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Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //____________________________________________________________________________
2 /*
3  Copyright (c) 2003-2024, The GENIE Collaboration
4  For the full text of the license visit
6  Costas Andreopoulos <c.andreopoulos \at>
7  University of Liverpool
8 */
9 //____________________________________________________________________________
11 #include <fstream>
12 #include <iomanip>
14 #include <TSystem.h>
19 using namespace genie;
23 using std::ifstream;
24 using std::endl;
25 using std::ios;
27 //____________________________________________________________________________
28 namespace genie {
29  ostream & operator<< (ostream& stream, const NtpMCTreeHeader & hdr)
30  {
31  hdr.PrintToStream(stream);
32  return stream;
33  }
34 }
35 //____________________________________________________________________________
37 TNamed("header","GENIE output tree header")
38 {
39  this->Init();
40 }
41 //____________________________________________________________________________
43 TNamed("header","GENIE output tree header")
44 {
45  this->Copy(hdr);
46 }
47 //____________________________________________________________________________
49 {
51 }
52 //____________________________________________________________________________
53 void NtpMCTreeHeader::PrintToStream(ostream & stream) const
54 {
55  string sformat = NtpMCFormat::AsString(this->format);
56  string scvstag = this->cvstag.GetString().Data();
57  string stune = this->tune.GetString().Data();
58  string stuneDir = this->tuneDir.GetString().Data();
59  string scustomDirs = this->customDirs.GetString().Data();
61  stream << "Tree Header Info:" << endl
62  << "MC run number -> " << this->runnu << endl
63  << "MC run seed -> " << this->runseed << endl
64  << "NtpRecord Format -> " << sformat << endl
65  << "GENIE CVS Vrs Nu -> " << scvstag << endl
66  << "GENIE tune name -> " << stune << endl
67  << "tune directory -> " << stuneDir << endl
68  << "custom directories-> " << scustomDirs << endl
69  << "File generated at -> " << this->datime << endl;
70 }
71 //____________________________________________________________________________
73 {
74  this->format = hdr.format;
75  this->cvstag.SetString(hdr.cvstag.GetString().Data());
76  this->datime.Copy(hdr.datime);
77  this->runnu = hdr.runnu;
78  this->runseed = hdr.runseed;
79  this->tune.SetString(hdr.tune.GetString().Data());
80  this->tuneDir.SetString(hdr.tuneDir.GetString().Data());
81  this->customDirs.SetString(hdr.customDirs.GetString().Data());
82 }
83 //____________________________________________________________________________
85 {
86  string version;
87  string genie_path = gSystem->Getenv("GENIE");
88  string filename = genie_path + "/VERSION";
89  bool vrs_file_found = ! (gSystem->AccessPathName(filename.c_str()));
90  if (!vrs_file_found) {
91  LOG("Ntp", pERROR)
92  << "The GENIE version file [" << filename << "] is not accessible";
93  version = "NO CVS version number was specified";
94  } else {
95  ifstream gvinp(filename.c_str(), ios::in);
96  gvinp >> version;
97  gvinp.close();
98  }
100  string tunename("unknown");
101  string tuneDir("unknown");
102  string customDirs("");
104  this->format = kNFUndefined;
105  this->cvstag.SetString(version.c_str());
106  this->datime.Now();
107  this->runnu = 0;
108  this->runseed = 0;
109  this->tune.SetString(tunename.c_str());
110  this->tuneDir.SetString(tuneDir.c_str());
111  this->customDirs.SetString(customDirs.c_str());
112 }
113 //____________________________________________________________________________
#define pERROR
Definition: Messenger.h:59
TObjString tune
GENIE Tune Name.
NtpMCDTime datime
Date and Time that the event ntuple was generated.
void Copy(const NtpMCTreeHeader &hdr)
TObjString tuneDir
directory from when tune config came
TObjString cvstag
GENIE CVS Tag (to keep track of GENIE&#39;s version)
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
MINOS-style Ntuple Class to hold an output MC Tree Header.
void PrintToStream(ostream &stream) const
Long_t runnu
MC Job run number.
static const char * AsString(NtpMCFormat_t fmt)
Definition: NtpMCFormat.h:36
void Copy(const NtpMCDTime &dt)
Definition: NtpMCDTime.cxx:54
TObjString customDirs
any custom directories
void Now(void)
Definition: NtpMCDTime.cxx:76
NtpMCFormat_t format
Event Record format (GENIE support multiple formats)
ostream & operator<<(ostream &stream, const AlgConfigPool &config_pool)
Long_t runseed
Random seed used in the MC run.