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1 //____________________________________________________________________________
2 /*
3  Copyright (c) 2003-2024, The GENIE Collaboration
4  For the full text of the license visit
6  Costas Andreopoulos <c.andreopoulos \at>
7  University of Liverpool
9  Steve Dytman <dytman+ \at>
10  Pittsburgh University
11 */
12 //____________________________________________________________________________
14 #include <TMath.h>
15 #include "Math/Minimizer.h"
16 #include "Math/Factory.h"
36 //#include "Physics/Multinucleon/XSection/MECHadronTensor.h"
45 using namespace genie;
46 using namespace genie::utils;
47 using namespace genie::constants;
48 using namespace genie::controls;
50 //___________________________________________________________________________
52 EventRecordVisitorI("genie::MECGenerator")
53 {
55 }
56 //___________________________________________________________________________
58 EventRecordVisitorI("genie::MECGenerator", config)
59 {
61 }
62 //___________________________________________________________________________
64 {
66 }
67 //___________________________________________________________________________
69 {
70  //-- Access cross section algorithm for running thread
72  const EventGeneratorI * evg = rtinfo->RunningThread();
73  fXSecModel = evg->CrossSectionAlg();
74  if (fXSecModel->Id().Name() == "genie::EmpiricalMECPXSec2015") {
75  this -> AddTargetRemnant (event); /// shortly, this will be handled by the InitialStateAppender module
76  this -> GenerateFermiMomentum(event);
77  this -> SelectEmpiricalKinematics(event);
78  // TODO: test removing `AddFinalStateLepton` and replacing it with
79  // PrimaryLeptonGenerator::ProcessEventRecord(evrec);
80  this -> AddFinalStateLepton(event);
81  // TODO: maybe put `RecoilNucleonCluster` in a `MECHadronicSystemGenerator` class,
82  // name it `GenerateEmpiricalDiNucleonCluster` or something...
83  this -> RecoilNucleonCluster(event);
84  // TODO: `DecayNucleonCluster` should probably be in `MECHadronicSystemGenerator`,
85  // if we make that...
86  this -> DecayNucleonCluster(event);
87  } else if (fXSecModel->Id().Name() == "genie::NievesSimoVacasMECPXSec2016") {
88  this -> SelectNSVLeptonKinematics(event);
89  this -> AddTargetRemnant(event);
90  this -> GenerateNSVInitialHadrons(event);
91  // Note: this method in `MECTensor/MECTensorGenerator.cxx` appeared to be a straight
92  // copy of an earlier version of the `DecayNucleonCluster` method here - but, watch
93  // for this...
94  this -> DecayNucleonCluster(event);
95  } else if (fXSecModel->Id().Name() == "genie::SuSAv2MECPXSec") {
96  event->Print();
97  this -> SelectSuSALeptonKinematics(event);
98  event->Print();
99  this -> AddTargetRemnant(event);
100  event->Print();
101  this -> GenerateNSVInitialHadrons(event);
102  event->Print();
103  // Note: this method in `MECTensor/MECTensorGenerator.cxx` appeared to be a straight
104  // copy of an earlier version of the `DecayNucleonCluster` method here - but, watch
105  // for this...
106  this -> DecayNucleonCluster(event);
107  }
108  else {
109  LOG("MECGenerator",pFATAL) <<
110  "ProcessEventRecord >> Cannot calculate kinematics for " <<
111  fXSecModel->Id().Name();
112  }
115 }
116 //___________________________________________________________________________
118 {
119 // Add the remnant nucleus (= initial nucleus - nucleon cluster) in the
120 // event record.
122  GHepParticle * target = event->TargetNucleus();
123  GHepParticle * cluster = event->HitNucleon();
125  int Z = target->Z();
126  int A = target->A();
128  if(cluster->Pdg() == kPdgClusterNN) { A-=2; ; }
129  if(cluster->Pdg() == kPdgClusterNP) { A-=2; Z-=1; }
130  if(cluster->Pdg() == kPdgClusterPP) { A-=2; Z-=2; }
132  int ipdgc = pdg::IonPdgCode(A, Z);
134  const TLorentzVector & p4cluster = *(cluster->P4());
135  const TLorentzVector & p4tgt = *(target ->P4());
137  const TLorentzVector p4 = p4tgt - p4cluster;
138  const TLorentzVector v4(0.,0.,0., 0.);
140  int momidx = event->TargetNucleusPosition();
142  /*
143  if( A == 2 && Z == 2){
144  // residual nucleus was just two protons, not a nucleus we know.
145  // this might not conserve energy...
146  event->AddParticle(kPdgProton,kIStStableFinalState, momidx,-1,-1,-1, p4,v4);
147  // v4,v4 because I'm lazy, give the four momentum to one of the protons, not the other
148  event->AddParticle(kPdgProton,kIStStableFinalState, momidx,-1,-1,-1, v4,v4);
149  } else if ( A == 2 && Z == 0){
150  // residual nucleus was just two neutrons, not a nucleus we know.
151  // this might not conserve energy...
152  event->AddParticle(kPdgNeutron,kIStStableFinalState, momidx,-1,-1,-1, p4,v4);
153  // v4,v4 because I'm lazy, give the four momentum to one of the protons, not the other
154  event->AddParticle(kPdgNeutron,kIStStableFinalState, momidx,-1,-1,-1, v4,v4);
155  } else {
156  // regular nucleus, including deuterium
157  event->AddParticle(ipdgc,kIStStableFinalState, momidx,-1,-1,-1, p4,v4);
158  }
159  */
161  event->AddParticle(ipdgc,kIStStableFinalState, momidx,-1,-1,-1, p4,v4);
163 }
164 //___________________________________________________________________________
166 {
167 // Generate the initial state di-nucleon cluster 4-momentum.
168 // Draw Fermi momenta for each of the two nucleons.
169 // Sum the two Fermi momenta to calculate the di-nucleon momentum.
170 // For simplicity, keep the di-nucleon cluster on the mass shell.
171 //
172  GHepParticle * target_nucleus = event->TargetNucleus();
173  assert(target_nucleus);
174  GHepParticle * nucleon_cluster = event->HitNucleon();
175  assert(nucleon_cluster);
176  GHepParticle * remnant_nucleus = event->RemnantNucleus();
177  assert(remnant_nucleus);
179  // generate a Fermi momentum for each nucleon
181  Target tgt(target_nucleus->Pdg());
182  PDGCodeList pdgv = this->NucleonClusterConstituents(nucleon_cluster->Pdg());
183  assert(pdgv.size()==2);
184  tgt.SetHitNucPdg(pdgv[0]);
186  TVector3 p3a = fNuclModel->Momentum3();
187  tgt.SetHitNucPdg(pdgv[1]);
189  TVector3 p3b = fNuclModel->Momentum3();
191  LOG("FermiMover", pINFO)
192  << "1st nucleon (code = " << pdgv[0] << ") generated momentum: ("
193  << p3a.Px() << ", " << p3a.Py() << ", " << p3a.Pz() << "), "
194  << "|p| = " << p3a.Mag();
195  LOG("FermiMover", pINFO)
196  << "2nd nucleon (code = " << pdgv[1] << ") generated momentum: ("
197  << p3b.Px() << ", " << p3b.Py() << ", " << p3b.Pz() << "), "
198  << "|p| = " << p3b.Mag();
200  // calcute nucleon cluster momentum
202  TVector3 p3 = p3a + p3b;
204  LOG("FermiMover", pINFO)
205  << "di-nucleon cluster momentum: ("
206  << p3.Px() << ", " << p3.Py() << ", " << p3.Pz() << "), "
207  << "|p| = " << p3.Mag();
209  // target (initial) nucleus and nucleon cluster mass
211  double Mi = PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find(target_nucleus->Pdg() )-> Mass(); // initial nucleus mass
212  double M2n = PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find(nucleon_cluster->Pdg())-> Mass(); // nucleon cluster mass
214  // nucleon cluster energy
216  double EN = TMath::Sqrt(p3.Mag2() + M2n*M2n);
218  // set the remnant nucleus and nucleon cluster 4-momenta at GHEP record
220  TLorentzVector p4nclust ( p3.Px(), p3.Py(), p3.Pz(), EN );
221  TLorentzVector p4remnant (-1*p3.Px(), -1*p3.Py(), -1*p3.Pz(), Mi-EN);
223  nucleon_cluster->SetMomentum(p4nclust);
224  remnant_nucleus->SetMomentum(p4remnant);
226  // set the nucleon cluster 4-momentum at the interaction summary
228  event->Summary()->InitStatePtr()->TgtPtr()->SetHitNucP4(p4nclust);
229 }
230 //___________________________________________________________________________
232 {
233 // Select interaction kinematics using the rejection method.
234 //
236  // Access cross section algorithm for running thread
238  const EventGeneratorI * evg = rtinfo->RunningThread();
239  fXSecModel = evg->CrossSectionAlg();
241  Interaction * interaction = event->Summary();
242  double Ev = interaction->InitState().ProbeE(kRfHitNucRest);
244  // **** NOTE / TODO:
245  // **** Hardcode bogus limits for the time-being
246  // **** Should be able to get limits via Interaction::KPhaseSpace
247  double Q2min = 0.01;
248  double Q2max = 8.00;
249  double Wmin = 1.88;
250  double Wmax = 3.00;
252  // Scan phase-space for the maximum differential cross section
253  // at the current neutrino energy
254  const int nq=30;
255  const int nw=20;
256  double dQ2 = (Q2max-Q2min) / (nq-1);
257  double dW = (Wmax-Wmin ) / (nw-1);
258  double xsec_max = 0;
259  for(int iw=0; iw<nw; iw++) {
260  for(int iq=0; iq<nq; iq++) {
261  double Q2 = Q2min + iq*dQ2;
262  double W = Wmin + iw*dW;
263  interaction->KinePtr()->SetQ2(Q2);
264  interaction->KinePtr()->SetW (W);
265  double xsec = fXSecModel->XSec(interaction, kPSWQ2fE);
266  xsec_max = TMath::Max(xsec, xsec_max);
267  }
268  }
269  LOG("MEC", pNOTICE) << "xsec_max (E = " << Ev << " GeV) = " << xsec_max;
271  // Select kinematics
272  RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
273  unsigned int iter = 0;
274  bool accept = false;
275  while(1) {
276  iter++;
277  if(iter > kRjMaxIterations) {
278  LOG("MEC", pWARN)
279  << "Couldn't select a valid W, Q^2 pair after "
280  << iter << " iterations";
281  event->EventFlags()->SetBitNumber(kKineGenErr, true);
283  exception.SetReason("Couldn't select kinematics");
284  exception.SwitchOnFastForward();
285  throw exception;
286  }
288  // Generate next pair
289  double gQ2 = Q2min + (Q2max-Q2min) * rnd->RndKine().Rndm();
290  double gW = Wmin + (Wmax -Wmin ) * rnd->RndKine().Rndm();
292  // Calculate d2sigma/dQ2dW
293  interaction->KinePtr()->SetQ2(gQ2);
294  interaction->KinePtr()->SetW (gW);
295  double xsec = fXSecModel->XSec(interaction, kPSWQ2fE);
297  // Decide whether to accept the current kinematics
298  double t = xsec_max * rnd->RndKine().Rndm();
299  double J = 1; // jacobean
300  accept = (t < J*xsec);
302  // If the generated kinematics are accepted, finish-up module's job
303  if(accept) {
304  LOG("MEC", pINFO) << "Selected: Q^2 = " << gQ2 << ", W = " << gW;
305  double gx = 0;
306  double gy = 0;
307  // More accurate calculation of the mass of the cluster than 2*Mnucl
308  int nucleon_cluster_pdg = interaction->InitState().Tgt().HitNucPdg();
309  double M2n = PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find(nucleon_cluster_pdg)->Mass();
310  //bool is_em = interaction->ProcInfo().IsEM();
311  kinematics::WQ2toXY(Ev,M2n,gW,gQ2,gx,gy);
313  LOG("MEC", pINFO) << "x = " << gx << ", y = " << gy;
314  // lock selected kinematics & clear running values
315  interaction->KinePtr()->SetQ2(gQ2, true);
316  interaction->KinePtr()->SetW (gW, true);
317  interaction->KinePtr()->Setx (gx, true);
318  interaction->KinePtr()->Sety (gy, true);
319  interaction->KinePtr()->ClearRunningValues();
321  return;
322  }//accepted?
323  }//iter
324 }
325 //___________________________________________________________________________
327 {
328 // Add the final-state primary lepton in the event record.
329 // Compute its 4-momentum based on the selected interaction kinematics.
330 //
331  Interaction * interaction = event->Summary();
333  // The boost back to the lab frame was missing, that is included now with the introduction of the beta factor
334  const InitialState & init_state = interaction->InitState();
335  const TLorentzVector & pnuc4 = init_state.Tgt().HitNucP4(); //[@LAB]
336  TVector3 beta = pnuc4.BoostVector();
338  // Boosting the incoming neutrino to the NN-cluster rest frame
339  // Neutrino 4p
340  TLorentzVector * p4v = event->Probe()->GetP4(); // v 4p @ LAB
341  p4v->Boost(-1.*beta); // v 4p @ NN-cluster rest frame
343  // Look-up selected kinematics
344  double Q2 = interaction->Kine().Q2(true);
345  double y = interaction->Kine().y(true);
347  // Auxiliary params
348  double Ev = interaction->InitState().ProbeE(kRfHitNucRest);
349  LOG("MEC", pNOTICE) << "neutrino energy = " << Ev;
350  double ml = interaction->FSPrimLepton()->Mass();
351  double ml2 = TMath::Power(ml,2);
353  // Compute the final state primary lepton energy and momentum components
354  // along and perpendicular the neutrino direction
355  double El = (1-y)*Ev;
356  double plp = El - 0.5*(Q2+ml2)/Ev; // p(//)
357  double plt = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Max(0.,El*El-plp*plp-ml2)); // p(-|)
359  LOG("MEC", pNOTICE)
360  << "fsl: E = " << El << ", |p//| = " << plp << ", |pT| = " << plt;
362  // Randomize transverse components
363  RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
364  double phi = 2*kPi * rnd->RndLep().Rndm();
365  double pltx = plt * TMath::Cos(phi);
366  double plty = plt * TMath::Sin(phi);
368  // Take a unit vector along the neutrino direction
370  TVector3 unit_nudir = p4v->Vect().Unit(); //We use this one, which is in the NN-cluster rest frame
371  // Rotate lepton momentum vector from the reference frame (x'y'z') where
372  // {z':(neutrino direction), z'x':(theta plane)} to the LAB
373  TVector3 p3l(pltx,plty,plp);
374  p3l.RotateUz(unit_nudir);
376  // Lepton 4-momentum in LAB
377  TLorentzVector p4l(p3l,El);
379  // Boost final state primary lepton to the lab frame
380  p4l.Boost(beta); // active Lorentz transform
382  // Figure out the final-state primary lepton PDG code
383  int pdgc = interaction->FSPrimLepton()->PdgCode();
385  // Lepton 4-position (= interacton vtx)
386  TLorentzVector v4(*event->Probe()->X4());
388  // Add the final-state lepton to the event record
389  int momidx = event->ProbePosition();
390  event->AddParticle(
391  pdgc, kIStStableFinalState, momidx, -1, -1, -1, p4l, v4);
393  // Set its polarization
395 }
396 //___________________________________________________________________________
398 {
399  // get di-nucleon cluster & its 4-momentum
400  GHepParticle * nucleon_cluster = event->HitNucleon();
401  assert(nucleon_cluster);
402  TLorentzVector * tmp=nucleon_cluster->GetP4();
403  TLorentzVector p4cluster(*tmp);
404  delete tmp;
406  // get neutrino & its 4-momentum
407  GHepParticle * neutrino = event->Probe();
408  assert(neutrino);
409  TLorentzVector p4v(*neutrino->P4());
411  // get final state primary lepton & its 4-momentum
412  GHepParticle * fsl = event->FinalStatePrimaryLepton();
413  assert(fsl);
414  TLorentzVector p4l(*fsl->P4());
416  // calculate 4-momentum transfer
417  TLorentzVector q = p4v - p4l;
419  // calculate recoil nucleon cluster 4-momentum
420  TLorentzVector p4cluster_recoil = p4cluster + q;
422  // work-out recoil nucleon cluster code
423  LOG("MEC", pINFO) << "Interaction summary";
424  LOG("MEC", pINFO) << *event->Summary();
425  int recoil_nucleon_cluster_pdg = event->Summary()->RecoilNucleonPdg();
427  // vtx position in nucleus coord system
428  TLorentzVector v4(*neutrino->X4());
430  // add to the event record
431  event->AddParticle(
432  recoil_nucleon_cluster_pdg, kIStDecayedState,
433  2, -1, -1, -1, p4cluster_recoil, v4);
434 }
435 //___________________________________________________________________________
437 {
438 // Perform a phase-space decay of the nucleon cluster and add its decay
439 // products in the event record
440 //
441  LOG("MEC", pINFO) << "Decaying nucleon cluster...";
443  // get di-nucleon cluster
444  int nucleon_cluster_id = 5;
445  GHepParticle * nucleon_cluster = event->Particle(nucleon_cluster_id);
446  assert(nucleon_cluster);
448  // get decay products
449  PDGCodeList pdgv = this->NucleonClusterConstituents(nucleon_cluster->Pdg());
450  LOG("MEC", pINFO) << "Decay product IDs: " << pdgv;
452  // Get the decay product masses
453  vector<int>::const_iterator pdg_iter;
454  int i = 0;
455  double * mass = new double[pdgv.size()];
456  double sum = 0;
457  for(pdg_iter = pdgv.begin(); pdg_iter != pdgv.end(); ++pdg_iter) {
458  int pdgc = *pdg_iter;
459  double m = PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find(pdgc)->Mass();
460  mass[i++] = m;
461  sum += m;
462  }
464  LOG("MEC", pINFO)
465  << "Performing a phase space decay to "
466  << pdgv.size() << " particles / total mass = " << sum;
468  TLorentzVector * p4d = nucleon_cluster->GetP4();
469  TLorentzVector * v4d = nucleon_cluster->GetX4();
471  LOG("MEC", pINFO)
472  << "Decaying system p4 = " << utils::print::P4AsString(p4d);
474  // Set the decay
475  bool permitted = fPhaseSpaceGenerator.SetDecay(*p4d, pdgv.size(), mass);
476  if(!permitted) {
477  LOG("MEC", pERROR)
478  << " *** Phase space decay is not permitted \n"
479  << " Total particle mass = " << sum << "\n"
480  << " Decaying system p4 = " << utils::print::P4AsString(p4d);
481  // clean-up
482  delete [] mass;
483  delete p4d;
484  delete v4d;
485  // throw exception
486  event->EventFlags()->SetBitNumber(kHadroSysGenErr, true);
488  exception.SetReason("Decay not permitted kinematically");
489  exception.SwitchOnStepBack();
490  exception.SetReturnStep(0);
491  throw exception;
492  }
494  // Get the maximum weight
495  double wmax = -1;
496  for(int idec=0; idec<200; idec++) {
497  double w = fPhaseSpaceGenerator.Generate();
498  wmax = TMath::Max(wmax,w);
499  }
500  assert(wmax>0);
501  wmax *= 2;
503  LOG("MEC", pNOTICE)
504  << "Max phase space gen. weight = " << wmax;
506  RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
507  bool accept_decay=false;
508  unsigned int itry=0;
509  while(!accept_decay)
510  {
511  itry++;
514  // report, clean-up and return
515  LOG("MEC", pWARN)
516  << "Couldn't generate an unweighted phase space decay after "
517  << itry << " attempts";
518  // clean up
519  delete [] mass;
520  delete p4d;
521  delete v4d;
522  // throw exception
523  event->EventFlags()->SetBitNumber(kHadroSysGenErr, true);
525  exception.SetReason("Couldn't select decay after N attempts");
526  exception.SwitchOnStepBack();
527  exception.SetReturnStep(0);
528  throw exception;
529  }
530  double w = fPhaseSpaceGenerator.Generate();
531  if(w > wmax) {
532  LOG("MEC", pWARN)
533  << "Decay weight = " << w << " > max decay weight = " << wmax;
534  }
535  double gw = wmax * rnd->RndDec().Rndm();
536  accept_decay = (gw<=w);
538  LOG("MEC", pINFO)
539  << "Decay weight = " << w << " / R = " << gw
540  << " - accepted: " << accept_decay;
542  } //!accept_decay
544  // Insert the decay products in the event record
545  TLorentzVector v4(*v4d);
547  int idp = 0;
548  for(pdg_iter = pdgv.begin(); pdg_iter != pdgv.end(); ++pdg_iter) {
549  int pdgc = *pdg_iter;
550  TLorentzVector * p4fin = fPhaseSpaceGenerator.GetDecay(idp);
551  event->AddParticle(pdgc, ist, nucleon_cluster_id,-1,-1,-1, *p4fin, v4);
552  idp++;
553  }
555  // Clean-up
556  delete [] mass;
557  delete p4d;
558  delete v4d;
559 }
560 //___________________________________________________________________________
562 {
563  bool allowdup = true;
564  PDGCodeList pdgv(allowdup);
566  if(pdgc == kPdgClusterNN) {
567  pdgv.push_back(kPdgNeutron);
568  pdgv.push_back(kPdgNeutron);
569  }
570  else
571  if(pdgc == kPdgClusterNP) {
572  pdgv.push_back(kPdgNeutron);
573  pdgv.push_back(kPdgProton);
574  }
575  else
576  if(pdgc == kPdgClusterPP) {
577  pdgv.push_back(kPdgProton);
578  pdgv.push_back(kPdgProton);
579  }
580  else
581  {
582  LOG("MEC", pERROR)
583  << "Unknown di-nucleon cluster PDG code (" << pdgc << ")";
584  }
586  return pdgv;
587 }
588 //___________________________________________________________________________
590 {
591  // -- implementation -- //
592  // The IFIC Valencia model can provide three different hadron tensors.
593  // The user probably wants all CC QE-like 2p2h events
594  // But could in principle get the no-delta component if they want (deactivated incode)
595  int FullDeltaNodelta = 1; // 1: full, 2: only delta, 3: zero delta
597  // -- Event Properties -----------------------------//
598  Interaction * interaction = event->Summary();
599  Kinematics * kinematics = interaction->KinePtr();
601  double Enu = interaction->InitState().ProbeE(kRfHitNucRest);
603  int NuPDG = interaction->InitState().ProbePdg();
604  int TgtPDG = interaction->InitState().TgtPdg();
605  // interacton vtx
606  TLorentzVector v4(*event->Probe()->X4());
607  TLorentzVector tempp4(0.,0.,0.,0.);
609  // -- Lepton Kinematic Limits ----------------------------------------- //
610  double Costh = 0.0; // lepton angle
611  double CosthMax = 1.0;
612  double CosthMin = -1.0;
614  double T = 0.0; // lepton kinetic energy
615  double TMax = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
616  double TMin = 0.0;
618  double Plep = 0.0; // lepton 3 momentum
619  double Elep = 0.0; // lepton energy
620  double LepMass = interaction->FSPrimLepton()->Mass();
622  double Q0 = 0.0; // energy component of q four vector
623  double Q3 = 0.0; // magnitude of transfered 3 momentum
624  double Q2 = 0.0; // properly Q^2 (Q squared) - transfered 4 momentum.
626  // Set lepton KE TMax for for throwing rndm in the accept/reject loop.
627  // We can accidentally set it too high, because the xsec will return zero.
628  // This way if someone reuses this code, they are not tripped up by it.
629  TMax = Enu - LepMass;
631  // Warn if fQ3Max value is suspect
632  // (i.e. above the Valencia model's rage of validity)
633  // This is just to warn users who have swapped out a MEC model
634  // without remembering to change fQ3Max.
635  if(fQ3Max>1.21){
636  LOG("MEC", pWARN)
637  << "fQ3 max is larger than expected for Valencia MEC: "
638  << fQ3Max << ". Are you sure this is correct?";
639  }
641  // Set Tmin for throwing rndm in the accept/reject loop
642  // the hadron tensors we expect will be limited in q3
643  // therefore also the outgoing lepton KE can't be too low or costheta too backward
644  // make the accept/reject loop more efficient by using Min values.
645  if(Enu < fQ3Max){
646  TMin = 0 ;
647  CosthMin = -1 ;
648  } else {
649  TMin = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(LepMass, 2) + TMath::Power((Enu - fQ3Max), 2)) - LepMass;
650  CosthMin = TMath::Sqrt(1 - TMath::Power((fQ3Max / Enu ), 2));
651  }
653  // Compute the maximum xsec value:
654  Range1D_t Tl_range ( TMin, TMax ) ;
655  Range1D_t ctl_range ( CosthMin, CosthMax ) ;
656  double XSecMax = GetXSecMaxTlctl( *interaction, Tl_range, ctl_range ) ;
658  // -- Generate and Test the Kinematics----------------------------------//
660  RandomGen * rnd = RandomGen::Instance();
661  bool accept = false;
662  unsigned int iter = 0;
664  // loop over different (randomly) selected T and Costh
665  while (!accept) {
666  iter++;
667  if(iter > kRjMaxIterations) {
668  // error if try too many times
669  LOG("MEC", pWARN)
670  << "Couldn't select a valid Tmu, CosTheta pair after "
671  << iter << " iterations";
672  event->EventFlags()->SetBitNumber(kKineGenErr, true);
674  exception.SetReason("Couldn't select lepton kinematics");
675  exception.SwitchOnFastForward();
676  throw exception;
677  }
679  // generate random kinetic energy T and Costh
680  T = TMin + (TMax-TMin)*rnd->RndKine().Rndm();
681  Costh = CosthMin + (CosthMax-CosthMin)*rnd->RndKine().Rndm();
683  // Calculate useful values for judging this choice
684  genie::utils::mec::Getq0q3FromTlCostl(T, Costh, Enu, LepMass, Q0, Q3);
686  // Don't bother doing hard work if the selected Q3 is greater than Q3Max
687  if (Q3 > fQ3Max) continue ;
689  Plep = TMath::Sqrt( T * (T + (2.0 * LepMass))); // ok is sqrt(E2 - m2)
690  kinematics->SetKV(kKVTl, T);
691  kinematics->SetKV(kKVctl, Costh);
692  kinematics->SetKV( kKVQ0, Q0 ) ;
693  kinematics->SetKV( kKVQ3, Q3 ) ;
695  // decide whether to accept or reject these kinematics
696  // AND set the chosen two-nucleon system
698  if (FullDeltaNodelta == 1){
699  // this block for the user who wants all CC QE-like 2p2h events
700  // We need four different cross sections. Right now, pursue the
701  // inelegant method of calling XSec four times - there is
702  // definitely some runtime inefficiency here, but it is not awful
704  // first, get delta-less all
705  if (NuPDG > 0) {
706  interaction->InitStatePtr()->TgtPtr()->SetHitNucPdg(kPdgClusterNN);
707  }
708  else {
709  interaction->InitStatePtr()->TgtPtr()->SetHitNucPdg(kPdgClusterPP);
710  }
711  double XSec = fXSecModel->XSec(interaction, kPSTlctl);
712  // now get all with delta
713  interaction->ExclTagPtr()->SetResonance(genie::kP33_1232);
714  double XSecDelta = fXSecModel->XSec(interaction, kPSTlctl);
715  // get PN with delta
716  interaction->InitStatePtr()->TgtPtr()->SetHitNucPdg(kPdgClusterNP);
717  double XSecDeltaPN = fXSecModel->XSec(interaction, kPSTlctl);
718  // now get delta-less PN
720  double XSecPN = fXSecModel->XSec(interaction, kPSTlctl);
722  if (XSec > XSecMax) {
723  LOG("MEC", pERROR) << "XSec is > XSecMax for nucleus " << TgtPDG << " "
724  << XSec << " > " << XSecMax
725  << " don't let this happen.";
726  }
727  assert(XSec <= XSecMax);
728  accept = XSec > XSecMax*rnd->RndKine().Rndm();
729  LOG("MEC", pINFO) << "Xsec, Max, Accept: " << XSec << ", "
730  << XSecMax << ", " << accept;
732  if(accept){
733  // If it passes the All cross section we still need to do two things:
734  // * Was the initial state pn or not?
735  // * Do we assign the reaction to have had a Delta on the inside?
737  // PDD means from the part of the XSec with an internal Delta line
738  // that (at the diagram level) did not produce a pion in the final state.
740  bool isPDD = false;
742  // Find out if we should use a pn initial state
743  double myrand = rnd->RndKine().Rndm();
744  double pnFraction = XSecPN / XSec;
745  LOG("MEC", pDEBUG) << "Test for pn: xsec_pn = " << XSecPN
746  << "; xsec = " << XSec
747  << "; pn_fraction = " << pnFraction
748  << "; random number val = " << myrand;
750  if (myrand <= pnFraction) {
751  // yes it is, add a PN initial state to event record
752  event->AddParticle(kPdgClusterNP, kIStNucleonTarget,
753  1, -1, -1, -1, tempp4, v4);
754  interaction->InitStatePtr()->TgtPtr()->SetHitNucPdg(kPdgClusterNP);
756  // Its a pn, so test for Delta by comparing DeltaPN/PN
757  if (rnd->RndKine().Rndm() <= XSecDeltaPN / XSecPN) {
758  isPDD = true;
759  }
760  }
761  else {
762  // no it is not a PN, add either NN or PP initial state to event record.
763  if (NuPDG > 0) {
764  event->AddParticle(kPdgClusterNN, kIStNucleonTarget,
765  1, -1, -1, -1, tempp4, v4);
766  interaction->InitStatePtr()->TgtPtr()->SetHitNucPdg(kPdgClusterNN);
767  }
768  else {
769  event->AddParticle(kPdgClusterPP, kIStNucleonTarget,
770  1, -1, -1, -1, tempp4, v4);
771  interaction->InitStatePtr()->TgtPtr()->SetHitNucPdg(kPdgClusterPP);
772  }
773  // its not pn, so test for Delta (XSecDelta-XSecDeltaPN)/(XSec-XSecPN)
774  // right, both numerator and denominator are total not pn.
775  if (rnd->RndKine().Rndm() <=
776  (XSecDelta - XSecDeltaPN) / (XSec - XSecPN)) {
777  isPDD = true;
778  }
779  }
781  // now test whether we tagged this as a pion event
782  // and assign that fact to the Exclusive State tag
783  // later, we can query const XclsTag & xcls = interaction->ExclTag()
784  if (isPDD){
785  interaction->ExclTagPtr()->SetResonance(genie::kP33_1232);
786  }
789  } // end if accept
790  } // end if delta == 1
792  /* One can make simpler versions of the above for the
793  FullDeltaNodelta == 2 (only delta)
794  or
795  FullDeltaNodelta == 3 (set Delta FF = 1, lose interference effect).
796  but I (Rik) don't see what the use-case is for these, genratorly speaking.
797  */
799  } // end while
801  // -- finish lepton kinematics
802  // If the code got here, then we accepted some kinematics
803  // and we can proceed to generate the final state.
805  // define coordinate system wrt neutrino: z along neutrino, xy perp
807  // Cos theta gives us z, the rest in xy:
808  double PlepZ = Plep * Costh;
809  double PlepXY = Plep * TMath::Sqrt(1. - TMath::Power(Costh,2));
811  // random rotation about unit vector for phi direction
812  double phi= 2 * kPi * rnd->RndLep().Rndm();
813  // now fill x and y from PlepXY
814  double PlepX = PlepXY * TMath::Cos(phi);
815  double PlepY = PlepXY * TMath::Sin(phi);
817  // Rotate lepton momentum vector from the reference frame (x'y'z') where
818  // {z':(neutrino direction), z'x':(theta plane)} to the LAB
819  TVector3 unit_nudir = event->Probe()->P4()->Vect().Unit();
820  TVector3 p3l(PlepX, PlepY, PlepZ);
821  p3l.RotateUz(unit_nudir);
823  // Lepton 4-momentum in LAB
824  Elep = TMath::Sqrt(LepMass*LepMass + PlepX*PlepX + PlepY*PlepY + PlepZ*PlepZ);
825  TLorentzVector p4l(p3l,Elep);
827  // Figure out the final-state primary lepton PDG code
828  int pdgc = interaction->FSPrimLepton()->PdgCode();
829  int momidx = event->ProbePosition();
831  // -- Store Values ------------------------------------------//
832  // -- Interaction: Q2
833  Q2 = Q3*Q3 - Q0*Q0;
834  double gy = Q0 / Enu;
835  double gx = kinematics::Q2YtoX(Enu, 2 * kNucleonMass, Q2, gy);
836  double gW = kinematics::XYtoW(Enu, 2 * kNucleonMass, gx, gy);
838  interaction->KinePtr()->SetQ2(Q2, true);
839  interaction->KinePtr()->Sety(gy, true);
840  interaction->KinePtr()->Setx(gx, true);
841  interaction->KinePtr()->SetW(gW, true);
842  interaction->KinePtr()->SetFSLeptonP4(p4l);
843  // in later methods
844  // will also set the four-momentum and W^2 of the hadron system.
846  // -- Lepton
847  event->AddParticle( pdgc, kIStStableFinalState, momidx, -1, -1, -1, p4l, v4);
849  // Set the final-state lepton polarization
852  LOG("MEC",pDEBUG) << "~~~ LEPTON DONE ~~~";
853 }
854 //___________________________________________________________________________
856 {
857  // Event Properties
858  Interaction* interaction = event->Summary();
859  Kinematics* kinematics = interaction->KinePtr();
861  // Choose the appropriate minimum Q^2 value based on the interaction
862  // mode (this is important for EM interactions since the differential
863  // cross section blows up as Q^2 --> 0)
864  double Q2min = genie::controls::kMinQ2Limit; // CC/NC limit
865  if ( interaction->ProcInfo().IsEM() ) Q2min = genie::utils::kinematics
866  ::electromagnetic::kMinQ2Limit; // EM limit
868  LOG("MEC", pDEBUG) << "Q2min = " << Q2min;
870  double Enu = interaction->InitState().ProbeE( kRfLab );
872  int NuPDG = interaction->InitState().ProbePdg();
873  int TgtPDG = interaction->InitState().TgtPdg();
875  // Interacton vtx
876  TLorentzVector v4( *event->Probe()->X4() );
877  TLorentzVector tempp4( 0., 0., 0., 0. );
879  // Lepton Kinematic Limits
880  double Costh = 0.0; // lepton angle
881  double CosthMax = 1.0;
882  double CosthMin = -1.0;
884  double T = 0.0; // lepton kinetic energy
885  double TMax = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
886  double TMin = 0.0;
888  double Plep = 0.0; // lepton 3 momentum
889  double Elep = 0.0; // lepton energy
890  double LepMass = interaction->FSPrimLepton()->Mass();
892  double Q0 = 0.0; // energy component of q four vector
893  double Q3 = 0.0; // magnitude of transfered 3 momentum
894  double Q2 = 0.0; // properly Q^2 (Q squared) - transfered 4 momentum.
896  // Set lepton KE TMax for for throwing rndm in the accept/reject loop.
897  // We can accidentally set it too high, because the xsec will return zero.
898  // This way if someone reuses this code, they are not tripped up by it.
899  TMax = Enu - LepMass;
901  // Warn if fQ3Max value is suspect
902  // (i.e. below the SuSA model's rage of validity)
903  // This is just to warn users who have swapped out a MEC model
904  // without remembering to change fQ3Max.
905  if(fQ3Max<1.99){
906  LOG("MEC", pWARN)
907  << "fQ3 max is smaller than expected for SuSAv2 MEC: "
908  << fQ3Max << ". Are you sure this is correct?";
909  }
911  // TODO: double-check the limits below
913  // Set Tmin for throwing rndm in the accept/reject loop
914  // the hadron tensors we expect will be limited in q3
915  // therefore also the outgoing lepton KE can't be too low or costheta too backward
916  // make the accept/reject loop more efficient by using Min values.
917  if ( Enu < fQ3Max ) {
918  TMin = 0;
919  CosthMin = -1;
920  } else {
921  TMin = TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power(LepMass, 2) + TMath::Power(Enu - fQ3Max, 2) ) - LepMass;
922  CosthMin = TMath::Sqrt( 1. - TMath::Power(fQ3Max / Enu, 2) );
923  }
925  // Generate and Test the Kinematics
928  bool accept = false;
929  unsigned int iter = 0;
930  unsigned int maxIter = kRjMaxIterations;
932  // TODO: revisit this
933  // e-scat xsecs blow up close to theta=0, MC methods won't work ...
934  if ( NuPDG == 11 ) maxIter *= 100000;
936  // Scan the accessible phase space to find the maximum differential cross
937  // section to throw against
938  double XSecMax = utils::mec::GetMaxXSecTlctl( *fXSecModel, *interaction );
940  // loop over different (randomly) selected T and Costh
941  while ( !accept ) {
942  ++iter;
943  if ( iter > maxIter ) {
944  // error if try too many times
945  LOG("MEC", pWARN)
946  << "Couldn't select a valid Tmu, CosTheta pair after "
947  << iter << " iterations";
948  event->EventFlags()->SetBitNumber( kKineGenErr, true );
950  exception.SetReason( "Couldn't select lepton kinematics" );
951  exception.SwitchOnFastForward();
952  throw exception;
953  }
955  // generate random kinetic energy T and Costh
956  T = TMin + (TMax-TMin)*rnd->RndKine().Rndm();
957  Costh = CosthMin + (CosthMax-CosthMin)*rnd->RndKine().Rndm();
959  // Calculate useful values for judging this choice
960  Plep = TMath::Sqrt( T * (T + (2.0 * LepMass))); // ok is sqrt(E2 - m2)
961  Q3 = TMath::Sqrt(Plep*Plep + Enu*Enu - 2.0 * Plep * Enu * Costh);
963  // TODO: implement this more cleanly (throw Costh from restricted range)
964  Q0 = Enu - (T + LepMass);
965  Q2 = Q3*Q3 - Q0*Q0;
967  LOG("MEC", pDEBUG) << "T = " << T << ", Costh = " << Costh
968  << ", Q2 = " << Q2;
970  // Don't bother doing hard work if the selected Q3 is greater than Q3Max
971  // or if Q2 falls below the minimum allowed Q^2 value
972  if ( Q3 < fQ3Max && Q2 >= Q2min ) {
974  kinematics->SetKV(kKVTl, T);
975  kinematics->SetKV(kKVctl, Costh);
977  // decide whether to accept or reject these kinematics
978  // AND set the chosen two-nucleon system
980  LOG("MEC", pDEBUG) << " T, Costh: " << T << ", " << Costh ;
982  // Get total xsec (nn+np)
983  double XSec = fXSecModel->XSec( interaction, kPSTlctl );
985  if ( XSec > XSecMax ) {
986  LOG("MEC", pERROR) << "XSec is > XSecMax for nucleus " << TgtPDG << " "
987  << XSec << " > " << XSecMax << " don't let this happen.";
989  double percent_deviation = 200. * ( XSec - XSecMax ) / ( XSecMax + XSec );
991  if ( percent_deviation > fSuSAMaxXSecDiffTolerance ) {
992  LOG( "Kinematics", pFATAL ) << "xsec: (curr) = " << XSec
993  << " > (max) = " << XSecMax << "\n for " << *interaction;
994  LOG( "Kinematics", pFATAL )
995  << "*** Exceeding estimated maximum differential cross section";
996  std::terminate();
997  }
998  else {
999  LOG( "Kinematics", pWARN ) << "xsec: (curr) = " << XSec
1000  << " > (max) = " << XSecMax << "\n for " << *interaction;
1001  LOG("Kinematics", pWARN) << "*** The fractional deviation of "
1002  << percent_deviation << " % was allowed";
1003  }
1004  }
1006  accept = XSec > XSecMax*rnd->RndKine().Rndm();
1007  LOG("MEC", pINFO) << "Xsec, Max, Accept: " << XSec << ", "
1008  << XSecMax << ", " << accept;
1010  if ( accept ) {
1011  // Now that we've selected kinematics, we also need to choose the
1012  // isospin of the initial hit nucleon pair
1014  // Find out if we should use a pn initial state
1015  double myrand_pn = rnd->RndKine().Rndm();
1016  double pnFraction = dynamic_cast< const SuSAv2MECPXSec* >( fXSecModel )
1017  ->PairRatio( interaction );
1019  LOG("MEC", pINFO) << "Test for pn: "
1020  << "; xsec = " << XSec << "; pn_fraction = " << pnFraction
1021  << "; random number val = " << myrand_pn;
1023  double myrand_pp = rnd->RndKine().Rndm();
1024  double ppFraction = 0 ;
1026  if ( interaction->ProcInfo().IsEM() ) {
1027  // calculate ppFraction in the EM case
1028  ppFraction = dynamic_cast< const SuSAv2MECPXSec* >( fXSecModel )
1029  ->PairRatio( interaction ,"ppFraction");
1031  LOG("MEC", pINFO) << "Test for pp: "
1032  << "; xsec = " << XSec << "; pp_fraction = " << ppFraction
1033  << "; random number val = " << myrand_pp;
1034  }
1036  if ( myrand_pn <= pnFraction ) {
1037  // yes it is, add a PN initial state to event record
1038  event->AddParticle(kPdgClusterNP, kIStNucleonTarget,
1039  1, -1, -1, -1, tempp4, v4);
1040  interaction->InitStatePtr()->TgtPtr()->SetHitNucPdg( kPdgClusterNP );
1041  }
1042  else {
1043  // no it is not a PN, add either NN or PP initial state to event record (EM case).
1044  if ( interaction->ProcInfo().IsEM() ) {
1045  if ( myrand_pp <= ppFraction/(1. - pnFraction) ) {
1046  // record a PP pair:
1047  event->AddParticle(kPdgClusterPP, kIStNucleonTarget,
1048  1, -1, -1, -1, tempp4, v4);
1049  interaction->InitStatePtr()->TgtPtr()->SetHitNucPdg( kPdgClusterPP );
1050  } else {
1051  // record a NN pair:
1052  event->AddParticle(kPdgClusterNN, kIStNucleonTarget,
1053  1, -1, -1, -1, tempp4, v4);
1054  interaction->InitStatePtr()->TgtPtr()->SetHitNucPdg( kPdgClusterNN );
1055  }
1056  } else {
1057  // no it is not a PN, add either NN or PP initial state to event record (CC cases).
1058  if ( NuPDG > 0 ) {
1059  event->AddParticle(kPdgClusterNN, kIStNucleonTarget,
1060  1, -1, -1, -1, tempp4, v4);
1061  interaction->InitStatePtr()->TgtPtr()->SetHitNucPdg( kPdgClusterNN );
1062  }
1063  else {
1064  event->AddParticle(kPdgClusterPP, kIStNucleonTarget,
1065  1, -1, -1, -1, tempp4, v4);
1066  interaction->InitStatePtr()->TgtPtr()->SetHitNucPdg( kPdgClusterPP );
1067  }
1068  }
1069  }
1070  } // end if accept
1071  } // end if passes q3 test
1072  } // end while
1074  // -- finish lepton kinematics
1075  // If the code got here, then we accepted some kinematics
1076  // and we can proceed to generate the final state.
1078  // define coordinate system wrt neutrino: z along neutrino, xy perp
1080  // Cos theta gives us z, the rest in xy:
1081  double PlepZ = Plep * Costh;
1082  double PlepXY = Plep * TMath::Sqrt( 1. - TMath::Power(Costh,2) );
1084  // random rotation about unit vector for phi direction
1085  double phi = 2. * kPi * rnd->RndLep().Rndm();
1086  // now fill x and y from PlepXY
1087  double PlepX = PlepXY * TMath::Cos(phi);
1088  double PlepY = PlepXY * TMath::Sin(phi);
1090  // Rotate lepton momentum vector from the reference frame (x'y'z') where
1091  // {z':(neutrino direction), z'x':(theta plane)} to the LAB
1092  TVector3 unit_nudir = event->Probe()->P4()->Vect().Unit();
1093  TVector3 p3l( PlepX, PlepY, PlepZ );
1094  p3l.RotateUz( unit_nudir );
1096  // Lepton 4-momentum in LAB
1097  Elep = TMath::Sqrt( LepMass*LepMass + PlepX*PlepX + PlepY*PlepY + PlepZ*PlepZ );
1098  TLorentzVector p4l( p3l, Elep );
1100  // Figure out the final-state primary lepton PDG code
1101  int pdgc = interaction->FSPrimLepton()->PdgCode();
1102  int momidx = event->ProbePosition();
1104  // -- Store Values ------------------------------------------//
1105  // -- Interaction: Q2
1106  Q0 = Enu - Elep;
1107  Q2 = Q3*Q3 - Q0*Q0;
1108  double gy = Q0 / Enu;
1109  double gx = kinematics::Q2YtoX(Enu, 2 * kNucleonMass, Q2, gy);
1110  double gW = kinematics::XYtoW(Enu, 2 * kNucleonMass, gx, gy);
1112  interaction->KinePtr()->SetQ2(Q2, true);
1113  interaction->KinePtr()->Sety(gy, true);
1114  interaction->KinePtr()->Setx(gx, true);
1115  interaction->KinePtr()->SetW(gW, true);
1116  interaction->KinePtr()->SetFSLeptonP4(p4l);
1117  // in later methods
1118  // will also set the four-momentum and W^2 of the hadron system.
1120  // -- Lepton
1121  event->AddParticle( pdgc, kIStStableFinalState, momidx, -1, -1, -1, p4l, v4 );
1123  LOG("MEC", pDEBUG) << "~~~ LEPTON DONE ~~~";
1124 }
1125 //___________________________________________________________________________
1127 {
1128  // We need a kinematic limits accept/reject loop here, so generating the
1129  // initial hadrons is combined with generating the recoil hadrons...
1131  LOG("MEC",pDEBUG) << "Generate Initial Hadrons - Start";
1133  Interaction * interaction = event->Summary();
1134  GHepParticle * neutrino = event->Probe();
1135  assert(neutrino);
1136  TLorentzVector p4nu(*neutrino->P4());
1138  // get final state primary lepton & its 4-momentum
1139  GHepParticle * fsl = event->FinalStatePrimaryLepton();
1140  assert(fsl);
1141  TLorentzVector p4l(*fsl->P4());
1143  // calculate 4-momentum transfer from these
1144  TLorentzVector Q4 = p4nu - p4l;
1146  // get the target two-nucleon cluster and nucleus.
1147  // the remnant nucleus is apparently set, except for its momentum.
1148  GHepParticle * target_nucleus = event->TargetNucleus();
1149  assert(target_nucleus);
1150  GHepParticle * initial_nucleon_cluster = event->HitNucleon();
1151  assert(initial_nucleon_cluster);
1152  GHepParticle * remnant_nucleus = event->RemnantNucleus();
1153  assert(remnant_nucleus);
1155  // -- make a two-nucleon system, then give them some momenta.
1157  // instantiate an empty local target nucleus, so I can use existing methods
1158  // to get a momentum from the prevailing Fermi-motion distribution
1159  Target tgt(target_nucleus->Pdg());
1161  // NucleonClusterConstituents is an implementation within this class, called with this
1162  // It using the nucleon cluster from the earlier tests for a pn state,
1163  // the method returns a vector of pdgs, which hopefully will be of size two.
1165  PDGCodeList pdgv = this->NucleonClusterConstituents(initial_nucleon_cluster->Pdg());
1166  assert(pdgv.size()==2);
1168  // These things need to be saved through to the end of the accept loop.
1169  bool accept = false;
1170  TVector3 p31i;
1171  TVector3 p32i;
1172  unsigned int iter = 0;
1174  int initial_nucleon_cluster_pdg = initial_nucleon_cluster->Pdg();
1175  int final_nucleon_cluster_pdg = 0;
1177  //e-scat case:
1178  if (neutrino->Pdg() == 11) {
1179  final_nucleon_cluster_pdg = initial_nucleon_cluster->Pdg();
1180  }
1181  //neutrino case
1182  else if (neutrino->Pdg() > 0) {
1183  if (initial_nucleon_cluster->Pdg() == kPdgClusterNP) {
1184  final_nucleon_cluster_pdg = kPdgClusterPP;
1185  }
1186  else if (initial_nucleon_cluster->Pdg() == kPdgClusterNN) {
1187  final_nucleon_cluster_pdg = kPdgClusterNP;
1188  }
1189  else {
1190  LOG("MEC", pERROR) << "Wrong pdg for a CC neutrino MEC interaction"
1191  << initial_nucleon_cluster->Pdg();
1192  }
1193  }
1194  else if (neutrino->Pdg() < 0) {
1195  if (initial_nucleon_cluster->Pdg() == kPdgClusterNP) {
1196  final_nucleon_cluster_pdg = kPdgClusterNN;
1197  }
1198  else if (initial_nucleon_cluster->Pdg() == kPdgClusterPP) {
1199  final_nucleon_cluster_pdg = kPdgClusterNP;
1200  }
1201  else {
1202  LOG("MEC", pERROR) << "Wrong pdg for a CC anti-neutrino MEC interaction"
1203  << initial_nucleon_cluster->Pdg();
1204  }
1205  }
1207  TLorentzVector p4initial_cluster;
1208  TLorentzVector p4final_cluster;
1209  TLorentzVector p4remnant_nucleus;
1210  double removalenergy1;
1211  double removalenergy2;
1213  //===========================================================================
1214  // Choose two nucleons from the prevailing fermi-motion distribution.
1215  // Some produce kinematically unallowed combinations initial cluster and Q2
1216  // Find out, and if so choose them again with this accept/reject loop.
1217  // Some kinematics are especially tough
1218  while(!accept){
1219  iter++;
1220  if(iter > kRjMaxIterations*1000) {
1221  // error if try too many times
1222  LOG("MEC", pWARN)
1223  << "Couldn't select a valid W, Q^2 pair after "
1224  << iter << " iterations";
1225  event->EventFlags()->SetBitNumber(kKineGenErr, true);
1227  exception.SetReason("Couldn't select initial hadron kinematics");
1228  exception.SwitchOnFastForward();
1229  throw exception;
1230  }
1232  // generate nucleons
1233  // tgt is a Target object for local use, just waiting to be filled.
1234  // this sets the pdg of each nucleon and its momentum from a Fermi-gas
1235  // Nieves et al. would use a local Fermi gas here, not this, but ok.
1236  // so momentum from global Fermi gas, local Fermi gas, or spectral function
1237  // and removal energy ~0.025 GeV, correlated with density, or from SF distribution
1238  tgt.SetHitNucPdg(pdgv[0]);
1240  p31i = fNuclModel->Momentum3();
1241  removalenergy1 = fNuclModel->RemovalEnergy();
1242  tgt.SetHitNucPdg(pdgv[1]);
1244  p32i = fNuclModel->Momentum3();
1245  removalenergy2 = fNuclModel->RemovalEnergy();
1247  // not sure -- could give option to use Nieves q-value here.
1249  // Now write down the initial cluster four-vector for this choice
1250  TVector3 p3i = p31i + p32i;
1251  double mass2 = PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find( initial_nucleon_cluster_pdg )->Mass();
1252  mass2 *= mass2;
1253  double energy = TMath::Sqrt(p3i.Mag2() + mass2);
1254  p4initial_cluster.SetPxPyPzE(p3i.Px(),p3i.Py(),p3i.Pz(),energy);
1256  // cast the removal energy as the energy component of a 4-vector for later.
1257  TLorentzVector tLVebind(0., 0., 0., -1.0 * (removalenergy1 + removalenergy2));
1259  // RIK: You might ask why is this the right place to subtract ebind?
1260  // It is okay. Physically, I'm subtracting it from q. The energy
1261  // transfer to the nucleon is 50 MeV less. the energy cost to put this
1262  // cluster on-shell. What Jan says he does in PRC.86.015504 is this:
1263  // The nucleons are assumed to be in a potential well
1264  // V = Efermi + 8 MeV.
1265  // The Fermi energy is subtracted from each initial-state nucleon
1266  // (I guess he does it dynamically based on Ef = p2/2M or so which
1267  // is what we are doing above, on average). Then after the reaction,
1268  // another 8 MeV is subtracted at that point; a small adjustment to the
1269  // momentum is needed to keep the nucleon on shell.
1271  // calculate recoil nucleon cluster 4-momentum (tLVebind is negative)
1272  p4final_cluster = p4initial_cluster + Q4 + tLVebind;
1274  // Test if the resulting four-vector corresponds to a high-enough invariant mass.
1275  // Fail the accept if we couldn't put this thing on-shell.
1276  if (p4final_cluster.M() <
1277  PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find(final_nucleon_cluster_pdg )->Mass()) {
1278  accept = false;
1279  } else {
1280  accept = true;
1281  }
1283  } // end accept loop
1285  // we got here if we accepted the final state two-nucleon system
1286  // so now we need to write everything to ghep
1288  // First the initial state nucleons.
1289  initial_nucleon_cluster->SetMomentum(p4initial_cluster);
1291  // and the remnant nucleus
1292  double Mi = PDGLibrary::Instance()->Find(target_nucleus->Pdg() )-> Mass();
1293  remnant_nucleus->SetMomentum(-1.0*p4initial_cluster.Px(),
1294  -1.0*p4initial_cluster.Py(),
1295  -1.0*p4initial_cluster.Pz(),
1296  Mi - p4initial_cluster.E() + removalenergy1 + removalenergy2);
1298  // Now the final nucleon cluster.
1300  // Getting this v4 is a position, i.e. a position within the nucleus (?)
1301  // possibly it takes on a non-trivial value only for local Fermi gas
1302  // or for sophisticated treatments of intranuclear rescattering.
1303  TLorentzVector v4(*neutrino->X4());
1305  // Now write the (undecayed) final two-nucleon system
1306  GHepParticle p1(final_nucleon_cluster_pdg, kIStDecayedState,
1307  2, -1, -1, -1, p4final_cluster, v4);
1309  //p1.SetRemovalEnergy(removalenergy1 + removalenergy2);
1310  // The "bound particle" concept applies only to p or n.
1311  // Instead, add this directly to the remnant nucleon a few lines above.
1313  // actually, this is not an status1 particle, so it is not picked up
1314  // by the aggregator. anyway, the aggregator does not run until the very end.
1316  event->AddParticle(p1);
1318  interaction->KinePtr()->SetHadSystP4(p4final_cluster);
1319 }
1320 //___________________________________________________________________________
1321 void MECGenerator::Configure(const Registry & config)
1322 {
1323  Algorithm::Configure(config);
1324  this->LoadConfig();
1325 }
1326 //___________________________________________________________________________
1327 void MECGenerator::Configure(string config)
1328 {
1329  Algorithm::Configure(config);
1330  this->LoadConfig();
1331 }
1332 //___________________________________________________________________________
1334 {
1335  fNuclModel = 0;
1336  RgKey nuclkey = "NuclearModel";
1337  fNuclModel = dynamic_cast<const NuclearModelI *> (this->SubAlg(nuclkey));
1338  assert(fNuclModel);
1340  GetParamDef( "MaxXSec-SafetyFactor", fSafetyFactor, 1.6 ) ;
1341  GetParam( "MaxXSec-FunctionCalls", fFunctionCalls ) ;
1342  GetParam( "MaxXSec-RelativeTolerance", fRelTolerance ) ;
1343  GetParam( "MaxXSec-MinScanPointsTmu", fMinScanPointsTmu ) ;
1344  GetParam( "MaxXSec-MinScanPointsCosth", fMinScanPointsCosth ) ;
1346  GetParam( "NSV-Q3Max", fQ3Max ) ;
1348  // Maximum allowed percentage deviation from the maximum cross section used
1349  // in the accept/reject loop for selecting lepton kinematics for SuSAv2.
1350  // Similar to the tolerance used by QELEventGenerator.
1351  GetParamDef( "SuSA-MaxXSec-DiffTolerance", fSuSAMaxXSecDiffTolerance, 999999. );
1352 }
1353 //___________________________________________________________________________
1355  const Range1D_t & Tl_range,
1356  const Range1D_t & ctl_range ) const {
1358  ROOT::Math::Minimizer * min = ROOT::Math::Factory::CreateMinimizer("Minuit2");
1360  double Enu = in.InitState().ProbeE(kRfHitNucRest);
1361  double LepMass = in.FSPrimLepton()->Mass();
1363  genie::utils::mec::gsl::d2Xsec_dTCosth f(fXSecModel,in, Enu, LepMass, -1.) ;
1365  std::array<string,2> names = { "Tl", "CosThetal" } ;
1366  std::array<Range1D_t,2> ranges = { Tl_range, ctl_range } ;
1368  std::array<double,2> start, steps, temp_point ;
1369  steps[0] = ( ranges[0].max - ranges[0].min ) / ( fMinScanPointsTmu + 1 ) ;
1370  steps[1] = ( ranges[1].max - ranges[1].min ) / ( fMinScanPointsCosth + 1 ) ;
1372  double xsec = 0 ;
1374  // preliimnary scan
1375  for ( unsigned int i = 1 ; i <= (unsigned int) fMinScanPointsTmu ; ++i ) {
1376  temp_point[0] = ranges[0].min + steps[0]*i ;
1378  for ( unsigned int j = 1 ; j <= (unsigned int) fMinScanPointsCosth ; ++j ) {
1379  temp_point[1] = ranges[1].min + steps[1]*j ;
1381  double temp_xsec = - f( ) ;
1382  if ( temp_xsec > xsec ) {
1383  start = temp_point ;
1384  xsec = temp_xsec ;
1385  }
1386  }
1387  }
1389  // Set minimizer function and absolute tolerance :
1390  min->SetFunction( f );
1391  min->SetMaxFunctionCalls(fFunctionCalls);
1392  // min->SetTolerance( fRelTolerance * xsec );
1394  for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < ranges.size() ; ++i ) {
1395  min -> SetLimitedVariable( i, names[i], start[i], steps[i], ranges[i].min, ranges[i].max ) ;
1396  }
1398  min->Minimize();
1400  double max_xsec = -min->MinValue(); //back to positive xsec
1402  // Apply safety factor, since value retrieved from the cache might
1403  // correspond to a slightly different energy.
1404  max_xsec *= fSafetyFactor;
1406  return max_xsec ;
1407 }
1409 //___________________________________________________________________________
int Z(void) const
void ProcessEventRecord(GHepRecord *event) const
TLorentzVector * GetX4(void) const
void SelectNSVLeptonKinematics(GHepRecord *event) const
double RemovalEnergy(void) const
Definition: NuclearModelI.h:65
const NuclearModelI * fNuclModel
Definition: MECGenerator.h:72
double J(double q0, double q3, double Enu, double ml)
Definition: MECUtils.cxx:147
#define pERROR
Definition: Messenger.h:59
TRandom3 & RndLep(void) const
rnd number generator used by final state primary lepton generators
Definition: RandomGen.h:62
static const double kNucleonMass
double Q2(const Interaction *const i)
Definition: KineUtils.cxx:1077
static RandomGen * Instance()
Access instance.
Definition: RandomGen.cxx:71
int HitNucPdg(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:304
void SetQ2(double Q2, bool selected=false)
Definition: Kinematics.cxx:255
const TLorentzVector * P4(void) const
Definition: GHepParticle.h:78
Kinematics * KinePtr(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:76
Defines the EventRecordVisitorI interface. Concrete implementations of this interface use the &#39;Visito...
A simple [min,max] interval for doubles.
Definition: Range1.h:42
const int kPdgClusterNP
Definition: PDGCodes.h:215
void Configure(const Registry &config)
#define pFATAL
Definition: Messenger.h:56
double GetMaxXSecTlctl(const XSecAlgorithmI &xsec_model, const Interaction &inter, const double tolerance=0.01, const double safety_factor=1.2, const int max_n_layers=100)
Definition: MECUtils.cxx:334
Defines the EventGeneratorI interface.
Generated/set kinematical variables for an event.
Definition: Kinematics.h:39
double GetXSecMaxTlctl(const Interaction &inter, const Range1D_t &Tl_range, const Range1D_t &ctl_range) const
string P4AsString(const TLorentzVector *p)
Definition: PrintUtils.cxx:27
static const unsigned int kMaxUnweightDecayIterations
Definition: Controls.h:61
Pure abstract base class. Defines the NuclearModelI interface to be implemented by any physics model ...
Definition: NuclearModelI.h:46
double Mass(Resonance_t res)
resonance mass (GeV)
void SetMomentum(const TLorentzVector &p4)
A singleton holding random number generator classes. All random number generation in GENIE should tak...
Definition: RandomGen.h:29
void SetResonance(Resonance_t res)
Definition: XclsTag.cxx:128
double XYtoW(double Ev, double M, double x, double y)
Definition: KineUtils.cxx:1192
Computes the SuSAv2-MEC model differential cross section. Uses precomputed hadron tensor tables...
const TVector3 & Momentum3(void) const
Definition: NuclearModelI.h:75
A list of PDG codes.
Definition: PDGCodeList.h:32
const int kPdgClusterNN
Definition: PDGCodes.h:214
static const double kMinQ2Limit
Definition: Controls.h:41
virtual GHepParticle * Probe(void) const
Definition: GHepRecord.cxx:284
double y(bool selected=false) const
Definition: Kinematics.cxx:112
double W(const Interaction *const i)
Definition: KineUtils.cxx:1101
int Pdg(void) const
Definition: GHepParticle.h:63
void GenerateNSVInitialHadrons(GHepRecord *event) const
Summary information for an interaction.
Definition: Interaction.h:56
const TLorentzVector & HitNucP4(void) const
Definition: Target.h:91
An exception thrown by EventRecordVisitorI when the normal processing sequence has to be disrupted (f...
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
void SetFSLeptonP4(const TLorentzVector &p4)
Definition: Kinematics.cxx:297
string Name(void) const
Definition: AlgId.h:44
static constexpr double A
Definition: Units.h:74
void RecoilNucleonCluster(GHepRecord *event) const
void DecayNucleonCluster(GHepRecord *event) const
TLorentzVector * GetP4(void) const
void WQ2toXY(double Ev, double M, double W, double Q2, double &x, double &y)
Definition: KineUtils.cxx:1132
const Kinematics & Kine(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:71
A Neutrino Interaction Target. Is a transparent encapsulation of quite different physical systems suc...
Definition: Target.h:40
virtual void Configure(const Registry &config)
Definition: Algorithm.cxx:62
int ProbePdg(void) const
Definition: InitialState.h:64
bool Getq0q3FromTlCostl(double Tl, double costl, double Enu, double ml, double &q0, double &q3)
Definition: MECUtils.cxx:121
#define pINFO
Definition: Messenger.h:62
TRandom3 & RndKine(void) const
rnd number generator used by kinematics generators
Definition: RandomGen.h:50
void SelectSuSALeptonKinematics(GHepRecord *event) const
PDGCodeList NucleonClusterConstituents(int pdgc) const
void SelectEmpiricalKinematics(GHepRecord *event) const
#define pWARN
Definition: Messenger.h:60
virtual double XSec(const Interaction *i, KinePhaseSpace_t k=kPSfE) const =0
Compute the cross section for the input interaction.
TParticlePDG * FSPrimLepton(void) const
final state primary lepton
bool IsEM(void) const
void Setx(double x, bool selected=false)
Definition: Kinematics.cxx:231
XclsTag * ExclTagPtr(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:77
void SetKV(KineVar_t kv, double value)
Definition: Kinematics.cxx:335
static RunningThreadInfo * Instance(void)
virtual const AlgId & Id(void) const
Get algorithm ID.
Definition: Algorithm.h:98
void SetW(double W, bool selected=false)
Definition: Kinematics.cxx:279
static PDGLibrary * Instance(void)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:68
double Q2YtoX(double Ev, double M, double Q2, double y)
Definition: KineUtils.cxx:1222
string RgKey
const TLorentzVector * X4(void) const
Definition: GHepParticle.h:79
A registry. Provides the container for algorithm configuration parameters.
Definition: Registry.h:65
void SetHitNucPdg(int pdgc)
Definition: Target.cxx:171
void Sety(double y, bool selected=false)
Definition: Kinematics.cxx:243
int TgtPdg(void) const
Target * TgtPtr(void) const
Definition: InitialState.h:67
int IonPdgCode(int A, int Z)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:71
const XSecAlgorithmI * fXSecModel
Definition: MECGenerator.h:70
virtual const XSecAlgorithmI * CrossSectionAlg(void) const =0
void SetHadSystP4(const TLorentzVector &p4)
Definition: Kinematics.cxx:307
double gQ2
Definition: gtestDISSF.cxx:55
InitialState * InitStatePtr(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:74
const InitialState & InitState(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:69
void AddTargetRemnant(GHepRecord *event) const
const ProcessInfo & ProcInfo(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:70
void GenerateFermiMomentum(GHepRecord *event) const
double min
Definition: Range1.h:52
const int kPdgProton
Definition: PDGCodes.h:81
TParticlePDG * Find(int pdgc, bool must_exist=true)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:86
int A(void) const
double Q2(bool selected=false) const
Definition: Kinematics.cxx:125
#define pNOTICE
Definition: Messenger.h:61
void ClearRunningValues(void)
Definition: Kinematics.cxx:347
bool GetParamDef(const RgKey &name, T &p, const T &def) const
bool GetParam(const RgKey &name, T &p, bool is_top_call=true) const
const Target & Tgt(void) const
Definition: InitialState.h:66
static const unsigned int kRjMaxIterations
Definition: Controls.h:26
const EventGeneratorI * RunningThread(void)
virtual bool GenerateNucleon(const Target &) const =0
void SetPrimaryLeptonPolarization(GHepRecord *ev)
double ProbeE(RefFrame_t rf) const
const int kPdgNeutron
Definition: PDGCodes.h:83
GENIE&#39;s GHEP MC event record.
Definition: GHepRecord.h:45
static constexpr double m
Definition: Units.h:71
Most commonly used PDG codes. A set of utility functions to handle PDG codes is provided in PDGUtils...
TRandom3 & RndDec(void) const
rnd number generator used by decay models
Definition: RandomGen.h:56
STDHEP-like event record entry that can fit a particle or a nucleus.
Definition: GHepParticle.h:39
Keep info on the event generation thread currently on charge. This is used so that event generation m...
void AddFinalStateLepton(GHepRecord *event) const
void push_back(int pdg_code)
Definition: PDGCodeList.cxx:58
TGenPhaseSpace fPhaseSpaceGenerator
Definition: MECGenerator.h:71
enum genie::EGHepStatus GHepStatus_t
double fSuSAMaxXSecDiffTolerance
Definition: MECGenerator.h:84
Initial State information.
Definition: InitialState.h:48
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
const int kPdgClusterPP
Definition: PDGCodes.h:216
const Algorithm * SubAlg(const RgKey &registry_key) const
Definition: Algorithm.cxx:345