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genie::SmithMonizUtils Class Reference

Contains auxiliary functions for Smith-Moniz model.
. More...

#include <SmithMonizUtils.h>

Inheritance diagram for genie::SmithMonizUtils:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for genie::SmithMonizUtils:
Collaboration graph


class  Func1D
class  Func1Dpar
class  Functor1D

Public Member Functions

 SmithMonizUtils ()
 SmithMonizUtils (string config)
virtual ~SmithMonizUtils ()
void SetInteraction (const Interaction *i)
double GetBindingEnergy (void) const
double GetFermiMomentum (void) const
double GetTheta_k (double v, double qv) const
double GetTheta_p (double pv, double v, double qv, double &E_p) const
double E_nu_thr_SM (void) const
Range1D_t Q2QES_SM_lim (void) const
Range1D_t vQES_SM_lim (double Q2) const
Range1D_t kFQES_SM_lim (double nu, double Q2) const
double PhaseSpaceVolume (KinePhaseSpace_t ps) const
double vQES_SM_min (double Q2min, double Q2max) const
double vQES_SM_max (double Q2min, double Q2max) const
void Configure (const Registry &config)
void Configure (string config)
double QEL_EnuMin_SM (double E_nu) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from genie::Algorithm
virtual ~Algorithm ()
virtual void FindConfig (void)
virtual const RegistryGetConfig (void) const
RegistryGetOwnedConfig (void)
virtual const AlgIdId (void) const
 Get algorithm ID. More...
virtual AlgStatus_t GetStatus (void) const
 Get algorithm status. More...
virtual bool AllowReconfig (void) const
virtual AlgCmp_t Compare (const Algorithm *alg) const
 Compare with input algorithm. More...
virtual void SetId (const AlgId &id)
 Set algorithm ID. More...
virtual void SetId (string name, string config)
const AlgorithmSubAlg (const RgKey &registry_key) const
void AdoptConfig (void)
void AdoptSubstructure (void)
virtual void Print (ostream &stream) const
 Print algorithm info. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static double rho (double P_Fermi, double T_Fermi, double p)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from genie::Algorithm
static string BuildParamVectKey (const std::string &comm_name, unsigned int i)
static string BuildParamVectSizeKey (const std::string &comm_name)
static string BuildParamMatKey (const std::string &comm_name, unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
static string BuildParamMatRowSizeKey (const std::string &comm_name)
static string BuildParamMatColSizeKey (const std::string &comm_name)

Private Member Functions

void LoadConfig (void)
double Q2lim1_SM (double Q2, double Enu) const
double Q2lim2_SM (double Q2) const
void DMINFC (Functor1D &F, double A, double B, double EPS, double DELTA, double &X, double &Y, bool &LLM) const
double vlim1_SM (double Q2) const
double vlim2_SM (double Q2) const

Private Attributes

map< int, double > fNucRmvE
string fKFTable
bool fUseParametrization
const InteractionfInteraction
double E_nu
 Neutrino energy (GeV) More...
double m_lep
 Mass of final charged lepton (GeV) More...
double mm_lep
 Squared mass of final charged lepton (GeV) More...
double m_ini
 Mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV) More...
double mm_ini
 Sqared mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV) More...
double m_fin
 Mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV) More...
double mm_fin
 Squared mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV) More...
double m_tar
 Mass of target nucleus (GeV) More...
double mm_tar
 Squared mass of target nucleus (GeV) More...
double m_rnu
 Mass of residual nucleus (GeV) More...
double mm_rnu
 Squared mass of residual nucleus (GeV) More...
double P_Fermi
 Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV) More...
double E_BIN
 Binding energy (GeV) More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from genie::Algorithm
 Algorithm ()
 Algorithm (string name)
 Algorithm (string name, string config)
void Initialize (void)
void DeleteConfig (void)
void DeleteSubstructure (void)
RegistryExtractLocalConfig (const Registry &in) const
RegistryExtractLowerConfig (const Registry &in, const string &alg_key) const
 Split an incoming configuration Registry into a block valid for the sub-algo identified by alg_key. More...
template<class T >
bool GetParam (const RgKey &name, T &p, bool is_top_call=true) const
template<class T >
bool GetParamDef (const RgKey &name, T &p, const T &def) const
template<class T >
int GetParamVect (const std::string &comm_name, std::vector< T > &v, bool is_top_call=true) const
 Handle to load vectors of parameters. More...
int GetParamVectKeys (const std::string &comm_name, std::vector< RgKey > &k, bool is_top_call=true) const
template<class T >
int GetParamMat (const std::string &comm_name, TMatrixT< T > &mat, bool is_top_call=true) const
 Handle to load matrix of parameters. More...
template<class T >
int GetParamMatSym (const std::string &comm_name, TMatrixTSym< T > &mat, bool is_top_call=true) const
int GetParamMatKeys (const std::string &comm_name, std::vector< RgKey > &k, bool is_top_call=true) const
int AddTopRegistry (Registry *rp, bool owns=true)
 add registry with top priority, also update ownership More...
int AddLowRegistry (Registry *rp, bool owns=true)
 add registry with lowest priority, also update ownership More...
int MergeTopRegistry (const Registry &r)
int AddTopRegisties (const vector< Registry * > &rs, bool owns=false)
 Add registries with top priority, also udated Ownerships. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from genie::Algorithm
bool fAllowReconfig
bool fOwnsSubstruc
 true if it owns its substructure (sub-algs,...) More...
AlgId fID
 algorithm name and configuration set More...
vector< Registry * > fConfVect
vector< bool > fOwnerships
 ownership for every registry in fConfVect More...
AlgStatus_t fStatus
 algorithm execution status More...
 local pool for owned sub-algs (taken out of the factory pool) More...

Detailed Description

Contains auxiliary functions for Smith-Moniz model.

[1] R.A.Smith and E.J.Moniz, Nuclear Physics B43, (1972) 605-622
[2] K.S. Kuzmin, V.V. Lyubushkin, V.A.Naumov, Eur. Phys. J. C54, (2008) 517-538
[3] K.S.Kuzmin, V.A.Naumov, V.V.Lyubushkin, I.D.Kakorin, Kinematic formulas for GENIE implementation of Smith-Monitz model:
living document for internal use (
Igor Kakorin Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
adapted from fortran code provided by:
Konstantin Kuzmin Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Vladimir Lyubushkin Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Vadim Naumov Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
based on code of:
Costas Andreopoulos const.nosp@m.anti.nosp@m.nos.a.nosp@m.ndre.nosp@m.opoul.nosp@m.os@c.nosp@m.ern.c.nosp@m.h University of Liverpool
May 05, 2017
Copyright (c) 2003-2024, The GENIE Collaboration For the full text of the license visit

Definition at line 53 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SmithMonizUtils::SmithMonizUtils ( )

Definition at line 46 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

46  :
47 Algorithm("genie::SmithMonizUtils")
48 {
50 }
SmithMonizUtils::SmithMonizUtils ( string  config)

Definition at line 52 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

52  :
53 Algorithm("genie::SmithMonizUtils", config)
54 {
56 }
SmithMonizUtils::~SmithMonizUtils ( )

Definition at line 58 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

59 {
61 }

Member Function Documentation

void SmithMonizUtils::Configure ( const Registry config)

methods overloading the Algorithm() interface implementation to build the fragmentation function from configuration data

Reimplemented from genie::Algorithm.

Definition at line 63 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References genie::Algorithm::Configure(), and LoadConfig().

64 {
65  Algorithm::Configure(config);
66  this->LoadConfig();
67 }
virtual void Configure(const Registry &config)
Definition: Algorithm.cxx:62
void SmithMonizUtils::Configure ( string  config)

Configure the algorithm from the AlgoConfigPool based on param_set string given in input An algorithm contains a vector of registries coming from different xml configuration files, which are loaded according a very precise prioriy This methods will load a number registries in order of priority: 1) "Tunable" parameter set from CommonParametes. This is loaded with the highest prioriry and it is designed to be used for tuning procedure Usage not expected from the user. 2) For every string defined in "CommonParame" the corresponding parameter set will be loaded from CommonParameter.xml 3) parameter set specified by the config string and defined in the xml file of the algorithm 4) if config is not "Default" also the Default parameter set from the same xml file will be loaded Effectively this avoids the repetion of a parameter when it is not changed in the requested configuration

Reimplemented from genie::Algorithm.

Definition at line 69 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References genie::Algorithm::Configure(), and LoadConfig().

70 {
71  Algorithm::Configure(config);
72  this->LoadConfig();
73 }
virtual void Configure(const Registry &config)
Definition: Algorithm.cxx:62
void SmithMonizUtils::DMINFC ( Functor1D F,
double  A,
double  B,
double  EPS,
double  DELTA,
double &  X,
double &  Y,
bool &  LLM 
) const

Definition at line 548 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References genie::units::A, and genie::utils::kinematics::W().

Referenced by Q2QES_SM_lim(), QEL_EnuMin_SM(), vQES_SM_max(), and vQES_SM_min().

549 {
550  const double W5 = TMath::Sqrt(5);
551  const double HV = (3-W5)/2;
552  const double HW = (W5-1)/2;
553  const double R1 = 1.0;
554  const double HF = R1/2;
556  int N = -1;
557  if(A!=B) N = TMath::Nint(2.08*TMath::Log(TMath::Abs((A-B)/EPS)));
558  double C = A;
559  double D = B;
560  if(A>B)
561  {
562  C = B;
563  D = A;
564  }
565  bool LLT = true;
566  bool LGE = true;
567  double V, FV, W, FW, H;
568  while(true)
569  {
570  H = D-C;
571  if(N<0)
572  {
573  X = HF*(C+D);
574  Y = F(X);
575  LLM = TMath::Abs(X-A)>DELTA && TMath::Abs(X-B)>DELTA;
576  return;
577  }
578  if(LLT)
579  {
580  V = C+HV*H;
581  FV = F(V);
582  }
583  if(LGE)
584  {
585  W = C+HW*H;
586  FW = F(W);
587  }
588  if(FV<FW)
589  {
590  LLT = true;
591  LGE = false;
592  D = W;
593  W = V;
594  FW = FV;
595  }
596  else
597  {
598  LLT = false;
599  LGE = true;
600  C = V;
601  V = W;
602  FV = FW;
603  }
604  N = N-1;
605  }
606 }
double W(const Interaction *const i)
Definition: KineUtils.cxx:1101
static constexpr double A
Definition: Units.h:74
double SmithMonizUtils::E_nu_thr_SM ( void  ) const

Definition at line 210 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References E_BIN, m_fin, m_lep, m_rnu, m_tar, mm_ini, mm_tar, P_Fermi, and QEL_EnuMin_SM().

Referenced by genie::SmithMonizQELCCXSec::Integrate().

211 {
213  Func1D<SmithMonizUtils> QEL_EnuMin_SM_(*this, &SmithMonizUtils::QEL_EnuMin_SM);
215  // maximum of function call
216  const int MFC = 10000;
217  const double EPSABS = 0.;
218  const double EPSREL = 1.0e-08;
220  // Energy threshold of scattering on nucleus (Eq. (1) of Ref. 3)
221  double E_min = ((m_lep + m_rnu + m_fin)*(m_lep + m_rnu + m_fin) - mm_tar)/2/m_tar;
223  // Energy threshold of scattering on bound nucleon (Eq. (2) of Ref. 3)
224  double E_min2 = ((m_lep + m_fin)*(m_lep + m_fin)-mm_ini-E_BIN*E_BIN+2*E_BIN*TMath::Sqrt(mm_ini+P_Fermi*P_Fermi))/2/(TMath::Sqrt(mm_ini+P_Fermi*P_Fermi)-E_BIN+P_Fermi);
226  E_min = TMath::Max(E_min, E_min2);
228  // if nu_1>nu_max at E_min then we try to find energy in range (E_min, 50.) where nu_1=nu_max and put E_min equal to it.
229  // nu_1 -- minimal energy transfer for bound nucleon (see Eqs. (11) of Ref. 3),
230  // nu_max -- maximal energy transfer on nucleus (see Eq. (9) of Ref.3)
231  if (QEL_EnuMin_SM(E_min) > 0)
232  {
233  // C++ analog of fortran function Enu_rf= DZEROX(E_min,Enu_2,EPS,MFC,QEL_EnuMin_SM,1)
234  ROOT::Math::RootFinder rfgb(ROOT::Math::RootFinder::kGSL_BRENT);
235  //convergence is reached using tolerance = 2 *( epsrel * abs(x) + epsabs)
236  if ( rfgb.Solve(QEL_EnuMin_SM_, E_min, 50., MFC, EPSABS, EPSREL) )
237  {
238  E_min = rfgb.Root();
239  }
240  }
241  E_min = TMath::Max(E_min, 0.);
242  return E_min;
244 }
double E_BIN
Binding energy (GeV)
double m_lep
Mass of final charged lepton (GeV)
double mm_ini
Sqared mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double P_Fermi
Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)
double m_rnu
Mass of residual nucleus (GeV)
double m_tar
Mass of target nucleus (GeV)
double QEL_EnuMin_SM(double E_nu) const
double mm_tar
Squared mass of target nucleus (GeV)
double m_fin
Mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double SmithMonizUtils::GetBindingEnergy ( void  ) const

Definition at line 629 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References E_BIN.

Referenced by genie::SmithMonizQELCCPXSec::d3sQES_dQ2dvdkF_SM(), and genie::QELEventGeneratorSM::ProcessEventRecord().

630 {
631  return E_BIN;
632 }
double E_BIN
Binding energy (GeV)
double SmithMonizUtils::GetFermiMomentum ( void  ) const

Definition at line 634 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References P_Fermi.

Referenced by genie::QELEventGeneratorSM::ComputeMaxXSec(), genie::SmithMonizQELCCPXSec::d3sQES_dQ2dvdkF_SM(), and genie::QELEventGeneratorSM::ProcessEventRecord().

635 {
636  return P_Fermi;
637 }
double P_Fermi
Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)
double SmithMonizUtils::GetTheta_k ( double  v,
double  qv 
) const

Definition at line 639 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References E_nu, and mm_lep.

640 {
641  return TMath::ACos((v + (mm_lep-v*v+qv*qv)/2/E_nu)/qv);
642 }
double mm_lep
Squared mass of final charged lepton (GeV)
double E_nu
Neutrino energy (GeV)
double SmithMonizUtils::GetTheta_p ( double  pv,
double  v,
double  qv,
double &  E_p 
) const

Definition at line 644 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References E_BIN, mm_fin, and mm_ini.

645 {
646  E_p = TMath::Sqrt(mm_ini+pv*pv)-E_BIN;
647  if (pv != 0)
648  return TMath::ACos(((v-E_BIN)*(2*E_p+v+E_BIN)-qv*qv+mm_ini-mm_fin)/(2*pv*qv));
649  else
650  return 0;
651 }
double E_BIN
Binding energy (GeV)
double mm_fin
Squared mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double mm_ini
Sqared mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)
Range1D_t SmithMonizUtils::kFQES_SM_lim ( double  nu,
double  Q2 
) const

Definition at line 529 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References E_BIN, m_ini, mm_fin, mm_ini, and P_Fermi.

Referenced by genie::SmithMonizQELCCPXSec::d2sQES_dQ2dv_SM(), PhaseSpaceVolume(), and genie::QELEventGeneratorSM::ProcessEventRecord().

530 {
531  double qv = TMath::Sqrt(nu*nu+Q2);
532  double c_f = (nu-E_BIN)/qv;
533  double d_f = (E_BIN*E_BIN-2*nu*E_BIN-Q2+mm_ini-mm_fin)/(2*qv*m_ini);
534  // minimal energy of initial nucleon (see Eq. (13) of Ref.3)
535  double Ef_min= TMath::Max(m_ini*(c_f*d_f+TMath::Sqrt(1.0-c_f*c_f+d_f*d_f))/(1.0-c_f*c_f), TMath::Sqrt(P_Fermi*P_Fermi+mm_ini)-nu);
536  double kF_min= P_Fermi!=0?TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Max(Ef_min*Ef_min-mm_ini,0.0)):0.;
537  double kF_max= P_Fermi;
538  Range1D_t R;
539  if (kF_min<=kF_max)
540  R = Range1D_t(kF_min,kF_max);
541  else
542  R = Range1D_t(0.5*(kF_min+kF_max),0.5*(kF_min+kF_max));
543  return R;
545 }
double m_ini
Mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double Q2(const Interaction *const i)
Definition: KineUtils.cxx:1077
double E_BIN
Binding energy (GeV)
A simple [min,max] interval for doubles.
Definition: Range1.h:42
double mm_fin
Squared mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double mm_ini
Sqared mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double P_Fermi
Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)
void SmithMonizUtils::LoadConfig ( void  )

Definition at line 75 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References fKFTable, fNucRmvE, fUseParametrization, genie::Algorithm::GetConfig(), genie::Registry::GetItemMap(), genie::Algorithm::GetParam(), and genie::pdg::IonPdgCodeToZ().

Referenced by Configure().

76 {
79  GetParam( "FermiMomentumTable", fKFTable);
80  GetParam( "RFG-UseParametrization", fUseParametrization);
83  // load removal energy for specific nuclei from either the algorithm's
84  // configuration file or the UserPhysicsOptions file.
85  // if none is used use Wapstra's semi-empirical formula.
86  const std::string keyStart = "RFG-NucRemovalE@Pdg=";
88  RgIMap entries = GetConfig().GetItemMap();
90  for(RgIMap::const_iterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it)
91  {
92  const std::string& key = it->first;
93  int pdg = 0;
94  int Z = 0;
95  if (0 ==, keyStart.size(), keyStart.c_str()))
96  {
97  pdg = atoi(key.c_str() + keyStart.size());
98  Z = pdg::IonPdgCodeToZ(pdg);
99  }
100  if (0 != pdg && 0 != Z)
101  {
102  ostringstream key_ss ;
103  key_ss << keyStart << pdg;
104  RgKey rgkey = key_ss.str();
105  double eb;
106  GetParam( rgkey, eb ) ;
107  eb = TMath::Max(eb, 0.);
108  fNucRmvE.insert(map<int,double>::value_type(Z,eb));
109  }
110  }
113 }
map< int, double > fNucRmvE
virtual const Registry & GetConfig(void) const
Definition: Algorithm.cxx:246
const RgIMap & GetItemMap(void) const
Definition: Registry.h:161
string RgKey
int IonPdgCodeToZ(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:55
bool GetParam(const RgKey &name, T &p, bool is_top_call=true) const
map< RgKey, RegistryItemI * > RgIMap
Definition: Registry.h:45
double SmithMonizUtils::PhaseSpaceVolume ( KinePhaseSpace_t  ps) const

Definition at line 653 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References kFQES_SM_lim(), genie::kPSQ2fE, genie::kPSQ2vpfE, genie::Range1D_t::max, genie::Range1D_t::min, genie::utils::kinematics::Q2(), Q2QES_SM_lim(), and vQES_SM_lim().

Referenced by genie::QELEventGeneratorSM::ProcessEventRecord().

654 {
655  double vol = 0.0;
656  if (ps == kPSQ2fE)
657  {
658  Range1D_t rQ2 = Q2QES_SM_lim();
659  vol = rQ2.max - rQ2.min;
660  return vol;
661  }
662  else if (ps == kPSQ2vpfE)
663  {
664  const int kNQ2 = 101;
665  const int kNv = 101;
666  Range1D_t rQ2 = Q2QES_SM_lim();
667  double dQ2 = (rQ2.max-rQ2.min)/(kNQ2-1);
668  for(int iq2=0; iq2<kNQ2-1; iq2++)
669  {
670  double Q2 = rQ2.min + iq2*dQ2;
671  Range1D_t rv = vQES_SM_lim(Q2);
672  double dv = (rv.max-rv.min)/(kNv-1);
673  for(int iv=0; iv<kNv-1; iv++)
674  {
675  double v = rv.min + iv*dv;
676  Range1D_t rkF = kFQES_SM_lim(Q2,v);
677  double dkF = (rkF.max-rkF.min);
678  vol += (dQ2*dv*dkF);
679  }
680  }
681  return vol;
682  }
683  else
684  return 0;
685 }
Range1D_t Q2QES_SM_lim(void) const
double Q2(const Interaction *const i)
Definition: KineUtils.cxx:1077
A simple [min,max] interval for doubles.
Definition: Range1.h:42
Range1D_t vQES_SM_lim(double Q2) const
Range1D_t kFQES_SM_lim(double nu, double Q2) const
static constexpr double ps
Definition: Units.h:99
double max
Definition: Range1.h:53
double min
Definition: Range1.h:52
double SmithMonizUtils::Q2lim1_SM ( double  Q2,
double  Enu 
) const

Definition at line 273 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References a, genie::units::b, E_BIN, mm_fin, mm_ini, mm_lep, and P_Fermi.

Referenced by Q2QES_SM_lim(), and QEL_EnuMin_SM().

274 {
275  // maximal energy transfer (see Eq. (9) of Ref.3)
276  double nu_max = Enu*Q2/(Q2+mm_lep)-(Q2+mm_lep)/4/Enu;
278  double E = sqrt(P_Fermi*P_Fermi+mm_ini);
279  double b = (E-E_BIN)*(E-E_BIN)-P_Fermi*P_Fermi;
280  double a = 0.5*(Q2+mm_fin-b);
281  // minimal energy transfer for bound nucleon (see Eqs. (11) of Ref. 3),
282  double nu_1 = (a*(E-E_BIN)-P_Fermi*TMath::Sqrt(a*a+Q2*b))/b;
283  return nu_1-nu_max;
285 }
double mm_lep
Squared mass of final charged lepton (GeV)
double Q2(const Interaction *const i)
Definition: KineUtils.cxx:1077
double E_BIN
Binding energy (GeV)
double mm_fin
Squared mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double mm_ini
Sqared mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)
static constexpr double b
Definition: Units.h:78
const double a
double P_Fermi
Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)
double SmithMonizUtils::Q2lim2_SM ( double  Q2) const

Definition at line 288 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References a, genie::units::b, E_BIN, m_fin, m_rnu, m_tar, mm_fin, mm_ini, mm_tar, and P_Fermi.

Referenced by Q2QES_SM_lim().

289 {
290  // minimal energy transfer for scattering on nucleus (see Eq. (7) of Ref.3)
291  double nu_min = ((m_rnu+m_fin)*(m_rnu+m_fin)+Q2-mm_tar)/(2*m_tar);
293  double E = sqrt(P_Fermi*P_Fermi+mm_ini);
294  double b = (E-E_BIN)*(E-E_BIN)-P_Fermi*P_Fermi;
295  double a = (Q2+mm_fin-b)*0.5;
296  // maximal energy transfer for bound nucleon (see Eqs. (11) of Ref. 3)
297  double nu_2 = (a*(E-E_BIN)+P_Fermi*TMath::Sqrt(a*a+Q2*b))/b;
298  return nu_min-nu_2;
300 }
double Q2(const Interaction *const i)
Definition: KineUtils.cxx:1077
double E_BIN
Binding energy (GeV)
double mm_fin
Squared mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double mm_ini
Sqared mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)
static constexpr double b
Definition: Units.h:78
const double a
double P_Fermi
Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)
double m_rnu
Mass of residual nucleus (GeV)
double m_tar
Mass of target nucleus (GeV)
double mm_tar
Squared mass of target nucleus (GeV)
double m_fin
Mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
Range1D_t SmithMonizUtils::Q2QES_SM_lim ( void  ) const

Definition at line 303 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References DMINFC(), E_BIN, E_nu, epsilon, LOG, m_fin, m_ini, m_lep, m_rnu, m_tar, mm_fin, mm_ini, mm_lep, mm_tar, P_Fermi, pFATAL, pWARN, Q2lim1_SM(), Q2lim2_SM(), and genie::units::s.

Referenced by genie::QELEventGeneratorSM::ComputeMaxXSec(), genie::utils::gsl::d2Xsec_dQ2dv::d2Xsec_dQ2dv(), PhaseSpaceVolume(), and genie::QELEventGeneratorSM::ProcessEventRecord().

304 {
306  // here we find Q2_min and Q2_max such that
307  // 0. Q2_min>=0
308  // 1. nu_1(Q2_min)<=nu_max(Q2_min)
309  // 2. nu_1(Q2_max)<=nu_max(Q2_max)
310  // 3. nu_min(Q2_min)<=nu_2(Q2_min)
311  // 4. Q2_min>=the value of minimal Q2 defined for scattering on nucleus
312  // 5. Q2_max<=the value of maximal Q2 defined for scattering on nucleus (see Eqs. (3) of Ref.3)
313  // nu_1 -- minimal energy transfer for bound nucleon (see Eqs. (11) of Ref. 3),
314  // nu_max -- maximal energy transfer on nucleus (see Eq. (9) of Ref.3),
315  // nu_2 -- maximal energy transfer for bound nucleon (see Eqs. (11) of Ref. 3),
316  // nu_min -- minimal energy transfer on nucleus (see Eq. (7) of Ref.3)
318  // maximum of function call
319  const int MFC = 1000;
320  const double EPS = 1.0e-08;
321  const double Delta= 1.0e-14;
322  const double EPSABS = 0;
323  const double EPSREL = 1.0e-08;
324  const double Precision = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
325  // if the nucleus mass is less than 4 then this is a special case
326  if (E_BIN == 0 && P_Fermi == 0)
327  {
328  double s = 2*E_nu*m_ini+mm_ini;
329  // minimal W2 for scattering on nucleus (see Eq. (6) of Ref.3)
330  double W2 = mm_fin;
331  // neutrino energy in CMS (see Eq. (4) of Ref.3)
332  double E_nu_CM = (s-mm_ini)/2/TMath::Sqrt(s);
333  // final lepton energy and momentum at W2_min (see Eqs. (5) of Ref.3)
334  double E_l_CM = (s+mm_lep-W2)/2/TMath::Sqrt(s);
335  double P_l_CM = E_l_CM>m_lep?TMath::Sqrt(E_l_CM*E_l_CM-mm_lep):Precision;
336  // minimal and maximal allowed Q2 for scattering on nucleus (see Eqs. (3) of Ref.3)
337  double Q2_min = 2*E_nu_CM*(E_l_CM-P_l_CM)-mm_lep;
338  double Q2_max = 2*E_nu_CM*(E_l_CM+P_l_CM)-mm_lep;
339  Q2_min= TMath::Max(Q2_min,0.0);
340  Range1D_t R(Q2_min,Q2_max);
341  return R;
342  }
343  double s = 2*E_nu*m_tar+mm_tar;
344  // minimal W2 for scattering on nucleus (see Eq. (6) of Ref.3)
345  double W2 = (m_rnu+m_fin)*(m_rnu+m_fin);
346  // neutrino energy in CMS (see Eq. (4) of Ref.3)
347  double E_nu_CM = (s-mm_tar)/2/TMath::Sqrt(s);
348  // final lepton energy and momentum at W2_min (see Eqs. (5) of Ref.3)
349  double E_l_CM = (s+mm_lep-W2)/2/TMath::Sqrt(s);
350  double P_l_CM = E_l_CM>m_lep?TMath::Sqrt(E_l_CM*E_l_CM-mm_lep):Precision;
351  // minimal and maximal allowed Q2 for scattering on nucleus (see Eqs. (3) of Ref.3)
352  double Q2_min = 2*E_nu_CM*(E_l_CM-P_l_CM)-mm_lep;
353  double Q2_max = 2*E_nu_CM*(E_l_CM+P_l_CM)-mm_lep;
354  double F_MIN, Q2_0;
355  bool LLM;
356  // C++ analog of fortran function DMINFC(Q2lim1_SM,Q2_min,Q2_max,EPS,Delta,Q2_0,F_MIN,LLM)
357  Func1Dpar<SmithMonizUtils> Q2lim1_SM_(*this, &SmithMonizUtils::Q2lim1_SM, E_nu);
358  // if minimum of nu_1-nu_max>0 then exit with error, because it's impossible
359  DMINFC(Q2lim1_SM_,Q2_min,Q2_max,EPS,Delta,Q2_0,F_MIN,LLM);
360  if (F_MIN>0)
361  {
362  LOG("SmithMoniz", pFATAL)
363  << "No overlapped area for energy " << E_nu << "\n" <<
364  "Q2_min=" << Q2_min << " Q2_max=" << Q2_max << "\n" <<
365  "Q2_0=" << Q2_0 << " F_MIN=" << F_MIN;
366  exit(1);
367  }
368  // at Q2_0 here we have: nu_1(Q2_0)-nu_max(Q2_0)<0
369  // if nu_1(Q2_min)-nu_max(Q2_min)>0 we find corrected Q2_min_cor>Q2_min where nu_1(Q2_min_cor)-nu_max(Q2_min_cor)=0
370  // (it is always possible because of above conditions)
371  if (Q2lim1_SM(Q2_min, E_nu)>0)
372  {
373  //C++ analog of fortran function Q2_RF=DZEROX(Q2_min,Q2_0,EPS,MFC,Q2lim1_SM,1)
374  ROOT::Math::RootFinder rfgb(ROOT::Math::RootFinder::kGSL_BRENT);
375  // convergence is reached using tolerance = 2 *( epsrel * abs(x) + epsabs)
376  if (rfgb.Solve(Q2lim1_SM_, Q2_min, Q2_0, MFC, EPSABS, EPSREL))
377  {
378  Q2_min= rfgb.Root();
379  }
380  }
381  // if nu_1(Q2_max)-nu_max(Q2_max)>0 we find Q2_max_cor<Q2_max where nu_1(Q2_max_cor)-nu_max(Q2_max_cor)=0
382  // (it is always possible because of above conditions)
383  if(Q2lim1_SM(Q2_max, E_nu)>0)
384  {
385  // C++ analog of fortran function Q2_RF=DZEROX(Q2_0,Q2_max,Eps,MFC,Q2lim1_SM,1)
386  ROOT::Math::RootFinder rfgb(ROOT::Math::RootFinder::kGSL_BRENT);
387  //convergence is reached using tolerance = 2 *( epsrel * abs(x) + epsabs)
388  if (rfgb.Solve(Q2lim1_SM_, Q2_0, Q2_max, MFC, EPSABS, EPSREL))
389  {
390  Q2_max= rfgb.Root();
391  }
392  }
393  Func1D<SmithMonizUtils> Q2lim2_SM_(*this, &SmithMonizUtils::Q2lim2_SM);
394  // if nu_min(Q2_min)-nu_2(Q2_min)>0 and nu_min(Q2_max)-nu_2(Q2_max)>0 then set Q2_min=Q2_max (it makes xsec equal to zero).
395  if (Q2lim2_SM(Q2_min)>0)
396  {
397  if(Q2lim2_SM(Q2_max)>0)
398  {
399  LOG("SmithMoniz", pWARN) << "The RFG model is not applicable! The cross section is set zero!";
400  Q2_min = Q2_max;
401  }
402  // here we have nu_min(Q2_min)-nu_2(Q2_min)>0 and nu_min(Q2_max)-nu_2(Q2_max)<0 or vice versa
403  // so we always can find Q2_min_cor where nu_min(Q2_min_cor)-nu_2(Q2_min_cor)=0
404  else
405  {
406  // C++ analog of fortran function Q2_RF = DZEROX(Q2_min,Q2_max,Eps,MFC,Q2lim2_SM,1)
407  ROOT::Math::RootFinder rfgb(ROOT::Math::RootFinder::kGSL_BRENT);
408  // convergence is reached using tolerance = 2 *( epsrel * abs(x) + epsabs)
409  if (rfgb.Solve(Q2lim2_SM_, Q2_min,Q2_max, MFC, EPSABS, EPSREL))
410  {
411  Q2_min= rfgb.Root();
412  }
413  }
414  }
415  Q2_min = TMath::Max(Q2_min,0.0);
417  Range1D_t R(Q2_min,Q2_max);
418  return R;
420 }
double mm_lep
Squared mass of final charged lepton (GeV)
double m_ini
Mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double E_BIN
Binding energy (GeV)
A simple [min,max] interval for doubles.
Definition: Range1.h:42
double m_lep
Mass of final charged lepton (GeV)
#define pFATAL
Definition: Messenger.h:56
double mm_fin
Squared mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
static constexpr double s
Definition: Units.h:95
double E_nu
Neutrino energy (GeV)
double mm_ini
Sqared mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)
const double epsilon
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
double Q2lim2_SM(double Q2) const
double P_Fermi
Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)
double m_rnu
Mass of residual nucleus (GeV)
double Q2lim1_SM(double Q2, double Enu) const
double m_tar
Mass of target nucleus (GeV)
void DMINFC(Functor1D &F, double A, double B, double EPS, double DELTA, double &X, double &Y, bool &LLM) const
#define pWARN
Definition: Messenger.h:60
double mm_tar
Squared mass of target nucleus (GeV)
double m_fin
Mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double SmithMonizUtils::QEL_EnuMin_SM ( double  E_nu) const

Definition at line 247 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References DMINFC(), epsilon, m_fin, m_lep, m_rnu, m_tar, mm_lep, mm_tar, Q2lim1_SM(), and genie::units::s.

Referenced by E_nu_thr_SM().

248 {
249  // return the minimum of nu_1-nu_max as function of Q2 in range ( Q2_lim1(Enu), Q2_lim2(Enu) )
250  const double EPS = 1.0e-06;
251  const double Delta= 1.0e-14;
252  const double Precision = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
253  double s = 2*Enu*m_tar+mm_tar;
254  double W2 = (m_rnu+m_fin)*(m_rnu+m_fin);
255  // neutrino energy in CMS (see Eq. (4) of Ref.3)
256  double E_nu_CM = (s-mm_tar)/2/TMath::Sqrt(s);
257  // final lepton energy and momentum at W2_min (see Eqs. (5) and (6) of Ref.3)
258  double E_l_CM = (s+mm_lep-W2)/2/TMath::Sqrt(s);
259  double P_l_CM = E_l_CM>m_lep?TMath::Sqrt(E_l_CM*E_l_CM-mm_lep):Precision;
260  // minimal and maximal allowed Q2 for scattering on nucleus (see Eqs. (3) of Ref.3)
261  double Q2_lim1 = 2*E_nu_CM*(E_l_CM-P_l_CM)-mm_lep;
262  double Q2_lim2 = 2*E_nu_CM*(E_l_CM+P_l_CM)-mm_lep;
263  // C++ analog of fortran function DMINFC(Q2lim1_SM,Q2_lim1,Q2_lim2,EPS,Delta,Q2_0,F_MIN,LLM)
264  Func1Dpar<SmithMonizUtils> Q2lim1_SM_(*this, &SmithMonizUtils::Q2lim1_SM, Enu);
265  double Q2_0,F_MIN;
266  bool LLM;
267  // find minimum of nu_1-nu_max as function of Q2 in range (Q2_lim1,Q2_lim2)
268  DMINFC(Q2lim1_SM_,Q2_lim1,Q2_lim2,EPS,Delta,Q2_0,F_MIN,LLM);
269  return F_MIN;
270 }
double mm_lep
Squared mass of final charged lepton (GeV)
double m_lep
Mass of final charged lepton (GeV)
static constexpr double s
Definition: Units.h:95
const double epsilon
double m_rnu
Mass of residual nucleus (GeV)
double Q2lim1_SM(double Q2, double Enu) const
double m_tar
Mass of target nucleus (GeV)
void DMINFC(Functor1D &F, double A, double B, double EPS, double DELTA, double &X, double &Y, bool &LLM) const
double mm_tar
Squared mass of target nucleus (GeV)
double m_fin
Mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double SmithMonizUtils::rho ( double  P_Fermi,
double  T_Fermi,
double  p 

Definition at line 609 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

Referenced by genie::SmithMonizQELCCPXSec::d3sQES_dQ2dvdkF_SM().

610 {
612  if (T_Fermi==0)
613  {
614  //Pure Fermi gaz with T_Fermi=0
615  if(p<=P_Fermi)
616  return 1.0;
617  else
618  return 0.0;
619  }
620  else
621  {
622  //Fermi-Dirac distribution
623  return 1.0/(1.0 + TMath::Exp(-(P_Fermi-p)/T_Fermi));
624  }
627 }
double P_Fermi
Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)
void SmithMonizUtils::SetInteraction ( const Interaction i)

Definition at line 116 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References genie::Target::A(), genie::units::A, genie::utils::nuclear::BindEnergyPerNucleon(), genie::utils::nuclear::BindEnergyPerNucleonParametrization(), E_BIN, E_nu, genie::utils::nuclear::FermiMomentumForIsoscalarNucleonParametrization(), genie::PDGLibrary::Find(), genie::FermiMomentumTable::FindClosestKF(), fInteraction, fKFTable, fNucRmvE, genie::Interaction::FSPrimLepton(), fUseParametrization, genie::FermiMomentumTablePool::GetTable(), genie::Target::HitNucIsSet(), genie::Target::HitNucMass(), genie::Target::HitNucPdg(), genie::Interaction::InitState(), genie::FermiMomentumTablePool::Instance(), genie::PDGLibrary::Instance(), genie::pdg::IonPdgCode(), genie::pdg::IsProton(), genie::kRfLab, LOG, m_fin, m_ini, m_lep, m_rnu, m_tar, genie::utils::res::Mass(), genie::Target::Mass(), mm_fin, mm_ini, mm_lep, mm_rnu, mm_tar, P_Fermi, pFATAL, genie::InitialState::ProbeE(), genie::pdg::SwitchProtonNeutron(), genie::InitialState::Tgt(), and genie::Target::Z().

Referenced by genie::SmithMonizQELCCPXSec::d2sQES_dQ2dv_SM(), genie::utils::gsl::d2Xsec_dQ2dv::d2Xsec_dQ2dv(), genie::SmithMonizQELCCPXSec::d3sQES_dQ2dvdkF_SM(), genie::utils::gsl::dv_dQ2_E::dv_dQ2_E(), genie::SmithMonizQELCCXSec::Integrate(), and genie::QELEventGeneratorSM::ProcessEventRecord().

117 {
119  fInteraction = interaction;
120  // get kinematics & init-state parameters
121  const InitialState & init_state = interaction -> InitState();
122  const Target & target = init_state.Tgt();
123  PDGLibrary * pdglib = PDGLibrary::Instance();
125  // neutrino energy (GeV)
126  E_nu = interaction->InitState().ProbeE(kRfLab);
128  assert(target.HitNucIsSet());
129  // get lepton&nuclear masses (init & final state nucleus)
131  // mass of final charged lepton (GeV)
132  m_lep = interaction->FSPrimLepton()->Mass();
133  mm_lep = TMath::Power(m_lep, 2);
134  int nucl_pdg_ini = target.HitNucPdg();
135  m_ini = target.HitNucMass();
136  mm_ini = TMath::Power(m_ini, 2);
137  int nucl_pdg_fin = genie::pdg::SwitchProtonNeutron(nucl_pdg_ini);
138  TParticlePDG * nucl_fin = pdglib->Find( nucl_pdg_fin );
139  // mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
140  m_fin = nucl_fin -> Mass();
141  mm_fin = TMath::Power(m_fin, 2);
142  // mass of target nucleus (GeV)
143  m_tar = target.Mass();
144  mm_tar = TMath::Power(m_tar, 2);
146  // RFG is not applied for A<4
147  if (target.A()<4)
148  {
149  E_BIN = P_Fermi = m_rnu = mm_rnu = 0;
150  return;
151  }
153  bool is_p = pdg::IsProton(nucl_pdg_ini);
154  int Zi = target.Z();
155  int Ai = target.A();
156  int Zf = (is_p) ? Zi-1 : Zi;
157  int Af = Ai-1;
158  TParticlePDG * nucl_f = pdglib->Find( pdg::IonPdgCode(Af, Zf) );
159  if(!nucl_f)
160  {
161  LOG("SmithMoniz", pFATAL)
162  << "Unknwown nuclear target! No target with code: "
163  << pdg::IonPdgCode(Af, Zf) << " in PDGLibrary!";
164  exit(1);
165  }
166  // mass of residual nucleus (GeV)
167  m_rnu = nucl_f -> Mass();
168  mm_rnu = TMath::Power(m_rnu, 2);
170  int Z = target.Z();
171  int A = target.A();
172  int N = A-Z;
175  // maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)
176  if (A < 6 || !fUseParametrization)
177  {
178  // look up the Fermi momentum for this Target
180  const FermiMomentumTable * kft = kftp->GetTable(fKFTable);
181  P_Fermi = kft->FindClosestKF(pdg::IonPdgCode(A, Z), nucl_pdg_ini);
182  }
183  else
184  {
185  // define the Fermi momentum for this Target
186  //
188  // correct the Fermi momentum for the struck nucleon
189  if(is_p) P_Fermi *= TMath::Power( 2.*Z/A, 1./3);
190  else
191  P_Fermi *= TMath::Power( 2.*N/A, 1./3);
192  }
194  // neutrino binding energy (GeV)
195  if (target.A() < 6 || !fUseParametrization)
196  {
197  map<int,double>::const_iterator it = fNucRmvE.find(Z);
198  if(it != fNucRmvE.end()) E_BIN = it->second;
200  }
201  else
207 }
double mm_lep
Squared mass of final charged lepton (GeV)
double m_ini
Mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double E_BIN
Binding energy (GeV)
int HitNucPdg(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:304
int A(void) const
Definition: Target.h:70
double HitNucMass(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:233
double m_lep
Mass of final charged lepton (GeV)
#define pFATAL
Definition: Messenger.h:56
double mm_fin
Squared mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
static FermiMomentumTablePool * Instance(void)
int SwitchProtonNeutron(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:356
double E_nu
Neutrino energy (GeV)
map< int, double > fNucRmvE
double mm_ini
Sqared mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double Mass(Resonance_t res)
resonance mass (GeV)
A table of Fermi momentum constants.
double Mass(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:224
double mm_rnu
Squared mass of residual nucleus (GeV)
const Interaction * fInteraction
double BindEnergyPerNucleon(const Target &target)
bool IsProton(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:336
Singleton class to load &amp; serve tables of Fermi momentum constants.
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
static constexpr double A
Definition: Units.h:74
const FermiMomentumTable * GetTable(string name)
double P_Fermi
Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)
double BindEnergyPerNucleonParametrization(const Target &target)
A Neutrino Interaction Target. Is a transparent encapsulation of quite different physical systems suc...
Definition: Target.h:40
double m_rnu
Mass of residual nucleus (GeV)
int Z(void) const
Definition: Target.h:68
double m_tar
Mass of target nucleus (GeV)
double FermiMomentumForIsoscalarNucleonParametrization(const Target &target)
static PDGLibrary * Instance(void)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:68
Singleton class to load &amp; serve a TDatabasePDG.
Definition: PDGLibrary.h:35
bool HitNucIsSet(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:283
int IonPdgCode(int A, int Z)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:71
TParticlePDG * Find(int pdgc, bool must_exist=true)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:86
double FindClosestKF(int target_pdgc, int nucleon_pdgc) const
const Target & Tgt(void) const
Definition: InitialState.h:66
double mm_tar
Squared mass of target nucleus (GeV)
double m_fin
Mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
Initial State information.
Definition: InitialState.h:48
double SmithMonizUtils::vlim1_SM ( double  Q2) const

Definition at line 499 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References a, genie::units::b, E_BIN, m_fin, m_rnu, m_tar, mm_fin, mm_ini, mm_tar, and P_Fermi.

Referenced by vQES_SM_min().

500 {
501  // minimal energy transfer for scattering on nucleus (see Eq. (7) of Ref.3)
502  double nu_min = ((m_rnu+m_fin)*(m_rnu+m_fin)+Q2-mm_tar)/(2*m_tar);
504  double E = sqrt(P_Fermi*P_Fermi+mm_ini);
505  double b = (E-E_BIN)*(E-E_BIN)-P_Fermi*P_Fermi;
506  double a = (Q2+mm_fin-b)*0.5;
507  // minimal energy transfer for bound nucleon (see Eqs. (11) of Ref. 3)
508  double nu_1 = (a*(E-E_BIN)-P_Fermi*TMath::Sqrt(a*a+Q2*b))/b;
509  nu_min= TMath::Max(nu_min,nu_1);
510  return nu_min;
511 }
double Q2(const Interaction *const i)
Definition: KineUtils.cxx:1077
double E_BIN
Binding energy (GeV)
double mm_fin
Squared mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double mm_ini
Sqared mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)
static constexpr double b
Definition: Units.h:78
const double a
double P_Fermi
Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)
double m_rnu
Mass of residual nucleus (GeV)
double m_tar
Mass of target nucleus (GeV)
double mm_tar
Squared mass of target nucleus (GeV)
double m_fin
Mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double SmithMonizUtils::vlim2_SM ( double  Q2) const

Definition at line 514 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References a, genie::units::b, E_BIN, E_nu, mm_fin, mm_ini, mm_lep, and P_Fermi.

Referenced by vQES_SM_max().

515 {
516  // maximal energy transfer (see Eq. (9) of Ref.3)
517  double nu_max = E_nu*Q2/(Q2+mm_lep)-(Q2+mm_lep)/4/E_nu;
519  double E = sqrt(P_Fermi*P_Fermi+mm_ini);
520  double b = (E-E_BIN)*(E-E_BIN)-P_Fermi*P_Fermi;
521  double a = 0.5*(Q2+mm_fin-b);
522  // maximal energy transfer for bound nucleon (see Eqs. (11) of Ref. 3)
523  double nu_2 = (a*(E-E_BIN)+P_Fermi*TMath::Sqrt(a*a+Q2*b))/b;
524  nu_max= TMath::Min(nu_max,nu_2);
525  return -nu_max;
526 }
double mm_lep
Squared mass of final charged lepton (GeV)
double Q2(const Interaction *const i)
Definition: KineUtils.cxx:1077
double E_BIN
Binding energy (GeV)
double mm_fin
Squared mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double E_nu
Neutrino energy (GeV)
double mm_ini
Sqared mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)
static constexpr double b
Definition: Units.h:78
const double a
double P_Fermi
Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)
Range1D_t SmithMonizUtils::vQES_SM_lim ( double  Q2) const

Definition at line 423 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References a, genie::units::b, E_BIN, E_nu, m_fin, m_rnu, m_tar, mm_fin, mm_ini, mm_lep, mm_tar, and P_Fermi.

Referenced by genie::QELEventGeneratorSM::ComputeMaxXSec(), genie::utils::gsl::dv_dQ2_E::DoEval(), PhaseSpaceVolume(), genie::QELEventGeneratorSM::ProcessEventRecord(), vQES_SM_max(), and vQES_SM_min().

424 {
426  // minimal energy transfer for scattering on nucleus (see Eq. (7) of Ref.3)
427  double nu_min= ((m_rnu+m_fin)*(m_rnu+m_fin)+Q2-mm_tar)/2/m_tar;
429  // if the target is nucleon then nu_min=nu_max=(m_fin^2+Q^2-m_ini^2)/(2*m_ini)
430  if (E_BIN == 0 && P_Fermi == 0)
431  return Range1D_t(nu_min, nu_min);
433  // maximal energy transfer (see Eq. (9) of Ref.3)
434  double nu_max = E_nu*Q2/(Q2+mm_lep)-(Q2+mm_lep)/4/E_nu;
436  // now we find limits for bound nucleon
437  double E = TMath::Sqrt(P_Fermi*P_Fermi+mm_ini);
438  double b = (E-E_BIN)*(E-E_BIN)-P_Fermi*P_Fermi;
439  double a = (Q2+mm_fin-b)*0.5;
440  double tmp1 = a*(E-E_BIN);
441  double tmp2 = P_Fermi*TMath::Sqrt(a*a+Q2*b);
442  // minimal and maximal energy transfer for bound nucleon (see Eqs. (11) of Ref. 3)
443  double nu_1 = (tmp1-tmp2)/b;
444  double nu_2 = (tmp1+tmp2)/b;
445  // for minimal energy transfer we take maximum of corresponding values on nucleus and bound nucleon
446  nu_min= TMath::Max(nu_min,nu_1);
447  // for maximal energy transfer we take minimum of corresponding values on nucleus and bound nucleon
448  nu_max= TMath::Min(nu_max,nu_2);
450  if (nu_min<=nu_max)
451  return Range1D_t(nu_min,nu_max);
452  else
453  // to avoid machine precision errors
454  return Range1D_t(0.5*(nu_min+nu_max),0.5*(nu_min+nu_max));
456 }
double mm_lep
Squared mass of final charged lepton (GeV)
double Q2(const Interaction *const i)
Definition: KineUtils.cxx:1077
double E_BIN
Binding energy (GeV)
A simple [min,max] interval for doubles.
Definition: Range1.h:42
double mm_fin
Squared mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double E_nu
Neutrino energy (GeV)
double mm_ini
Sqared mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)
static constexpr double b
Definition: Units.h:78
const double a
double P_Fermi
Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)
double m_rnu
Mass of residual nucleus (GeV)
double m_tar
Mass of target nucleus (GeV)
double mm_tar
Squared mass of target nucleus (GeV)
double m_fin
Mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double SmithMonizUtils::vQES_SM_max ( double  Q2min,
double  Q2max 
) const

Definition at line 479 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References DMINFC(), E_BIN, genie::Range1D_t::min, P_Fermi, vlim2_SM(), and vQES_SM_lim().

Referenced by genie::QELEventGeneratorSM::ComputeMaxXSec().

480 {
481  // maximum of function call
482  const double EPS = 1.0e-08;
483  const double Delta= 1.0e-14;
485  if (E_BIN == 0 && P_Fermi == 0)
486  return vQES_SM_lim(Q2_max).min;
488  double F_MIN, Q2_0;
489  bool LLM;
490  // C++ analog of fortran function DMINFC(Q2lim1_SM,Q2_min,Q2_max,EPS,Delta,Q2_0,F_MIN,LLM)
491  Func1D<SmithMonizUtils> vlim2_SM_(*this, &SmithMonizUtils::vlim2_SM);
492  DMINFC(vlim2_SM_,Q2_min,Q2_max,EPS,Delta,Q2_0,F_MIN,LLM);
494  return -F_MIN;
496 }
double E_BIN
Binding energy (GeV)
Range1D_t vQES_SM_lim(double Q2) const
double P_Fermi
Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)
void DMINFC(Functor1D &F, double A, double B, double EPS, double DELTA, double &X, double &Y, bool &LLM) const
double vlim2_SM(double Q2) const
double min
Definition: Range1.h:52
double SmithMonizUtils::vQES_SM_min ( double  Q2min,
double  Q2max 
) const

Definition at line 459 of file SmithMonizUtils.cxx.

References DMINFC(), E_BIN, genie::Range1D_t::min, P_Fermi, vlim1_SM(), and vQES_SM_lim().

Referenced by genie::QELEventGeneratorSM::ComputeMaxXSec().

460 {
461  // maximum of function call
462  const double EPS = 1.0e-08;
463  const double Delta= 1.0e-14;
465  if (E_BIN == 0 && P_Fermi == 0)
466  return vQES_SM_lim(Q2_min).min;
468  double F_MIN, Q2_0;
469  bool LLM;
470  // C++ analog of fortran function DMINFC(Q2lim1_SM,Q2_min,Q2_max,EPS,Delta,Q2_0,F_MIN,LLM)
471  Func1D<SmithMonizUtils> vlim1_SM_(*this, &SmithMonizUtils::vlim1_SM);
472  DMINFC(vlim1_SM_,Q2_min,Q2_max,EPS,Delta,Q2_0,F_MIN,LLM);
474  return F_MIN;
476 }
double E_BIN
Binding energy (GeV)
Range1D_t vQES_SM_lim(double Q2) const
double P_Fermi
Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)
void DMINFC(Functor1D &F, double A, double B, double EPS, double DELTA, double &X, double &Y, bool &LLM) const
double min
Definition: Range1.h:52
double vlim1_SM(double Q2) const

Member Data Documentation

double genie::SmithMonizUtils::E_BIN
double genie::SmithMonizUtils::E_nu

Neutrino energy (GeV)

Definition at line 130 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Referenced by GetTheta_k(), Q2QES_SM_lim(), SetInteraction(), vlim2_SM(), and vQES_SM_lim().

const Interaction* genie::SmithMonizUtils::fInteraction

Definition at line 125 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Referenced by SetInteraction().

string genie::SmithMonizUtils::fKFTable

Definition at line 122 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Referenced by LoadConfig(), and SetInteraction().

map<int, double> genie::SmithMonizUtils::fNucRmvE

Definition at line 121 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Referenced by LoadConfig(), and SetInteraction().

bool genie::SmithMonizUtils::fUseParametrization

Definition at line 123 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Referenced by LoadConfig(), and SetInteraction().

double genie::SmithMonizUtils::m_fin

Mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)

Definition at line 135 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Referenced by E_nu_thr_SM(), Q2lim2_SM(), Q2QES_SM_lim(), QEL_EnuMin_SM(), SetInteraction(), vlim1_SM(), and vQES_SM_lim().

double genie::SmithMonizUtils::m_ini

Mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)

Definition at line 133 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Referenced by kFQES_SM_lim(), Q2QES_SM_lim(), and SetInteraction().

double genie::SmithMonizUtils::m_lep

Mass of final charged lepton (GeV)

Definition at line 131 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Referenced by E_nu_thr_SM(), Q2QES_SM_lim(), QEL_EnuMin_SM(), and SetInteraction().

double genie::SmithMonizUtils::m_rnu

Mass of residual nucleus (GeV)

Definition at line 139 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Referenced by E_nu_thr_SM(), Q2lim2_SM(), Q2QES_SM_lim(), QEL_EnuMin_SM(), SetInteraction(), vlim1_SM(), and vQES_SM_lim().

double genie::SmithMonizUtils::m_tar

Mass of target nucleus (GeV)

Definition at line 137 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Referenced by E_nu_thr_SM(), Q2lim2_SM(), Q2QES_SM_lim(), QEL_EnuMin_SM(), SetInteraction(), vlim1_SM(), and vQES_SM_lim().

double genie::SmithMonizUtils::mm_fin

Squared mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)

Definition at line 136 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Referenced by GetTheta_p(), kFQES_SM_lim(), Q2lim1_SM(), Q2lim2_SM(), Q2QES_SM_lim(), SetInteraction(), vlim1_SM(), vlim2_SM(), and vQES_SM_lim().

double genie::SmithMonizUtils::mm_ini

Sqared mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)

Definition at line 134 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Referenced by E_nu_thr_SM(), GetTheta_p(), kFQES_SM_lim(), Q2lim1_SM(), Q2lim2_SM(), Q2QES_SM_lim(), SetInteraction(), vlim1_SM(), vlim2_SM(), and vQES_SM_lim().

double genie::SmithMonizUtils::mm_lep

Squared mass of final charged lepton (GeV)

Definition at line 132 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Referenced by GetTheta_k(), Q2lim1_SM(), Q2QES_SM_lim(), QEL_EnuMin_SM(), SetInteraction(), vlim2_SM(), and vQES_SM_lim().

double genie::SmithMonizUtils::mm_rnu

Squared mass of residual nucleus (GeV)

Definition at line 140 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Referenced by SetInteraction().

double genie::SmithMonizUtils::mm_tar

Squared mass of target nucleus (GeV)

Definition at line 138 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Referenced by E_nu_thr_SM(), Q2lim2_SM(), Q2QES_SM_lim(), QEL_EnuMin_SM(), SetInteraction(), vlim1_SM(), and vQES_SM_lim().

double genie::SmithMonizUtils::P_Fermi

Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)

Definition at line 141 of file SmithMonizUtils.h.

Referenced by E_nu_thr_SM(), GetFermiMomentum(), kFQES_SM_lim(), Q2lim1_SM(), Q2lim2_SM(), Q2QES_SM_lim(), SetInteraction(), vlim1_SM(), vlim2_SM(), vQES_SM_lim(), vQES_SM_max(), and vQES_SM_min().

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