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1 //____________________________________________________________________________
2 /*
3  Copyright (c) 2003-2024, The GENIE Collaboration
4  For the full text of the license visit
6  Costas Andreopoulos <c.andreopoulos \at>
7  University of Liverpool
8 */
9 //____________________________________________________________________________
11 #include <fenv.h> //provides: int feenableexcept(int excepts);
12 #include <cmath> //provides: std::isnan()
14 #include <chrono>
16 #include <fstream>
17 #include <cstdlib>
19 #include "libxml/parser.h"
20 #include "libxml/xmlmemory.h"
21 #include "libxml/xmlreader.h"
23 #include <TMath.h>
24 #include <TLorentzVector.h>
28 #include "Framework/Conventions/GBuild.h"
36 using std::ofstream;
37 using std::endl;
39 namespace genie {
41  using namespace std::chrono ;
43 //____________________________________________________________________________
44 ostream & operator << (ostream & stream, const XSecSplineList & list)
45 {
46  list.Print(stream);
47  return stream;
48 }
49 //____________________________________________________________________________
50 XSecSplineList * XSecSplineList::fInstance = 0;
51 //____________________________________________________________________________
53 {
54  fInstance = 0;
55  fCurrentTune = "";
56  fUseLogE = true;
57  fNKnots = 100;
58  fEmin = 0.01; // GeV
59  fEmax = 100.00; // GeV
60 }
61 //____________________________________________________________________________
63 {
64 // Clean up.
66  map<string, map<string, Spline *> >::iterator mm_iter = fSplineMap.begin();
67  for( ; mm_iter != fSplineMap.end(); ++mm_iter) {
68  // loop over splines for given tune
69  map<string, Spline *> & spl_map_curr_tune = mm_iter->second;
70  map<string, Spline *>::iterator m_iter = spl_map_curr_tune.begin();
71  for( ; m_iter != spl_map_curr_tune.end(); ++m_iter) {
72  Spline * spline = m_iter->second;
73  delete spline;
74  spline = 0;
75  }
76  spl_map_curr_tune.clear();
77  }
78  fSplineMap.clear();
79  fInstance = 0;
80 }
81 //____________________________________________________________________________
83 {
84  if(fInstance == 0) {
85  static XSecSplineList::Cleaner cleaner;
87  fInstance = new XSecSplineList;
88  }
89  return fInstance;
90 }
91 //____________________________________________________________________________
93  const XSecAlgorithmI * alg, const Interaction * interaction) const
94 {
95  string key = this->BuildSplineKey(alg,interaction);
96  return this->SplineExists(key);
97 }
98 //____________________________________________________________________________
99 bool XSecSplineList::SplineExists(string key) const
100 {
102  if ( fCurrentTune.size() == 0 ) {
103  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pERROR) << "Spline requested while CurrentTune not set" ;
104  return false ;
105  }
107  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pDEBUG)
108  << "Checking for spline: " << key << " in tune: " << fCurrentTune;
110  map<string, map<string, Spline *> >::const_iterator //
111  mm_iter = fSplineMap.find(fCurrentTune);
112  if(mm_iter == fSplineMap.end()) {
113  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pWARN)
114  << "No splines for tune " << fCurrentTune << " were found!";
115  return false;
116  }
117  const map<string, Spline *> & spl_map_curr_tune = mm_iter->second;
118  bool exists = (spl_map_curr_tune.count(key) == 1);
119  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pDEBUG)
120  << "Spline found?...." << utils::print::BoolAsYNString(exists);
121  return exists;
122 }
123 //____________________________________________________________________________
125  const XSecAlgorithmI * alg, const Interaction * interaction) const
126 {
127  string key = this->BuildSplineKey(alg,interaction);
128  return this->GetSpline(key);
129 }
130 //____________________________________________________________________________
131 const Spline * XSecSplineList::GetSpline(string key) const
132 {
134  if ( fCurrentTune.size() == 0 ) {
135  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pFATAL) << "Spline requested while CurrentTune not set" ;
136  exit(0) ;
137  }
139  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pDEBUG)
140  << "Getting spline: " << key << " in tune: " << fCurrentTune;
142  map<string, map<string, Spline *> >::const_iterator //\/
143  mm_iter = fSplineMap.find(fCurrentTune);
144  if(mm_iter == fSplineMap.end()) {
145  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pWARN)
146  << "No splines for tune " << fCurrentTune << " were found!";
147  return 0;
148  }
149  const map<string, Spline *> & spl_map_curr_tune = mm_iter->second;
150  map<string, Spline *>::const_iterator //\/
151  m_iter = spl_map_curr_tune.find(key);
152  if(m_iter == spl_map_curr_tune.end()) {
153  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pWARN)
154  << "Couldn't find spline: " << key << " in tune: " << fCurrentTune;
155  return 0;
156  }
157  return m_iter->second;
158 }
159 //____________________________________________________________________________
161  const Interaction * interaction, int nknots, double e_min, double e_max)
162 {
163 // Build a cross section spline for the input interaction using the input
164 // cross section algorithm and store in the list.
165 // For building this specific entry of the spline list, the user is allowed
166 // to override the list-wide nknots,e_min,e_max
170  // rwh -- uncomment to catch NaN
171  // feenableexcept(FE_DIVBYZERO|FE_INVALID|FE_OVERFLOW);
174  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pNOTICE)
175  << "Creating cross section spline using the algorithm: " << *alg;
177  string key = this->BuildSplineKey(alg,interaction);
179  // If any of the nknots,e_min,e_max was not set or its value is not acceptable
180  // use the list values
181  //
182  if (e_min < 0.) e_min = this->Emin();
183  if (e_max < 0.) e_max = this->Emax();
184  if (nknots <= 2) nknots = this->NKnots();
185  assert( e_min < e_max );
187  std::vector<double> xsec( nknots, 0. ) ;
188  std::vector<double> E( nknots, 0. ) ;
190  // Distribute the knots in the energy range (e_min,e_max) :
191  // - Will use 5 knots linearly spaced below the energy thresholds so that the
192  // spline behaves correctly in (e_min,Ethr)
193  // - Place 1 knot exactly on the input interaction threshold
194  // - Place the remaining n-6 knots spaced either linearly or logarithmically
195  // above the input interaction threshold
196  // The above scheme schanges appropriately if Ethr<e_min (i.e. no knots
197  // are computed below threshold)
198  //
199  double Ethr = interaction->PhaseSpace().Threshold();
200  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pNOTICE)
201  << "Energy threshold for current interaction = " << Ethr << " GeV";
203  if (Ethr>e_max) {
204  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pFATAL) << "Energy threshold higher than maximum.";
205  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pFATAL) << "Energy threshold = " << Ethr << " GeV";
206  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pFATAL) << "Energy maximum = " << e_max << " GeV";
207  return;
208  }
210  int nkb = (Ethr>e_min) ? 5 : 0; // number of knots < threshold
211  int nka = nknots-nkb; // number of knots >= threshold
213  // knots < energy threshold
214  double dEb = (Ethr>e_min) ? (Ethr - e_min) / nkb : 0;
215  for(int i=0; i<nkb; i++) {
216  E[i] = e_min + i*dEb;
217  }
218  // knots >= energy threshold
219  double E0 = TMath::Max(Ethr,e_min);
220  double dEa = 0;
221  if(this->UseLogE())
222  dEa = (TMath::Log10(e_max) - TMath::Log10(E0)) /(nka-1);
223  else
224  dEa = (e_max-E0) /(nka-1);
226  for(int i=0; i<nka; i++) {
227  if(this->UseLogE())
228  E[i+nkb] = TMath::Power(10., TMath::Log10(E0) + i * dEa);
229  else
230  E[i+nkb] = E0 + i * dEa;
231  }
232  // force last point to avoid floating point cumulative slew
233  E[nknots-1] = e_max;
235  // Compute cross sections for the input interaction at the selected
236  // set of energies
237  //
238  double pr_mass = interaction->InitStatePtr()->Probe()->Mass();
239  for (int i = 0; i < nknots; i++) {
240  TLorentzVector p4(0,0,E[i],E[i]);
241  if (pr_mass > 0.) {
242  double pz = TMath::Max(0.,E[i]*E[i] - pr_mass*pr_mass);
243  pz = TMath::Sqrt(pz);
244  p4.SetPz(pz);
245  }
246  interaction->InitStatePtr()->SetProbeP4(p4);
248  steady_clock::time_point start = steady_clock::now();
250  xsec[i] = alg->Integral(interaction);
252  steady_clock::time_point end = steady_clock::now();
254  duration<double> time_span = duration_cast<duration<double>>(end - start);
256  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pNOTICE)
257  << "xsec(E = " << E[i] << ") = "
258  << (1E+38/units::cm2)*xsec[i] << " x 1E-38 cm^2, evaluated in " << time_span.count() << " s";
259  if ( std::isnan(xsec[i]) ) {
260  // this sometimes happens near threshold, warn and move on
261  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pWARN)
262  << "xsec(E = " << E[i] << ") = "
263  << (1E+38/units::cm2)*xsec[i] << " x 1E-38 cm^2"
264  << " : converting NaN to 0.0";
265  xsec[i] = 0.0;
266  }
268  }
270  // Warn about odd case of decreasing cross section
271  // but allow for small variation due to integration errors
272  const double eps_xsec = 1.0e-5;
273  const double xsec_scale = (1.0-eps_xsec);
274  if ( xsec[nknots-1] < xsec[nknots-2]*xsec_scale ) {
275  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pWARN)
276  << "Last point oddity: " << key << " has "
277  << " xsec[nknots-1] " << xsec[nknots-1] << " < "
278  << " xsec[nknots-2] " << xsec[nknots-2];
279  }
281  // Build
282  //
283  Spline * spline = new Spline(nknots,,;
285  // Save
286  //
287  map<string, map<string, Spline *> >::iterator //\/
288  mm_iter = fSplineMap.find(fCurrentTune);
289  if(mm_iter == fSplineMap.end()) {
290  map<string, Spline *> spl_map_curr_tune;
291  fSplineMap.insert( map<string, map<string, Spline *> >::value_type(
292  fCurrentTune, spl_map_curr_tune) );
293  mm_iter = fSplineMap.find(fCurrentTune);
294  }
295  map<string, Spline *> & spl_map_curr_tune = mm_iter->second;
296  spl_map_curr_tune.insert( map<string, Spline *>::value_type(key, spline) );
297 }
298 //____________________________________________________________________________
300 {
301  map<string, map<string, Spline *> >::const_iterator //
302  mm_iter = fSplineMap.find(fCurrentTune);
303  if(mm_iter == fSplineMap.end()) {
304  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pWARN)
305  << "No splines for tune " << fCurrentTune << " were found!";
306  return 0;
307  }
308  const map<string, Spline *> & spl_map_curr_tune = mm_iter->second;
309  return (int) spl_map_curr_tune.size();
310 }
311 //____________________________________________________________________________
312 bool XSecSplineList::IsEmpty(void) const
313 {
314  int n = this->NSplines();
315  return (n == 0);
316 }
317 //____________________________________________________________________________
319 {
320  fUseLogE = on;
321 }
322 //____________________________________________________________________________
324 {
325  fNKnots = nk;
326  if(fNKnots<10) fNKnots = 10; // minimum acceptable number of knots
327 }
328 //____________________________________________________________________________
329 void XSecSplineList::SetMinE(double Ev)
330 {
331  if(Ev>0) fEmin = Ev;
332 }
333 //____________________________________________________________________________
334 void XSecSplineList::SetMaxE(double Ev)
335 {
336  if(Ev>0) fEmax = Ev;
337 }
338 //____________________________________________________________________________
339 void XSecSplineList::SaveAsXml(const string & filename, bool save_init) const
340 {
341 //! Save XSecSplineList to XML file
343  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pNOTICE)
344  << "Saving XSecSplineList as XML in file: " << filename;
346  ofstream outxml(filename.c_str());
347  if(!outxml.is_open()) {
348  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pERROR) << "Couldn't create file = " << filename;
349  return;
350  }
351  outxml << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>";
352  outxml << endl << endl;
353  outxml << "<!-- generated by genie::XSecSplineList::SaveSplineList() -->";
354  outxml << endl << endl;
356  int uselog = (fUseLogE ? 1 : 0);
357  outxml << "<genie_xsec_spline_list "
358  << "version=\"3.00\" uselog=\"" << uselog << "\">";
359  outxml << endl << endl;
361  // loop over tunes
362  map<string, map<string, Spline *> >::const_iterator //\/
363  mm_iter = fSplineMap.begin();
364  for( ; mm_iter != fSplineMap.end(); ++mm_iter) {
366  string tune_name = mm_iter->first;
367  outxml << " <genie_tune name=\"" << tune_name << "\">";
368  outxml << endl << endl;
370  // loop over splines for given tune
371  const map<string, Spline *> & spl_map_curr_tune = mm_iter->second;
372  map<string, Spline *>::const_iterator //\/
373  m_iter = spl_map_curr_tune.begin();
374  for( ; m_iter != spl_map_curr_tune.end(); ++m_iter) {
375  string key = m_iter->first;
377  // If current spline is from the initial loaded set,
378  // look-up input option to decide whether to write out in
379  // new output file or not
380  bool from_init_set = false;
381  map<string, set<string> >::const_iterator //\/
382  it = fLoadedSplineSet.find(tune_name);
383  if(it != fLoadedSplineSet.end()) {
384  const set<string> & init_set_curr_tune = it->second;
385  from_init_set = (init_set_curr_tune.count(key) == 1);
386  }
387  if(from_init_set && !save_init) continue;
389  // Add current spline to output file
390  Spline * spline = m_iter->second;
391  spline->SaveAsXml(outxml,"E","xsec", key);
392  }//spline loop
394  outxml << " </genie_tune>" << endl;
395  }//tune loop
397  outxml << "</genie_xsec_spline_list>" << endl;
399  outxml.close();
400 }
401 //____________________________________________________________________________
402 XmlParserStatus_t XSecSplineList::LoadFromXml(const string & filename, bool keep)
403 {
404 //! Load XSecSplineList from ROOT file. If keep = true, then the loaded splines
405 //! are added to the existing list. If false, then the existing list is reset
406 //! before loading the splines.
408  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pNOTICE)
409  << "Loading splines from: " << filename;
410  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pINFO)
411  << "Option to keep pre-existing splines is switched "
412  << ( (keep) ? "ON" : "OFF" );
414  if(!keep) fSplineMap.clear();
416  const int kNodeTypeStartElement = 1;
417  const int kNodeTypeEndElement = 15;
418  const int kKnotX = 0;
419  const int kKnotY = 1;
421  xmlTextReaderPtr reader;
423  int ret = 0, val_type = -1, iknot = 0, nknots = 0;
424  double * E = 0, * xsec = 0;
425  string spline_name = "";
426  string temp_tune ;
428  reader = xmlNewTextReaderFilename(filename.c_str());
429  if (reader != NULL) {
430  ret = xmlTextReaderRead(reader);
431  while (ret == 1) {
432  xmlChar * name = xmlTextReaderName (reader);
433  xmlChar * value = xmlTextReaderValue (reader);
434  int type = xmlTextReaderNodeType (reader);
435  int depth = xmlTextReaderDepth (reader);
437  if(depth==0 && type==kNodeTypeStartElement) {
438  LOG("XSecSplLst", pDEBUG) << "Root element = " << name;
439  if(xmlStrcmp(name, (const xmlChar *) "genie_xsec_spline_list")) {
440  LOG("XSecSplLst", pERROR)
441  << "\nXML doc. has invalid root element! [filename: " << filename << "]";
442  return kXmlInvalidRoot;
443  }
445  xmlChar * xvrs = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader,(const xmlChar*)"version");
446  xmlChar * xinlog = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader,(const xmlChar*)"uselog");
447  string svrs = utils::str::TrimSpaces((const char *)xvrs);
448  string sinlog = utils::str::TrimSpaces((const char *)xinlog);
450  LOG("XSecSplLst", pNOTICE)
451  << "Input x-section spline XML file format version: " << svrs;
453  if (atoi(sinlog.c_str()) == 1) this->SetLogE(true);
454  else this->SetLogE(false);
456  xmlFree(xvrs);
457  xmlFree(xinlog);
458  }
460  if( (!xmlStrcmp(name, (const xmlChar *) "genie_tune")) && type==kNodeTypeStartElement) {
461  xmlChar * xtune = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader,(const xmlChar*)"name");
462  temp_tune = utils::str::TrimSpaces((const char *)xtune);
463  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pNOTICE) << "Loading x-section splines for GENIE tune: " << temp_tune;
464  xmlFree(xtune);
465  }
467  if( (!xmlStrcmp(name, (const xmlChar *) "spline")) && type==kNodeTypeStartElement) {
468  xmlChar * xname = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader,(const xmlChar*)"name");
469  xmlChar * xnkn = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(reader,(const xmlChar*)"nknots");
470  string sname = utils::str::TrimSpaces((const char *)xname);
471  string snkn = utils::str::TrimSpaces((const char *)xnkn);
473  spline_name = sname;
474  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pNOTICE) << "Loading spline: " << spline_name;
476  nknots = atoi( snkn.c_str() );
477  iknot=0;
478  E = new double[nknots];
479  xsec = new double[nknots];
481  xmlFree(xname);
482  xmlFree(xnkn);
483  }
485  if( (!xmlStrcmp(name, (const xmlChar *) "E")) && type==kNodeTypeStartElement) { val_type = kKnotX; }
486  if( (!xmlStrcmp(name, (const xmlChar *) "xsec")) && type==kNodeTypeStartElement) { val_type = kKnotY; }
488  if( (!xmlStrcmp(name, (const xmlChar *) "#text")) && depth==5) {
489  if (val_type==kKnotX) E [iknot] = atof((const char *)value);
490  else if (val_type==kKnotY) xsec[iknot] = atof((const char *)value);
491  }
492  if( (!xmlStrcmp(name, (const xmlChar *) "knot")) && type==kNodeTypeEndElement) {
493  iknot++;
494  }
495  if( (!xmlStrcmp(name, (const xmlChar *) "spline")) && type==kNodeTypeEndElement) {
497  LOG("XSecSplLst", pINFO) << "Done with current spline";
498  for(int i=0; i<nknots; i++) {
499  LOG("XSecSplLst", pINFO) << "xsec[E = " << E[i] << "] = " << xsec[i];
500  }
501 #endif
502  // done looping over knots - build the spline
503  Spline * spline = new Spline(nknots, E, xsec);
504  delete [] E;
505  delete [] xsec;
507  // insert the spline to the map
508  map<string, map<string, Spline *> >::iterator //\/
509  mm_iter = fSplineMap.find( temp_tune );
510  if(mm_iter == fSplineMap.end()) {
511  map<string, Spline *> spl_map_curr_tune;
512  fSplineMap.insert( map<string, map<string, Spline *> >::value_type(
513  temp_tune, spl_map_curr_tune) );
514  mm_iter = fSplineMap.find( temp_tune );
515  }
516  map<string, Spline *> & spl_map_curr_tune = mm_iter->second;
517  spl_map_curr_tune.insert(
518  map<string, Spline *>::value_type(spline_name, spline) );
519  fLoadedSplineSet[temp_tune].insert(spline_name);
520  }
521  xmlFree(name);
522  xmlFree(value);
523  ret = xmlTextReaderRead(reader);
524  }
525  xmlFreeTextReader(reader);
526  if (ret != 0) {
527  LOG("XSecSplLst", pERROR)
528  << "\nXML file could not be parsed! [filename: " << filename << "]";
529  return kXmlNotParsed;
530  }
531  } else {
532  LOG("XSecSplLst", pERROR)
533  << "\nXML file could not be found! [filename: " << filename << "]";
534  }
536  return kXmlOK;
537 }
538 //____________________________________________________________________________
540  const XSecAlgorithmI * alg, const Interaction * interaction) const
541 {
542  if(!alg) {
543  LOG("XSecSplLst", pWARN)
544  << "Null XSecAlgorithmI - Returning empty spline key";
545  return "";
546  }
548  if(!interaction) {
549  LOG("XSecSplLst", pWARN)
550  << "Null Interaction - Returning empty spline key";
551  return "";
552  }
554  string alg_name = alg->Id().Name();
555  string param_set = alg->Id().Config();
556  string intkey = interaction->AsString();
558  string key = alg_name + "/" + param_set + "/" + intkey;
560  return key;
561 }
562 //____________________________________________________________________________
563 const vector<string> * XSecSplineList::GetSplineKeys(void) const
564 {
565  map<string, map<string, Spline *> >::const_iterator //\/
566  mm_iter = fSplineMap.find(fCurrentTune);
567  if(mm_iter == fSplineMap.end()) {
568  SLOG("XSecSplLst", pWARN)
569  << "No splines for tune " << fCurrentTune << " were found!";
570  return 0;
571  }
572  const map<string, Spline *> & spl_map_curr_tune = mm_iter->second;
573  vector<string> * keyv = new vector<string>(spl_map_curr_tune.size());
574  unsigned int i=0;
575  map<string, Spline *>::const_iterator m_iter = spl_map_curr_tune.begin();
576  for( ; m_iter != spl_map_curr_tune.end(); ++m_iter) {
577  string key = m_iter->first;
578  (*keyv)[i++]=key;
579  }
580  return keyv;
581 }
582 //____________________________________________________________________________
583 void XSecSplineList::Print(ostream & stream) const
584 {
585  stream << "\n ******************* XSecSplineList *************************";
586  stream << "\n [-] Options:";
587  stream << "\n |";
588  stream << "\n |-----o UseLogE..................." << fUseLogE;
589  stream << "\n |-----o Spline Emin..............." << fEmin;
590  stream << "\n |-----o Spline Emax..............." << fEmax;
591  stream << "\n |-----o Spline NKnots............." << fNKnots;
592  stream << "\n |";
594  map<string, map<string, Spline *> >::const_iterator mm_iter;
595  for(mm_iter = fSplineMap.begin(); mm_iter != fSplineMap.end(); ++mm_iter) {
597  string curr_tune = mm_iter->first;
598  stream << "\n [-] Available x-section splines for tune: " << curr_tune ;
599  stream << "\n |";
601  const map<string, Spline *> & spl_map_curr_tune = mm_iter->second;
602  map<string, Spline *>::const_iterator m_iter = spl_map_curr_tune.begin();
603  for( ; m_iter != spl_map_curr_tune.end(); ++m_iter) {
604  string key = m_iter->first;
605  stream << "\n |-----o " << key;
606  }
607  stream << "\n";
608  }
609 }
610 //___________________________________________________________________________
612 } // genie namespace
Cross Section Calculation Interface.
const KPhaseSpace & PhaseSpace(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:73
string BuildSplineKey(const XSecAlgorithmI *alg, const Interaction *i) const
void SetProbeP4(const TLorentzVector &P4)
#define pERROR
Definition: Messenger.h:59
void CreateSpline(const XSecAlgorithmI *alg, const Interaction *i, int nknots=-1, double e_min=-1, double e_max=-1)
const vector< string > * GetSplineKeys(void) const
double Threshold(void) const
Energy threshold.
Definition: KPhaseSpace.cxx:82
bool SplineExists(const XSecAlgorithmI *alg, const Interaction *i) const
string BoolAsYNString(bool b)
Definition: PrintUtils.cxx:108
A numeric analysis tool class for interpolating 1-D functions.
Definition: Spline.h:58
#define pFATAL
Definition: Messenger.h:56
void SetMinE(double Ev)
set default minimum energy for xsec splines
TParticlePDG * Probe(void) const
int NSplines(void) const
static XSecSplineList * Instance()
string AsString(void) const
Summary information for an interaction.
Definition: Interaction.h:56
void Print(ostream &stream) const
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
bool IsEmpty(void) const
string Name(void) const
Definition: AlgId.h:44
static constexpr double cm2
Definition: Units.h:69
void SetNKnots(int nk)
set default number of knots for building the spline
#define pINFO
Definition: Messenger.h:62
void SaveAsXml(const string &filename, bool save_init=true) const
#define pWARN
Definition: Messenger.h:60
string TrimSpaces(string input)
Definition: StringUtils.cxx:18
void SaveAsXml(string filename, string xtag, string ytag, string name="") const
Definition: Spline.cxx:419
virtual const AlgId & Id(void) const
Get algorithm ID.
Definition: Algorithm.h:98
static XSecSplineList * fInstance
ostream & operator<<(ostream &stream, const AlgConfigPool &config_pool)
void SetLogE(bool on)
set opt to build splines as f(E) or as f(logE)
InitialState * InitStatePtr(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:74
#define pNOTICE
Definition: Messenger.h:61
void SetMaxE(double Ev)
set default maximum energy for xsec splines
enum genie::EXmlParseStatus XmlParserStatus_t
#define SLOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a short string (using the FUNCTION and...
Definition: Messenger.h:84
const Spline * GetSpline(const XSecAlgorithmI *alg, const Interaction *i) const
List of cross section vs energy splines.
XmlParserStatus_t LoadFromXml(const string &filename, bool keep=false)
virtual double Integral(const Interaction *i) const =0
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
string Config(void) const
Definition: AlgId.h:45