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1 //____________________________________________________________________________
2 /*
3  Copyright (c) 2003-2024, The GENIE Collaboration
4  For the full text of the license visit
6  Costas Andreopoulos <c.andreopoulos \at>
7  University of Liverpool
8 */
9 //____________________________________________________________________________
11 // #include <RVersion.h>
13 // #include <TMCParticle.h>
14 // #else
15 // #include <TMCParticle6.h>
16 // #endif
34 // #include "Physics/Decay/DecayModelI.h"
37 using namespace genie;
38 using namespace genie::constants;
40 //___________________________________________________________________________
42 HadronicSystemGenerator("genie::RESHadronicSystemGenerator")
43 {
45 }
46 //___________________________________________________________________________
48 HadronicSystemGenerator("genie::RESHadronicSystemGenerator", config)
49 {
51 }
52 //___________________________________________________________________________
54 {
56 }
57 //___________________________________________________________________________
59 {
60 // This method generates the final state hadronic system
62  // Get the right resonance PDG code so that the selected resonance
63  // conserves charge
64  int pdgc = GetResonancePdgCode(evrec);
66  // Add the selected resonance
67  this->AddResonance(evrec,pdgc);
69  // Decay the resonance (and its decay products, if they include resonances)
72  // Add the baryon resonance decay products at the event record
73  //this->AddResonanceDecayProducts(evrec,pdgc);
75  // Handle resonance decay channels to other resonances or short-living
76  // partices
77  //LOG("RESHadronicVtx", pNOTICE)
78  // << "Decay any resonance in the initial resonance decay products";
79  //this->PreHadronTransportDecays(evrec);
80 }
81 //___________________________________________________________________________
83 {
84 // In the RES thread the resonance is specifed when selecting interaction
85 // This method adds it to the GHEP record.
87  Interaction * interaction = evrec->Summary();
89  // Get resonance id
90  const XclsTag & xcls = interaction->ExclTag();
91  assert(xcls.KnownResonance());
92  Resonance_t res = xcls.Resonance();
94  // Get resonance charge
95  int q_res = this->ResonanceCharge(evrec);
97  // Find resonance PDG code from resonance charge and id
98  int pdgc = utils::res::PdgCode(res, q_res);
100  LOG("RESHadronicVtx", pNOTICE)
101  << "Selected event has RES with PDGC = " << pdgc << ", Q = " << q_res;
103  return pdgc;
104 }
105 //___________________________________________________________________________
107  GHepRecord * evrec, int pdgc) const
108 {
109  //-- Compute RES p4 = p4(neutrino) + p4(hit nucleon) - p4(primary lepton)
110  TLorentzVector p4 = this->Hadronic4pLAB(evrec);
112  //-- Add the resonance at the EventRecord
114  int mom = evrec->HitNucleonPosition();
116  //-- Get vtx position
117  GHepParticle * neutrino = evrec->Probe();
118  const TLorentzVector & vtx = *(neutrino->X4());
120  evrec->AddParticle(pdgc, ist, mom,-1,-1,-1, p4, vtx);
121 }
122 //___________________________________________________________________________
123 // void RESHadronicSystemGenerator::AddResonanceDecayProducts(
124 // GHepRecord * evrec, int pdgc) const
125 // {
126 // // Decay the baryon resonance, take the decay products, boost them in the LAB
127 // // and add them in the GHEP record.
128 // // Unlike the SPP thread where the resonance decay products are determined
129 // // from the selected SPP channel, in the RES thread we can any of the the
130 // // resonance's kinematically available(the RES is not on the mass shell)decay
131 // // channels
132 //
133 // // find the resonance position
134 // int irpos = evrec->ParticlePosition(pdgc, kIStPreDecayResonantState, 0);
135 // assert(irpos>0);
136 //
137 // // access the GHEP entry
138 // GHepParticle * resonance = evrec->Particle(irpos);
139 // assert(resonance);
140 //
141 // // resonance location
142 // const TLorentzVector & x4 = *(resonance->X4());
143 //
144 // // prepare the decayer inputs
145 // DecayerInputs_t dinp;
146 // dinp.PdgCode = pdgc;
147 // dinp.P4 = resonance->P4();
148 //
149 // // do the decay
150 // TClonesArray * decay_products = fResonanceDecayer->Decay(dinp);
151 // if(!decay_products) {
152 // LOG("RESHadronicVtx", pWARN) << "Got an empty decay product list!";
153 // LOG("RESHadronicVtx", pWARN)
154 // << "Quitting the current event generation thread";
155 //
156 // evrec->EventFlags()->SetBitNumber(kHadroSysGenErr, true);
157 //
158 // genie::exceptions::EVGThreadException exception;
159 // exception.SetReason("Not enough phase space for hadronizer");
160 // exception.SwitchOnFastForward();
161 // throw exception;
162 //
163 // return;
164 // }
165 //
166 // // get the decay weight (if any)
167 // double wght = fResonanceDecayer->Weight();
168 //
169 // // update the event weight
170 // evrec->SetWeight(wght * evrec->Weight());
171 //
172 // // decide the istatus of decay products
173 // GHepParticle * nuc = evrec->TargetNucleus();
174 // GHepStatus_t dpist = (nuc) ? kIStHadronInTheNucleus : kIStStableFinalState;
175 //
176 // // if the list is not empty, boost and copy the decay products in GHEP
177 // if(decay_products) {
178 //
179 // // first, mark the resonance as decayed
180 // resonance->SetStatus(kIStDecayedState);
181 //
182 // // loop over the daughter and add them to the event record
183 // TMCParticle * dpmc = 0;
184 // TObjArrayIter decay_iter(decay_products);
185 //
186 // while( (dpmc = (TMCParticle *) decay_iter.Next()) ) {
187 //
188 // int dppdg = dpmc->GetKF();
189 // double px = dpmc->GetPx();
190 // double py = dpmc->GetPy();
191 // double pz = dpmc->GetPz();
192 // double E = dpmc->GetEnergy();
193 // TLorentzVector p4(px,py,pz,E);
194 //
195 // //-- Only add the decay products - the mother particle already exists
196 // if(dpmc->GetKS()==1) {
197 // evrec->AddParticle(dppdg,dpist,irpos,-1,-1,-1, p4, x4);
198 // }
199 // }
200 //
201 // // done, release the original list
202 // decay_products->Delete();
203 // delete decay_products;
204 // }// !=0
205 // }
206 //___________________________________________________________________________
208 {
209  Algorithm::Configure(config);
210  this->LoadConfig();
211 }
212 //___________________________________________________________________________
214 {
215  Algorithm::Configure(config);
216  this->LoadConfig();
217 }
218 //___________________________________________________________________________
220 {
221  fResonanceDecayer = 0;
222  //fPreINukeDecayer = 0;
224  // Get the specified decayers
226  dynamic_cast<const EventRecordVisitorI *> (this->SubAlg("Decayer"));
227  assert(fResonanceDecayer);
228  // fPreINukeDecayer =
229  // dynamic_cast<const EventRecordVisitorI *> (this->SubAlg("PreTransportDecayer"));
230  // assert(fPreINukeDecayer);
231 }
232 //___________________________________________________________________________
TLorentzVector Hadronic4pLAB(GHepRecord *event_rec) const
virtual Interaction * Summary(void) const
Definition: GHepRecord.cxx:91
Defines the EventRecordVisitorI interface. Concrete implementations of this interface use the &#39;Visito...
bool KnownResonance(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:68
virtual int HitNucleonPosition(void) const
Definition: GHepRecord.cxx:418
const EventRecordVisitorI * fResonanceDecayer
int GetResonancePdgCode(GHepRecord *evrec) const
enum genie::EResonance Resonance_t
Contains minimal information for tagging exclusive processes.
Definition: XclsTag.h:39
virtual GHepParticle * Probe(void) const
Definition: GHepRecord.cxx:284
Summary information for an interaction.
Definition: Interaction.h:56
void AddResonance(GHepRecord *evrec, int pdgc) const
int PdgCode(Resonance_t res, int Q)
(resonance id, charge) -&gt; PDG code
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
virtual void ProcessEventRecord(GHepRecord *event_rec) const =0
virtual void Configure(const Registry &config)
Definition: Algorithm.cxx:62
Resonance_t Resonance(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:69
const TLorentzVector * X4(void) const
Definition: GHepParticle.h:79
A registry. Provides the container for algorithm configuration parameters.
Definition: Registry.h:65
const XclsTag & ExclTag(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:72
void ProcessEventRecord(GHepRecord *event_rec) const
int ResonanceCharge(GHepRecord *event_rec) const
virtual void AddParticle(const GHepParticle &p)
Definition: GHepRecord.cxx:499
Abstract class. Is used to pass some commonly recurring methods to all concrete implementations of th...
#define pNOTICE
Definition: Messenger.h:61
GENIE&#39;s GHEP MC event record.
Definition: GHepRecord.h:45
Most commonly used PDG codes. A set of utility functions to handle PDG codes is provided in PDGUtils...
STDHEP-like event record entry that can fit a particle or a nucleus.
Definition: GHepParticle.h:39
enum genie::EGHepStatus GHepStatus_t
const Algorithm * SubAlg(const RgKey &registry_key) const
Definition: Algorithm.cxx:345