Deposit for University Accommodation not needed as have
University account.
University accommodation will be paid for through us, hotels
through Mersey Conf. team. (Josephine)
DESY bags with DIS2000 and Liverpool logos. (Josephine)
``Suffing'' in Liverpool. (Josephine)
Steve has talked to World Scientific about bookstall.
They want to know how much we would charge. Do a deal,
free bookstall if publish proceedings cheaply.
Companions Programme
Liverpool Tour (Mersey Conf. Bureau) (Josephine)
Computing for Delegates
Liverpool Windows NT system can be used in principle.
Neterm gives telnet-like functionality, e-mail program
yet to be investigated. (Tim)
Organise documentation and supervisors for e-mail etc. (Dave/Tim)
Conference rooms
Deposit needed for Science Faculty rooms? (Josephine)
Ethernet in Science Faculty rooms? Not in reception area!
What about in offices? (See also Registration below!)
Need rooms for convenors/final day plenary speakers
with desks, unix, xerox... (John to talk to Bill Stirling)
Conference team
H1, HERMES and CDF students will be needed for various
jobs during conference. (All at Liverpool to organise Liv students,
Manchester help will be in hands of Martin McDermott)
Informal evening tours/entertainment
Telescope Technologies Ltd. could handle visit of
about 20 people. Mike Bode happy to help. End April they will
have complete Liverpool Telescope assembled.
Contact Daresbury/Clatterbridge, evening tours?
No LPO concert during conference, other concerts/exhibitions? (Tim)
Budget (Tim)
Money to be transferred to account (Erwin)
PPC has given us 9k pounds.
IoP has given us 500 pounds.
University DIS2000 account.
Royal Society/British Council funding for ex-USSR scientists?
Food, Banquet and Reception
First night reception in Science Faculty building (Josephine/Tim)
Deposit for Town Hall 800 pounds (Josephine)
Banquet food drink (Josephine/Tim/John)
Book restaurant/Staff House for Committee Dinner (Josephine)
List of recommended local restaurants
Plenary speakers on day 1 to bring paper copy of transparencies or
provide file so talks can be put on web. Alternatively give
us URL so we put in a link to the talk.
Convenors responsible for getting all speakers in their sessions
to provide paper copies or file of transparencies or URL where
talk can be found.
Martin McDermott is to co-ordinate convenors and enforce the
Purchase scanner (and PC?) (Girish/Tony)
Contact Brainboxes, Oxford Intruments, Micron, Plessey, Pilkington.
Display space in return for sponsorship?
Material in conference bag in return for sponsorship? (Erwin/John)
Organise transport to/from accommodation
Update public web pages
Update admin web pages
Get to the
Liverpool University,
and finally the Science Lecture Rooms, which are in building 40 on the
Campus Map.
Liverpool University Conference Bureau