32 class NaturalIsotopeElementData;
82 #endif // _NATURAL_ISOTOPES_H_
NaturalIsotopeElementData(int code, double abundance, double atomicmass)
void DummyMethodAndSilentCompiler()
double AtomicMass(void) const
double Abundance(void) const
int NElements(int Z) const
static NaturalIsotopes * Instance(void)
map< int, vector< NaturalIsotopeElementData * > > fNaturalIsotopesTable
virtual ~NaturalIsotopes()
static NaturalIsotopes * fInstance
Singleton class to load & serve tables of natural occurring isotopes.
const NaturalIsotopeElementData * ElementData(int Z, int ielement) const
const NaturalIsotopeElementData * ElementDataPdg(int Z, int pdgcode) const