!       BANKname BANKtype      ! Comments
 TABLE  FRLC                   ! Local coordinates and data for hits
                               ! in Radial Drift Chambers.
                               ! TEMPORARY. Parallel to FRRE bank.
!   ATTributes:
!   -----------
!COL ATT-name FMT Min    Max   ! Comments
  1  ICLNUM   I                !  Drift cell number
  2  DRIFT    F                !  Abs drift distance (cms)
  3  ERRDRF   F                !  Error in  drift distance (cms)
  4  RADIUS   F                !  Radius of impact point (cms)
  5  ERRRAD   F                !  Error in Radius  (cms)
  6  ISGNW    I                !  Bit 0:   0=+wedge 1=-wedge
                               !  Bit 1:   0=OK QT  1=dubious radius
                               !  Bit 2:   0=OK     1=dubious drift
                               !  Bit 3:   0=OK     1=timing pulse?
                               !  Bit 7:   0=OK     1=on no account
  7  QPLUS    F                !  Charge integral + end of wire
  8  QMINUS   F                !  Charge integral - end of wire

  9  DRIFTP   F                !  Drift distance for +drift tracks
 10  DRIFTM   F                !  Drift distance for -drift tracks
!     NOTES:
!     The drift distances are NOT signed.
!     DRIFT is the drift distance to be used in conjunction with
!     the EFFECTIVE stagger when it is not known which side of the
!     wire plane the track went. There are then 2 possible space
!     points given by:
!            EFFECTIVE stagger + DRIFT
!       and  EFFECTIVE stagger - DRIFT
!     DRIFTP and DRIFTM should be used when the drift sign is known:
!            Geometric Stagger + DRIFTP
!       or   Geometric Stagger - DRIFTM
!       >>>> Exception: If drift time comes out negative after
!                       subtraction of T0, then DRIFTs will be negative.
!                       They should however be used as described above.
!  1) ISGNW serves to indicate which of the two connected radial
!     wedges most likely contained the hit as well as error info.
!     Note that MOD(ISGNW,2) always gives 0 for +wedge, 1 for -wedge
!  2) If the integration interval is short or close preceding
!     hit, or saturation the radial coordinate error is degraded
!     and Bit 1 in ISGNW is set.
!  3) If there was a close preceding hit or long leading edge,
!     the drift resolution is degraded and Bit 2 in ISGNW set.
!  4) Possible timing pulses are flagged by setting Bit 3 in ISGNW.
!  5) Bit 7 is set if the pulse had insane drift times or zero
!     measured charge. Such pulses should never be used.
!  6  So:
!          ISGNW <=1   => Pulse was O.K. Even errors might mean
!                         something.
!          ISGNW > 1   => Pulse was problematic but can be used.
!                         Errors have been inflated in ad hoc way.
!  But     ISGNW > 127 => Don't even think about using this hit.