30 class HadronizationModelI;
Cross Section Calculation Interface.
double fWcut
apply DIS/RES joining scheme < Wcut
double fNRBEMScale
apply NRB EM Scale factor
Cross Section Integrator Interface.
const QPMDISPXSec * fDISModel
A KNO-based hadronization model.
double Integral(const Interaction *i) const
double DISRESJoinSuppressionFactor(const Interaction *in) const
enum genie::EKinePhaseSpace KinePhaseSpace_t
Computes DIS differential cross sections. Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interfac...
Summary information for an interaction.
virtual ~KNOTunedQPMDISPXSec()
bool fUseCache
cache reduction factors used in joining scheme
Computes DIS differential cross sections. Is a concrete implementation of the XSecAlgorithmI interfac...
double XSec(const Interaction *i, KinePhaseSpace_t k) const
Compute the cross section for the input interaction.
bool ValidProcess(const Interaction *i) const
Can this cross section algorithm handle the input process?
const XSecIntegratorI * fXSecIntegrator
diff. xsec integrator
void Configure(const Registry &config)
A registry. Provides the container for algorithm configuration parameters.
const AGKYLowW2019 * fHadronizationModel
hadronic multip. model