H1 Forward Tracker Monitoring

Forward Tracker Group

The drift chambers of the H1 Forward Tracker are continuously monitored during data-taking at L4 on the farm and at L5 during reconstruction. It is intended to make available the time evolution of various quantities of interest on the web. The date at which the information was last updated will be found in the top right of the figure.

The time at which the last auto-calibration job was run and the last runs at L4/L5 processed can be found in this status file

A single PS file that contains all the 1997 figures accessible individually below is available here. This file is updated automatically four times a day at 01.30, 07.30, 13.30 and 19.30 DESY time. The same plots are available as separate jpg and PS files below, but these are only updated once a day at 08.00 UK time.

L5 monitoring plots for 1997 available here. ( Warning this is 8.7 Mb ) Feed back on which plots are useful is required. I can then automate the creation of updated plots. A subset of the above plots are now created and updated automatically in the standard cron job and are available here. Feedback please.

L5 delta(q/p) results

A single PS file that contains all the 1996 figures accessible individually below is available here.

Drift Velocity & Tzero

In particular it is important to maintain accurate drift velocities and Tzeros for the Radial and Planar chambers as calibration constants on the database to ensure the best reconstructed track parameters. The history of the monitored values of these quantities together with the calibration constants maintained on the database are available for:

The red points are normal ep data runs (minimal cuts), the green points satisfy tighter cuts and are used for the calibration, the blue points are runs at which a database update was triggered, whilst the yellow points are cosmic and stable proton beam runs (these are very rare).

The radial drift velocity is that determined in the reconstruction at L5 by using tracks defined by the planar chambers. (But not for 1993!!)

The solid lines on these figures represent the calibration value in the database for each of the quantities. The dashed lines are the plus/minus 1% bounds on the database value.

Mean Charge and Efficiency

Also available is the history of the mean charge of 'good clean' hits and the hit finding efficiencies for both the Radial and Planar chambers:

1996 Cosmic Runs

Two figures are available and give variation of drift velocity, twin peaks drift velocity, tzero and mean charge with run number for planars and radials.

Current Histories for Yesterday

The following links provide the monitored current histories for the forward chambers, Radial 0, 1, 2 and Planar 0, 1, 2 for the last 24 hours upto midnight. They are automatically updated at 04.00 hours each day.

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Maintained by gdp@hep.ph.liv.ac.uk