is short or close preceding                                                 
*     hit, or saturation the radial coordinate error is degraded                                              
*     and Bit 1 in ISGNW is set.                                                                              
*  4) Possible timing pulses are flagged by setting Bit 3 in ISGNW.                                           
*  5) Bit 7 is set if the pulse had insane drift times or zero                                                
*     measured charge. Such pulses should never be used.                                                      
*     Reject hit if ISGNW > 127                                                                               
*!       BANKname BANKtype      ! Comments                                                                    
* TABLE  FRHC                   ! Map showing number of hits in each                                          
*                               ! Cell. Row number = Cell number + 1                                          
*                               ! TEMPORARY.                                                                  
*!   ATTributes:                                                                                              
*!   -----------                                                                                              
*!COL ATT-name FMT Min    Max   ! Comments                                                                    
*  1  NHITS    I                !  Number of hits in Drift cell                                               
*  2  IFRRE    I                !  Pointer to 1st hit in FRRE/FRLC                                            
*     bank number forvarious banks.                                                                           
*     Locators for stuff in F0R8 bank (overall constants)                                                     
*     Locators for stuff in FCR3 bank (t-to-d and error parameters)                                           
*     (This bank replaces the old FCR1 bank)                                                                  
*     Locators for stuff in FCR2 bank (resolution parameters)                                                 
*     Locators for stuff in F1RA bank (wire-by-wire constants)                                                
*     Locators for stuff in F1RB bank (wire-by-wire constants)                                                
*     tan 1/2 wedge angle                                                                                     
*     microns -> cms                                                                                          
*     Scale factor for drift time...                                                                          
C     ------BOSMDL                                                                                            
C     ------                                                                                                  
*  IDATA  type of information (HEAD bank word 6) :                                                            
*                       0 - real data H1                                                                      
*                       1 - MC data H1SIM                                                                     
*                       2 - real data CERN tests                                                              
*                       3 - MC data ARCET                                                                     
*  MONTE = .TRUE.   if IDATA=1                                                                                
*  KEVENT = event processed counter for H1REC                                                                 
*     Work bank indices...                                                                                    
*     Local arrays, variables.                                                                                
*     Statement function true if Channel might have time-stamp pulse                                          
*     index of element before row number IROW                                                                 
*     index of L'th element  of row number IROW                                                               
*     L'th integer element of the IROW'th row of bank with index IND                                          
*     L'th real element of the IROW'th row of bank with index IND                                             
*     Statement functions for RADIAL Chamber data access.                                                     
*     Using Channel Number J                                                                                  
*     Module, Wedge-pair and Z-plane numbers...                                                               
*     Statement function for obtaining WEDGE numbers(0-47) of                                                 
*     wires at plus and minus ends of Cell numbers                                                            
*     Statement function for obtaining IOS wire number (1-36)                                                 
*     Statement functions for PLANAR Chamber data access.                                                     
*     Using Channel Number J                                                                                  
*     Module, orientation, W-cell and Z-plane numbers...                                                      
*     IPSMD in range 0:8 Planar module number.                                                                
*     IOS wire number (runs from 0 to 36)                                                                     
* SB plane numbers (1-72) from cell number                                                                    
* Module, orientation, wire and (typical) cell number from plane                                              
* number in the range 1-72 (planars, radials and combined)                                                    
*     Initialisation of bank pointers on first call...                                                        
         IQFRRE = NAMIND('FRRE')
         IQFTDC = NAMIND('FTDC')
         IQF0R8 = NAMIND('F0R8')
         IQFGAR = NAMIND('FGAR')
         IQF1RA = NAMIND('F1RA')
         IQF1RB = NAMIND('F1RB')
         IQFCR3 = NAMIND('FCR3')
         IQFCR2 = NAMIND('FCR2')
         CALL BKFMT('FRLC','2I,(I,4F,I,4F)')
         CALL BKFMT('FRHC','2I,(2I)')
         CALL BKFMT('FAUX','2I,(I)')
*       New run. Hit database for run-dependent banks.                                                        
        CALL UGTBNK('F0R8',IND)
*       Extract needed overall constants...                                                                   
*       Parameters for time-to-distance relation...                                                           
*       The (nominal) geometric stagger...                                                                    
*       Number of velocity parameter sets...                                                                  
*       Velocities, knot points, asymmetry corrections etc.                                                   
*        drift velocity at JK'th knot...                                                                      
*        Asymmetry factor at JK'th knot...                                                                    
*        quadratic correction to S at JK'th knot...                                                           
*       Wire dependent scale factors for drift velocities...                                                  
*       Apply wire dependent scale factors.                                                                   
*       Apply near far asymmetries.                                                                           
*       (Beta > 0  => Vfar > Vnear  (opposite to planars?))                                                   
*       'symmetrised'                                                                                         
*       'far wires'                                                                                           
*       'near wires'                                                                                          
*       Min allowed drift time and Tol on max allowed drift                                                   
*       Numbers for drift-error parameterisation...                                                           
*       Numbers for radius-error parameterisation...                                                          
*     Normal Event processing...                                                                              
*     Check if old FRHC and FRLC banks exist. If so drop them...                                              
*     (to allow proper re-processing of event in DISPLAY).                                                    
         CALL BDROP(IW,'FRHC')
         CALL BDROP(IW,'FRLC')
         CALL BDROP(IW,'FAUX')
*     Create FRHC bank...                                                                                     
      CALL VZERO(IW(INDRHC+1), 2+2*NRFRHC)                                                             
*     Get Event Time zero. To be done!                                                                        
*     CALL CEVT0(TFTDC, LTTYP)                                                                                
*        CJC TDC time...                                                                                      
*        CALL SHS(615,0,TFTDC)                                                                                
* Apply correction for wrong bunch crossing                                                                   
      CALL T0GET (ITRGT0)                                                                              
*     Access FRRE bank...                                                                                     
*       FRRE bank not found. No data. Make 'zero-length' bank...                                              
        INDF = NBANK('FRLC',NBN,2)
*     Copy B16 format bank to work bank                                                                       
*                                          |- error making w/bank                                             
*     Determine number of hits in FRRE bank                                                                   
*       There were no digis. Should have been no bank! Make 'zero-                                            
*       length' FRLC bank...                                                                                  
        INDF = NBANK('FRLC',NBN,2)
        INDA = NBANK('FAUX',NBN,2)
        CALL WDROP(IW,INFRRE)                                                                          
*     Extract Digitisations in radial chambers:-                                                              
* Create banks                                                                                                
*        Check legal cell...                                                                                  
*        Fill FRHC bank...                                                                                    
*        Extract wire dependent constants for Channel ICLNUM...                                               
*        Basic hit data...                                                                                    
*======= Determine radial coordinate by charge divison ===============                                        
*        Determine alpha. Needed for correction to Drift time                                                 
*        as well as for radial coordinate. Flag bad charges.                                                  
            CALL ERRLOG(103, 'W:FRLOCO: Zero charge digi found')                                       
*        Choose valid solution, add inner radius and apply                                                    
*        chg-div distortion correction (linear part only for now)                                             
*        Make systematic correction to radius...                                                              
*        IINT = IAND(IFLAG1,31)                                                                               
*        RADIUS =  FRDSYS(RAD,IINT)                                                                           
*======= Compute drift distance =======================================                                       
*        Correct drift time by wire-dependent T0 and for radius...                                            
*        Flag 'premature' hits...                                                                             
*        Scaled drift time (-> approx drift distance in cms)                                                  
*        Apply Time-to-distance relation                                                                      
*        Allow for possibly different t-to-d treatment in Monte Carlo                                         
*         No t-to-d for M/C at moment...                                                                      
*         Radius-dependent location of first knot...                                                          
*         Velocities and knots for symmetric stuff...                                                         
*          S1  = S1R                                                                                          
          DRIFTS = FRDT2D(TS, V0, V1, S1)
*         Velocities and knots for far wires...                                                               
*          S1  = S1R + STAG                                                                                   
          DRIFTF = FRDT2D(TS, V0, V1, S1)
*         Velocities and knots for near wires...                                                              
*          S1  = S1R - STAG                                                                                   
          DRIFTN = FRDT2D(TS, V0, V1, S1)
*         Assign near/far values to plus/minus drift...                                                       
*        Make estimations of measurement errors.                                                              
*        Establish 'core' errors then react to pulse shape                                                    
*        information in flags to degrade these further.                                                       
*        a) 'Core' errors...                                                                                  
*     >  Drift errors. sig**2=e0**2 +d.e1**2 + e2**2.exp(-e3*d)                                               
*        Max allowed drift at radius of hit + a tolerance.                                                    
*     >  Radial coordinate error as function of total charge integral                                         
*                  ELSE                                                                                       
*                  ENDIF                                                                                      
*        React to flags. Note that 'old' M/C has different flag                                               
*        Structure. This is indicated by a zero value for IFUNNY.                                             
*          we have data or 'new' M/C                                                                          
*          FLAG 2 > IFUNNY indicates possible problems with Qt...                                             
*             unpack rest of flags...                                                                         
*     >     If there was a close preceding hit or long leading edge,                                          
*           degrade the DRIFT resolution...                                                                   
*     >     If the integration interval is short or close preceding                                           
*           hit, or saturation degrade the RADIUS coordinate error...                                         
*             IF(IINT.LT.12 .OR. ISPL.LT.15 .OR. MAXR.GT.0) THEN                                              
*               ERRRAD = 2.0*ERRRAD                                                                           
*               ISGNW  = IOR(ISGNW, 2)                                                                        
*             ENDIF                                                                                           
*        Old format flag in Monte Carlo, extract number of hits...                                            
*             ERRRAD = 2.0*ERRRAD                                                                             
*        Flag the Really awful hits...(no charge or too early)                                                
*           ERRRAD = 2.0*ERRRAD                                                                               
*           ERRRAD = 2.0*ERRRAD                                                                               
*        Set flag to indicate potentential time-stamp pulse:                                                  
*        Celnum must be one that could have T-p injected:-                                                    
*          ...and have large '-ve' radius...                                                                  
*             ERRRAD = 2.0*ERRRAD                                                                             
*        Fill row in output bank                                                                              
C         IFRLC  = IADROW('FRLC',NBN,NCFRLC,BAR)                                                              
         CALL UCOPY(BAR,IW(INDCR(IFRLC,1,KDIG)),NCFRLC)                                                
*        Quantities for auxilliary bank FAUX                                                                  
C         IFAUX  = IADROW('FAUX',NBN,NCFAUX,BAR)                                                              
         CALL UCOPY(BAR,IW(INDCR(IFAUX,1,KDIG)),NCFAUX)                                                
*        Histograms for monitoring... (factor 10 downscale)                                                   
            CALL SHS(108,0,DRIFTS)                                                                     
            CALL SHS(610,0,TT)                                                                         
           CALL SHS(114,0,FSIG)                                                                        
           CALL SHS(115,0,RADIUS)                                                                      
           CALL SHS(257,0,QSUM)                                                                        
C      IFRLC  = IADFIN('FRLC',NBN)                                                                            
C      IFAUX  = IADFIN('FAUX',NBN)                                                                            
      CALL WDROP(IW,INFRRE)                                                                            
      CALL ERRLOG(114,'S:FRLOCO: Illegal Channel number!!')                                            
      CALL ERRLOG(114,'S:FRLOCO: Cant create bank')                                                    
*     FRLC may be partially made. Finish it drop it and recreate                                              
*     empty version...                                                                                        
C      IFRLC  = IADFIN('FRLC',NBN)                                                                            
      INDF = NBANK('FRLC',NBN,2)
C      IFAUX  = IADFIN('FAUX',NBN)                                                                            
      INDA = NBANK('FAUX',NBN,2)
      CALL WDROP(IW,INFRRE)                                                                            
      CALL ERRLOG(104,'S:FRLOCO: Error in FRRE work bank creation')                                    
      CALL WDROP(IW,INFRRE)                                                                            